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Research and development with regard to interprofessional practice have extended over recent decades to early years services in children’s centres (CCs). However, most children in England attend private and voluntary settings, rather than CCs. where early years practitioners have varying amounts of opportunity, training and experience to work interprofessionally. Developing our Social Practice analysis of case studies, we propose a theoretical framework for interpreting early years interprofessional practice that takes account of specific contexts, noting conditions which promote boundary-crossing competence. This paper presents selected findings from a survey of 52 early years practitioners from England about their experiences of interprofessional working, woven together with case study exemplars. Their extensive responses to open-ended survey questions showed great variation in work with other professions and in reported levels of confidence and competence. However, there were also differences depending on the setting type. Findings suggest the need to tailor training to individual contexts, and argue for securing space for practitioners to gain experience of interprofessional working through mentored opportunities.  相似文献   

Since 2001 in Finland, all six year olds have had the right to free pre-school education, and almost all pre-school-aged children take advantage of this opportunity. The purpose of this article is to dissect the development of Finnish pre-school education curricula within the societal context and within the changes in trends of curriculum planning between 1972 and 2000. The study analysed five curricula texts through qualitative content analysis by paying attention to the functions of pre-school education and the positioning of children and educators. The development of pre-school education consisted of four phases: (1) the era of pre-school education trials; (2) the era of heterogeneous pre-school education arrangements; (3) the era of changes in curriculum policies; and (4) the era of pre-school education establishment. The results indicated that the changes in pre-school education curricula related to the changes in Finnish society and in basic education.  相似文献   

This study assessed the impact of the role of the teacher in two children's centres in England and identified some of the supporting and limiting factors that influenced outcomes. The teachers worked across several settings in the private, voluntary and independent (PVI) sector, with the aim of enhancing early years practice and practitioner confidence. A conceptual framework was devised to model the impact of the teacher role based on Leithwood and Levin (2005 Leithwood K, Levin B. 2005. Assessing school leader and leadership programme effects on pupil learning. DfES Research Report 662. http://www.dfes.gov.uk/research/data/uploadfiles/RR662.pdf (accessed December 2006) [Google Scholar]). Teachers were found to bring vital professional knowledge and experience to the role and delivered their methods through a range of leadership styles as identified in the literature. Teachers were successful in developing practice and staff confidence in settings; this also impacted positively on outcomes for children. However, success was dependent on a number of moderating factors, including sector‐related factors such as the qualifications of staff. Implications for policy and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper examines how literacy is defined and enacted by teachers in early childhood programmes pointing to the differing ways views of early literacy impact practice. It is argued here that early literacy development during the years before school is dependent on children's experiences of having literacy activities modelled around them and the ways in which adults include them in their everyday literacy interactions. Early childhood teachers reveal differing understandings of early literacy during the years before formal school and this impacts their decisions concerning literacy activities and practice within their preschool rooms. Three early childhood teachers are presented here, through video clips and video-stimulated interviews around their literacy activities with preschool children. They demonstrate a range of practice which is shown to depend on their views of young children's literacy development. These vignettes have implications for further professional discussion and learning.  相似文献   

机械工程实践教学改革与实践   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
基于新世纪人才培养目标和现代工程实践教学内涵,构建体现工程实践的基础性、实践性、创新性综合工程实践教育和工程实践教学新体系,形成了包括基础性实验、综合设计性实验和研究创新性实验等三层次实验教学新模式。结果表明,新的教学体系和教学模式提高了实践教学质量,受到了学生的好评。  相似文献   

This paper explores the dynamics surrounding the formation of academic identities in a context where the nature of academic work is contested both as a result of tensions within the discipline and in response to pressure from both the institution and the field of higher education. It is based on a case study which investigated the process of academic identity formation at the micro level of a department at a South African university. The study revealed a complex relationship between identity construction and participation within the particular configuration of teaching, professional and research communities of practice that defined the academic field in the department. Multiple identity trajectories were evident, indicating the role of individual agency, despite the dominance of a professional community of practice within the department. The arrival of new academics in the department without professional practice experience was found to have created the possibility of a changed notion of the academic within the discipline.  相似文献   

改革开放30年是我国经济体制转轨的30年,也是各项制度不断改革和完善的30年。收入分配领域经过不断探索、改革和调整,积极适应了社会主义市场经济发展,构成社会主义市场经济体制改革的重要组成部分。本文系统回顾了改革开放30年来我国分配制度的变革,并将此划分为五个阶段,每个阶段的改革都是与当时的社会经济发展和市场经济体制改革紧密联系在一起的。结合分配制度改革走过的道路,本文作了四方面思考。  相似文献   

In this article, we address the methodological implications of analysing online discussion boards with a focus on participants' changing identities. More specifically, we propose the use of a Communities of Practice framework as a heuristic method for considering how participants' contributions to online discussion play a role in changing who they become, as opposed to what they learn. We argue that many analyses of online communication fail to take account of learning as a change in identity – what/who the learner is (becoming) – and focus mainly on the opportunity for cognitive development – what they know. In doing so, we use a single case study from a discussion board for secondary-aged students of mathematics which acts as a ‘telling case’ before demonstrating what this might say about other contexts for online learning. We argue that this has important implications for both research into, and the design of, online education.  相似文献   

高职文秘校外实习是高职文秘专业实践教学体系中极其重要和不可替代的环节。在校外实习课程建设中,目前各院校普遍都遇到实习指导难、实习基地建设难、实习成绩评定主观性强等方面的困惑。高职文秘专业要想走出校外实习课程建设的困境,应当重视审视实习课程设置的基本目标,在校企师生对实习目标达成共识的基础上,通过建立合作性校企双赢关系及良好的实习指导队伍,以及建立科学的实习测评体系,确保充足的教学时间,科学安排课程计划,加强教学管理。  相似文献   

蔬菜栽培学实践教学的改革与实践   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据社会经济发展对人才培养的要求,笔认为蔬菜栽培学实践教学应从管理方式、教学模式、教学内容以及考核方法等方面进行改革和探索,以提高实践教学的效果,培养学生的综合素质和实践能力。  相似文献   

A number of Australian universities have established and sponsored interdisciplinary communities of practice (CoPs) to develop teaching and learning. CoPs are popularly defined as groups of people who share a passion for something and, together, learn how to do it better. Without further specification, this definition is of limited use in understanding intentionally established CoPs in higher education settings. The term CoP is used and applied in a range of ways in higher education and has been accompanied by some scholarly debate about the meaning and relevance of CoPs to academe. The prevalent response to such debate has been to propose typologies. While typology can be useful, epistemology and discourse are also significant in understanding and developing higher education CoPs. In this paper I focus on discourse surrounding CoPs as a conceptual and developmental factor which has been insufficiently considered in the literature on higher education CoPs. I draw on findings from interviews with 33 CoP members and facilitators in three Australian universities. My findings indicate that discourse surrounding CoPs is significant in shaping notions of participatory value. Connecting with the literature, my findings also reveal a ‘big D’ Discourse of collegiality whereby CoPs offer social support and knowledge sharing to build capacity, as well as spaces in which a collegial academic identity can thrive. This coincides in complex and unpredictable ways with a Discourse of managerialism. I conclude that discourse should supplement typology and epistemology in adaptively shaping understandings of contemporary higher education CoPs and their future development.  相似文献   

农村地区父亲参与现状及其与幼儿发展的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
父亲参与对儿童发展的重要性受到越来越多的关注,为考察当前我国农村地区父亲参与现状,探究父亲参与和幼儿发展的关系,本研究以620名农村幼儿及其家长作为调查对象,使用自编问卷从父亲是否缺位、父亲参与时间以及父亲参与活动内容等方面测查农村地区父亲参与状况,运用Achenbach儿童行为量表(CBCL)及相关测试评定幼儿行为、社会性、情绪、认知、动作发展水平,结果发现当前我国农村地区父亲参与现状不容乐观,缺位现象普遍且严重;父亲参与可以显著预测幼儿社交退缩、抑郁、注意力发展水平,父亲参与越积极,幼儿社交退缩越少、抑郁情绪越少、注意力发展越好。农村地区父亲应加强自身参与意识,农村家庭应积极支持父亲参与并提高参与质量,政府在发挥正确引导作用的同时应鼓励社会组织助力父亲参与。  相似文献   

高师专学前儿童科学教育课程教学改革探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据<纲要>精神指导下的幼教改革对师资的需求,在"做中学"项目引入的大背景下,针对目前幼儿教育中的科学教育尚未引起充分重视的实际,我们在高师学前教育专业专科中学前儿童科学教育课程教学改革采取了如下对策:从不断提升科学教育理念入手;调整教学计划,适当增加科普等相关课程的选修;改革课程教学模式,突出实践教学能力的培养;确定实践基地,整合与充分利用教学资源;提高相关课程教学队伍的素质,拓展人力资源.  相似文献   

营口职业技术学院学前教育专业以就业为导向,充分发挥该专业在师资队伍、教学设备、实习基地等方面的优势,进行专业教学改革。根据高职教育特点,建立并完善五年制学前教育专业“3.5+1.5”人才培养模式;建立与培养目标相适应的理论教学、实践教学体系,加强学校与幼儿园的合作,建立稳定的校外实习基地,取得了教育教学改革的良好效果.从而实现了教育观念的转变,提升了学生的实践能力和就业竞争力。  相似文献   

In most countries, girls perform better than boys in reading but worse in mathematics. However, there is much variation between countries. Explanations for the gender gaps include the organisation of the school system, students' expectations and macro‐societal factors. The purpose of this paper is to account for gender differences in both reading and mathematics among 15‐year‐old students using data from the OECD's 2000 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) project. In most countries, school system factors are associated with the gender gap in reading but not in mathematics. Generally, gender differences in students' occupational expectations do not account for the gender gaps, although expectations contribute to the gender gaps in reading in New Zealand and the United States. Although several macro‐societal factors—the proportion of women in the workforce, societal inequality and public sector spending—are associated with the gender gap in reading, the correlations are only moderate, unstable and, importantly, are not associated with the gender gaps in mathematics. The much stronger association between the gender gaps in reading and mathematics across countries implies that they are both influenced by policy: the extent that countries have successfully implemented policies to promote the educational outcomes of girls and young women. In such countries the gender gap in mathematics is small or non‐existent but the gender gap in reading is relatively large. Policies shift both gender gaps in tandem.  相似文献   

食品工艺学实验教学改革与实践   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
该文对食品工艺学实验教学改革进行了探索与实践,探讨了实验内容的改革、实验教学手段的改革、实验室的开放以及教学内容的改革等。  相似文献   

改革开放4 0年来,中学物理教学思想与观念从双基到能力再到三维目标,最后上升到物理学科核心素养。40年中学物理教学变革历程可分为四个阶段:第一阶段的主要特征为培养物理基础知识和基本技能;第二阶段的主要特征为加强素质教育和动手实验;第三阶段的主要特征为实现三维目标与提高实践创新能力;第四阶段的主要特征为提高学生的物理学科核心素养。40年来中学物理教学在四个方面取得硕果,但需要在平衡与和谐等方面进行反思。  相似文献   

This study explores the integration of two key ideas and working frameworks: a community of educational practice formed by the synergy between a natural history museum and a university department of pre-school education, which undertook participatory action research aimed at the creation of innovative museum programmes for young children. Data analysis and the evaluation of the research process show that the community was able to bring its situated knowledge into question and interrogate propositional knowledge by means of re-evaluating the learning targets, the nature of children’s activity, the nature of interaction between adults and learners, and the nature of resources used in existing and newly designed programmes offered to young children. Participatory action research enabled the community to monitor the implementation of theory with scientific rigour and formulate a new ‘knowledge strategy’, which in theoretical terms will guide future developments.  相似文献   

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