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高职院校的教学活动是以就业为导向的职业教育。因此,毕业生求职面试活动就成为关键环节。本就学生如何准备面试提出了有益的建议。  相似文献   

现在有不少用人单位在面试时较以往有了一个明显的变化,即他们除了采用主考官与求职者一问一答的传统方式之外,还大量地采用一些非常规的面试招法。非常规面试的方法虽然有许多,但是,只要我们了解了各种非常规面试的招法,并且有应对的思想准备,我们就不会在面试中心慌意乱,束手无策。  相似文献   

对于每一个面临求职的毕业生来说,面试无疑是整个求职过程中最为重要、最具决定意义的一关。往往有不少学生。他们的学习成绩、综合素质和各方面的表现都颇具竞争力。但是在应聘面试的时候,却由于不得要领而败下阵来。这里。作者收集整理了一些“师哥师姐”在求职过程中的成功做法和亲身体验,从他们成功面试的亲历中会有不少有益的启发。  相似文献   

随着我国劳动人事制度的改革,毕业生和用人单位“双向选择”,面试已成为用人单位选择毕业生的重要方式。对于竞争激烈的中专毕业生来说,要想求得一份称心如意的职业,在面试前,必须做好充分的准备工作;面试时,要尊重对方、讲究礼貌,以及掌握面试交谈的技巧,给面试主持人留下良好的深刻的第一印象,以提高录用成效。  相似文献   

大学毕业那年,就业形势相当严峻,参加了好几次招聘会,可人家一听说我们是没有工作经验的应届毕业生,就摇头说不请。一来二去,大家不得不降低要求,以前是非福利好、待遇高的大企业不去,现在是只要需  相似文献   

试析高校毕业生双选面试   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
参加双选面试,是大多数高校毕业生在求职过程中必经的重要环节。双选成功的关键在于求职者在认真做好学业、职业、就业准备的基础上,在洽谈过程中积极调整心态、格局、方式、定势、策略、状态,实现六大自主性转变,以争取良好的心境、相对主动的环境以及和谐的情境,实现成功就业。  相似文献   

面试时,应聘者所犯最严重的错误是什么?记者曾采访杭州一家大企业的招聘人员,他说:“如果应聘者面试迟到或事先没有准备,都会失去机会。看起来满不在乎,抱着无所谓的态度,自然也没有竞争力。如果最基本的行为举止、礼貌礼节都欠缺,企业根本不会考虑。”其实,职高生本身有一定的就业优势:年轻有活力,有潜力,可塑性大。但若能掌握一些必要的面试礼仪与技巧,面试的成功率会大大提高。我们特约请杭州市人民职业学校教礼仪的邹亚君老师来谈谈职高生面试要掌握的一些礼仪及技巧。  相似文献   

针对分析企业采用团队协作型面试进行选拔人才的方式,提出具体的应试建议及对策,以期促进大学生择业、就业及从业能力的增强,提高毕业生就业的竞争力.  相似文献   

面试作为面对面的一种交流方式,可以直接考察毕业生各方面的能力,通常被用人单位使用。应聘者是否受到用人单位的青睐,从根本上,取决于应聘者的基本素质、基本条件是否符合用人单位的基本要求,面试是大学生走向社会的关键环节,令面试一帆风顺殊不容易,但搞砸面试却是举手投足之间,不费吹灰之力。面试和做其他事情一样失败永远比成功来得容易,下面列举出几种面试过程中应该避免的现象,希望引起大学生的高度重视。1、戒仓促上阵。古人云:“凡事预则立,不预则废”。应聘者在面试前,要对招聘单位的情况有详细的了解。首先,要到图书馆查阅、收集…  相似文献   

The concept of Contrastive Rhetoric was first articulated in 1966. In the intervening decade, a number of studies have been undertaken to test the basic assumption that the organization of paragraphs written in any language by individuals who are not native speakers of that language will be influenced by the rhetorical preferences of the native language. In retrospect, some dozen studies by a variety of scholars are reviewed. Since the primary assumption appears to have survived analysis, a preliminary taxonomy of syntactic devices operating on inter‐sentence transitions and a framework for the analysis of discourse blocs are developed.  相似文献   

利用计算机备课师生共同提高   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师不用笔、纸和绘画工具写教案,利用计算机进行文字输入、课件制作、编辑并打印教案有很多优越性.利用计算机备课集文字、声音、影像、图形、视频及动画为一体,一方面可以使教学内容化难为易,激发学生的学习兴趣,另一方面更能突出学生的主体作用,增进师生的交流和共同提高.……  相似文献   

Although the need for university–school partnerships in preparing teachers is widely accepted, studies of research universities working with teacher unions and urban school districts to respond to the local needs are rare. This case study reveals the tensions that arose when the colleges of education and arts and sciences from a research institution partnered with an urban school district school district and teachers’ association to prepare qualified math and science teachers for its high-need schools. Using a range of data, we identify and analyze the tensions that emerged for each of the partner organizations in planning and implementing a middle school math/science licensure program and offer cautionary advice and support for those who wish to undertake similar efforts.  相似文献   

Roussel De Carvalho uses the notion of superdiversity to draw attention to some of the pedagogical implications of teaching science in multicultural schools in cosmopolitan cities such as London. De Carvalho makes the case that if superdiverse classrooms exist then Science Initial Teacher Education has a role to play in helping future science teachers to become more knowledgeable and reflective about how to teach school students with a range of worldviews and religious beliefs. The aim of this paper is to take that proposition a step further by considering what the aims and content of a session in teacher education might be. The focus is on helping future teachers develop strategies to teach school students to think critically about the nature of science and what it means to have a scientific worldview. The paper draws on data gathered during an interview study with 28 students at five secondary schools in England. The data was analysed to discover students’ perceptions of science and their perceptions of the way that science responds to big questions about being human. The findings are used to inform a set of three strategies that teachers could use to help young people progress in their understanding of the nature of science. These strategies together with the conceptual framework that underpins them are used to develop a perspective on what kinds of pedagogical content knowledge teacher education might usefully provide.  相似文献   

作文是小学语言教学中的难点,如何上好作文课,怎样备好作文课,笔者认为,教师要想办法激发学生想看、想说、想写的兴趣是关键。可以从以下几点着手:①平时教学中,允许学生记流水帐,积累材料。②鼓励学生观察和实践。③用“下水”作文引导学生的作文兴趣。④让学生的思维任意驰骋。⑤讲评中注重激励评价。  相似文献   

In this article, we propose that guiding teachers to examine the regulative/discursive norms of school mathematics with tools derived from social semiotics can serve two related goals: (1) to deconstruct the “math is math period!” disposition in prospective teachers by promoting their critical understanding of the symbolic domination work they often unknowingly perform and (2) to reconstruct a more socio-political disposition by equipping them with tools for decoding the dominant discursive practices of school mathematics. After reviewing research on the social semiotics of mathematics education, we discuss two sample teacher education tasks designed with the above goals in mind.  相似文献   

卢琴 《生物学教学》2003,28(9):10-11
在新的课程理念指导下,实验区教师应该从《生物课程标准》、新教材、教师和学生等四个角度切入.联系当地实际,富有创造地进行备课教学工作。  相似文献   

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