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进入21世纪后,法国教育面临诸多问题和挑战:如青少年失学辍学量不断增加;校园暴力时有发生等。为此,法国政府和民众积极开展教育改革大讨论,并在此基础上开展了面向21世纪的教育改革。  相似文献   

21世纪的高等工程教育--循环创新模型与21世纪大学建构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在知识经济的浪潮中,显著的科技、经济、文化发展正在重新定义传统意义上的“大学”。荷兰德尔特理工大学与一批世界顶尖工科大学正在研究的“循环创新模式”与“21世纪大学建构”对正面临同样挑战的我国高等工程教育是一个有益的启示。  相似文献   

Historically, humans always have moved acrossthe face of the earth, searching for adventureand fortune. With technological advancement incommunication and transportation, the flow ofimmigrants from developing countries todeveloped nations has intensified. Theyencounter numerous problems adjusting to a hostof cultural differences. Westernpsychotherapeutic professionals are challengedin their interventions with the increasinglylarge clientele. This article defines thenature and scope of the problem and suggestsways that modern counselors can integratetraditional healing styles and techniques withthose they normally use.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship of kindergarten teachers’ ratings of their students’ 21st century skills (college readiness skills) with students’ behavioral and academic performance. Teachers rated the frequency that their students (n = 579) demonstrated persistence, curiosity, affective, and cognitive (e.g., critical thinking) behaviors within their classrooms via the Human Behavior Rating Scale: Brief (HBRS: Brief, a teacher rating scale. The relationship of the HBRS: Brief teachers’ ratings was compared with data the school annually collected (behavioral ratings, academic performance, student office discipline referrals [ODRs], and absences). Hierarchical linear modeling indicated that teachers’ ratings of students’ persistence and cognition behaviors were significantly associated with students’ academic performance. Teachers’ persistence, curiosity, and externalizing affect ratings were predictive of behavioral ratings and teachers’ externalizing affect ratings were significantly associated with ODRs. The results support the efficacy of investigating teacher perceptions of students’ 21st century skills with kindergarteners.  相似文献   

面向21世纪,培养全面发展的人   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综合素质的内涵主要包括思想道德素质,化素质,业务素质,身体心理素质和创新能力,实践能力等几个方面,全面发展则是指我党教育方针中的“有理想,有道德,有化,有纪律”德智体美等方面的全面发展。  相似文献   

Engineering lies at the interface between science on the one hand and society on the other. It is concerned with the systematic application of scientific and mathematical principles towards practical ends for the benefit of people. Traditionally the emphasis in engineering education has been on the scientific side, with students given a thorough grounding in the basic scientific and mathematical principles underpinning their discipline. However, the constraints on engineering problem-solving today are increasingly not technical, but rather lie on the societal and human side of engineering practice. These changes require new approaches within the curriculum and by promoting active learning and encouraging students to experiment and be more creative, eLearning is one of an important number of strategies for achieving the paradigm shift that is required.  相似文献   

Current business and educational environments are mandating the identification, building, and assessment of specific critical competencies for the workforce. However, traditional approaches to competency analysis are often slow, expensive, and backward looking. This article presents several new computer‐aided approaches to competency analysis and provides examples of their use, including a detailed case study analyzing curricula and skills for professionals who provide benefits and work incentives planning and assistance to persons with disabilities.  相似文献   

From 2001 to 2004 Education Queensland undertook significant literacy reform in schools through the Literate Futures Project. Research into the impact of this reform has revealed that significant demands were placed on women at all levels, from those producing resources to those leading change within schools. Although the reform was a government response to globalisation, many women were driven by a commitment to a collaborative approach to professional learning that addressed equity and improving educational outcomes for all students. But what was the cost of this commitment to the project? Failure to acknowledge the emotion work demanded by educational reform effectively silences women and the significant contribution they make. This paper examining a 21st century literacy reform draws on the work of Fraser and Boler to argue for gender justice and acknowledgement of emotion work.  相似文献   

当今世界随着能源消耗的不断增加,煤、石油、天然气等不可再生的能源日趋短缺,寻找可替代能源成为当务之急。可作为能源的植物逐渐被人们认识并利用。可作为能源的植物种类很多,主要是某些农作物及有机残留物,林木、森林工业残留物,藻类、水生植物也是有待开发的能源植物。  相似文献   

街舞--21世纪体育科学研究新课题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
街舞自70年代末、80年代初诞生以来即风靡于世界;现今我国街舞理论发展滞后;从自然科学、人文科学和社会科学三个领域来展现街舞理论的科研方向.同时把三个领域包含的各个学科研讨范畴与街舞实际相结合,并指出体育科学研究新领域——街舞理论研究课题的选题方向。  相似文献   

对二十一世纪学生管理工作的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文阐述了知识经济时代,学生管理工作者在管理观念方面应进行的转变,包括管理要充分体现人文精神;管理者应树立“服务”意识,改变以往的“控制”观念;管理者更应确立自己的教育者意识,做到在管理中育人.  相似文献   

分析了21世纪的文献信息服务工作的发展趋势,从新世纪文献信息资源的发展、文献信息服务手段的转变、不断培养提高文献信息人员的自身素质和专业水平等几个方面进行了阐述。  相似文献   

我们要了解21世纪国际教育的十大发展趋势,即终身化、多元化、分权化、远程化多媒体化、个性化、产业化、市场化、大众化、竞争普遍化、国际化,积极迎接知识经济的挑战,抓住机遇,促进教育的发展扣人才的培养。  相似文献   

This paper both reviews the other papers in this special issue and puts them in the context of the current agenda of research in dyslexia education. The pluralistic nature of the field is explored with reference to this special issue. The paper suggests a way forward for the field in terms of a developing research agenda for dyslexia education as we progress further into the 21st century.  相似文献   

This paper reviews many of the observed characteristics and study habits of first-year students in Iowa State University's electrical engineering programme (Ames, Iowa, USA). The studying and problem-solving practices of the students are discussed to identify salient traits, strengths and weaknesses, and critical symptoms thereof, which can affect learning in technical fields, as well as life-long learning. The effects the Internet and the use of computer games have on student thinking and problem-solving approaches are also discussed.  相似文献   

21st century skills are essential for career readiness. We investigated the development of students’ 21st century skills at a science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) research university: Technion – Israel Institute of Technology. We designed a self-reporting questionnaire covering 14 skills and deployed it to approximately 1500 students and alumni. Respondents were asked to rate each skill based on the degree to which it was developed during their studies. Domain-general skills scored higher than STEM-specific skills or soft (interpersonal) skills, whereas STEM-specific skills scored higher than soft skills. Content analysis revealed nine methods of teaching and learning through which skills developed. The four active methods had a small effect on domain-general skills, while the five passive methods had a medium-to-large effect on these skills. Active methods had a medium-size effect on both STEM-specific and soft skills, whereas passive methods had no effect on either group. Our contribution lies in identifying and matching methods to skills.  相似文献   

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