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金东里是韩国近、现代文学史上著名的纯文学作家,他的小说神秘而哀伤,唯美而蕴含哲理。金东里不仅在他的散文当中多次提到了生与死,人与神、人与自然的问题,而且在他的写神小说中也暗含了对这些问题的探讨。韩国很多学者撰文就金东里的这些思想发表评论。本文以金东里的散文和一些韩国学者的文章为例证,通过分析金东里的写神小说,在这些小说中寻求金东里向读者传递的哲学思想,最后得出结论,在金东里的写神小说中蕴含了生死合一,人神合一,以及人与自然相统一的思想。  相似文献   

在计算机智能控制条件下,以金桂为试材,研究了KF8生根剂在扦插生根中的作用效果.结果表明:用KF8生根剂浸泡插穗约30s,扦插于快繁苗床,2个月内金桂枝条的生根率高达98%,存活率达99%,比使用市售生根粉的生根率和存活率分别提高42%和11%.此研究对于金桂产业化生产和集约化经营有现实意义.  相似文献   

金在权对精神因果的研究影响深远,他提出的排他性论证至今仍然是人们讨论的热点。其实,金在权在早期还提出过一种解释精神因果的模型,但是这个模型并没有引起人们的注意。这个模型认为,精神因果关系是随附于物理因果关系的副现象因果关系,所以这个模型被称为随附因果模型。文章研究了金在权早期的精神因果思想,并分析了他对早期思想的自我批评。我们认为,在处理精神因果的问题上,他后来提出的功能化还原模型并不比随附因果模型好;因此,他的功能化还原模型是否真如他所说那样,是接近充足的物理主义,还需要进一步的讨论。  相似文献   

Consultation with pupils with learning disabilities through the use of person-centred planning methods is becoming increasingly common. However, little research has focused on pupils with multi-sensory impairment (MSI). Kim Taylor has taught children with special educational needs for over 25 years and holds a post-graduate diploma in multi-sensory impairment. In this article, she suggests that the characteristics of MSI affect the capacity of some pupils to participate in person-centred planning. Kim Taylor presents case studies in which she investigates the impact that the characteristics of MSI have upon adults'abilities to elicit the views of children with MSI about their experiences in the classroom. The article provides an analysis of the factors that maximised the children's involvement and participation and a commentary on the trustworthiness of the outcomes of the consultation processes described. At the end of her article, Kim Taylor commits herself to implementing improved approaches in the classroom and calls upon other practitioners to follow her example.  相似文献   

<阿金的眼泪>利用一位已届中年的中国孝子阿金在老母颤巍巍的棒打中突然流泪的情节.再度关注了挣扎在中西两种文化、两种生活方式下的中国青年移民的生活状况.眼泪在文中有着特殊的文化涵义,阿金是由于突然意识到潜藏在自己内心最深处的传统文化正渐渐失去而哭泣的,即将与息息相通的文化母体相分离的痛苦与害怕让阿金突然失控并当众流泪.  相似文献   

This article presents the stories of two Australian feminist educators, ‘Kath’ and ‘Kim’. Drawn from a small‐scale interview‐based study, the stories highlight these women’s struggles to mobilise progressive spaces within the current boy‐focused equity and schooling agenda. Such struggles are located within the new possibilities for feminist intervention enabled by current educational trends in Australia. The stories focus on Kath and Kim’s experiences leading the professional development of teachers from several schools in Queensland (Australia) as part of the $19.4 million national initiative, Success for Boys. The article draws on feminist understandings of ‘progressive’ spaces and highlights the requisite conditions necessary for mobilising such spaces. In particular, Kath and Kim’s stories bring to light the powerful role emotions continue to play in both enabling and constraining gender reform and the continued significance of attending to, and working with, such emotions to enhance the pursuit of gender justice in schools.  相似文献   

通过对国外优秀女子网球运动员(沃兹尼亚奇、克里斯特尔斯、兹沃娜列娃)单打硬地比赛中相持阶段的步法特征分析可知:三位选手的应用步法相同,防守步法>进攻步法>相持步法,都以防守型为主;三位选手在相持阶段各自都有常用的五种步法,并占有相当的比例,上步击球步法的使用频率是最高的;除克里斯特尔斯,其它选手在相持、进攻和防守步法的得分率都小于失分,且得分率都不高。  相似文献   


In the article ‘Factors predicting online university students’ use of a mobile learning management system (m-LMS)’, Joo, Kim and Kim (Educ Technol Res Dev 64:611–30, 2016) explain actual usage of a mobile learning management system by looking at continuance intention, satisfaction, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and expectation confirmation. Perceived usefulness seems to play a pivotal role. In this reaction, it is argued that their study can be approached from to complementary and interacting perspectives: context and agency.


朝鲜经济改革始于1998年修宪。在金正日时代历经国有企业重组、改变经济规划方法、改变企业管理方法、调整工资和价格过程。金正恩时代的朝鲜经济政策继承了金正日时代经济改革措施的特点。朝鲜社会科学院( KASS)经济研究所教授李基松(音)2013年5月在接受日本记者采访时表示,朝鲜已实施“土地担当制”或土地承包责任制政策并给予农户对于超额农作物的处置权;朝鲜国有企业已实行新独立核算制度。朝鲜经济政策根本性变革已可见端倪。但朝鲜核问题使东北亚特别是朝鲜半岛地区冷战格局犹存。  相似文献   

邓峰 《历史教学问题》2020,(1):77-84,166
朝鲜半岛对日本国家安全具有十分重要的意义。1975年4月,在印度支那革命迅速发展之际,金日成率领朝鲜党政代表团访问中国。这引起了日本的高度关注。日本主要担心朝鲜和平统一半岛的政策若发生变化,势必对日本安全造成重大影响。而日本盟友美国亦十分重视关乎日本安全的朝鲜半岛局势的变动。美国驻东京大使馆一方面评论日本对金日成访华的认知,另一方面密切关注日本探寻金日成访华的详情。而且,美国驻日使馆还从第三方外交机构收集有关金日成访华的信息。在获得大量信息的基础上,美国驻日使馆的评估为福特政府对朝鲜半岛形势的判断提供了重要的参考意见,并为美国维持对朝鲜半岛政策现状提供了更充分的依据。  相似文献   

Erin Bentrim, Kim Sousa‐Peoples, Garrett Kachellek, and Wendy Powers report the results of assessing the effect of students' work experiences on their personal and academic development.  相似文献   

在文【8】中,Dvurecenskij和Kim建立了BCK代数与D-偏序集之间的联系,本文把它们的结果推广到非交换形式,给出了伪BCK代数与PD-偏序集之间的联系。  相似文献   

In this review essay I respond to issues raised in Mijung Kim and Wolff-Michael Roth’s paper titled “Dialogical argumentation in elementary science classrooms”, which presents a study dealing with dialogical argumentation in early elementary school classrooms. Since there is very limited research on lower primary school students’ argumentation in school science, their paper makes a contribution to research on children’s argumentation skills. In this response, I focus on two main issues to extend the discussion in Kim and Roth’s paper: (a) methodological issues including conducting a quantitative study on children’s argumentation levels and focusing on children’s written argumentation in addition to their dialogical argumentation, and (b) investigating children’s conceptual understanding along with their argumentation levels. Kim and Roth emphasize the difficulty in determining the level of children’s argumentation through the Toulmin’s Argument Pattern and lack of high level arguments by children due to their difficulties in writing texts. Regarding these methodological issues, I suggest designing quantitative research on coding children’s argument levels because such research could potentially provide important findings on children’s argumentation. Furthermore, I discuss alternative written products including posters, figures, or pictures generated by children in order to trace children’s arguments, and finally articulating argumentation and conceptual understanding of children.  相似文献   

中国古代小说和朝鲜小说互有交流.朝鲜作家金万重的<九云梦>,与中国古典文学有多方面互通之处.如该书借用人仙恋、柳意象内蕴对女性形象的塑造,如中国小说中的侠女剑术母题对<九云梦>中侠女剑术、女性对弱势群体的超越;以及中朝交流产生的相同与不同社会风俗及骑射功夫表现等.中国古典文学对朝鲜文学产生了巨大影响,源同而流异,作者经过借鉴与创新,将自身的思想、人格、观念和趣味渗透其中,产生了独具魅力的著名古典小说<九云梦>.  相似文献   

For further information, write to Kim Stoddard, College of Education, University of South Florida—St. Petersburg, 140 7th Ave. South, St. Petersburg, FL 33701.  相似文献   

Book review     
Statistical Models for Causal Analysis. Robert D. Retherford and Minja Kim Choe. New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc., 1993, 258 pages.  相似文献   

金基德是韩国比较另类的导演,其作品不断尝试着对于人性和欲望的探索以及人性恶的特殊观照,在拍摄风格及故事情节上都具有鲜明的个人风格,笔者从金基德电影的影像特征、人物性格以及故事主题等来阐释金基德电影的风格特征。  相似文献   

《Support for Learning》2005,20(2):100-100
Book reviewed in this article: Rethinking the 14–19 curriculum: SEN perspectives and implications Movement and Learning in the Early Years – Supporting Dyspraxia (DCD) and Other Difficulties Christine Macintyre and Kim McVitty  相似文献   

In the paper, we get the precise results of Hájek-Rényi type inequalities for the par-tial sums of negatively orthant dependent sequences, which improve the results of Theorem 3.1 and Corollary 3.2 in Kim (2006) and the strong law of large numbers and strong growth rate for negatively orthant dependent sequences.  相似文献   

通过甲骨文、金文中对“见”字的书写以及《广韵》反切的注音。确定其本义为。看见”,“显现”为引申义,另外结合古书中的成语对“见”字进行了一番论证.  相似文献   

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