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This review examines contemporary issues in vocational development with emphasis on adolescents' work experiences in social context. Attention is directed to the changing social and cultural context for vocational development, the influence of work experience on adolescent development and educational achievement, and theoretical approaches that guide contemporary studies of vocational development and career maturity. In light of the utility of current theories, new directions are suggested to enhance understanding of adolescent employment, vocational development, and educational pursuits. Social policy initiatives to promote adolescents' exercise of agency and their vocational development are considered.  相似文献   

Elbers does an excellent job of integrating, analyzing, and extending recent theoretical and empirical work concerning the relation of learning and development. The purpose of this commentary is to challenge Elbers to address the difficult question of universal sequences in human development. In order to focus the issue, a specific sequence in the development of logical reasoning is proposed.  相似文献   

Findings from the Watamura, Donzella, Alwin, and Gunnar (this issue) study support the growing recognition of the importance of context on physiology and affective and behavioral regulation early in human development. This discussion focuses on the role of context and development on hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis regulation in young children. Discussed in this article are the Watamura et al. findings with regard to relevant animal studies, extension of these observations to samples of children at elevated risk for psychopathology, and experimental prevention studies with young children. It is contended that environmental factors operating at key points in development may shape affective and behavioral regulation as well as HPA axis function in children, much as environmental factors have been shown to shape HPA axis regulation in animals.  相似文献   

Lesson Study is a form of professional development where teachers collaboratively design research lessons and improve instruction using the evidence they have gathered on student learning and development. This article reports on a professional learning team’s enactment of Lesson Study in an elementary school. A methodological approach informed by Cultural-Historical Activity Theory was adopted to study teacher learning practices that provided affordances to teacher learning, practices that produced disturbances to teacher learning, and underlying systemic contradictions revealed by the disturbances. The findings suggest implications for enhancing school-based professional development through Lesson Study.  相似文献   

This paper describes the findings of a 3 year research project on teacher development in which some New Zealand teachers of science were developing their teaching to take into account students' thinking and constructivist views of learning. The main finding was that the teacher development involved professional, personal, and social development. These three aspects are discussed in an overview.  相似文献   

本文论述了人口与资源、人口与环境以及人口与经济发展的关系,分析了人口剧增、资源短缺、人均资源量减少、环境严重污染与经济可持续发展不协调的原因。针对严峻的现实提出控制人口增长、节约资源、净化环境与经济增长协调发展的措施。  相似文献   

从职业院校教师提出教师不该、不能参与课程开发入手,具体分析教师到底该不该参与,能不能参与的疑问后,提出教师应该参与,也能够参与项目课程开发。最后指出教师发出否定话语的原因是不愿参与项目课程开发,剖析原因后,从理念培养、多元激励、专业发展三个方面提出了激励教师参与课程开发的策略设计。  相似文献   

The purpose of the paper is to encourage researchers in distance education to utilize, when appropriate, methodologies successfully used by sociologists and anthropologists. Specifically, the main strengths and weaknesses of ethnography, case study, and grounded theory are discussed. It is argued that these methods can improve the quality of conceptualization and theoretical development in research, thus contributing to the development of distance education as an academic discipline.  相似文献   

利益相关者与大学的责任、制度、资源   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
大学是一个利益相关者组织。在“利益相关者组织”的分析框架下,利益相关者的期望和要求规定了大学责任,为大学指明了发展的目标方向;利益相关者的作用、地位和权利制约和规范着大学制度,为大学创设了发展的机制平台;利益相关者的物质和精神付出充实和丰富着大学资源,为大学提供了发展的能量和动力。同时,大学的发展也带动了利益相关者的发展。  相似文献   

物质文明的发展拓展了人文科学的研究领域,提出了人文科学亟待研究的问题。并且为人文科学的研究提供了新思维、新方法和新手段,有利于人文科学的发展;而人文科学研究的新成果,又可为物质生产活动中所产生的新问题提供解决的思路,从而更好地促进物质文明的发展。人文科学所包含的哲学、文学、语言学、宗教学、艺术学、史学、经济学、政治学、伦理学、社会学、法学等等,均与“人”有关,发展人文科学,讲究精神文明,其目的在于培养具有高素质的一代新人。我国传统思想中从来就极其重视人,重视人的社会本质,重视人的道德情操,还重视人与人的关系,人与自然的关系。传统思想中精华部分可供我们借鉴,但不能照搬。  相似文献   

教育学学科建设上的科学化、技术化和功利主义行为,影响了现代教育学的有效发展,因此,现代教育学发展必须以促成教育双边行为的合理性建构为目的,以生活化教育为主渠道,在生命实践教育中推动学科的合理发展。  相似文献   

Over $18 billion is spent annually on professional development for in-service teachers. This study examined the focus, duration, and impact of professional development activities in which elementary (students ages 5–11) and middle school (students ages 11–14) teachers participated. Ninety-eight teacher-participants completed an online survey about their professional development experiences. In the analysis of literacy survey items and mathematics survey items, there were similarities in focus areas that received greater participation and areas that received less. There were also noticeable differences in frequency of participation in literacy and mathematics professional development. Comparisons between literacy and mathematics professional development indicated that more teachers reported participating in literacy experiences. This included workshops as well as ongoing support through planning meetings and mentorship. Overall, the consensus from teachers was that professional development was effective and has a beneficial impact on their classroom. Researchers share implications for the design and research of future professional development programs.  相似文献   

This article describes the findings of a qualitative study examining the extent to which participation in a portfolio-focused teacher learning community impacts pre-service teachers’ understanding and development of a teaching portfolio. Additionally, the author was interested in understanding how, whether, and in what ways the group's participants attribute their own professional development to the portfolio's construction. Findings indicate that most students found the process of selecting artifacts, reflecting on coursework and fieldwork experiences while constructing their teaching portfolios contributed to their growth and development. Students also reported the dialogic and collaborative nature of the teacher learning community enhanced their growth and development as well as their overall understanding of the portfolio requirement.  相似文献   

Education is viewed as an aptitude development program. Common vs. individual goals with respect to aptitude and achievement are contrasted and some educational myths about aptitude are rejected. The concept of aptitude is revised to represent individual differences in personsituation interaction in learning and development. Research on cognitive and motivational aptitudes in relation to instruction is then briefly reviewed, and suggestions for a unified developmental differential approach to educational research are offered.  相似文献   

The development of critical reflection in teachers is an issue of concern to teacher educators. Finding ways to foster that development becomes increasingly important as the schools continue to change with unprecedented rapidity. This paper reports the results of study that looked at whether computer conferencing could be used to help students of teaching become more aware of taken-for-granted assumptions — a crucial aspect of critical reflection. The following two questions guided our study. First, do conferencing activities generate opportunities for the identification and discussion of taken-for-granted assumptions and, if so, what types of assumptions? Second, do conferencing activities provide insight into the relationship between student development and the ability to identify and clarify taken-for-granted assumptions?  相似文献   

湖北谷城沈垭天主教堂自清朝以来一直是天主教在鄂西北的活动中心,当时在全国颇有影响,在罗马教廷档案中也曾有所记栽。笔者采用田野考察的方法,对沈垭天主教堂的历史发展进行研究,以找到中国近代天主教的发展特点在这一地区的具体呈现。  相似文献   

This article describes the interplay of goals, teacher development, and assessment in the context of a yearlong research and development project. The aim of the project was to integrate the teaching of science, reading, and writing processes in a conceptually based, constructivist curriculum for middle school students who read below grade level. A performance-based assessment was designed and implemented to determine the level of student awareness and control over the processes taught during a unit of instruction. Interviews with science teachers and supervisors revealed the important interaction of curricular goals, the performance assessment, and instructional practice.  相似文献   

采用《中小学生12种性格因素量表》对云南西双版纳州汉族、傣族、哈尼族和基诺族623名中小学生进行调查研究,结果发现:(1)版纳学生部分性格因素得分与全国常模有一定差异;(2)性格因素总体上随年级的上升而发展;(3)不同民族学生性格的发展既有同步性也有非同步性;(4)少数民族学生性格发展存在显著性别差异。  相似文献   

魏晋时期社会思想和学术风气的变化为史学的发展提供了必要的思想和学术条件;魏晋南北朝时期社会历史的变化,深刻影响了史学的发展,直接促成了史学体裁的多样化及内容的繁杂,并使之表现出鲜明的时代特点;魏晋南北朝时期社会经济、文化的发展,为史学的发展提供了前提条件,特别是造纸业的发达,引起文化用具的革新,为书籍的传抄和文化传播提供了便利条件。  相似文献   

Nutrition plays an important role in the development of a child, particularly in low‐ and middle‐income countries where malnutrition is often widespread. The relation between diet, hemoglobin, nutritional status, motor development, stimulation and mental development was examined in a cross‐sectional sample of 1,079 children 12–18 months of age living in rural Bihar, India. Path analysis revealed associations between (a) length‐for‐age z‐scores and motor development, standardized β (β) = .285, p < .001, and (b) motor and all mental development outcomes (language: β = .422; personal‐social: β = .490; memory: β = .139; and executive function: β = .072, all p < .001). Additionally, stimulation was significantly associated with language scores and hemoglobin concentration with memory. These findings inform interventions aimed at improving child development in Northern India.  相似文献   

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