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Branding is an economic and cultural process. Branding endows goods and services with value which corporations protect as their intellectual property, enabling brands to support share prices and be traded as assets in takeovers and mergers, at the same time as they serve to differentiate products competitively in the marketplace. Yet this ‘brand value’ depends on cultural perceptions of the meaning and worth of a brand. More than the unique image or positioning of a brand being maintained relative to others of its kind, such perceptions may involve the expressive and emotional attachment of consumers, and this may be very widely shared. This paper argues that, with certain brands, such shared attachment can occur on a national basis, so that they become symbols of national belonging. Whereas consumers attribute a putative foreign national origin to some global brands – for example, Harley-Davidson is unequivocally ‘American’ – they relate to other brands as expressive of their own national origin. This identification often persists even when national brands are taken over by global corporations, since the brand's association with the nation is a major dimension of its value, or the ‘brand equity’ which the new global owner has paid for, and intends to capitalise upon. The paper examines instances in which this has happened in Australia, such as the traditional brand Vegemite, long ago acquired by Kraft, and also cases where the Australian associations of a brand have been exploited in establishing its global identity, notably Foster's Lager.  相似文献   

This article considers the specificity of cultural goods, services, and artifacts in the context of international trade theory. The analysis discusses possible justifications for import or export restrictions on cultural goods.  相似文献   

The aim of the paper is twofold: to report on theapplication of a contingent valuation survey todetermine the value to the Naples population ofmaintaining ``Napoli Musei Aperti', a cultural publicgood provided by the city of Naples, and to exploresome alternative schemes of cultural policy. The paperis divided in two parts. The first presents someresults of the contingent valuation study. The seconddiscusses the use of the contingent valuation as apolicy instrument in the public cultural sector.  相似文献   

Consultants have emerged as significant actors in the assembling of culture after neoliberalism. This paper considers their role in the assemblage of the British subsidised cultural sector as part of the assembling of culture more generally. In particular, it is concerned with the status of consultants as private sector actors, which differentiates them from other forms of expertise that tend to be located in the state apparatus, in that they must earn money to resource their work and remain solvent. By placing their work of assemblage in relation to this imperative, we can understand the difference it makes. Based on a close study of a London cultural consultancy, it is argued that specific governmental and managerial trends send trajectories of value through the assemblage which the networked consultants attempt to control and capture. These economies have seen consultants contribute to the broad shift in the assemblage of culture from something that occupied a distinctive sphere requiring protection from the ravages of the market to a potential contributor to economic and social development.  相似文献   

Contingent valuation methods (CVM) are now well established as a means of measuring the nonmarket demand for cultural goods and services. When combined with valuations provided through market processes (where relevant), an overall assessment of the economic value of cultural commodities can be obtained. Within a neoclassical framework, such assessments are thought to provide a complete picture of the value of cultural goods. But are there aspects of the value of cultural goods which are not fully captured, or not captured at all, within such a model? This paper argues that CVM provides an incomplete view of the nonmarket value of cultural goods, and that alternative measures need to be developed to provide a fuller account.  相似文献   

"中央文化区"作为城市的大型公共文化设施的集聚中心,对于城市文化活力的增强,城市人文品质的提升有着重要意义。通过对江苏省13个地市城市公共文化空间集聚度的空间分布调查,认为,城市公共文化设施空间的集聚度和集聚数量,与城市能级正相关;城市公共文化空间的集聚性与城市文化能级正相关;城市公共文化设施的集聚性也与城市规划的理念有着直接关联。  相似文献   

This paper introduces the double public good model as a representation of the simultaneous externalities that complicate decision making in the cultural heritage sphere. Social welfare is modeled as depending on both public and private benefits of households' production of individual heritage experience, which in turn depends on the stock of historic assets (a public good) and access effort (a private good). The public benefit of private experience arises from ``shared experience' that fosters cultural identity and social understandings. The model generates marginal efficiency conditions for the amount of physical preservation, amount of access, and intensity of access. The model highlights the need for dual-level policy making in order to avoid unbalanced heritage preservation efforts that have been of some concern in the literature.  相似文献   

In this paper it is argued that systems analysis can provide a means of bringing economic and cultural systems together in a unified framework. It is then proposed that a link between economics and culture can be established through the concept of culturally sustainable development, definable in terms of a set of criteria relating to advancement of material and nonmaterial wellbeing, inter-and intra-generational equity, and recognition of interdependence. The paper suggests that conceptualising the interaction between the cultural and economic systems in these terms might provide a workable model for policy analysis.  相似文献   

The major distinctive feature of cultural goods is that consumers must learn how to consume them, implying that preferences should be modelled as intertemporally dependent. The canonical model in the literature uses a habit formation analogy. In this paper, we discuss in detail, though in the simplest setup, a consistent preference structure for that model. Then, we derive the implications for the dynamics of two aggregate equilibrium models, a fixed price model and a flexible price model. The learning-by-consuming behaviour is characterised by a preference structure displaying bounded adjacent complementarity in the demand for the cultural good. This implies that there will be short run complementarity between the stocks of culture and financial wealth and that the adjustment of the demand for cultural goods, or of their relative price, will have some inertia. In the exogenous price model, we find that increases in income will raise the long run demand for cultural goods while increases in the relative price will decrease it. In the endogenous price model, an increase in the supply of cultural goods will imply an initial undershooting of the price of cultural goods followed by an upward transition process. Our results seem to be consistent with the empirical results on the demand for cultural goods and seem to offer an explanation for the Baumol and Bowen paradox.JEL Classification: Z1, E21Earlier versions of this paper have been presented at the 1st Conference of the Sociedade Portuguesa de Investigação em Economia (SPiE, 1997) and at the Xth Conference of the Association for Cultural Economics International, 1998, Barcelona.  相似文献   

城市文化是由人类通过长期的聚集性活动创造出来的,包含物质层面和精神层面两方面的形态总和,深刻影响城市人群生产生活状态和城市物质空间生产方式.城市文化空间体系的构建是实现国家文化安全的重要支撑,许多城市片面地将城市文化理解为非物质层面的成果,忽略了城市文化空间这一文化物质载体的深刻作用.绿地空间是城市文化空间重要组成部分...  相似文献   

CiteSpace分析发现:水文化和大运河文化的研究热点分别为"大禹治水""李冰"和"大禹"与"大运河""京杭大运河""浙江"和"漕运"。前者的演化路径呈现为从"李冰""郭守敬"及"水利工程"向"大禹治水",再向"导淮""大禹""张謇"及"李仪祉",最后向"治水思想""都江堰"及"长江"转向的趋势。后者呈现为从早期关注隋炀帝开凿运河的原因探索、功过评价、个人轶事追溯向大运河漕运研究、大运河沿线城市研究以及大运河文化带建设研究转向的模式。在研究前沿方面,前者以"李冰"以及"李冰父子""李冰水利功绩"和"李冰修复都江堰"为重点,而后者以"大运河"以及"漕运"和"大运河沿线城市发展与繁荣"为重点。上述分析结果对中国水文化在世界范围走出去、走上去、走进去,并向不同文化背景的听众讲清、讲明、讲懂大运河文化故事能够发挥积极有效的作用。  相似文献   

The Sunday “Arts and Leisure” section of the New York Times for selected years is examined to gauge competition between “high” culture and “popular” culture. From 1962 through 1988 high culture consistently outranked popular culture in percentage of articles, but after 1988 popular culture gained steadily, and by 1993 accounted for 49 percent of articles as compared with only 39 percent for high culture. Most of the gain was accounted for by coverage of motion pictures. For two out of four sub-categories a significant correlation was found between editorial content and advertising, so that one cannot reject the hypothesis that advertising affects editorial coverage. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

作为千年国脉的大运河是中国古代大一统中央集权国家的物质基础和精神纽带,与长城一样是中国国家形象的代表之一。通过分析大运河的作用,厘清大运河文化的概念,通过梳理大运河历史文脉,采用归纳分析、调查比较等方法,阐述大运河所代表的国家形象、大运河的千年底蕴、时代价值和当代形象,从而提炼出大运河国家形象的五大文化基因:国家集中治理的程序基因、区域经济联通的链条基因、天人合一的生态睿智基因、多元文化融合的空间基因、走向国际社会的开放基因,为利用大运河历史文脉,建构传播国家形象,增强文化自信,传承中华优秀文化奠定基础。  相似文献   

推动长三角地区文化一体化的发展进程,既是长三角一体化关注的重要内容,也是实现这一战略的内在需要和动力.江南文化是浸润长三角地区多个城市的文化共同体,而徽州文化是江南文化的一个重要分支,与江南文化同根同源、长期交流、相互影响,两种文化的融合和协同发展对于长三角区域文化一体化的发展具有重要意义.在分析徽州文化与江南文化的内...  相似文献   

中国古代的民居建筑往往会迎合主人的心理追求,凭借环境要素,构建建筑与文化的空间关联性,匾额便是这种人居意识的物化体现.江西丰城白马寨明清古建筑群现存大量匾额,具有丰富的文化内涵和鲜明的地域特色,是赣中地区民居建筑匾额文化的突出代表.以白马寨为例,从横向和纵向两个维度展开,横向维度进行文化释义和类型分析,纵向维度探究匾额...  相似文献   

Theorisation of culture is often absent from research on production in the creative and cultural sector. Further, cultural production has been largely untouched by the insights of the cultural economy approach. Culturalisation is a means of addressing the question of what constitutes culture and thus a cultural (economy) approach. It is the process by which culture and cultural production combine in the ‘operationalisation of the real.’ Culturalisation underpins much scholarship in this journal by posing the (economic) real as a problem of definition in order to illustrate the operations involved in its temporary resolution. The implications of this position need further addressing. There is a feedback between culture as a problem of definition and a cultural approach. Devices can interrogate the relationship between processes of cultural definition and the conceptual parameters of a cultural economy approach. Workshopping, projects and events are put forward as cultural devices emerging from a 10-month ethnography of literary performance in Bristol, England. This illustration shows firstly, how culturalisation occurs in a designated cultural sector to contingently realise culture; and secondly, the implicit logic of cultural economy as culturalisation, typified by the device as method, so as to open a debate concerning its implications.  相似文献   

This paper locates politics in culture industry work at the organisational and firm level through developing the application of the notion of rent to culture industries as revenues from intellectual properties, and as the more general sense of revenues derived from non-equivalential exchanges. The argument is that politics arises from attempts to establish or eliminate rents. The paper discusses ethnographic research on subjectivity and culture industry work and provides a theoretical account of rent in the capitalist imaginary and in explanations of formal problems of power in the entrepreneurial firm as the basis for the analysis of political practices in culture industries. The paper concludes with a discussion of the relation between rent and subjectivity and politics in neoliberalism.  相似文献   

王聪  江海洋  牛冲槐 《职业圈》2008,(12):72-74
文章在论述了科技型人才聚集效应概念和特征的基础上,对中原文化的特点及其对科技型人才聚集效应的影响进行了分析,探讨了其作用机理,并提出了改良中原文化以促进科技型人才聚集效应产生和提升的对策。  相似文献   

中国城市的公共空间中一直存在群众自发形成商业活动的传统.在超大城市拥挤且有限的公共空间里,如何创造群众自发参与的公共空间,形成积极的城市生活意象,是值得深入思考的问题.中国有很多"草根夜市",是大城市作为"不夜城"的重要组成部分.但随着城市的发展,传统的夜市形式逐渐被取缔.以上海、武汉等超大城市为研究对象,调研夜市发展...  相似文献   

从评价目的、评价主体与客体、评价体系的构建三方面系统回顾梳理国内历史文化名镇名村的价值评价体系研究.针对评价主客体单一、评价因子不全面、评价指标体系不完善等问题,最后从多方参与、差异化指标、多样化评价体系、动态监测机制、评价技术创新5个方面提出价值评价的趋势与展望,期待对完善价值评价体系有所启示.  相似文献   

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