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This study examined the relationships among social factors, individual differences, intrinsic motivation, and effort and persistence in the physical education context using cognitive evaluation theory as a framework. Female (n = 201) and male (n = 206) high school students completed measures of motivational climate, teaching style, perceived competence, self-determination, goal orientations, and intrinsic motivation. Teachers rated the students on effort and persistence in the class activities. Hypothesized relationships among the variables were tested using structural equation modeling. Results revealed that perceived competence and goal orientations directly predicted intrinsic motivation and mediated the effects of motivational climate and teaching style on intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation directly predicted effort and persistence. Task goal orientation mediated the effects of learning climate on perceived competence and self-determination. The strongest predictors of intrinsic motivation and effort and persistence were task goal orientation perceived competence, and learning climate.  相似文献   

以英格兰824名初中生为调查对象,主要考察了在目标定向、行为调节、能力知觉和体育活动参与情况上的年龄和性别差异,并且采用动机变量预测校外体育活动参与情况.研究结果呈现出明显的性别差异,男生有较高的自我定向、自我决定动机和能力知觉.与此一致的结果是男生比女生更喜爱体育活动.对男生来说,自我定向、自我决定动机和能力知觉是参加体育活动的正相关预测指标,而任务定向和无动机与体育活动参与没有关系.对女生来说,任务定向和能力知觉能够积极预测体育活动参与情况,而自我定向和无动机与体育活动的参与有负相关关系.  相似文献   

The influence of perceptions of the motivational climate and perceived ability on situational motivation and the physical activity behavior of 213 male and 229 female adolescent physical education students (M age = 12.56 years; SD = 0.96) was examined over a 3-day period. A significant age by gender interaction emerged, with physical activity declining from the sixth to eighth grade. The decline was more pronounced among female than male students. Perceptions of a mastery climate were strongly related to more self-determined forms of situational motivation. In contrast, perceptions of a performance climate were strongly related to less self-determined forms of situational motivation. Results of a hierarchical regression analysis revealed gender, perceived ability, and perceptions of a mastery climate to explain a significant amount of variance in physical activity. These findings suggest that promoting a mastery oriented motivational climate in physical education will foster self-determined situational motivation and physical activity.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the perceptions of physical education (PE) teachers' feedback patterns with female and male high school students (n = 325). Eight physical education teachers (4 females and 4 males) were involved. We examined (a) whether teachers' feedback was perceived differently by boys and girls, and how the sex of the teacher influenced these perceptions, and (b) the effects of types of feedback (praise, no response-successful, encouragement, technical information, criticism, no response-unsuccessful, and teacher's invested time) on students' perceived competence, effort, enjoyment, and their PE performance. A multivariate analysis revealed an interaction between teacher and student gender on perceptions of teacher feedback. Hierarchical regression analyses highlighted that the perceived feedback significantly predicted students' perceptions of competence (DeltaR(2) = 0.088), effort (DeltaR(2) = 0.119), enjoyment (DeltaR(2) = 0.085), and their PE performance (DeltaR(2) = 0.039) after accounting for the gender of the students and teachers and the students' initial PE performance. The perceptions of praise and teachers' invested time were positively linked with the dependent variables, whereas encouragement and technical information and criticism were negatively linked. The findings are discussed in terms of teaching effectiveness and gender equity.  相似文献   


The influence of perceptions of the motivational climate and perceived ability on situational motivation and the physical activity behavior of 213 male and 229 female adolescent physical education students (M age= 12.56 years; SD = 0.96) was examined over a 3-day period. A significant age by gender interaction emerged, with physical activity declining from the sixth to eighth grade. The decline was more pronounced among female than male students. Perceptions of a mastery climate were strongly related to more self-determined forms of situational motivation. In contrast, perceptions of a performance climate were strongly related to less self-determined forms of situational motivation. Results of a hierarchical regression analysis revealed gender, perceived ability, and perceptions of a mastery climate to explain a significant amount of variance in physical activity. These findings suggest that promoting a mastery oriented motivational climate in physical education will foster self-determined situational motivation and physical activity.  相似文献   

以素质教育为主导,深化高校体育教学改革的对策   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在阐明素质教育内涵和目前高校体育教学在实施素质教育过程中存在问题的基础上,提出以素质教育为主导,深化高校体育教学改革的5条对策:1、要切实加强体育理论知识的传授,不断增强大学生的体育意识和能力;2、要正确处理增强学生体质和为学生“终身体育”打好基础的关系;3、要妥善处理育体与育心的关系,促进大学生身心素质的发展;4、要认真处理好多数学生和少数学生的关系;5、要正确处理发挥教师的主导作用和学生主体作用的关系。  相似文献   

思想品德教育是高校体育教学任务的重要组成部分,而道德品质教育是德育的重要任务。本文结合高校体育教学的特点,从4个方面阐述了如何对学生进行道德品质教育的问题。  相似文献   

学校体育教学中的德育是落实立德树人教育根本任务和发展学生学科核心素养的重要手段。运用文献资料、逻辑分析等研究方法解析当前体育教学中德育的实践困境并围绕现存问题提出优化策略。研究认为:1)学校体育教学中德育具体指涉的是体育品德教育,体育品德教育是学校场域中道德教育的途径与手段。2)实践困境表现在体育教学德育价值和功能的泛化导致体育品德教育目标的模糊,体育教师对运动技能教学的狭隘理解限制品德教育内容的生成,体育教师教学实践智慧的缺失固化对学生实施品德教育的方式,传统技能教学过程未重视师生交往关系对学生品德塑造的价值,体育品德的内隐性使教师难以把握对学生体育品德的客观评价。提出优化策略:发展学生体育品德学科核心素养是体育教学中德育的目标,强调技能教学项目完整性与突破体育教学德育时空界限,用多种品德教育方式调适学生参与运动项目学习的体验,学生体育品德教育要关注教学过程中师生的互动与交往,提取情境中学生情意品质的表现是体育品德评价的重点。  相似文献   

在小学体育学科新课程改革的大背景下,小学体育学科德育指导纲要中提出,要加强小学生思想品德教育,同时要将德育理念渗透到体育学科教学中,需要根据体育学科的教学特点,扩充小学体育学科中的德育因素,让学生在体育学科的学习中,潜移默化的渗透德育教学思想。鉴于此,提出了基于核心素养的小学体育学科德育教学理念的实施,创造丰富的情境设计,利用情境教学来实现小学体育德育教学理念的贯彻落实,本文结合当前小学体育德育教学现状,分析了创设情境有效落实体育学科德育教学理念,并基于核心素养导向,构建专业教师德育发展能力的策略,为相关学科德育教学理念的渗透提供了理论支撑。  相似文献   

体育运动拥有非常浓厚的历史文化底蕴。千百年来,体育运动理论与技能不断丰富与深化,发展至今成为世界各国人民增强体质、寻求健康的重要途径。体育具有鲜明的德育功能。在中职校体育教学中,体育教师充分挖掘体育德育功能并将其贯穿于体育教学全过程、各方面,能够显著提高学生的思想水平与道德品质。本文首先探讨了体育德育功能,然后结合中职校具体的体育单项教学实践对体育德育实践进行了研究。  相似文献   

对于小学教育中的德育教学而言,可以说是教育的主要核心内容和任务,在素质教育背景下,针对如何将德育教育渗透到小学体育教学当中,成为了现阶段教师所面临的主要问题和探讨话题。将学生自身的潜能最大程度上挖掘和发挥出来,同时还要积极引导学生树立终身体育意识,以此来促进学生得以健康全面发展。因此,本文针对于小学体育教学渗透德育的现状与对策进行了详细分析与探讨,仅供参考。  相似文献   

目的:掌握寄宿高中学生体力活动情况,了解班主任和体育教师干预支持性,为学生体力活动不足的干预计划提供参考依据。方法:采用分层随机抽样法,对怀化市寄宿高中生进行半结构式问卷调查。结果:过去7d只有45.1%的学生体育课中处于活跃体力活动(MVPA)状态,仅有8.7%的寄宿高中生每天体力活动时间达到1h,年级差异有统计学意义(p<0.001)。45.7%的学生课间处于静坐少动行为(SB)状态,年级差异无统计学意义。男女生在体育课MVPA水平、课间SB行为以及课余锻炼时间上均有统计学差异(p<0.05~p<0.01)。班主任体力活动干预支持性高于体育教师,差异有统计学意义(p<0.05)。结论:寄宿高中学生体育课中MVPA人数比例偏低,课余体力活动时间不足,课间SB比例偏高。建立班主任与体育教师合作干预机制符合学校健康促进的发展理念与现实需求。  相似文献   

目前体弱、残疾、慢性疾病学生在高校体育教学中是一个弱势群体,也是一种较为普遍的现象,制约着学生的体质发展。因此在高校建立体育健康咨询站,有助于指导这部分学生科学合理地进行体育健身,促进他们体质发展,同时也可以对其他正常学生进行体格、运动能力、运动疲劳恢复、心肺功能,心血功能等方面检查,来评价高校体育教学效果。  相似文献   


Although students’ perceived learning is central in physical education (PE), few measurements are available. Furthermore, little is known about how students’ perceptions of PE effect students’ perceived learning in PE. Therefore, the aim was to develop a scale to assess students’ perceived learning and a measurement to assess students’ perceived contentment in PE, and furthermore, to analyze the interrelationship between students’ perceived learning and students’ perceived contentment in PE. A total of 1203 students in Sweden who were aged 12–16 years participated. The results from the exploratory (n = 601) and confirmatory (n = 602) factor analyses as well as the validity and reliability analyses showed that there was psychometric support for the one-dimensional model perceived learning in PE and for the three-dimensional model perceived contentment in PE. The structural equation modeling analyses showed that both competence and joyfulness were directly and positively related to students’ perceived learning.  相似文献   

陆清  陶志超 《体育科技文献通报》2012,20(11):69+103-69,103
学校体育是对学生进行思想品德教育的有效途径。学校体育应发挥和挖掘体育中的思想品德教育的效应和功能,寻找学校体育与德育工作的最佳结合点,达到学校体育与德育教育的和谐发展。  相似文献   

教育的目的旨在培养德、智、体、美、劳全面发展的综合型人才,这是当下国家对于复合型人才储备的要求,也是国家教育战略改革的方向,强化素质教育,重在德育的全面普及与应用。体育与德育的深入渗透,为提高学生的德育发展不断尝试创新,真正地将德育植入每一个教学环节,响应国家人才储备要求,为德育教育的发展不断努力。  相似文献   

Research illustrates the positive roles of perceived competence, autonomy, and mastery climate and the negative role of performance climate in student motivation in physical education. Less research has examined perceptions of relationships within this setting (i.e., perceived teacher support and relatedness) and their role in student motivation. The purpose of this study was to test the mediating roles of perceived competence, autonomy, and relatedness in the relationship between social contextual factors and motivation in physical education students (N = 508). Results from structural equation modeling showed that perceived competence, autonomy, and relatedness partially mediated the relationship between perceived teacher support and self-determined motivation and that mastery climate related directly to self-determined motivation. The results highlight the importance of perceived teacher support, mastery climate, and relatedness to motivation in physical education.  相似文献   

探讨道德认同、自我定向、道德推脱对大学生体育学习偏差行为的影响,检验多重中介模型适配性。采用道德认同的内在化分量表、运动中任务定向和自我定向问卷的自我定向分量表、体育道德推脱量表和大学生体育学习偏差行为量表,对1537名大学生(年龄20.42±0.532岁;男874人,女663人)进行调查。结果显示:道德认同对大学生体育学习偏差行为的负向影响显著(F=76.668),自我定向、道德推脱对偏差行为的正向影响分别显著(F自我定向=186.899,F道德推脱=137.076);在道德认同影响大学生体育学习偏差行为时,自我定向、道德推脱分别具备部分中介效应,而且,二者的多重中介效应也显著,中介效应分别占总效应的38.10%、5.04%和9.88%,即:道德认同对大学生体育学习偏差行为的间接影响效应占总效应的53.02%。结论:道德认同是改善大学生体育学习偏差行为的心理特质,自我定向、道德推脱是诱发体育学习偏差行为的前因要素;道德认同既可以直接的方式改善大学生体育学习偏差行为,还可以通过抑制道德推脱机制来缓解自我定向,进而有效避免产生体育学习的偏差行为。本研究可为防范和解决体育教学中的诸多潜在问题提供理论参考和实践启示。  相似文献   

本文通过对湖北省农村中小学体育教师培养过程中德育渗透进行相关探讨研究,厘清省内农村中小学体育教学过程中德育的发展现状和制约因素,提出在体育教学中进行德育渗透的途径与方法,为相关工作者在体育教学中开展德育渗透提供借鉴,力求最大限度地发挥德育渗透的力度,让学生在获得健全体格的同时形成完善的道德观,促进学生身心健康发展。  相似文献   

学校体育课蕴藏着丰富的道德资源,优质的体育课不仅可以使学生体验道德美感,而且有助于促使学生将身体美与道德善融为一体,进而树立起良好的职业道德情操。体育课育人价值的实现要求体育教师具有深厚的道德素养,优良的教学品格和务实的工作态度等。  相似文献   

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