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证据在民事诉讼中的决定性作用是不言而喻的。但取证难,尤其是获取证人证言难,却是摆在当事人面前的最为严峻的客观事实。由此应运而生“悬赏证言”。对悬赏证言法律效力的判定,诸家莫衷一是。本文将从定性与定量的角度具体分析悬赏证言的证据效力。  相似文献   

证人证言是我国民亭诉讼证据中的七种证据形式之一,其可靠性与真实性是由证人来保证的。证人的主体适格是保证证人证言可采性的前提,也是判断证人证言证据力的重要依据。分析了我国民事诉讼中有关证人主体适格性的立法不足,并提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

证人证言是刑事诉讼证据之一,而且是运用较为广泛的证据.要把证人的证言作为定案的依据,必须要求证人出庭.经过控、辩双方的交叉询问,这是程序正义的重要保证,是杜绝冤、假、错案的有效方法之一.  相似文献   

刑事诉讼中采用直接言词原则,形成口头的直接审判,所有证据都通过证人直接呈现于事实的裁判者面前。坚持法官直接发现事实从而使司法程序透明,使法院获得信赖。刑事诉讼证据中的排除传闻规则是为了确保证人证词的可靠性。当诉讼一方在审判中引用证人在庭外的证言作为证据,来证明所提及或指称的事实属实时,这些证言会遭到排除。法律另有规定的情形除外,证人没有出庭所作出的书面证言原则上不能作为定案的依据。证人出庭,确保被告人可以在庭上提出质问,使证言令人信服。  相似文献   

证人证言历来是重要的诉讼证据种类之一,在诉讼中具有十分重要的地位,也是我国民事诉讼法规定的七种的证据形式之一。但在我国的民事诉讼实践中,证人证言制度暴露出了若干的问题,影响了证人证言在民事诉讼中作用的发挥。究其原因,既有理念上的落后,也有立法和司法上的不足,还有社会环境的原因。如何完善我国民事诉讼证人证言制度,使其在民事诉讼活动中发挥更大的作用,这是当前需要思考和亟待解决的一个问题。  相似文献   

论审判人员运用证人证言席建松证人就其所了解的案件事实情况向人民法院、人民检察院、公安机关作出陈述,司法机关将这些陈述加以记录,便固定为法定证据中的证人证言,证人证言是刑事诉讼中广泛运用的一种证据,对于查明案件真实情况具有重大意义。比如:知情人以证人证...  相似文献   

影响证人证言可靠性因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
任何案件的审查都必须以证据审查为基础,而作为证据的一种——证人证言就更值得仔细研究。通过分析影响证人证言可靠性的因素,不仅可以看出程序是否公正,而且也是保证实体公正的必要前提,这一过程是否健全与完善,直接决定着实体法的实际判决。完善证据规则及其相关规则,树立证据必须具有可采性的观念,这是确保证明真实与正当的一剂良方。  相似文献   

在世界各国的证据立法和实践中,证人证言均被认为是强有力的证据种类。以细致缜密而著称的英国证人制度设计中,针对儿童证人资格、证言证明力、儿童证人的特殊保护问题均有较详尽的规定。我国应充分借鉴现代证据法学的通行规则,即儿童具备实质性证人条件,亦即取得证人资格;同时在庭审前服务、庭审技术屏障、庭外保护方面统筹设计,建立和完善我国儿童证人制度。  相似文献   

被害人陈述是我国刑事诉讼法规定的独立证据种类,但关于被害人陈述的审前调查,刑事诉讼法却疏于规范。一般西方国家关于被害人陈述的审前调查,都作为证人证言进行,并且严格限制其证据效力。我国刑事诉讼法虽然将被害人陈述独立归类,但关于被害人陈述的审前调查,仍然与证人证言无异。从正当程序原理出发,应当对审前调查中的被害人陈述的证据效力进行合理的限制,并且应当在被害人陈述的审前调查程序中贯彻任意侦查原则、保障辩护方的调查权利。  相似文献   

李文杰 《当代电大》2004,(10):24-35
1 单项选择题1)下列证据中 ,属于直接证据的是 (   )。 A 被告人所作与本案无关的供述 B 被害人关于被毁物品的陈述 C 证人关于被告人实施犯罪情况的证言 D 鉴定人关于被毁物品的鉴定结论2 )下列证据中 ,属于间接证据又属于原始证据的是(   )。 A 被告人的供述 B 证人听到被害人喊叫的证言 C 被毁物品的复制品 D 鉴定结论的复印件3)拘传只适用于 (   )。 A 自诉人     B 犯罪嫌疑人 C 证人      D 辩护人4 )公安机关对被拘留的人 ,应当在拘留后的 (   )小时内讯问。 A 12       B 2 4 C 36 …  相似文献   

关于悬赏广告的法律性质法学界对此观点不一,司法实践的判决也大相径庭。本文以悬赏广告法律性质的两种学说为基础,从维护当事人利益衡平,维护经济交易安全价值以及发展社会信用资本角度出发,以功利比较的视角主张应将悬赏广告认定为单独法律行为,广告人应当承担单方允诺之债的法律责任。  相似文献   

遗失物拾得人报酬请求权制度之构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了《中华人民共和国物权法》中拾得人报酬请求权制度缺失,造成法的效力和功效的统一方面、社会主义道德体系的完善及发挥民法定纷止争功能等方面的不利影响。通过比较当今世界各国的立法体例,认为在我国物权法中应确立遗失物拾得人报酬请求权制度,并对报酬数额、悬赏广告、有价证券及请求权的限制等方面提出了具体的构想。  相似文献   

鉴定文书加盖公章才具有法律效力,具有相应的法律依据,它在表明鉴定主体合法性、鉴定文书制作程序规范性和鉴定结论的可采性方面具有重要意义。但这些意义只是相对的,加盖公章可能模糊鉴定主体法律义务和法律责任的承担、可能无法落实鉴定结论的法庭调查方法、可能使得鉴定人职业资格制度面临巨大挑战。不能把上述论题只当作鉴定文书格式的问题,应从鉴定人制度改革、鉴定权的合理配置以及鉴定结论的采纳采信等方面来把握。  相似文献   

我国刑事诉讼中见证人见证制度固然存在诸多的问题和不足.但最根本的问题是见证人见证与否对相关的侦查行为及其所取得的证据不产生法律效力,这就使见证制度所具有的对相关侦查行为进行监督和证明功能失去意义。因此有必要对我国刑事诉讼中的见证行为进行研究,应当赋予见证人见证以法律效力,从而使见证人是否参与见证能够在不同情形下对证据能力和证明力产生影响。  相似文献   

Research Findings: To test children’s use of testimony of others, 3 – 9 years (N = 227) made judgments about a potential peer transgression in which the intentions of the protagonist were ambiguous, after hearing two different forms of testimony. The 2 forms of testimony were (a) opposing opinion-based testimony from an adult authority versus a peer consensus group and (b) knowledge-based testimony (eyewitness testimony) that was counter to the participants’ initial judgments. Findings revealed that when testimony was presented in an opinion-based format, children were likely to side with the opinion that reflected their own interpretation of the peer encounter, regardless of whether the opinion came from a peer consensus or an adult authority. However, when knowledge-based testimony was introduced in support of the opposite of children’s initial interpretation of the ambiguous peer encounter, children most often changed their initial judgment to align with the new testimony. That is, children used knowledge-based testimony but not opinion-based testimony to evaluate a potential transgression. Practice or Policy: These findings demonstrate that the way in which testimony is delivered to children has a direct influence on their decision making about peer interactions and has relevance for teacher–student discourse in the classroom.  相似文献   

Foraging honeybees were trained individually with successively presented targets differing in color, one containing 5 µl and the other 20 µl of 50% sucrose solution, after which preferences were measured in unrewarded choice tests. The targets were conical, designed to control for the possibility of differential delay of reward stemming from the greater detectability of the larger as compared with the smaller drops of sucrose when the drops were presented on the conventional flat targets. The new results for color, like recent results for odor, can be understood on the assumption that the attractiveness of a stimulus increases as a function of the strength of its association with reward and that the effect of amount of reward is on asymptotic strength.  相似文献   

我国三大诉讼法均将证人证言与书证规定为各自独立的证据种类,二者之间也的确存在着明显的差异,但在诉讼实践中证人证言的泛书证化现象却相当严重。本文就这一现象的形成原因、存在的弊端及所应采取的对策措施进行了探讨和分析,以期对这一问题的解决有所裨益。  相似文献   

It has been shown that the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and its dopamine system are crucial for decision making that requires physical/emotional effort, but not for all forms of cost–benefit decision making. Previous studies had mostly employed behavioral tasks with two competing cost–reward options that were preset by the experimenters. However, few studies have been conducted using scenarios in which the subjects have full control over the energy/time expenditure required to obtain a proportional reward. Here, we assessed the roles of the ACC and its dopamine system in cost–benefit decision making by utilizing a “do more get more” (DMGM) task and a time–reward trade-off (TRTO) task, wherein the animals were able to self-determine how much effort or time to expend at a nosepoke operandum for a proportional reward. Our results showed that (1) ACC inactivation severely impaired DMGM task performance, with a reduction in the rate of correct responses and a decrease in the effort expended, but did not affect the TRTO task; and (2) blocking ACC D2 receptors had no impact on DMGM task performance in the baseline cost–benefit scenario, but it significantly reduced the attempts to invest increased effort for a large reward when the benefit–cost ratio was reduced by half. In contrast, blocking ACC D1 receptors had no effect on DMGM task performance. These findings suggest that the ACC is required for self-paced effort-based but not for time–reward trade-off decision making. Furthermore, ACC dopamine D2 but not D1 receptors are involved in DMGM decision making.  相似文献   

The topic of testimony has gained increased prominence in recent years in epistemology, where it is typically taken to refer to the possible acquisition of knowledge through the understanding and acceptance of someone else's judgement. There is no doubt that learning in this way is a prominent feature of education. This conception of testimony contrasts, however, with the more restricted way in which it is commonly understood: everyday usage situates the concept in such contexts as places of worship and courts of law. Testimony in these contexts is likely to be seen by the epistemologist as a special case of testimony in the wider sense, but is this accurate? With reference to contrasting traditions in philosophy and drawing on examples from film and literature, this paper considers the relationship between the epistemological and the everyday senses of testimony, exploring the significance of these matters for questions of teaching and learning as well as for the understanding of language as a whole.  相似文献   

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