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In this column, Alyson Grauer, a young woman recently embarking on her postuniversity career, shares her experiences with friends who do not talk about childbirth. She contrasts their fear and their unwillingness to talk and learn about birth with her own experience being the daughter of a Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator and doula. Grauer’s experiences provide a backdrop for a deeper understanding of young adults’ beliefs about childbirth. Judith Lothian provides insight related to when and why women and men stopped talking about birth and the implications for childbirth education.  相似文献   

When I was small and dreaming of going to Africa because I was in love with Tarzan(泰山—美国影片人猿泰山的主人公),I was jealous of Tarzan’s Jane.I thought she was a wimp and I’d have made a much better mate for Tarzan myself.I wanted to go to Africa and live with animals and write books about them.My mother used to say to me"Jane,if you really want something,and if you really work hard,if you take advantage of the opportunities and if you never give up:you’11 find a way."  相似文献   

George and his wife had a small bar (酒吧). The bar often kept open until after midnight because people came to drink there while they were waiting for trains.  相似文献   

[本课选自人教版(新目标)《英语》七年级下册Unit 12,SectionA.]一、教材处理1.教材分析:重点掌握如何描述规章制度,渗透了对学生的情感教育:通过对公共场所制定规章制度,培养学生遵守公德、爱护公物的美德。  相似文献   

The weather was bad that day.It was___heavily and it was dangerous to go on theicy(冰的)roads.Mr Smith was ___.Fewpeople would go out in such a cold day and therewas only one passenger(乘客)in his bus.Driv-  相似文献   

熊毅 《教师》2010,(13):44-45
第一课时 课型:听说课 一、教材分析 1.教学内容Don’t eat in class是新目标英语七年级下册第十二单元教学内容。本单元中心话题是  相似文献   

这个故事有许多个版本,但都说明了一个真相:小心那些转移注意力的东西;不要忽略最明显的东西。有个男人在一家工厂工作了20年,每天晚上当他离开工厂的时候,他都会推着一辆满载稻草的小推车来到大门口的警卫处。警卫总是把稻草翻个底朝天,什么也找不出来,只好放行。一直到了这个男人退休的那一天,他仍然和往常一样来到警卫处,只是这次没有推小推车。他们已经做了好多年的朋友,警卫问他说,"查理,我看见你每天晚上从这里出去,有二十年了,我知道你一直在偷东西,现在你也退休了,告诉  相似文献   

(前不久,在重庆举行了“中国摇滚乐展示演唱会”,四支较具实力的乐队参加了演出,气氛热烈,充分显示了摇滚乐的魅力。本期介绍中国摇滚乐之霸——“黑豹”及作品。)  相似文献   

<正>在日常生活中,会用到很多Don’t开头的短句,看看下面这些句子你会使用哪些呢?1.Don’t be a copycat!别学我!2.Don’t be a stranger!别这么见外嘛!3.Don’t be afraid!别害怕!4.Don’t be shy!别害羞!5.Don’t be so childish.别这么孩子气。6.Don’t be so modest  相似文献   

廖振言 《中学教与学》2005,(1):F004-F004
Amanisgoingtothehouseofafriend .Itisquite  1 awayandsohetakessomesandwichesalong  2 hislunch .Ashegoesalong ,hesaysto  3  ,“Myfriendis  4 togivemeaverynicemeal.Heisgoingtogivemegoodwineto  5  .Sowhat’stheuseofthesedry  6  !”Ashesaysthis,hethrowsthemontotheground .Hegoesonandcomestoariver.Theriverhasbecomeverybigbecauseofthe  7 inthepastfewdays .Hecannot  8 theriver.Hehopesthereisa  9 totakehimover.Sohewaitsandwaits .Hewaitsforalongtime .Thenthesunbeginsto  1 0  .Them…  相似文献   

This article reports findings from a study of 14 beginning teachers in their first year of teaching in primary schools. By the end of the first year, half were reconsidering their long-term commitment to teaching. The study found they were considering leaving because they were struggling to be the teachers they had envisaged being. One reason for this was the lack of alignment between the supports offered to them, and their own visions of good teaching. The consequences of misaligned supports for beginning teachers are discussed, along with suggestions for the ways in which mentoring and induction programs can better support beginning teachers to be the teachers they wish to be.  相似文献   

With the help of a couple of satellites going around the earth we can find our position on the earth with very high accuracy by measuring ranges from these satellites. The satellite based navigation system is called the GPS (global positioning system). In the first part1 we described the basic principle of the operation of GPS. This part is about the mechanism and uses of GPS.  相似文献   

Early childhood classrooms in the US continue to become increasingly diverse as we journey through the twenty first century. Yet and still, many early childhood educators have been slow to respond to these shifts in diversity on the basis of both developmental and political concerns. In this guess editorial, I argue for the integration of anti-racist education in the early childhood social studies classroom. The reasons I discuss here concern: when and how children develop racial attitudes, the difficulty of altering long-standing stereotypes, student empowerment, critical teacher reflection, and issues of standardization. I conclude with several considerations teachers should heed as they engage in this form of education.  相似文献   

Since ancient times navigators have been taking the help of celestial objects to find angles between the horizontal and the lines of sight to the celestial objects, in order to determine their position on the earth. Now, they would take the help of couple of manmade objects whizzing around the earth to find their position with very high accuracy, by measuring ranges from these objects. These objects are satellites and this article gives a brief introduction to a satellite based navigation system, called the GPS (Global Positioning System) in two parts. The first part introduces the basic principle of operation of GPS.  相似文献   

If I have a chance to study in America I'll come back to work for my motherland when I have finished my subjects. My country is not so developed and rich as the U.S., but I love her very much.Some people say "America is Heaven on earth. Laving in America is better than living in China." Frankly speaking, I agree with what they say in some sense. However, as we know, China is a developing country, which needs a large number of people of talent to build it. I'm determined to become one of these talented people. I'm sure China will get richer and richer and, sooner or  相似文献   

~~搞怪哈哈镜之Don’t Eat~~  相似文献   

刘敏华 《江西教育》2012,(Z2):68-69
笔者有幸聆听了一堂全国一等奖得主执教的"Don’t eat in class"一课。执教者着力挖掘了教材中隐藏的内涵,带领学生在生活中处处寻找规章制度,让在座的师生进入了一个个丰富多彩的生活片段。【片段一】情景设置,引出规章  相似文献   

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