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1.你能给我提一些建议吗? 误:Can you give me some advices? 正:Can you give me some advice? 析:advice意思是“建议、意见”,是不可数名词。  相似文献   

I.单项填空1. By the time he was ten, Edison had already built a chemistry lab of. A. himself B. him C. his own D. him own2. His uncle gave me on how to use the computer.A. an advice B. some advicesC. a piece of advices D. some advice3. After he finished doing his homework, he TV.A. went on watching B. kept on watching  相似文献   

所谓不可数名词是指不能直接和不定冠词a/an连用,或不可以直接用数目来计数的名词。不可数名词并非不可以“数”,我们可以用多种方式来表示其“量”的多少。1.用不定代词。如: some advice(一些建议),much milk(许多牛  相似文献   

一、作名词。意思是“帮助”。如:Your advice was a great help to me.Mary,Could you come here? I want some help.二、作动词。help用作动词时,其后常用名词或代词作宾语,常见的句式有:  相似文献   

1.请给我两张纸。误:Please give me two papers.正:Please give me two pieces of paper.析:paper作“纸”解是物质名词,不可数。“一张纸”应说a piece of paper,“两张纸”应说twopieces of paper。但paper作“报纸”,“文件”,“卷子”等解时是可数名词,其复数是papers。  相似文献   

英语里有一些名词,单数和复数表示不同的意义。请看以下几组例句: 1.He gave us a piece of advice on how to improve our work at themeeting.在会上,他就如何改进我们的工作提了一条意见。 The latest advices from our correspondent-in the city say that morethan thirty people were killed in the accident.本报驻那个城市的记者  相似文献   

The shirt has been a common piece of clothing for men and women for a great many centuries. Some of the 1(?) made from the words are old, and as common, as the shirt 2(?). "Keep your shirt on. " That 3(?) like good advice for anyone, especially on a 4(?) day. But the expression "Keep your shirt on" gives a very 5(?) kind of advice. It seems "stay 6(?) ", "do not get excited. "  相似文献   

A Piece of Cake     
piece是“块,片”,cake是“蛋糕”,那a piece of cake不就是“一块蛋糕”的意思啦?如果你也这样去理解“It’s a piece of cake.”这句话,那就真的误会John了。  相似文献   

典型陷阱题分析 1. I found her sitting in the corner, reading newspaper, with __ in her eyes. A. a; tear B. a piece of; tears C. a; tears D. a piece of; tear 【陷阱】误选D,许多学生错误地认为,既然news(消息)和paper(纸)均为不可数名词,那么news paper(报纸)也应是不可数的;同时认为“眼泪”即“泪水”、“水”不可数,“泪水”和“眼泪”也应该不可数。  相似文献   

1.表不“建议”、“劝告”、“忠告”等,是不可数名词,若表示一条几条建议或劝告,要借用piece这样的词。如:  相似文献   

A Piece of Cake同学们,你们知道“a piece of cake”的意思吗?下面,我给你们讲一个有趣的故事。一位初到美国的人,不懂英文,所以他就每天去语言学校学习英文。有一天,在休息时,他问一个同学他没听懂的问题,之后他对同学说:“Thank you very much.”那位同学回答说:“You are welcome.It's a piece of cake.”他听了后心里想:美国确实是一个金钱社会,做什么事情都要报酬。于是他说:“我今天没带蛋糕,饼干行不行?  相似文献   

If some of you have trouble in English studying,remember that learning a language is really a lasting course. Don‘t be anxious about it and the most important is, don‘t give up.Here are some of my advice about learning.  相似文献   

我们知道名词就是用来表示人和事物名称的词。它分为可数名词和不可数名词。可数名词就是可以用数目来计算的名词,它有单复数之分,而不可数名词是不可以用数目来计算的词,在运用时与可数名词有很大差异。导致许多同学在运用时总是犯错误,所以我们在运用时应注意以下几个问题:(一)由于不可数名词不能用具体数目来计算,因此没有单复数之分。如“一些水”应说成“some water”而不能说成“some waters”,“a lot of money”不能说成“a lot of moneys”。(二)不可数名词不能用不定冠词a、an以及数词修饰。由于不可数名词不可以用数目来计算,而a…  相似文献   

U nit8I d like som e noodles.●单元知识点拨——可数名词与不可数名词。名词按其所表示的事物的性质可分为可数名词和不可数名词两大类。可数名词有单、复数形式之分,其复数形式通常是在词尾加-s构成。不可数名词没有复数形式,通常用“a/an或数词 bottle/piece/glass等表示计量的可数名词 of 不可数名词”结构表示数量,当这种结构中的数词大于1时,表计量的名词要用复数形式。例如:a piece ofbread一块面包;five pieces of bread五块面包a bottle ofw ater一瓶水;tw o bottles ofwater两瓶水不可数名词或可数名词单数用作句子主语时,谓语…  相似文献   

How many times have you heard a friend or colleague talk about the introduction of some new technology or a new piece of equipment which is going to revolutionise their workplace?  相似文献   

Dear Friends,Giving advice is one of the most popular pastimes known to mankind. Everyone has some advice to give to everyone else. It is easier to give advice than it is to take advice. Most of us have been given more advice than we can possibly use.I am drawn to this topic because many of our readers ask me to give them advice on a variety(变化,多样性)of different prob-lems.This can be very flattering(讨人喜欢的), and I appreciate your willingness to ask me. I respond to your questions, and I feel free to give my opinions and my comments on any subject. These comments  相似文献   

1.他们正在使用新机器。 误:They are now using new machineries. 正:They are now using new machinery. 析:machinery是不可数名词(机器的总称),不可用复数形式。但我们可以说:a piece of machinery (一台机器)(比较:a machine),或piecesof machinery(数台机器)(比较:some machilies)。 2.她所有的线都存在银行里。  相似文献   

A Piece of Cake     
I knew little about English when I first came to America.So I went toa language school every day to learn English.One day,during the break Iasked one of my classmates a question that I didn蒺t understand.When Ithanked her for it,she said:“You are welcome.It蒺s a piece of cake.”Ithought to myself:“America is really a society for money in whicheverything is done for pay.”Thus I said to her:“I haven蒺t taken any pieceof cake with me today.How about a piece of biscuit?”Sh…  相似文献   

Life is like a magician, you will never know what it will be the next moment, the same as you will not know the taste of a piece of chocolate before you try some by yourself.  相似文献   

A Piece of Cake     
中文和英文都喜欢用“吃”来打比方。我们汉语中有个成语是用来形容一件事特别容易的,就是“小菜一碟”。英语中也有一个成语是差不多的意思:a piece of cake。看来饮食真的是人类的根本啊!和a piece of cake意思相近的还有aseasy as pie、a piece of pie。这两个也是挺有趣的短语。据考证,19世纪的时候pie这个词就用来指“非常容易的事情”了。但是它们确切的起源还是无人知晓。我们用三个例子来具体说明一下:John is very good at mathematics,so thetest was a piece of cake for him.约翰的数学很好,所以这次考试对他来说真是小菜一碟…  相似文献   

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