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A story About Mozart One day Mozart saw an old man playing the violin at the street corner.He found that the old man was playing one of his compositions (乐曲).The old man played for some time,but the cap in front of him was still empty-nobody put any money into the cap.Mozart asked the old man," Do you often play compositions by Mozart?" The old man answered." Now everybody knows Mozart and likes his compositions.""Do you make a living by playing the violin?" The old man said he did.Mozart took over the violin from the old man and began to play.  相似文献   

1. There is no end to learning.学无止境. 2.Keep on learning as long as you live.活到老学到老. 3.It is never too late to learn.学习从不嫌晚. 4.Who learns young forgets not when he is old.少而勤学,老而不忘.  相似文献   

罗琳 《今日中学生》2011,(34):24-25
1. Never do things by halves. (Charles Reade)  相似文献   

1 Judge not according to the appearance. (Chinese Proverb) 勿以貌取人。(中国谚语)  相似文献   

祥忠 《今日中学生》2011,(33):31-32
1.A smooth sea never made a skillful mariner.(English Proverb)风平浪静的大海绝对锻炼不出高明的水手。(英国谚语)2.Every man is the architect of his own fortune.(AppiusClaudius)  相似文献   

罗琳 《今日中学生》2011,(12):24-25

目标:提高英语阅读和听力水平。想一想:你会怎么形容你家的卫生间?你见过的最有特色的卫生间是什么?你们国家有哪些著名的卫生间,它们因为什么而出名?你认为不同国家的卫生间有哪些不同之处?  相似文献   

<正>要说2016年最火的明星,薛之谦这三个字绝对是当之无愧的。他上半年一共录制了30多档综艺节目,堪称综艺节目标配,微博粉丝由200多万蹭蹭上涨至2000万,翻了10倍。参加商演,因为到场粉丝太多,造成交通瘫痪商演不得不临时取消,微博打个广告也能变身段子分分钟上热门,连他的火锅店也要提前一个星期预订。对于这样一位在我们眼皮子底下红起来的明星,真的忍不住想问一句:薛之谦,知道现在你有多火吗?  相似文献   

Review of preretirement and retirement literature suggests that attention is placed on similarities of rural and urban persons in their retirement needs and concerns. The existing literature shows a lack of data on perceptions of future retirement needs and retirement actions implemented by rural middle-aged persons (45-64 years old). This study, conducted in three rural counties, had as its purpose to identify the following: (a) issues important in retirement for rural middle-aged persons; (b) preparation plans being made by rural middle-aged persons; (c) rural middle-aged persons perceptions of future needs regarding certain aspects of retirement; and (d) relationship of issues, plans, and perceptions to selected demographic variables. A number of relationships were found between issues identified as Important to Me and items labeled Actions I Have Taken. Study conclusions have implications for those concerned with preretirement education.  相似文献   

Many older adults will seek additional education during their lifetimes. Since these persons differ widely in their physical, social, intellectual, and psychological characteristics, it is important that educational programs for older people recognize the uniqueness of the learner, that these programs be humanistic in design and implementation. The perceptual‐humanistic frame of reference is used as the basis for the discussion of learning and a consideration of the qualities that determine teacher effectiveness. The desirable characteristics of educational programs for older persons are then derived in terms of the perceptual‐humanistic point of view. The need in such programs for emphasis on the fundamental and individual worthiness and capabilities of the older learner is noted.  相似文献   

A pilot evaluation is reported of a reminiscence program aimed at increasing personal meaning. Fifty-seven older persons completed both a sentence completion questionnaire measuring personal meaning and a depression scale administered before and after the program. In comparison to a group from a representative survey that was matched on life contexts, the personal meaning profile of the intervention group was more negative and more focused on self. Hence, a group with impoverished meaning was participating in the program. After the intervention, the personal meaning profile was more positive, in particular with regard to self-evaluations and evaluations of social relations. The group that improved most on depression also improved most on personal meaning. Further research on the program is warranted.  相似文献   

As the proportion of older adults in our society increases, the need for professionals with a knowledge of the aging process and a desire to work with elderly persons is being recognized. Relatively little information is available concerning the factors that contribute to the desire to work with older adults. To explore such factors, 282 college students (35 males and 227 females) ranging in age from 18 to 72, who attended three colleges and one university in central Massachusetts, were examined. For the past 20 years, these academic institutions have offered an intercollegiate, interdisciplinary program in Gerontology studies. Thirty-one percent of the students surveyed planned on specializing in careers working with older adults. While emotional closeness to an older adult during childhood was found to be related to considering a career in health care, having taken care of an elderly person during childhood was significantly associated with a desire to work with older adults. Positive work characteristics most frequently listed by students who planned on working with older adults were: interesting, challenging, emotionally lifting, and productive. However, the students also listed negative work characteristics as well. Those most frequently reported were: difficult, frustrating, and depressing.  相似文献   

骆礼刚先生在《王昌龄二题》一文中认为 :王昌龄获当时之诗名非由七绝乃因五古。笔者认为王昌龄引用己诗时多为五古 ,实是其向生徒讲授五古的做法时所致 ,而并非其有意推崇自己的五古。无论从王昌龄对七绝创作所投注的热情和所取得的成就来看 ,还是从当时诗坛五古创作的诗人群落及王昌龄在其中所处的地位来看 ,抑或从王昌龄七绝于当时多被诸管弦争相传唱的实际情况来看 ,王昌龄获当时之诗名确因七绝而非由五古  相似文献   

吴长庆,字家善,号筱轩,又称小轩,安徽庐江人,是晚清有影响的军事人物和政治人物,是淮军最早成立营号之一的“庆字营”统领。他统率的庆军人才荟萃,涌现出对中国近现代政治、经济、军事产生重要的历史人物--北洋军阀首领袁世凯和状元实业家张謇。生前历任河北正定镇总兵、浙江提督、广东水师提督。本文运用诸多历史资料,对吴长庆的生年、名号和海内外六处吴武壮公祠进行了较为详细的的考察,厘清了关于吴长庆的生年、名号和专祠的称谓问题。  相似文献   

College provides students opportunities to examine and rethink spirituality, values, and faith. Spirituality is defined as a dynamic expression of who we are, truly. Students' spiritual development can be assisted as faculty and staff acknowledge what is personally sacred and valuable; institutions commit to assisting in such development; communities strive for consistency in mission, goals, and actions; time and space are provided for reflection and growth; genuine care is expressed; service opportunities are offered; living models and images of the spirited life are shared; and faculty and staff attend to their own spiritual development through living together as a spirited community.  相似文献   

This study investigated the use of compressed speech as a modality for assessment of the simultaneous processing function for participants with visual impairment. A 24‐item compressed speech test was created using a sound editing program to randomly remove sound elements from aural stimuli, holding pitch constant, with the objective to emulate the effect of incomplete visual stimuli in gestalt closure tests assessing simultaneous processing. The participant sample included 26 college students with impaired vision and a comparison sample of 88 sighted college students. Participants completed the compressed speech on a computer, along with a general ability measure and standard scales of neuropsychological function. The compressed speech test had a statistically significant positive relationship with both of the scales associated with the simultaneous processing function. Results suggest that compressed speech may provide a viable alternative to assess the simultaneous processing function, equitable for use with persons with and without visual disability.  相似文献   

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