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Athletics is a popular sport among young people. To maintain health and optimize growth and athletic performance, young athletes need to consume an appropriate diet. Unfortunately, the dietary intake of many young athletes follows population trends rather than public health or sports nutrition recommendations. To optimize performance in some disciplines, young athletes may strive to achieve a lower body weight or body fat content and this may increase their risk for delayed growth and maturation, amenorrhoea, reduced bone density, and eating disorders. Although many of the sports nutrition principles identified for adults are similar to those for young athletes, there are some important differences. These include a higher metabolic cost of locomotion and preferential fat oxidation in young athletes during exercise. Young athletes, particularity children, are at a thermoregulatory disadvantage due to a higher surface area to weight ratio, a slower acclimatization, and lower sweating rate. An appropriate dietary intake rather than use of supplements (except when clinically indicated) is recommended to ensure young athletes participate fully and safely in athletics.  相似文献   

武汉市全民健身路径使用情况分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用多级、整群抽样的方法,对武汉城区208例利用全民健身路径锻炼居民的健身情况和全民健身路径的使用情况进行了调查.结果显示:经常参加锻炼的居民占56.7%,偶尔参加锻炼的占34.6%,年龄间差异有显著性(P<0.05),参加锻炼的中老年人明显高于中青年;居民的健身多以简便、易学的方式为主;中老年和中青年对全民健身路径的看法不同(P<0.05),多数老年人对器械满意;很多人不知道器械的使用方法,并且有一定的危险性,原因有无人管理、无保护措施、设计不合理等;锻炼者中患各种慢性疾病的人很多,需要专业人员给予指导.  相似文献   


Based on the Eurobarometer data from 2009 (N = 26,788), this paper investigates the correlates of sports participation. In addition to examining standard socio-demographic, economic and lifestyle factors, the paper also focuses on the impact of motivational factors, the availability of sports infrastructure and government support, for the first time collectively at the European level. A further contribution of the paper is that it simultaneously investigates both the decision to participate in sport and the frequency of sports participation in this context. This is made possible through the application of a Zero-Inflated Ordered Probit estimator. This estimator also takes into account two types of non-participants: those who have never participated in sport and those who did not participate at the time of the survey. The results show that the decision to participate in sports and the frequency of sports participation of males and females are affected by different factors, therefore distinct government policies should be applied to attract new, and retain the existing, participants. For example, women are affected more by a need to improve self-esteem, while the men to produce social integration. The provision of sports facilities is of more importance for males, which may indicate a male-oriented nature of the sports facilities, for example, the gym. However, the number of adults and the number of children in the household reduce the probability of sports participation by females. Therefore, higher provision of childcare may be important if female participation is to be increased.  相似文献   

Fear of unmediated touch between adults and children has become a feature of life in Anglophone countries, including Australia. Previous research has shown that this fear has had an impact on interactions between adults and children, particularly in education and early years care contexts. To assess the extent to which these fears have influenced Australians' willing to participate or allow their children to participate in junior sport 20 semi-structured interviews were conducted with sports administrators, parents, junior sports officials and young sportspeople. Results suggest that Australians are aware of the prevailing discourses of risk but see these as irrelevant to their own contexts. As a result, junior sport in Australia continues to thrive.  相似文献   

After controlling for differences in gender, educational achievement, and exercise duration among a sample of 7,248 Americans 18-34 years old, we found that runners-joggers-fast walkers (RJWs) and tennis players were less likely to be obese, smoke, consume large quantities of alcohol, and drive without seat belts than those who participate in team and an aggregate of other sports. These behavioral differences might be explained by imprecise data, intervening variables such as exercise intensity, or other variables that were not measured. But a more interesting explanation is that running-jogging-fast walking and playing tennis are integral components of healthy lifestyles, and team sports and some other exercise behaviors are part of riskier ways of living. No consistent association was found between duration of exercise and behavioral risk.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the likelihood of individuals to participate in enough physical activity to promote fitness and, more conservatively, to accrue only health benefits. Sedentary ( n = 883; 20.5%) and active ( n = 1144; 26.5%) groups were identified from the 1990 Allied Dunbar National Fitness Survey of English adults ( n = 4316). The data were analysed using logistic regression. Participants were described using 20 variables identified from previous research, six of which made a significant contribution to the model ( P ? 0.05). The odds of being sedentary increased with age, self-perception of lifestyle problems, and lower scores on education, self-perception of motivation to exercise, perception of own participation in physical activity and recognition of exercising enough for health benefits. The odds of being active were associated with the opposite characteristics to those observed for sedentary behaviour. The extreme scores varied from individuals who may be 385 times more likely to be sedentary, to those who were 29 times more likely to be active, depending on scores on the selected variables. The results of this study provide a means to determine individual propensity to participate in adequate physical activity, and to identify those who may benefit most from health promotion campaigns.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the likelihood of individuals to participate in enough physical activity to promote fitness and, more conservatively, to accrue only health benefits. Sedentary (n = 883; 20.5%) and active (n = 1144; 26.5%) groups were identified from the 1990 Allied Dunbar National Fitness Survey of English adults (n = 4316). The data were analysed using logistic regression. Participants were described using 20 variables identified from previous research, six of which made a significant contribution to the model (P < 0.05). The odds of being sedentary increased with age, self-perception of lifestyle problems, and lower scores on education, self-perception of motivation to exercise, perception of own participation in physical activity and recognition of exercising enough for health benefits. The odds of being active were associated with the opposite characteristics to those observed for sedentary behaviour. The extreme scores varied from individuals who may be 385 times more likely to be sedentary, to those who were 29 times more likely to be active, depending on scores on the selected variables. The results of this study provide a means to determine individual propensity to participate in adequate physical activity, and to identify those who may benefit most from health promotion campaigns.  相似文献   

This study examined the integration of professional judgement and decision-making processes in adventure sports coaching. The study utilised a thematic analysis approach to investigate the decision-making practices of a sample of high-level adventure sports coaches over a series of sessions. Results revealed that, in order to make judgements and decisions in practice, expert coaches employ a range of practical and pedagogic management strategies to create and opportunistically use time for decision-making. These approaches include span of control and time management strategies to facilitate the decision-making process regarding risk management, venue selection, aims, objectives, session content, and differentiation of the coaching process. The implication for coaches, coach education, and accreditation is the recognition and training of the approaches that “create time” for the judgements in practice, namely “creating space to think”. The paper concludes by offering a template for a more expertise-focused progression in adventure sports coaching.  相似文献   

户外探险旅游是公认的绿色、环保、低碳的健康服务产业,发展户外探险旅游产业对实现绿色发展和优化产业结构具有重要意义。同时,基于“双碳”背景下发展户外探险旅游,既有助于培养青少年儿童的探险精神,又有助于守住中华文明兴衰的底线、传承中华文明记忆与找回百姓乡愁,更有助于实现乡村振兴、共同富裕等国家战略目标。该文通过文献资料、专家访谈和数理统计等研究方法,就“双碳”背景下户外探险旅游在乡村振兴中的重要着力点,包括经济赋能、社会赋能、文化赋能以及当前“双碳”背景下户外探险旅游产业发展困境等视角进行深入剖析,从而提出借鉴国外成功经验形成本土特色的户外探险旅游产业、纳入国家乡村振兴规划、构建户外探险运动标准体系、多元化培养“双碳”户外探险人才、建造户外探险旅游综合体、实现户外探险旅游与环境保护协调发展等实现路径,为发展户外探险旅游产业和实现可持续发展的乡村振兴提供了坚实的理论基础。  相似文献   

运用文献资料、问卷调查、数理统计等方法对我国农民体育生活方式的发展特征进行研究。结果表明农民体育生活方式的特征有:参加体育锻炼的人数增加与31~50岁年龄阶段的农民主力军的健身状况并没有得到有效改善相矛盾;以现代体育项目为主,农民开始接受城市体育文化和健身手段;农民参与体育活动的场所从私有空间向公共空间转移;大部分农民参加体育活动是自发进行的,农村体育缺乏有效的组织与体育活动严密组织性相冲突;农村体育的发展表现出农村体育文化建设和农民健身行为发展的非同步性;30岁以下青年把参加体育活动作为主要生活方式,青年农民静态活动时间少于身体活动时间;农民体育消费表现出滞后于农民体育参与意识和体育行为发展的矛盾;农民体育消费与收入高度契合,并影响健身手段选择。  相似文献   

北京市全民健身路径使用情况调查   总被引:18,自引:4,他引:14  
采用多级、整群抽样的方法 ,对北京城区 190例利用全民健身路径锻炼居民的健身情况和全民健身路径的使用情况进行了调查。结果显示 :经常参加锻炼的居民占 5 7.4 % ,偶尔参加锻炼的占 34.7% ,年龄间差异有显著性 (P <0 .0 5 ) ,参加锻炼的中老年人明显高于中青年 ;居民的健身多以简便、易学的方式为主 ;中老年人和中青年对全民健身路径的看法不同 (P <0 .0 5 ) ,多数老年人对器械满意 ;很多人不知道器械的使用方法 ,并且有一定的危险性 ,原因有无人管理、无保护措施、设计不合理等 ;锻炼者中患各种慢性疾病的人很多 ,需要专业人员给予指导。  相似文献   

极限运动是一项新兴的体育运动,它强调最大限度地发挥自我身心潜能,挑战自我。在本世纪,极限运动已成为风靡全球、深受年轻人喜爱的运动。本文论述了极限运动的起源及发展现状,也陈述了我国高校开展此项运动的现状,指出了目前我国高校开展极限运动所面临的困难,并提出建议。  相似文献   

Sport pedagogy researchers have contributed much to the literature on physical education teaching by describing the participation styles of children, youth and young adults in various settings. The purpose of this study was to describe the participation styles of children enrolled in two consecutive week-long summer adventure camps. Primary participants were 31 elementary and middle school students. Secondary participants were the two adventure educators (AEs) responsible for carrying out all the instruction at the camps. Data were collected using a variety of qualitative techniques and analysed using standard interpretive methods. Nine participation styles were identified indicating that the children in the camps had differing experiences of adventure education and varying degrees of success. Some of the participation styles had similar characteristics to those discovered previously in middle school physical education. Despite these similarities and unlike the middle school setting, there was no indication that a hierarchy of participation styles existed and, consequently, there was no sign of any bullying. Reasons for this difference may well have been the heavy focus on affective objectives within adventure education, much lower student–teacher ratios, higher levels of supervision and management, and greater instructional intent and skill.  相似文献   

河南省城市社区弱势群体体育行为研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过文献资料法和调查法,对河南省城市社区弱势群体体育行为进行了研究.结果发现,只有24.3%的人“偶尔或经常”参与体育活动,符合“经常参加体育锻炼”的人数比例低于16.4%,“强身健体和消遣娱乐”是参与体育活动的主要动机,以在公园、街道、广场的空地和社区运动场地、空地等地方参与跑步、散步和健身器械等体育项目为主.影响他们参与体育活动的直接因素主要是:经济条件差、缺少运动场地器材和运动知识技能、没有精力和时间、家务活繁重等;间接因素主要为:生活压力大、缺少稳定工作、缺少安全感、社会地位低下等.为了促进弱势群体参与体育活动,应保障弱势群体权益,建立居民信息共享机制,加强劳动技能培训,引导弱势群体就业,鼓励慈善组织对弱势群体的救助工作,构建浓厚的群众体育文化氛围,强化社区体育建设,开展多样化的城市体育活动.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to explore beliefs and attitudes of students studying exercise science in Australia towards sports concussion. A secondary objective explored differences between gender and previous experience of concussion. A total of 312 participants (m = 217; f = 95) responded to a series of statements ranging across a number of areas including personal attitudes and beliefs towards concussion: if they would risk playing with a concussion; their views on elite/professional athletes who continue to play after a concussion; and attitudes towards rehabilitation. Overall, attitudes revealed that it was not safe to play with a concussion, and it was believed that those who have had repeated concussions would be likely to suffer problems later in life. However, responses also indicated that they would risk playing with a concussion, and admired elite athletes who continued to play. When controlling for gender and previous concussions, males and those who sustained a previous concussion/s were more likely to continue playing. Conversely, females were more likely to complete rehabilitation prior to returning to sport. This study demonstrates in an Australian student cohort studying for a career in exercise and sports science, disparity between beliefs and attitudes regarding sports concussion.  相似文献   

Managers of sports programs, facilities, and organizations can have a role in promoting health through physical activity participation. From the perspective of a leisure scientist who has examined various dimensions of leisure-time physical activity, this paper aims to appraise the status of how sports as potential physical activity interventions have been examined, particularly in the sport management literature. Although the purpose of many sport management organizations is to encourage spectatorship, sports have always offered significant opportunities for children and adults to be more physically active. Sports are a motivator for physical activity because they are enjoyable to participants. Therefore, research done by academics in sports management could reflect more about how mass participation recreational sports can serve as interventions to promote healthy physical activity behavior for individuals and within communities.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the pattern of relations between missing weight and height (BMI) data and a range of demographic, physical activity, sedentary behavior, and academic measures in a young sample of elementary school children. A secondary analysis of a large cross-sectional study, PLAY-On, was conducted using self-reported data from a convenience sample of fifth- to eighth-grade students (9–14 years) attending 30 elementary schools in Ontario, Canada. Items assessed related to demographics (age, gender, and ethnicity), physical activity (energy expenditure, location, and sport participation), sedentary behavior (communication and screen-time), and academics. Of the 2,111 children who were included in the analyses, 960 (45.5%) were missing BMI data. Children without BMI data were more likely to be younger, female, of non-white ethnicity, have lower daily energy expenditure values, not participate in school sports, and have lower-rated academic standing than those children with BMI data. Overall, this study demonstrates characteristics of children who fail to self-report their height or weight. The trend for younger children to be more likely to fail to report BMI suggests that some children may be unmotivated non-responders. Meanwhile, the trend for girls to be more likely to fail to report weight than boys indicates that some girls may be motivated non-responders. Self-report BMI might include too much missing data to be effective for determining children's progress toward previously established targets for intervention and surveillance efforts.  相似文献   

体育锻炼对普通高校男大学生心理健康的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的:通过对我校(浙江水利水电专科学校)参加运动队训练的男大学生和普通男大学生这两个不同层面的群体之间心理健康状况的比较,进一步探讨如何采取更好的体育锻炼手段来促进普通在校大学生的心理健康水平。方法:采取SCL-90量表等工具,对我校参加运动队训练的男大学生和普通在校男大学生共480人进行测试和调查。结果:( 1)运动队男大学生的心理状况明显好于普通男大学生;(2)参加集体项目运动队男大学生的心理健康状况好于参加个人项目的男大学生。结论:长时间,多种类型的体育锻炼有利于学生心理健康的发展。  相似文献   

Studies investigating sport socialisation often focussed on the barriers for youngsters from lower socio-economic status (SES) families to participate in sport. In the present study, the socialisation into sports of young adolescents from lower SES families that do participate in organised sports was investigated. A total of 9 girls and 12 boys from lower SES families (18 Dutch; three foreign ethnic background) from one city in the Netherlands who participated in organised sport were interviewed. Although multiple agents may be of influence on the socialisation process, this study was limited to the family, school and peers as potential socialising contexts. Drawing on the theoretical work of Bourdieu and Bernstein, parents were found to be the main influencers of the sports habitus of these young adolescents. The school context appeared to have no influence on their sport socialisation. Peers were found to have an influence on the choice for a specific type of sport. This interplay between socialising contexts for young adolescents from lower SES families is similar to the sport socialisation of youngsters from higher SES families. Therefore, it is suggested that if sport socialisation takes place, then the role of SES is less pronounced than often assumed. Moreover, there seem to be differences in the relative importance of the socialising contexts with younger children with a lower SES. Therefore, it is hypothesised that the relative importance of socialising agents changes over time. Although the findings may be limited to the specific sample of this study, they provide hypotheses that challenge the often-presumed importance of SES if sport socialisation takes place.  相似文献   

马欣悦  杨宁 《体育学刊》2021,(2):125-130
“自然缺陷症儿童”“电子儿童”“塑料儿童”是当代儿童的真实写照,社会对儿童过度保护以及儿童对冒险性游戏需求处于一种相对矛盾状态,从而导致幼儿园在对待户外冒险性游戏态度上陷入“儿童想但教师又不敢放手”的境地。针对上述问题,从“过去、当下、未来”三维时空解析冒险性游戏价值;基于进化论、可供性理论和弹性发展区理论探讨成人和儿童对待冒险性游戏不同态度背后的深层原因,针对性地提出重构冒险性游戏认知,提供可供性的冒险性游戏环境,引导儿童评估风险和享受冒险性游戏,构建“五位一体”冒险性游戏生态链等建议,为有效开展冒险性游戏提供理论支撑及操作性指南。  相似文献   

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