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One of the new challenges facing pastoral care in schools is dealing with the rapid growth of cyberbullying by school-aged children. Within digital cyberspace, cyberbullies are finding more opportunities to express their aggression towards others as social networks become technologically more sophisticated. An important feature of cyberbullying is the extent to which hostile messages can go viral, in the sense that they are seen and then forwarded to others many times over. This paper considers psychosocial aspects of why cyberbullying messages can go viral, and what can be done to reduce this phenomenon. This paper focuses on the role of the hostile cyberbullying bystander (viz. the person who receives and then forwards to others a cyberbullying message). Finally, we develop intervention strategies based on pastoral care, which may be effective in inhibiting hostile cyberbullying bystander behaviour.  相似文献   

This study examined anger-coping behaviors as a function of both history of targeted family verbal aggression in childhood and informational reception apprehension. Specifically, this article investigates the degree to which childhood experiences of direct verbal attacks from family members impact anger-coping responses and the moderating influence of informational reception apprehension. To examine this, 159 college-aged students completed measures assessing their history of targeted family verbal aggression, informational reception apprehension, and anger-coping behaviors. History of targeted family verbal aggression was associated with anger-in, anger-out, and anger-control, and these associations were moderated by listening anxiety and intellectual inflexibility.  相似文献   

采用网络欺凌问卷、大学生手机成瘾倾向问卷和父母情感温暖问卷,调查了906名大学生,考察了手机成瘾在网络受欺凌与网络欺凌间的中介效应,探究了父母情感温暖对这一中介过程的调节效应。发现:网络受欺凌、手机成瘾、网络欺凌两两之间存在显著正相关;手机成瘾在网络受欺凌与网络欺凌中发挥部分中介作用;父母情感温暖在这一中介路径中起到调节作用。具体而言,随着母亲情感温暖水平的提高,网络受欺凌通过手机成瘾对网络欺凌的间接作用会减弱;然而,随着父亲情感温暖水平的提高,网络受欺凌通过手机成瘾对网络欺凌的间接作用会增强。大学生网络受欺凌既能直接影响网络欺凌,也可通过手机成瘾产生间接影响,高校心理健康教育应合理利用父母情感温暖对大学生网络欺凌与成瘾行为的干预作用,避免网络欺凌在高校的恶性循环。  相似文献   

网络欺侮作为一种新的欺侮形式开始在世界青少年群体中蔓延,国外相关研究者亦积极地给予了回应,对网络欺侮的形式、工具、流行程度、后果、成因与防治策略等进行了一系列的研究。这些研究成果无疑有助于加深人们对网络欺侮的认识,推进网络欺侮的防治。  相似文献   

在高中物理复习中,教师需要应用相关复习策略,才能够提高复习效率,确保学生能够通过有效的复习,更加全面地掌握知识,备战高考。  相似文献   

The Quick Word Test (QWT), Quick Number Test (QNT), and a number of criterion verbal and numerical tests were related with the English and Math grade point average (GPA) scores in this study. The QWT, in general, had lower correlations with English GPA scores than the criterion tests. The correlations between the QNT and the Math GPA was approximately at the same level as the criterion measures.  相似文献   

The practice of cyberbullying in its various forms carried out by pupils has increased substantially. Many pupils, on a daily basis, are now using electronic devices such as mobile phones, smart phones and tablets, to transmit distressing messages and images to their peers. These often include the use of publically accessible social networking sites, such as Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. Given this increase, cyberbullying in schools has been widely investigated by researchers in many countries. A common feature of cyberbullying is the moral disengagement of those who practise it, based on the desensitization of prosocial values and emotional empathy towards another person. A consensus has emerged regarding the importance of establishing anti-cyberbullying policies and practices, and the need to address cyberbullying within the school’s pastoral care system and its personal and social education programme. However, few researchers have justified anti-cyberbullying practices within the framework of a particular educational theory. This paper examines how the theoretical and methodological assumptions underpinning a social pedagogy of pastoral care in schools can enable the education community to better understand and avert the moral disengagement which commonly underpins cyberbullying.  相似文献   

The influence of test-wiseness on the performance of high school seniors on provincial school leaving examinations in English, algebra, geography, history, biology, and chemistry was empirically assessed. The percentages of test-wise susceptible four-option multiple-choice items varied from 43% to 80% across the six examinations. The mean score of provincially representative samples on the subject area subtests comprised of these faulty items exceeded by 9.2% to 18.4% p < .01) the mean scores of the same students on the corresponding subtests consisting of the nonsusceptible items.  相似文献   

对农村高三学生的英语感知学习风格进行的调查结果分析显示:农村高三学生喜欢多种英语感知学习风格,最喜欢动手学习风格,最不喜欢单独学习风格;女生比男生更喜欢听觉学习和体验学习风格;英语水平对感知学习风格没有显著性影响;动手学习风格和写作技能有一定的相关性。英语教师应根据学生的感知学习风格灵活应用多种教学方法,指导学生调整和丰富多种感知学习风格以促进教与学的协调发展。  相似文献   

Although it has been well established that cyberbullying leads to mental health problems, less is known about the factors that confer resilience to the adverse effects of cyberbullying among young people. To address this gap, adolescents aged 13–19 years (= 476) completed a survey measuring cyberbullying victimisation, attachment styles, perceived social support, coping styles, and mental distress. Compared to non-victims, victims of cyberbullying experienced higher levels of depression and anxiety and endorsed more self-statements indicative of attachment anxiety. Peer support, security in attachment relationships, and the endorsement of positive coping strategies attenuated the positive relationship between cyberbullying victimisation and mental health difficulties. Family support did not appear to buffer adolescents from mental distress in this context. However, family support was the strongest bivariate predictor of reduced mental distress. Although peer relations should be the target of intervention programmes within school settings, the findings highlight the importance of including families in cyberbullying prevention programmes.  相似文献   

校园网络欺凌是一个复杂的教育问题。虽然相关立法已明确规定适用教育惩戒规制校园网络欺凌,但是实践中教育惩戒依然遭遇信任危机、权利对抗和能力不足等困难。究其原因,主要在于校权与生权、司法、科技之间存在一定失衡,具体表现为人们缺乏对教育惩戒内在精神的理解、学生网络自由的边际扩大以及科技发展的高度不确定性。在未成年人全民上网的时代,校园网络欺凌治理的核心和关键是提升未成年人的网络素养,建立良好的网络道德和秩序。为了有效治理校园网络欺凌,教育惩戒应当尽快实现人本化和法治化,划定合理的网络规制边界,创设教育惩戒的现代模式。  相似文献   

本文分析了我国新一轮高三化学教材编排特色,结合作者本人的教学实践,指出了教学中如何上好新教材的有效方法和途径.倡导建立民主平等的新型师生关系。  相似文献   

This article aimed to achieve two complimentary goals. First, this study examined verbal aggression in romantic relationships as a function of exposure to family verbal aggression in childhood and beliefs about the destructive nature of conflict. Second, this study considered the influence of conflict goals on the use of verbal aggression in romantic relationships. As predicted, history of family verbal aggression was negatively associated with destructive beliefs about conflict, and destructive beliefs about conflict partially mediated the association between history of family verbal aggression and verbal aggression in current romantic relationships. In addition, destructive beliefs about conflict were negatively associated with verbal aggression in current romantic relationships at high levels of importance of revenge-motivated goals; destructive beliefs about conflict were not significantly associated with verbal aggression in current romantic relationships at moderate or low levels of revenge-motivated goals.  相似文献   

Although it is well established that Black male students are underrepresented in gifted educational programs in the United States, due to a scarcity of longitudinal prospective research, little is known about the protective factors at the child, family, and school level that increase the probability of Black male students being identified as gifted during early elementary school. Using data from the Miami School Readiness Project, we followed 6,926 low-income Black males from preschool through 5th grade to describe trajectories for the 453 Black males (6.5 %) who were identified as gifted, and examined child, family, and preschool variables associated with gifted classification. Boys were most commonly identified as gifted in first and second grade, and 15 % of the identified boys did not appear to be receiving gifted courses. Hierarchical multiple logistic regression analyses revealed that being classified as gifted in early elementary school was more likely for Black males who (a) attended public school pre-K programs at age four, (b) had higher cognitive, language, fine motor, behavioral, and emergent literacy school readiness skills before entering kindergarten, (c) spoke a language other than English at home, (d) were older upon entering kindergarten, (e) received higher grades in school, and (f) scored higher on standardized tests of math and reading. Predictors of gifted identification in the kindergarten year were different and weaker compared to identification in later years. Implications for early identification and intervention for talented Black males are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study examined predictors of discrepancies between mothers’, fathers’, and teachers’ ratings of 3-year-old children's hyperactivity, attention problems, and aggression. Participants were families of 196 3-year-old children who took part in child and family assessments. Ethnicity was one of the most consistent predictors of discrepancies. African American mothers and fathers were more likely to rate their children's hyperactivity, attention problems, and aggression lower than teachers. In contrast, Latina mothers were more likely to rate their children as more hyperactive and inattentive than teachers. ADHD/ODD diagnoses, parental depression, number of children, and children's pre-academic skills were also predictive of discrepancies for some measures for some informants. These findings provide insight into factors that may contribute to informant discrepancies in ratings of preschool children.  相似文献   

This study used short‐term longitudinal data to examine the contributions of democratic teaching practices (e.g., the Developmental Designs approach) and equitable school climate to civic engagement attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors among 515 Black and Latino middle school students (47.9% male). Concurrent experiences of democratic homeroom and classroom practices, and equitable school climate were associated with higher scores on each civic engagement component. The relation between classroom practices and civic attitudes was more robust when school climate was seen as more equitable. Longitudinally, homeroom practices and equitable school climate predicted higher civic attitudes 1 year later. Discussion focuses on civic attitudes and future research on school experiences that support civic engagement among youth of color.  相似文献   

分析了初高中物理衔接方面存在的问题,并给出了解决这些问题的建议。  相似文献   

A growing body of literature is demonstrating associations between childhood maltreatment and bullying involvement at school. In this literature review, four potential mediators (explanatory) and three potential moderators (mitigates or exacerbates) of the association between childhood maltreatment and school bullying are proposed. Mediators include emotional dysregulation, depression, anger, and social skills deficits. Moderators reviewed include quality of parent–child relationships, peer relationships, and teacher relationships. Although there might be insurmountable challenges to addressing child maltreatment in primary or universal school-based prevention programs, it is possible to intervene to improve these potentially mediating and moderating factors.  相似文献   

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