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This exploratory study is based on a multidimensional perspective of trust relationships proposed in the literature to classify the profiles of teachers’ trust in the principal. The main purpose of the present study was to examine the type and frequency of profiles of teachers’ trust in principal, and the implications of these profiles for teachers’ relational wellbeing and their organisational citizenship behaviours (OCB). Cluster analysis of a field survey data of 654 public primary school teachers in Israel was used to identify the profiles of teachers’ trust in the principal and the prevalence of various profiles. Analyses of variance show differences in teachers’ wellbeing and OCB as a function of trust profile. The findings and their implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Models of behavior and achievement in small group and individual settings are presented. These models arc based on intensive analyses of observations of groups and individuals at work. For each setting the varieties of behavior observed, social‐psychological mechanisms hypothesized to influence observed behavior, and factors hypothesized to relate behavior to learning are described. A synthesis of the models suggests that neither the group nor the individual setting is best for all persons; the benefits of a particular setting depend upon the experiences of the learner within that setting.  相似文献   

This study outlines the intraclass differences between online and traditional student end‐of‐course critiques (EOCCs) only in the context of resident courses. Previous research into these differences appears limited to studies that compare entire classes rather than studies within any given class. Hypotheses are stated that the administration method has an effect on: how students will rate EOCCs, EOCC response rates, and, the detail level, favourability level and number of EOCC comments. In this field experiment, students in resident business courses at a large university comprised the sample. Individuals from within each class were randomly assigned either to a control group that completed a traditional paper‐based EOCC or to an experimental group that completed a similar EOCC online. Comments were coded with regard to the level of detail, favourability and total number of comments. Analysis of variance was used to compare the two groups with regard to ratings, comments and response rates. Online EOCCs had lower response rates, lower overall ratings, but more detailed comments. The methodology had no significant effect on the number or favourability level of comments.  相似文献   

A study of student attributes and achievements in previous Open University courses was undertaken to find out what affect they had on the drop‐out rate and achievements on a project work course. A special case of multidimensional analysis called partial order scalogram analysis has been employed in this research.

The main aim of the study was to help the staff when advising prospective students (of various drop‐out risks) and to distinguish between students requiring different levels of assistance on the course.

The findings, based on a sample of 445 students from 1982–;88, indicate that particular attributes such as occupation affect the drop‐out rate, while achievement in the project course appears to be influenced by the students’ performance in some previous courses.  相似文献   

Terms such as retention and persistence reflect the interests of different parties. Much of the empirical and theoretical literature deals with retention from a ‘supply‐side’ perspective. This article has three main sections. The first consists of a summary of recent empirical findings from surveys of students who left their on‐campus programmes prematurely. The second section, which discusses a range of theoretical formulations, begins to shift the thrust of the article from on‐campus programmes towards open and distance learning. The third considers some implications for persistence in open and distance learning that follow from the preceding two main sections. The article concludes by stressing the importance of the student experience.  相似文献   


This review of literature includes recent studies of distance learning in military settings. Aspects of distance learning reviewed include 1) distance learning delivery systems, 2) effectiveness studies comparing distance learning and resident training, and 3) speculation as to the future of distance learning in military settings. Additionally, the results of interviews conducted at military sites and universities with experience in distance learning are reported.  相似文献   

Conflict management is a skill best learned early in life, and lays a foundation for the development of future relationships. The present study examined the strategies children use when negotiating roles in a dynamic play situation. Participants were 156 children (M age = 6.5 years) in 39 groups of four, who were videotaped in a play activity that required the assistance of two children so that a third could view a cartoon. Groups varied in gender composition (all‐girl, all‐boy, mixed). Children in each group were unfamiliar with one another at the beginning of the session. There was more variation in the strategies children used to elicit the cooperation of peers than in the strategies they used to gain access to the resource. Children who gained high amounts of viewing time but did not often help others (individualists) said and did more to maintain their role, had longer turns, and used both prosocial and coercive strategies more than children who had high viewing times but often helped others (collaborators). Girl groups had more collaborators than boy groups, whereas boy groups had more onlookers (low viewing, low helping). Boys used a greater number and range of strategies to maintain control of the resource than girls did. The highest level of resource use was predicted by a combination of ‘successful entry’ and ‘individualistic maintenance’ strategies. Implications for initiatives to promote negotiation skills and effective conflict management in children are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent legislation means that it is now illegal to treat a student, for reasons relating to a disability, less favourably than a non‐disabled student unless this is justified to maintain academic standards. However, recent research has identified numerous barriers faced by students with disabilities when they attempt to access the higher education curriculum. This study uses a methodology combining life‐story approaches with a voice‐relational analysis and aims to explore in more detail these barriers by listening to first person accounts from university students with a disability. The students’ narratives suggest that disabled students have to work considerably harder than non‐disabled students to overcome a wide range of physical, attitudinal, social, cultural and political barriers. Students appear to take the path of least resistance by choosing routes where the barriers are least great and it is argued that in this way they are being discriminated against. The research shows that voice‐relational methodology is excellent at producing a thorough account of the phenomenological world of these students without neglecting a materialist and cultural analysis of their environment. These insider perspectives are then used to suggest possible improvements to policy and practice in higher education.  相似文献   

This study aimed to examine the relationship between teachers’ perceived psychological distance and structural distance from management and teachers’ affective organisational commitment (AOC) and organisational citizenship behaviour (OCB). Teachers’ trust in management was expected to mediate these relationships. Furthermore, the adequacy and openness of communication and participation in decision making were expected to reduce psychological distance. At 10 Dutch schools for vocational education and training, 884 teachers completed a questionnaire. The data were analysed using structural equation modelling. Teachers’ psychological distance had a negative effect on trust in management (supervisor and higher management) and AOC. Trust in management had a positive effect on AOC, and trust in the supervisor had a positive effect on OCB. Structural distance did not influence teacher outcomes. Communication and participation in decision making reduced teachers’ psychological distance from management. The discussion focuses on the implications of the findings to improve the effectiveness of schools.  相似文献   

Little is known about the social media use of online gamers compared with nongamers and whether the two forms of technology use manifest as the cumulative risk for relational and well-being outcomes in adolescents. Self-report data from 320 Chinese secondary school students (12–17 years) was collected for online gaming and social media use frequency, depression, satisfaction with life, and relationship quality with parents, teachers, and classmates. Once the sample was split into nongamers, light gamers, and heavy gamers, results showed that heavy gamers (cut-off at ≥2 or ≥3 h/d) were more depressed, used social media and the Internet more frequently and social media differently, and experienced more negative interactions with parents and classmates compared with nongamers. Significant differences were also found between light gamers and nongamers on certain variables. Findings indicate that heavy gamers are also using other media at heavy levels which places them in a more at-risk group for adverse well-being and relational outcomes.  相似文献   

The 10‐year anniversary of the first democratic elections in South Africa in 2004 provoked much reflection and fuelled new policy debates on both the progress and failures of educational reform. While a myriad of achievements have been touted and are well‐known to international audiences, a swelling critique from inside South Africa shows that much work remains to be done. By glancing backward as a way to understand how to move forward, we review several important recently published books on post‐apartheid education policy to learn how policies were conceived, what went well and what went seriously wrong. In engaging this extended analysis we provide a glimpse into the unique set of circumstances and challenges faced by the South African government over the last 15 years (namely the tensions between equity and redress and global competitiveness), while offering a sustained critique of the resulting policy outcomes through a social justice lens.  相似文献   

This paper explores the constructive links between cooperation, rivalry, and learning within the structure of team communities. Drawing upon social learning theory and qualitative data from case studies conducted in Danish team‐based firms, the main purpose is to argue that both cooperation and rivalry are important triggers for mobilizing learning processes within and between teams. However, social learning theory tends to disregard the positive aspects of rivalry. Instead, the paper suggests that rivalry is often critical for learning to take place, and identifies four recurrent stories of rivalry as a trigger of learning based on two case studies of teamwork dynamics in firms. Consequently, this paper argues for the need to extend social learning theory beyond its rather harmonious learning perspective.  相似文献   

General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) examinations are taken by almost all pupils in England, Wales and Northern Ireland at age 16 years. General Certificate of Education Advanced level (GCE A‐level) examinations are normally taken by relatively able students at age 18. The effect of month of birth on attainment in these public examinations is investigated through a database which brings together the 1991 GCSE results and the 1993 GCE A‐level results of all candidates born between September 1974 and August 1975. Older pupils perform best at GCSE but not at GCE A‐level. Selection effects on entry to A‐level courses appear to explain why this is the case.  相似文献   

Schools in England are legally required to have an anti‐bullying policy, but the little research so far suggests that they may lack coverage in important areas. An analysis of 142 school anti‐bullying policies, from 115 primary schools and 27 secondary schools in one county was undertaken. A 31‐item scoring scheme was devised to assess policy. Overall, schools had about 40% of the items in their policies. Most included improving school climate, a definition of bullying including reference to physical, verbal and relational forms, and a statement regarding contact with parents when bullying incidents occurred. But many schools did not mention other important aspects, and there was low coverage of responsibilities beyond those of teaching staff; following up of incidents; management and use of records; and specific preventative measures such as playground work and peer support. There was infrequent mention of homophobic bullying, and of cyberbullying. There was little difference between policies from primary and secondary schools. Findings are discussed in terms of national policy, and ways to support schools in maximising the potential of their policies for reducing bullying.  相似文献   

Following Cronbach (1970) and others, it is useful to decompose test score variation into common factor, time‐specific, item‐specific, and residual components. In the traditional approach to factor analysis, only two sources of variance can be estimated: common factor variance and a uniqueness term that confounds specific sources of variation and residual error. When the same items are measured on different occasions, however, it is possible to separate specific variance and residual error. Two approaches, the first‐order approach described by Raffalovich and Bohrnstedt (1987) and a second‐order approach based on Jöreskog and Sörbom (1989; Jöreskog, 1974) are considered initially. The two approaches, although based on different rationales, both suffer a similar weakness in that two of the four sources of variance are confounded. In the Raffalovich and Bohrnstedt approach, time‐specific variance is confounded with common factor variance that generalizes across items and time. In the second‐order approach based on Jöreskog and Sörbom, time‐specific variance is confounded with residual error. Here we demonstrate that by combining features from both approaches we can eliminate these weaknesses and estimate all four of Cronbach's sources of variance, and that this combined approach is easily generalized to a wide variety of applications.  相似文献   

The importance of developing effective learning strategies and motivational beliefs has been widely acknowledged as a way of meeting the demand to acquire lifelong learning capabilities for successful functioning as professionals in the ‘information age’. The study reported in this paper examined the learning orientations and strategies of prospective teachers as well as their assessment preferences and compared them with those of in‐service teachers. The Motivated Learning Strategies Questionnaire (MSLQ) and the Assessment Preferences Inventory (API) were used to test the hypothesis that in‐service teachers will exhibit a deeper approach to learning and assessment due to their constant engagement in meaningful learning experiences. The results confirmed the hypothesis and their implications for teacher education programmes were then discussed.  相似文献   

Within the UK there are grave concerns about retention and attrition rates within the teaching profession, particularly in challenging schools. These are compounded by worries about the gap that will be left as long‐serving teachers reach retirement age. This article is about the working lives of long‐serving teachers in three high‐poverty urban schools in England. In a climate in which teaching is tightly controlled and suffering from problems of retention and recruitment, the teachers discuss intensely personal and emotional commitments to their work‐place. Qualitative in‐depth interviews with 20 long‐serving teachers, all of whom had management responsibilities, are used to explore their lives and careers. These histories evoke a strong sense of the ideas and values that make up their personal and professional identities. These are then contrasted with the ideas and values in officially mandated views of progression within the profession. Within the stories of their professional lives, the teachers talk about the emotional dimensions of their work and the emotional ties of their ‘work‐place’. The article concludes that recognition of the emotional dimensions within teachers’ work at an official level could go some way to helping with recruitment and retention in schools facing challenging circumstances.  相似文献   

While self‐evaluation leads to valuable results in some schools, it appears that in other schools this is true only to a lesser extent or not at all. This raises the question of how differences in the results of self‐evaluations can be explained. This study looks at to what extent the results of self‐evaluation are determined by the way in which self‐evaluation is conducted, by characteristics relating to the general functioning of the school and by the support which schools enjoy. One thousand seven hundred and eighty‐six school principals and team members from 96 schools (primary and secondary) were surveyed by means of a written questionnaire. The data collected were then analysed using multi‐level structural equation modelling. The results provide strong empirical evidence that “attitude with regard to self‐evaluation”, “self‐evaluation as a policy action” and “self‐evaluation as an act of research” are powerful predictors of the quality of self‐evaluations.  相似文献   

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