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“六书”着眼于造字构形 ,但有其不足 ;“三书”着眼于类型的划分 ,是对“六书”的合理改造 ;理解“三书” ,重在假借  相似文献   

在教育管理中,冲突是客观存在的.如何引导和激励建设性冲突,预防和缓解破坏性冲突,创造性地进行冲突管理,是现代教育管理创新和发展的一个重要途径并且越来越受到人们的广泛关注.  相似文献   

This paper aims to give a brief analysis on the Empty Categories in Chinese.It will first illustrate Chomsky’s classification of EC as well as the constraints the subject to briefly,then basing on this classification the author will state some of Chinese scholars’study and research including Xu Liejiong,Huang Zhengde and Hu Jianjun.Finally,the author will compare these classic frameworks and attempt to.  相似文献   

歇后语的分类与英译   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
歇后语是汉语习语一种特殊的语言形式,其浓厚的民族色彩和独特的结构形式,是其他语言中所没有的。就其前后两部分联系方式而言,大致可分为两类:双关式歇后语与比喻式歇后语。本文在对不同类型歇后语的结构形式进行详细剖析的基础上,通过典型例句说明其翻译技巧。  相似文献   

在简述知识分类学说的基础上,探讨了知识分类学说对英语教学的启示,即既重陈述性知识,又要重程序性知识;努力促进合理的知识表征形式;探讨英语知识的策略;提倡任务型教学。  相似文献   

文章结合廖美珍教授的法庭互动框架理论、话语分析理论及维索尔伦适应论等相关理论,通过对电视谈话节目进行分析,探讨其中话语标记语所起到的帮助构筑框架的重要作用,同时探讨了其中的互动功能。  相似文献   

明代是装裱业的大发展时代。此时期装裱技艺承前启后,呈现出地域性强的特点,各地相较,吴门装裱尤为出色。而吴门诸多裱工中,汤姓可以说是一个装裱的名门望族,除装裱技艺精湛外,其书画鉴定、交友等事颇多却历来却不被重视,因此,对其进行汇总考证,对明代的书画收藏研究是有帮助的。  相似文献   

文章通过问卷调查,从学习动机、学习能力、学习紧张度、对大类培养模式认同感等方面入手,对高校实施"按学科大类招生培养"模式后新生的学习状况进行分析,并且从社会、学校、学生自身三个角度对影响大学生学习的主要因素进行分析,从而提出应完善大类培养教学管理机制、加强对大学生学业指导和创造良好校园学习环境的对策建议。  相似文献   

Before becoming involved in an argument, actors often hold expectations regarding the intensity of the forthcoming conflict. This article examines how the interaction of initiator role and expecting a conflict to be intense is related to accounts of conflict processes and conflict aftermath. Undergraduate students' reports of a recent intense conflict they had initiated or another person had initiated revealed that expectations for conflict intensity were positively associated with the extent to which the conflicts reportedly were emotionally upsetting, involved personal attacks, and subsequently interfered with everyday life. These relationships were of greater magnitude when conflicts were self-initiated than other-initiated.  相似文献   

联系佛教律典、相关文献及造像实物资料,对“佛像的衣着种类”、“安陀会用于上身还是下身披着”、“偏衫是否应用于中国佛像”等几种佛衣研究不可避及的基础性问题进行考论。  相似文献   

本文介绍了Joel Sherzer的力作Speech Play and Verbal Art。根据Sherzer在文章中对文字游戏的语言学分析,本文简单介绍了各种类型的文字游戏,并结合翻译问题进行了简单描述性的阐述。  相似文献   

The present study utilized a scale that measured Bevan, Hale, and Williams' (2004) serial argumentation goals and associated these goals with the perceived resolvability of the serial argument and serial argument conflict tactics. College students reporting on current and former dating partnerships completed a written survey containing close-ended items. Six of Bevan et al.'s (2004) ten original goals again emerged from data analyses, and the four remaining goals combined to form a single goal. These seven serial argument goals were related to perceived resolvability and conflict tactics in generally expected ways.  相似文献   

This study examined the joint effects of message framing (gain vs. loss) and visual image (image vs. no image) on persuasion as it related to the use of dental floss and the use of sunscreen (N = 252). For both topics, the results revealed a Frame × Image interaction effect on fear. The interaction was such that the presence (vs. absence) of an image produced more fear in the loss-framed conditions. The corresponding results for gain-framed messages were inconsistent. Covariance analyses showed that fear mediated the effect of the interaction on persuasion, whereas dominant cognitive response did not.

[Supplementary materials are available for this article. Go to the publisher's online edition of Communication Quarterly for the following free supplemental resources: sunscreen and flossing messages of gain-visual and loss-visual.]  相似文献   

在人类交往过程中,跨文化的交流与交际是一个非常复杂的过程。传统的文化冲突一般表现为日常生活习惯和习俗的冲突。在网络时代,伴随着交往的普遍化和即时化,网络环境下人类的文化冲突也空前的突现出来,中心文化与边缘文化之间,东西方文化之间、南北文化之间、全球文化与本土文化之间,甚至人与自然的“文化价值”之间,都在网络的环境下呈现出许多断裂带,体现出一些鲜明的特征,成为跨文化交际中的一个不可忽视的重要方面。  相似文献   

主要分析了IP地址冲突的危害和IP地址冲突的工作原理以及造成IP地址冲突的原因。提出了一些相对有效的解决方案,最终避免局域网中发生IP地址冲突。  相似文献   

文化碰撞是美国华裔文学中的一种必然存在。不同于美国华裔男性作家强调相异文化主体间的硬性冲突,华裔女性文学则对不同文化表现出一种接受吸纳,兼收并蓄,融合共生的期望。这是华裔女性作家独特的视角和时代潮流共同孕育的一种文化、族裔新态度。  相似文献   

Using relational framing theory, this article examines the influence of utterance type and relational context on the salience of relational frames. The authors report the results of two studies that used scenarios to manipulate utterance form and information about the relationship between interactants. Participants rated the relevance of dominance-submissiveness and affiliation-disaffiliation frames to interpreting the hypothetical interactions. Results showed that judgments of dominance-submissiveness frame salience were sensitive to variations in utterance type and relational context, but the results were mixed for the affiliation-disaffiliation frame. The authors discuss the implications for relational framing theory and the possibility of an affiliation bias.  相似文献   

教师要在职场中安身立命,就不能不遭遇专业发展中的冲突。明了冲突的相关属性,透视冲突的现实表现,不断化解冲突,教师由此可以换一种眼光看教育,从更深的层面感悟教育、提升专业品质、促进人生的和谐。  相似文献   

代表性“教育目的”现有三类:“人本位”、“社会本位”、“化本位”,从当代性看,这三类“教育目的”观正从冲突走向整合。“教育目的”的本质是为了人,发展人,生成人。  相似文献   

青春期亲子冲突对青少年的认知、个性和社会性发展具有重要意义。在分析亲子冲突的基本内涵的基础上,探讨了引起亲子冲突的因素,分析了亲子冲突与青少年心理健康的关系,并就如何有效处理亲子冲突提出了教育建议。  相似文献   

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