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Drawing upon the concept of homo narran, this essay suggests an extension of Fisher's narrative paradigm, that of glimpsing the processes of continuity and change underlying storytelling, via the concepts of Brown (1978). This approach is illustrated specifically through a rhetorical analysis of a storytelling process presently ongoing in popular discourse about the relationship between human beings and artificially intelligent computers. It reveals the communication patterns used to maintain and shift ideologies, thereby influencing cultural/social continuity and change.  相似文献   

敦煌歌辞是融诗乐歌舞为一体的综合性艺术,其显著的叙事特征已为许多学者注意。然而,到目前为止,对其叙事性研究仍停留在玩赏精警语句层面,缺乏系统分析。而敦煌歌辞的民间文学性质,讲唱文学、声诗与戏弄对其创作的渗透等,则是形成敦煌歌辞鲜明叙事色彩的重要原因。  相似文献   

In this article, I describe how I made use of Foucault theoretically and methodologically in a study of five specific parrhesiastic scholars. Such scholars challenge hegemony in educational policies and practices, and advocate for educational reform and societal structures that move toward equity instead of marginalization. The article begins by exploring Foucault's notion of specific intellectuals through the experiences of the scholars. It then moves to an explanation of why the five scholars selected for this study should be considered specific parrhesiastic scholars. An account of how I made use of Foucault in this study follows. My interpretation of Foucault's work into a research methodology for this project has been a process of identifying illustrations of technologies of the self and technologies of power in text, dialogue, and narrative—qualitative data, which I analyzed using a framework that merged these technologies into the analytical categories of (1) application of logos, (2) engagement with politeia, and (3) practice of techne toubiou.  相似文献   

This research project examines how using the visual arts can develop medical insight, as part of a pilot programme for two groups of medical students. It was a UK study; a collaboration between Liverpool and Glynd? University's and Tate Liverpool's learning team. Tate Liverpool is the home of the National Collection of Modern Arts in the North of England and one of the largest galleries of modern and contemporary art outside London. The project adapted Tate Liverpool's Opening Doors course in devising and piloting a single day programme that engaged students in exploring perception, communication, emotion and narrative. Opening Doors introduces participants to modern and contemporary art and empowers them to work in new ways with groups and individuals. The exercises used as part of the programme allowed us to observe what connections and interpretations were made, and to discuss with the participants what influenced student choice and decision making in relation to specific works of art. This article will focus on the use of gallery education to highlight examples of contemporary culture to develop links between art and medicine, alongside the development of transferable skills. The study is of professional interest because it is using a cross‐disciplinary approach, broadening the disciplines involved in teaching medical skills; and could form a model for further cross‐curricular and cross‐discipline work.  相似文献   

Ruby Payne, CEO of aha! Process, Inc., and author of A Framework for Understanding Poverty (2005), has become one of the most influential figures in the U.S. public education milieu. Payne's framework, built largely upon understanding the “culture” of poverty, instructs educators on the values and mindsets poor students carry into the classroom as well as how to help them develop middle-class values and culture. But despite Payne's popularity, scholars and activists representing a wide variety of disciplines, from critical theory to mathematics education, have been highly critical of her work. In this essay I synthesize the existing critiques, dividing them into “eight elements of oppression” in Payne's work. I then offer a vision for a more authentic framework—one for authenticating anti-poverty education.  相似文献   

The main aim of this study is to shed light on the issue of how children learn to identify what is meant by what is said in communicative practices. The study replicates and extends the well-known work on what is referred to as children's 'theories of other minds'. The focus in the present study is on the interplay between the adult and the child, the nature of the task and the child's position in the communicative encounter. Rather than assuming that children have or do not have 'theories of other minds', we explore the communicative conditions under which children can be made sensitive to the nature of other people's (mistaken) beliefs. The empirical work was carried out amongst children aged three to five, since this is the critical age at which it is claimed that children become sensitive to the fact that other people's perspectives of a situation may differ from their own. The results show that whether or not children 'are able' to adopt other people's perspectives is very much a situated affair and reflects the manner in which they are brought into a position where they can share the framing of the adult. The questions posed are interpreted differently by the children in ways that go beyond the intended difference that concerns perspectivity. The test situation is polysemous in many respects and the variation in responses cannot be reduced to such a simple distinction as the one implied in the theory of mind research paradigm, which represents a monological conception of communication.  相似文献   

One can extrapolate from the art of language instruction to discover methods applicable across the disciplines in higher education. The paradigm presented by language instruction is applicable throughout the arts and sciences. If cultivated—and there are institutional pressures working against it—such an art can impact the languages and codes of the individual disciplines so as to advance the research mission of scholars in those fields; it can also favor the interrelationships between the disciplines. How the student learns another language (L2) is comparable to the process of learning a scientific discipline.  相似文献   

Television criticism frequently focuses on the deconstruction of individual representations in texts, a practice that privileges specific characters rather than relationships among characters. This paper examines the usefulness of fictional television relationships for adolescent sexual identity formation by examining Dawson's Creek for its construction of gay character Jack McPhee. Jack's sexual identity is constructed and modified through dialectical tensions in his relationship with Jen Lindley, ultimately allowing him to express sexual identity in terms of acceptance rather than in terms of political or legal rights. This difference in narrative form illuminates potential differences between the formation of adult and adolescent sexual identity. Examining ethnographic work on gay men and their use of fictional media combined with a close reading of Dawson's Creek for sexual identity construction, this paper ultimately argues that fictional representations could serve as a template from which gay adolescents enact personal relationships. It also calls for critical media scholars to examine positive aspects of television representations.  相似文献   

Geriatric fellowship curricula in primary care specialties of medicine include a minimum of mental health education, resulting in inadequate psychiatric assessment of the elderly. An educational program was developed to teach the psychology of aging, communication skills, and psychotherapy principles with older adults to geropsychiatry fellows during a 2‐year fellowship. The program's impact on fellows' performance was measured using 10 rated skill areas from the Periodic Review of Psychotherapy Skills. Improvement or maintenance of skills at the highest level was achieved by all fellows. The program's success is indicated by improved conceptualization of older adults' problems, increased accuracy of diagnoses, development of more appropriate treatment plans and goals, and refined communication and psychotherapy skills. Applicability to other medical and nonmedical disciplines and impediments to fellowship integration are discussed.  相似文献   

托妮·莫里森通过《最蓝的眼睛》中女主人公佩科拉的生活经历,揭示了美国黑人女性的生存状况,并探析造成这种命运背后的原因。相比传统的黑人文学创作,《最蓝的眼睛》在创作方面具有明显的颠覆性。文章从语言层面、叙事层面和修辞层面解析莫里森在小说中展现的创作颠覆性,旨在探索莫里森的独特创作技艺,同时丰富文本的研究范式。  相似文献   

刘正伟 《学科教育》2013,(6):102-111
20世纪80年代末,在教育史学界,田正平吸收了史学界的现代化理论,提出了中国教育近代化的理论范式;此后,他一方面对中国教育近代化的内涵、理论体系及框架进行不断阐述;另一方面又与全国教育史学界同仁一道致力于中国教育近代化相关专题研究。25年来,这一理论范式不仅是田正平认识与探索中国近代教育史的基本理论和重要工具,他在留学教育、近代义务教育、职业教育、中外教育交流,高等教育、乡村教育早期现代化等方面取得了一大批富有创新性的成果,为国内众多中青年学者所认同与使用,引领和推动了中国近代教育史研究的转型。  相似文献   

This study traces the reception of rhetoric of science work in book reviews by science studies scholars, focusing particularly on critiques of the author's own book by historians of science, to ground recommendations for improving our status in the interdisciplinary conversation. In describing the work of other science studies scholars, rhetoricians of science should acknowledge the rhetorical contributions of nonrhetoricians and negotiate a shared space rather than attempt to fill perceived lacunae in the literature.  相似文献   

中国民俗学的研究工作是从北大民间歌谣征集活动中开始的,中国民间文学、现当代文学的肇端也可以追溯到北大歌谣征集活动。可见歌谣一方面是民俗的一部分,另一方面又与文学、语言学甚至史学、社会学、传播学、人类学有着千丝万缕的联系。本文以民俗学视野疏理中国百年歌谣研究的历史动因、方法传承与争议问题,以期待在一个新的起点上歌谣研究繁荣局面的出现。  相似文献   

民俗艺术学是二级学科艺术学的分支学科。将传播学和民俗艺术研究相结合,可以为民俗艺术研究寻找到一个新的分支方向。民俗艺术传播研究具有必要性和可能性。其内容包含民俗艺术的传播环境、传播者、传播信息、传播媒介等。传播学和艺术学方法的结合,更有利于民俗艺术研究。在重视民俗艺术传播的同时,也要注意传承和保护。  相似文献   

The narrative paradigm, recently proposed as a model for rhetorical criticism, is problematic because of internal contradictions and inconsistencies. In the paradigm, the status of traditional rationality and the extent to which it is to be applied are unclear. The conditions in which the universal audience, the particular audience, and the critic are to serve as the source for critical judgment are also unclear. When we have only the immanent facts of the text (its narrative) and the personal judgment of the critic to rely on, we lack independent sources for judging the adequacy of a critic's claims about the text.  相似文献   

In our research and teaching we explore the value and the place of rhetoric in education. From a theoretical perspective we situate our work in different disciplines, inspired by major ‘turns’: linguistic, cultural, anthropological/ethnographic, interpretive, semiotic, narrative, literary, rhetorical etc. In this article we engage in the discussion about what all these turns might entail for education by elaborating on what it implies to read the world as a ‘text'—as is central in a semiotic approach—and by introducing new rhetoric in general, and the work of the literary critic and rhetorician Kenneth Burke in particular, as a possible theoretical and methodological resource. We illustrate its application in the analysis of a fictional narrative. Our aim is to explore how an understanding of education as rhetoric can be integrated into the teacher education curriculum.  相似文献   

“民俗”这一概念产生以后,不断地被阐释,而中外学者做出的任何一种阐释都不是民俗阐释的终止,没有所谓标准的阐释,因而对民俗概念的阐释就一直在进行。因之,民俗概念就有了自己的“历史”一一认识主体对民俗的理解过程。民俗处在历史的进程中,这就为民俗的阐释预设了潜在的空间,也决定了我们对它的充分理解需要一个漫长的过程。对“民俗”的阐释是民俗学者始终要关注的基本课题。  相似文献   

Narrative enquiry has become increasingly popular in recent decades. Although James Wertsch has developed a well-theorized model of narrative as a sociocultural tool, his work has not been as influential on this narrative enquiry as it might have been. This may be, in part, because Wertsch has mostly applied his model to the collective memory of national communities rather than to other mental actions or to smaller or more local meso-level sociocultural contexts. This paper develops Wertsch's idea of the narrative template so that it might be more readily used in researching meso-level sociocultural contexts and for researching mental actions other than remembering, such as learning and the formation of professional identity. It draws on specific examples from education and from teachers' professional learning in England to do this.  相似文献   

以《撒忧的龙船河》为代表,“土性”作家叶梅的小说集中展示了龙船河、豌豆角、桡夫子、梯玛、女儿会、跳丧鼓等一系列土家族独特的民俗意象群。这些民俗意象生动地再现了鄂西土家族独特的生活方式和文化传统,表现出作家强烈的民族认同感,也成为小说塑造人物形象、推动情节发展的重要的叙事策略。  相似文献   

民俗学科的新生性质与新时期对文化建设的高度重视,从某种程度上赋予了民俗学者以特殊的时代责任。近几年来的非物质文化遗产保护工作的陆续开展以及民俗学者在其中的"学者——传承人"的双重角色,则更是要求我们对新时期的民俗学者进行一个重新的定位。笔者试图侧重于从民俗学科的理论建设者、非物质文化遗产的宣传者、非物质文化遗产保护指导理论与方法上的智力提供者以及新型的文化传承人这四个方面对新时期民俗学者进行重新定位。  相似文献   

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