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The authors provide a robust framework for using rhetorical foundations to teach multimodality in technical communication, describing a pedagogical approach wherein students consider the rhetorical canons—invention, arrangement, style, delivery, and memory—when developing texts beyond print. Students learn to assess their own work, reflecting on how each canon contributed to the rhetorical effectiveness of their multimodal projects. The authors argue for using the canons as a rhetorical foundation for helping students understand technical communication in the digital age.  相似文献   

对修辞策略的研究是修辞叙事学研究的重要方面。试图对修辞叙事学的修辞策略进行梳理与扩充,从作者—文本修辞策略,文本外修辞策略以及修辞的非技术因素三个方面探讨叙事修辞的各种可能性,以期对此有个全面认识。  相似文献   

Lack of racial and ethnic diversity in the school psychology workforce has been a concern since the profession's inception. One solution is to graduate more racially and ethnically diverse individuals from school psychology programs. This structured review explored the characteristics of studies published from 1994 to 2017 that investigated graduate student retention and school psychology. An electronic search that included specified databases, subject terms, and study inclusion criteria along with a manual search of 10 school psychology journals yielded two published, peer‐reviewed studies focused primarily on graduate student retention and school psychology over the 23‐year span. Two researchers coded the studies using a rigorous coding process with high inter‐rater reliability. Findings suggest that mostly Black and White individuals served as participants, undergraduate students represented the largest group sampled, and key school psychology stakeholders’ views were missing. Additionally, programs interested in retaining racially and ethnically diverse students should have a commitment to multicultural issues, expose students to diverse professional networks and mentorship, and cultivate an inclusive program environment. Implications point to a need for more studies focused on school psychology graduate student retention in general and in specific relation to retaining racial and ethnic minoritized students.  相似文献   

池昌海教授的<先秦儒家修辞思想要论>是一本具有开拓性、系统性的修辞学专著.作者对先秦儒家修辞思想、修辞行为现有语料采取的"穷尽搜罗"方法,有助于探索的创新.该书之所以能新意迭出,还与作者颇深的功力、见识的卓越以及执着勤奋、锲而不舍分不开.  相似文献   

弥渡山歌是南北文化交流的结晶,是历代劳动人民创作的积累,是弥渡人民宝贵的精神文化财富.试从语音修辞的角度对弥渡山歌进行探析,意在研究弥渡山歌的语音修辞特点,从而使弥渡山歌能得到更好的保护和传承.  相似文献   

弥渡山歌是南北文化交流的结晶,是历代劳动人民创作的积累,是弥渡人民宝贵的精神文化。为了使弥渡山歌能得到更好的保护和传承,论文主要从修辞学的角度来进行研究,通过运用词语修辞和句子修辞两种修辞手法对弥渡山歌进行全面探析,意在充分挖掘弥渡山歌潜在的修辞艺术价值,从而加强人们对弥渡山歌的保护意识。  相似文献   

It is conventionally held that illiteracy is simply the absence of literacy, however the latter term happens to be defined. As such, illiteracy is nothing more than failure to achieve the literate foundation upon which success in the rhetorical curriculum depends. I challenge convention by arguing that literacy is fundamentally a rhetorical construct and that the idea of illiteracy, integral to compelling identification with literacy, is an intentional product of the rhetorical curriculum. This relationship of illiteracy to the rhetorical curriculum can be glimpsed in narratives of literacy, especially those that circulate to mass audiences in popular films. Scholars have looked to such films for evidence to illustrate academic theories about literacy. By analysing several films and their reception, I show that non-academics are actively engaged in re-theorizing illiteracy. This engagement illuminates the rhetorical dimensions of illiteracy in a way that has the potential to revise the informal rhetorical curriculum, thereby changing conventional understandings of illiteracy.  相似文献   

横组合轴上的语言成分在纵聚合轴上有着潜在的、可替换或可选择的、呈"纵聚合关系"的一串词,这些有着某种共同点的词可根据同义与近义关系组成一个个"语义场"。我们在"修辞优化过程"中从"同义或近义场"中选词(包括词、词组和个别语法结构)是有着修辞立意或审美问题的。  相似文献   

In this study we explore the work and the cooperation of academic and industrial supervisors concerning single graduate students in so called industrial research schools, which are financially supported by a national research foundation and involve universities and industrial enterprises. Academic and industrial supervisors of totally eleven graduate students have been interviewed with focus on their cooperation. This cooperation entails negotiating the contract and monitoring the progress of the research project and the student. When students have problems this cooperation is particularly important. The places new demands on both the academic and industrial supervisors. In our study these demands were dealt with differently by different academic supervisors, depending whether their main orientation was towards industrial projects or traditional academic research. The way the industrial supervisors dealt with the new demands depended on their previous acquaintance with academic research, basically whether they had a doctoral degree or not. Another important finding was that academic knowledge had a strong position while the supervisors from the industry accepted a minor role. The main findings of the study are that industrial graduate students often require joint engagement in a way that differs from other forms of knowledge transfer between the academy and the industry. To explain the features of this type of knowledge transfer, we use the analytical concepts boundary subject and phronesis.  相似文献   

世纪之交,中国修辞学研究正经历着从"狭义"到"广义"的转型.20世纪初建立的狭义修辞学是以语言为本位的,修辞学研究局限在语言学的范围里对表达技巧等做总结归纳,其理论基础、理论深度、理论生命力等都是有限的.广义修辞学以突破语言学本位观念、走出技巧论为出发点,力图把修辞学理论扎根在更为广泛的社会人文、心理思维、乃至自然存在的基础上.这种"转型"促进了中国修辞学研究的观念鼎新,必将引起中国修辞学研究的深刻变革.  相似文献   

This paper reports a study based on Bruner, Shapiro and Tagiuri's conception of lay personality theory. The trait implication questionnaire adapted from Bruner et. al. was used to investigate the way in which freshmen students make inferences about instructor fairness and expertise. Results are discussed in light of their implications for the use of student course evaluations.  相似文献   

This article suggests that the shortcomings of third-party presidential campaigns stem partially from a culture of rhetorical containment tracing back to a redefinition of third-parties during the 1959 congressional hearings over the equal time provision. After proposing a four-part framework for rhetorical containment, the article examines the case study of oddball perennial presidential candidate Lar Daly and his clash with the Federal Communications Commission, and an effort by the two major parties and media elite to exploit fears of his influence to portray third-parties as an invading horde of crackpots posing violence to democracy in the United States.  相似文献   

中印修辞论都注重修辞手法的研究。由于中印古代文字及文化传统存在较大差异 ,形成了许多完全不同的修辞手法 ,即使是一些相同或相似的修辞手法 ,也于不同程度上存在论述上的差别。对消极修辞的重视是两国修辞理论存在的共通之处  相似文献   

Globalisation and the evolution of the knowledge-based economy have caused dramatic worldwide changes in the character and functions of education, particularly higher education. In the search for global competitiveness, many emerging economies have begun to expand their higher education systems, which has significantly affected the relationship between higher education and graduate employment. Recently, international comparative studies have suggested that increasing enrolment in higher education does not always promote upward social mobility, and can intensify inequality in education. This article critically examines the impact of the expansion of higher education in East Asia on graduate employment and social mobility in the context of an increasingly globalising economy and changing labour market needs. The article discusses emerging trends in the Greater China region, with a particular focus on Hong Kong, Guangzhou and Taipei, and argues that the massification of higher education has not necessarily led to more occupational opportunities for youth or opportunities for upward social movement, particularly since the significant changes in the global labour market after the 2008 global financial crisis. On the contrary, the intensification of ‘positional competition’ among college graduates seems to reflect growing social inequality.  相似文献   

This article presents a case study using ethnographic and visual methods to investigate the framing activity of engineering students. Findings suggest students use the rhetorical figure of hypotyposis to produce the vivid images needed to frame engineering constraints. Data reveal students multimodally inducing collaboration between group members to construct images as ways to configure engineering constraints. The author argues for the usefulness of hypotyposis for understanding the framing of engineers, technical communicators, and other designers.  相似文献   

In the last year of his life, Malcolm X was faced with the task of crafting a viable public voice while remaining unfettered by existing ideologies. In a speech he delivered less than a week before he died, Malcolm addresses this task by repeatedly shifting the scene within which he asks his audience to define themselves. He explores the possibilities and the limitations of both the domestic and international scenes, and finally invites his audience to position themselves at the border between the two. There, he and his African‐American audience might take advantage of the redefinitional potential of international identification without abdicating their rightful domestic position.  相似文献   

言语行为的得体性是语用学和修辞学研究的一个重要课题,20世纪90年代以来很多的语言学者更把"得体原则"作为修辞的最高原则.但是,这一论断是否科学?"得体原则"在理论与实践中有没有碰到困境?如果有,是否有比"得体原则"更高层次的原则?由对修辞概念的界定入手,也许可以获得一个比较清晰的认识.  相似文献   


This essay examines #SayHerName as a case study to analyze how circulation of the hashtag both challenged women’s erasure from #BlackLivesMatter discourse and motivated activists to center the stories of Black women killed in police interactions. We introduce the term rhetorical stratification to discern why the #SayHerName hashtag came to matter, and how it remained relevant in the national discourse about police brutality. To do so, we analyze how the #SayHerName movement evolved from the discursive to the material through policy briefs, social media circulation, and citizen journalism, which influenced news framing and initiated greater deliberation about this issue in both the networked public sphere and in local communities. We conclude that this hashtag invitation to digital activists engaged more nuanced perspectives about police brutality and policy reform, influenced the way Black women victims of police violence are covered in the news, and motivated community-based policy proposals addressing necessary changes in local policing.  相似文献   

通过对叙事可以作为修辞的论述,展开对文本《雪山飞狐》的解析,从文本的角度来对"叙事作为修辞"进行支持,包括叙事的角度、叙事的结构、读者效果以及叙事的意识形态等基本范畴,从而认为该文本是"叙事作为修辞"最好的文本体现。将叙事作为修辞对我们进行文本解读有重要的启示。  相似文献   

汉字修辞都要利用汉字的形体;但是,各种汉字修辞的方式利用汉字形体的特点是各不相同的。汉字修辞与字义也存在着复杂的联系:有的汉字修辞方式不利用字义;有的汉字修辞方式只是修辞信息与字义有关;有的汉字修辞方式不仅修辞信息与字义有关,而且其基本的言语信息也来源于字义。  相似文献   

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