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20世纪60年代末70年代初,鉴于国际国内形势的变化,美、苏、中三大国的对外战略发生了重大变化:美国推行尼克松主义,实行海外收缩,其重要步骤是对苏联缓和、结束越南战争和打开对华关系大门;苏联的勃列日涅夫则以缓和为手段,同美国展开争夺;中国为化解苏联在北部边境形成的威胁而准备打开对美关系大门。三国对外战略的调整使冷战出现了缓和的特征。在越南问题上,美国采取了边打边谈的策略,并诱使中、苏对北越施加压力。中国坚持原则,力促美国早日撤军。苏联为与美国作交易,对越南施压。美、苏、中三国在冷战中的互动作用是越战结束的主要原因。  相似文献   

1964-1965年是越南战争的关键性时期。美国在约翰逊的领导下实现了越南战争由“特种战争”向“局部战争”的转变。当时,中国作为越南民主共和国盟友高度注视着美国的每一步行动。对中国来说,它既不能容许自己的意识形态盟友遭受美国的侵略,特别是直接的地面军事进攻;又不愿在越南再与美国进行一场朝鲜战争式的较量。为了防止这两种局面的出现,中国对美国采取了威慑与克制并用的政策,基本上达到了自己的预期目的。  相似文献   

越南战争是20世纪60年代美国发动的一场大规模战争,对美国和东南亚局势产生了重大影响。尽管受战后和平宪法的限制,作为美国亚洲盟友的日本不能直接派军队奔赴越南前线支援美军,但日本还是间接地卷入了这场战争。越南战争对日本政治、经济、社会各方面都产生了深远的影响,成为折射当时美日关系的一面镜子。  相似文献   

Many anatomy programs that incorporate dissection of donated human bodies hold memorial ceremonies of gratitude towards body donors. The content of these ceremonies may include learners' reflections on mortality, respect, altruism, and personal growth told through various humanities modalities. The task of planning is usually student‐ and faculty‐led with participation from other health care students. Objective information on current memorial ceremonies for body donors in anatomy programs in the United States appears to be lacking. The number of programs in the United States that currently plan these memorial ceremonies and information on trends in programs undertaking such ceremonies remain unknown. Gross anatomy program directors throughout the United States were contacted and asked to respond to a voluntary questionnaire on memorial ceremonies held at their institution. The results (response rate 68.2%) indicated that a majority of human anatomy programs (95.5%) hold memorial ceremonies. These ceremonies are, for the most part, student‐driven and nondenominational or secular in nature. Participants heavily rely upon speech, music, poetry, and written essays, with a small inclusion of other humanities modalities, such as dance or visual art, to explore a variety of themes during these ceremonies. Anat Sci Educ 7: 219–223. © 2013 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

越南战争对美国的政治、经济和社会等方面都产生了极大的冲击,但相对于政治和社会方面的影响,战争对美国经济的作用却是有限的。这不仅是因为同美国20世纪的历次战争相比,越战对经济的影响程度小,而且由于美国政府采用了完全不同的财政支持方式。虽然战争可能进一步恶化了20世纪六七十年代美国的经济环境,但其并非此时期经济困境的主要原因或决定因素。  相似文献   

中法双方由越南问题而引发的战争是中国近代史上一次有相当影响的战争。李鸿章作为晚清重臣直接参与了这场战争。在与宝海的交涉中,李鸿章不再拘泥于中越宗藩关系之虚名。而是从国家安全利益出发,与法国划定鸿沟,防止法国以越南为跳板侵略中国西南。可以说,《李宝协议》的签订,实为李鸿章务实外交的成果。  相似文献   

日本帝国主义侵华时期,对内蒙古地区进行了军事、政治、经济、文化全面的侵略。侵略的手段多种多样,忠灵塔与慰灵祭就是其中两种特殊形式。日本侵略者建造忠灵塔,举行慰灵祭,一方面纪念、祭奠战死的日、伪官兵,欺骗日军及伪军继续为侵略战争卖命;另一方面,强迫当地人民参加祭拜,侮辱民族感情,实行思想麻醉和精神奴役。这些做法,带有浓厚的奴化色彩,为侵略战争和殖民统治服务,属于文化侵略。  相似文献   

二战之后至抗法独立战争期间,越南避开战火,在中国广西壮族自治区内建立起所谓的"中央学舍区",以期为独立战争和战后国家建设培养骨干人才。"中央学舍区"从1951年10月1日成立到1958年结束,虽只存在短短几年,但其培养的大批人才,为越南高等教育的奠基和发展作出了突出贡献。本文作者通过大量查阅中越两国联合办学的有关历史文献和访谈资料,梳理了中央学舍区学校成立的艰难历程和办学情况,为研究战争期间或者其他关键时期如何进行教育实践活动提供了生动有趣的例子。而对于中国来说,由于当时刚刚建立新的国家政权,并且面临着抗美援朝战争的严峻形势,其对于越南的援助更彰显了一种大国风范,意义重大。  相似文献   

云南省以其毗邻越南的特殊地理位置,在中国援越抗美的过程中始终处于援助活动的前沿,在中国援越抗美史中占有重要的地位,并形成了其独特的面貌和特点。随着越战从特种战争、局部战争到战争"越南化"的逐步变化,云南也经历了战争初期的率先援助、战火重起时期的重点援助以及战争"越南化"和战争结束后的援助历程。  相似文献   

中越史书记载986年宋朝派遣李觉随同李若拙出使安南,《大越史记全书》又记987年李觉再次出使安南,与安南法师顺联句并赠诗。李觉第二次出使仅见于《大越史记全书》,其他的中越史书均未记载,且当年亦无使节往返。彼时宋黎战争刚刚结束,两国摩擦不断,使臣行为谨慎,均欲以辞屈折对方,不大可能出现和平时期的联句和赠诗。《大越史记全书》所载李觉二次出使安南事宜及赋诗当为后人托名增补。  相似文献   

我是在越南时听到这个故事的,而且它是被当作真事告诉我的。虽然我无法确认它是否属实,但我却知道,在战争中比这更离奇的事情都发生过。  相似文献   

勃列日涅夫时期,在多种因素的作用下,苏联从外交、经济和军事等方面加大了对越南的支援,开始积极地介入越南战争。苏联对越南的援助为越南抗美统一战争的胜利做出了贡献,也为其最终将越南拉入自己的怀抱奠定了基础。  相似文献   

On June 11, 1963, Thich Quang Duc sat in a lotus position in the middle of a busy Saigon intersection and set fire to himself. His self‐immolation was caught in an award‐winning series of photographs by Malcolm Browne. The “Burning Monk”; photographs — now recognized as some of the most powerful visual images to have come out of this period of history — became a frame through which many Americans perceived the events unfolding in South Vietnam during the Summer and Fall of 1963. This essay suggests that although these visual images engaged the American audience, their meaning — and thus the frame they provided — was the subject of a dispute within the American print media. How this frame was constructed depended largely upon whether the images were situated against a backdrop of religious oppression, or a war for freedom against the communists.  相似文献   

中俄伊犁交涉与中法越南交涉发生在同一时期,可结果却反差很大,其中原委值得深思.关键因素在于:朝鲜问题对两次交涉影响不同;清廷对伊犁和越南战略考虑不同;俄法的和战决心有差异;清廷主要决策者的个人因素.  相似文献   

20世纪60年代到70年代的越南战争期阃,中美苏三国的关系随着国际形势和国际利益的变化而不断变化。中国抗美援越是继抗美援朝后的又一次与美国进行非直接的军事较量.但在这场战争中.中国站在国家利益的高度。以更加务实的态度处理外交事务.维护国家安全利益.本文拟以越战为背景来审视中国外交走向。  相似文献   

越南战争爆发后,美国虽然并不愿与越南直接开战,但由于国际国内形势所迫,再加上“泰勒调查团”提交的一系列报告和建议,肯尼迪政府最终确立了对越“有限伙伴”政策,从而使美国愈益陷入越南的泥沼。  相似文献   

Village School (1940) and Children's Charter (1945) are two propaganda films produced on behalf of the British government at the beginning and the end of the second world war and are key visual sources for educational history, quite accessible but so far much neglected by educational historians. This paper examines the two films as case studies of the visual in the making of educational space at one moment in history. The historical moment is the second world war in Britain, and the space is the public space in which educational policies and ideologies are promoted.

The two motion pictures are located in their historical context, followed by comparative and critical comments from three perspectives: the image as a document of relations between producer and consumer; the image as a medium of expression; and the image in its relation to a wider iconography of education. A major focus for this paper is the way in which promotion of a progressive curriculum and teaching method is inscribed within a film on schooling in wartime evacuation, and it also highlights the complexity of reading motion pictures, and especially propaganda film, as historical evidence.  相似文献   

Veterans of wars in Afghanistan and Iraq with visually identifiable injuries possess “unruly” bodies that render the story of war in efficient, emotional terms. The injured veteran's explicit connection of war with injury motivates state and mainstream news discourse that domesticates veterans’ bodies, managing representations of injured veterans through three dominant strategies. First, dominant discourses invoke veterans’ bodies as metonymy of the nation-state at war—bodily well-being operates as a metonym for both the nation's health and for the condition of the war. Second, veterans are domesticated by strategic placement in contexts that regulate their range of movement, especially amputees, who are often framed as having already overcome any limitations imposed by their war injuries. Third, dominant visual discourse domesticates veterans’ bodies by ascribing a strategic telos to them, shifting the meaning of the injuries away from their origins in state policy and toward wholeness and “normalcy.” Representations of whole-bodied and injured veterans tame the harshness of war and erode the argumentative grounds for questioning it.  相似文献   

中国和越南自古在文化和经济、政治等方面有着密切的关系和交往。中国的儒学思想在汉代就已经传播到现在的越南,曾经对越南的社会产生了重要的影响,在儒学传播到越南后,通过和佛教等思想斗争以后逐渐取得了正统思想的地位,并和本国的思想结合起来,对儒学进行了改造和发展,对越南的社会产生了重要的影响。  相似文献   

全面抗战时期国民政府通过对孙中山诞辰纪念、孙中山逝世纪念等孙中山纪念仪式的运作,强化了民众对中华民族的民族认同、国家认同,对国民党的政党认同,对中华民国的政权认同,对孙中山及蒋介石的领袖认同,并且凸显了抗战建国的时代主题,成为国民政府进行抗战动员的一种有效形式,是现代民族国家进行政治话语输出的有效探索,也显示出党国在权力技术实践空间的日臻成熟。  相似文献   

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