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Librarians in the Health Sciences Library System at the University of Pittsburgh explored the possibility of developing an electronic reference collection that would replace the print reference collection, thus providing access to these valuable materials to a widely dispersed user population. The librarians evaluated the print reference collection and standard collection development lists as potential benchmarks for the electronic collection, and they determined which books were available in electronic format. They decided that the low availability of electronic versions of titles in each benchmark group rendered the creation of an electronic reference collection using either benchmark impractical.  相似文献   

提出一种多粒度的用户行为数据收集方法,该方法以可配置的插件形式嵌入服务器端收集数据。实验证明,该方法能提高Web使用挖掘的数据质量,简化Web使用挖掘预处理工作,并为后续挖掘工作提供多种粒度的信息,从而为分析Web用户的行为提供优质数据源。  相似文献   

The issue in academic libraries of format duplication for the same title in print, microfilm, and electronic formats continues to strain library budgets, facilities, and staff. This article reviews the criteria used by a medium-sized academic library for deciding what formats of the New York Times to continue to collect and maintain. A research study was conducted to ascertain the completeness of coverage in both the online and microfilm formats of this title, with the results used as additional decision criteria.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]通借通还服务是多校区高校图书馆流通的基本服务,利用通借通还数据,本研究试图从读者需求的角度提出一个能将馆藏资源动态优化的模式。[方法/过程]在考察国内外对于通借通还的研究现状和方法的基础上,借鉴二部图匹配和推荐系统一些相关研究成果,基于网络推断算法提出一个针对高校图书馆通借服务进行优化的模型,并以苏州大学图书馆2013年的借阅情况为训练集进行馆藏优化,使用2014-2015年的约2 469条通借数据对模型的效果进行检验。[结果/结论]分配模型对于预测未来的通借需求有一定效果,通过对馆藏进行优化,可提高图书使用效率,降低配送成本。  相似文献   

明人丘溶在其所著的<藏书石室记>、<论图籍之储>、<访求遗书奏>三篇文章中,较为完整地表述了自己的典藏学思想.丘濬的典藏学思想包括了两方面的内容,一是其对于藏书功用的认识,二是其对于藏书实践的具体指导.这两个方面的内容,宏观与微观相结合,理论与实践相交织,体现了丘濬的典藏学思想.  相似文献   

论数字图书馆的馆藏建设   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
曾敏灵 《图书馆论坛》2004,24(4):133-134,142
馆藏建设是图书馆事业发展的基础工程,在传统图书馆向数字图书馆转型的特殊时期,正视数字图书馆的馆藏建设的规律和存在问题,具有重大的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

文章介绍了东莞图书馆的家庭藏书网络管理系统的设计思路,包括家庭藏书网络管理系统的定位、系统的技术路线、系统特性等,并结合该系统对当前家庭藏书管理的个性化与规范、简便与专业、资源共享与隐私保护的矛盾以及如何与图书馆更密切的结合等问题进行了探讨.  相似文献   

The Michigan Shared Print Initiative, involving 11 Michigan public university libraries, has partnered with Sustainable Collection Services in using Sustainable Collection Services' new collection analysis and data decision support tool, GreenGlass for Groups. This tool effectively analyzes the group of libraries' individual and collective holdings, sharing mechanisms, and retention needs. This article outlines the establishment of the Michigan Shared Print Initiative, the creation of its collaborative print monograph collection, the use and benefits of GreenGlass for Groups, which is being used for the required collection data analysis for the venture, and the general elements that have contributed to the project's success.  相似文献   


This paper examines the materials acquired during a consortial PDA pilot; which of the books are still being used, by which institutions, whether the size of a participating institution or the subject of a book have impact on the continued use of the books, and if there is a relationship between the schools that triggered a PDA purchase and the schools that have gone on to use a given title. Findings suggest that models involving some library mediation may be more effective in meeting the various needs of participating institutions.  相似文献   


This overview of the core concept applied to journals defines the relevant terminology and cites specific examples of core lists. Ten approaches for determining core journals (subjective judgment, use, indexing coverage, overlapping library holdings, citation data, citation network/co-citation analysis, production of articles, Bradford's Law, faculty publication data, and multiple criteria methods) are reviewed and the practical applications of core journals lists are explained. Theoretical and practical problems associated with the core concept and core journal lists are discussed and a taxonomy for classifying core journal lists is outlined.  相似文献   

Academic libraries acquiring e-books through approval plans and other acquisition methods might question whether their collections are properly balanced between e-books and print books since patron needs vary across subject areas. This study examines seven years of monograph purchases at Texas A&M University Libraries (TAMU) through the approval plan vendor. Acquisition and use data are analyzed across subject areas. Study results inform how to balance print and e-collections to effectively support academic programs. TAMU purchased 78% of the monographs in print despite adopting an e-preferred approval plan, though most subject areas had higher e-book use compared to print.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 针对当前大宗交易资源采购的困境,引入国外循证采购方式,以期寻找高校图书馆资源建设的新方式。[方法/过程] 从国外图书馆循证采购(EBC)的背景入手,介绍国外NAHRS小组、德克萨斯A & M大学图书馆和温哥华岛大学图书馆关于循证采购的实践,对其循证采购方式进行分析和总结,为国内图书馆将其用于馆藏发展提供借鉴。[结果/结论] 图书馆要改变资源采购模式,循证采购是方式之一,建议图书馆结合馆情选定合适的证据方法,保证循证采购的有效性。  相似文献   

本文以PDL-20镭射扫描资料收集器为例介绍其在图书馆工作中的应用,在简单介绍手持条形码收集器如何实现与PC机通信方法以及与图书馆管理系统的外挂基础上,着重介绍了条形码收集器在图书馆藏书管理中的应用。  相似文献   

Wenli Gao 《期刊图书馆员》2016,70(1-4):121-127
This article outlines a methodology to generate a list of local core journal titles by doing a citation analysis and details the process for retrieving and downloading data from Scopus. It analyzes correlations among citation count, journal rankings, and journal usage. The results of this study reveal significant correlations between journal rankings and journal usage. No correlation with citation count has been found. Limitations and implications for collection development and outreach are also discussed.  相似文献   


Collections assessment in academic libraries has experienced a shift in recent years from project-based models to continuous models that aim improve the responsivity of library collections to campus needs. This article reports on how one university library used a library committee with representation from across library departments to develop a holistic, on-going Collection Management Cycle. This newly created process evaluates the entire library collection over a five-year period and aligns with library reporting requirements for university program review to minimize additional workload and improve the impact of external reporting activities.  相似文献   

Salisbury University and the University of Maryland, College Park, both undertook projects to evaluate the effectiveness of EBSCO Information Service’s EBSCONET® Usage Consolidation product and the usefulness of the extracted data for collection development decisions. The goals of implementation were to centralize the collection and analysis of e-resource usage data and to allow collection management librarians easy access to usage and cost per use data to aid in their decision making. The presenters discussed how staff at each institution populated Usage Consolidation and presented usage reports to collection managers; how collection managers responded to the data; and how they used the data to inform collection management decisions.  相似文献   

通过对2010年辽宁省排名前12所高校图书馆典藏岗位设置情况进行调查,揭示当前高校图书馆典藏岗位设置、工作流程的现状和存在的局限性、缺少流动性、缺乏主动性等问题,对目前全开放服务模式和网络环境下实行动态典藏的新模式进行探讨。  相似文献   

数字馆藏成本构成分析*   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
数字馆藏的建设与管理贯穿于图书馆数字资源建设的各个工作环节。本文在通过对构成数字馆藏成本因素,以及管理过程各阶段成本构成分析的基础上,寻求降低管理成本的途径,以便更有效的实施成本控制,从而提高数字馆藏的服务绩效。  相似文献   

网络信息资源的建设与利用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从网络信息资源的建设和利用两方面讨论网络环境下的馆藏资源建设问题,并提出相应的技术方案。  相似文献   

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