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欧用生教授是我国台湾大同大学讲座教授、台北教育大学课程与教学研究所名誉教授。作为我国台湾课程界的著名专家,欧用生教授亲历了我国台湾数次课程改革的历程,深谙课改潮流的暗礁在于课程评价。通过对欧用生教授的访谈可知,20世纪以来,我国台湾进行的历次课程改革均有其深层原因。九年一贯课程改革是我国台湾真正意义上的课程大变革,但其课程评价的异化现象是本次课程改革最为薄弱的环节,产生了一系列社会问题。以课程评价文化引领课程评价改革,是课程评价改革的根本途径。  相似文献   

台湾九年一贯课程改革是迄今为止台湾最大规模的课程改革。台湾各界对九年一贯课程褒贬参半,评价不一。暂抛开台湾九年一贯课程设计以及实行过程中的不利,立足总结台湾九年一贯课程的经验,有如下启示:课程改革及新课程的研发,要契合课程研究典范的时代转型;"由下而上"发起课程改革,有利于唤起公民参与课程改革的意识;坚持"培养身心健康发展的人"的课程目标,将强化课程改革的历史责任;凸显"课程统整"设计,会推动课程改革的永续发展;对课程理论基础的拷问,是促进课程改革进一步合理化的重要途径。  相似文献   

Neoliberalism has become the most dominant ideology in current world and educational researchers thus may need to disclose the ways in which neoliberalism affects education and curriculum and propose new strategies to cope with them. Through literature review, however, the author argues that perhaps because of the social and theoretical scope in the West, the existing analytical strategy, which mainly focuses on the influence of government policies, seems unsuitable for some non-Western countries. This paper reviews the Grade 1-9 curriculum reform in Taiwan's education system, and suggests that one of the neoliberalism's influences in education might be more ‘invisible’ because it reflects the public's/agents’ social imagination of this neoliberal world. Furthermore, the hybrid cultural context in Taiwan, such as the examination culture, also seems to play an important role in the process of curriculum reform. Thus, the author argues that the analysis of neoliberalism in education should pay more attention to ‘agent’ and ‘culture’ aspects, but not just ‘structure’ aspect. It is also argued that ‘curriculum reform’ should be expanded into ‘social reform’ to some extent, since social imagination has such a heavy impact on curriculum reform.  相似文献   

台湾跨世纪技职教育一贯课程改革及启示   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
台湾技职教育一贯课程改革改变了先前分层设计课程的模式,将各级职业技术院校视为一个系统,按职业群规划、设计各类各级学校的一贯课程。台湾改革为内地解决此类问题提供了启示:理顺职业技术教育管理体制,以加强体系性建设;基于职业或行业定位成立课程发展中心,加强课程发展与改革的制度性建设,以形成有利于课程持续发展的机制。  相似文献   

Taiwan has gradually transformed from an authoritarian to a democratic society. The education system is moving from uniformity to diversity, from authoritarian centralization to deregulation and pluralism. Moral education is a reflection of, and influenced by, educational reform and social change, as this paper shows in describing the history of moral education in Taiwan. From 1949 to the 1980s, Taiwan's moral education consisted of ideological, nationalistic, political education and the teaching of a strict code of conduct. Since the late 1980s moral education has changed rapidly due to educational reforms. Political ideologies and traditional culture in moral education have gradually been phased out. Since August 2004, diversified and generalized moral education has replaced the special subject of moral education offered in school. Moral education in Taiwan faces great changes and new challenges. The paper concludes by suggesting some strategies, such as facilitating critical thinking, civic values and multiple teaching approaches, for the development of a new moral education suitable to modern democratic society in Taiwan.  相似文献   

本研究透过课程发展学理基础与理论趋势之探究,旨在建立台湾地区课程发展之学理基础,为下一波课程变革预作准备,针对K-12年级的中小学课程发展相关之学理基础,分别从课程理论与教育哲学、教学理论、认知心理学、文化研究、社会变迁等五个学理角度切入,先依据相关课程学理与研究进行文献探讨,分析课程发展之学理基础与理论趋势,建构适合台湾情境脉络与历史文化的课程发展理论基础,并进而针对台湾未来幼儿园、国民小学、国民中学、高中职的"K-12年级课程纲要"之修订提出建言。  相似文献   

改革高职院校旅游地理课程教学手段的思路   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本分析了离职院校旅游地理课程教学存在的问题及原因,提出了改革高职院校旅游地理课程教学手段的新思路,即:充分使用电化教学手段,增加学生感性认识;充分利用互联网的信息资源,扩大学生知识面,增强学生创新思维能力;制作高质量的CAI课件,进行多媒体教学,提高教学质量和学生的实践能力。  相似文献   

在进一步深化课程改革的背景下,第十一届两岸三地课程理论研讨会在西南大学召开。与会学者以开阔的学术视野和扎实求真的研究风格,在课程与教学的关系、课程变革中的教学创新两个问题上做出了积极的研究与探讨,提出了富有启发意义的观点,启示我们关注课程研究的学理问题和未来走向问题,不断推动课程理论的发展。  相似文献   

高职文献检索课教学改革建议   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
高等职业教育学制的改革给文献检索课带来了新的挑战。高职院校文献检索课的改革要以高等职业教育发展的需要为目标。针对高职院校文献检索课存在的问题,对教学方法、教学内容、教学手段、考试形式等提出改革建议。  相似文献   

台湾农村小学在少子化的冲击下纷纷关闭或被并校。但农村小校有没有存在的价值?解决小校的问题只有并校一途吗?被列为最贫穷的三个县之一的台湾南部的云林县,在教育环境极为不利的条件下,实施“学校优质转型计划”,进行校本课程的改革,三年下来,终于使许多小校浴火重生,展现学校的新风貌。以云林县成功小学为例,探讨农村小学如何经由校本课程的改革进行学校再造,由此探讨偏远小校存在的核心价值,并申述校本课程在学校再生过程中扮演的角色。  相似文献   

本文以开放英语教学改革项目多媒体学习系统的推广应用为切入点,结合陕西电大该项目试点实际,提出"以学生为中心"的导学结合、多元互动、运行规范、科学高效的课程教学模式框架并介绍了具体做法,通过调查分析,认为该课程的试点符合并深化了开放教育的理念。最后,提出试点工作的几点建议,以利于课程改革试点和英语人才培养模式的推进。  相似文献   

Preschool curriculum reform is currently underway in Taiwan. Privately-managed public preschools (PMPPs) currently play the role of bellwethers because they stand halfway between public and private preschools, and serve as testing grounds for curriculum reforms promoted by the government. This study originated from Curriculum Development Program (CDP) which is one of Taiwan government’s policies toward PMPPs. The researcher and the research subject consisted of the expert and case school participating in this program. The main objective of this article was to discuss the course about a privately-managed public preschool how to overcome difficulties and establish a process pattern of CDP. This paper employed the qualitative research methods; it included focus group, interviews, and action research. Then, the study made use of grounded theory and conducted data analysis in the three stages of open coding, axial coding, and selective coding. Based on the results of this study, the CDP exerted a mediating effect that harmonized the tensions between external impact and internal resistance. The difficulties for the external impact of CDP included: educational policy reforms, competition in the education market, and parents’ right to choose. The internal resistance of CDP included: changes in the curriculum power structure, limitations on in-school resources, and conflicts of interest among organization members. The process pattern included: use of curriculum guidance experts and action research; integration of interested parties’ resources and organization of a specialist curriculum development team; responding to internal and external needs by establishing a compromise between school-based curriculum vision and assessment approach; harmonizing external impacts and internal resistance to complete the school-based curriculum; and cyclic reflection on and revision of action plan. This study provided practical insights and offered an integrated solution of how an assistance approach with experts’ participation can be combined with curriculum policy and academic research.  相似文献   

Teachers have been understood in their functional role and collective agency in sociology. In this article, the author rethinks the structure and agency dimension of teaching in the context of Japanese school education in transition. The new curriculum in Japan puts emphasis on children’s subjective experience of learning. This article explores the mirroring process of teaching in this curriculum transition from role‐oriented to subject‐focused. The author introduces two experiences as teacher reform movements: a teachers’ association and blogs which write about classroom teaching experiences. The findings suggest that there is a cultural transformation occurring within teachers as a group. For analysis, the author draws on the sociological idea of generations. The transformation in teachers’ self‐consciousness is significant because it creates a gap between self and representation not only externally (how educational reform describes teachers) but internally. The author concludes that this internal experience is ignored in the map of curriculum as structure and teaching as agency.  相似文献   

世界教育改革的重点主要体现在"去集中化"的政府改革,以"教育券"发放取代直接对学校补助的财务改革,以如何提高教师专业品质及教学成效为主轴的师资改革,以培育学生终身学习能力为焦点的课程改革,注重社会公平的平等性改革等方面.受其影响,台湾技职教育也进行了一系列改革,如试办综合高中,推动高中职社区化,采取招生管道多元化,实施课程统整,促进教师专业发展,进行高等技职学校改制等.  相似文献   

经验合作教学:校本教师培训的新思路   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章基于我国新课程改革和教师发展的教育背景,提出了经验合作教学的校本教师培训构想,对经验合作教学的概念、理论来源、对教师发展的促进作用及其在实践中的可行性进行了论述。  相似文献   

课程改革遭遇文化传统是必然现象,本文在厘清文化传统的内涵的基础上,着力剖析课程改革中文化传统的迷失与症结,认为课程改革在借鉴西方教育理论的同时,无视或忽视了文化传统的在场,为此,笔者指出课程改革应扎根于本民族文化传统的实际,把改善文化传统的不足和薄弱作为课程改革的基本路向。  相似文献   

在教学实践的基础上,阐述了比较高等教育课程改革的指导思想,课程的结构与特点、实际效果和体会。即:①课程的改革必须以学生为中心;②要以科研为基础。  相似文献   

本文先交代祖国大陆、香港特区、台湾地区21世纪来临之际教育与课程改革的背景概况;接着以初中为主,介绍两岸三地最新的语文课程标准中对语文课程目标的定位以及今后的发展趋势.  相似文献   

过程性评价的理念和功能   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
新课程实施过程中三种关于过程性评价的概念理解一方面在鼓励教师关注学生的认知过程和情意发展上有某种积极意义,另一方面又是模糊、片面的,给课程改革实践带来的一些负面影响。通过对评价概念的发展回顾和新课程评价理念的价值取向、实质、方式和可持续发展意义的分析,提出自己对过程性评价概念的理解,指出过程性评价的优势和局限,以及实践中需要注意的问题。  相似文献   

高职《机械设计基础》课程建设的探索与实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以<机械设计基础>课程建设为例,对课程建设目标和建设体系展开论述,并总结了课程建设成效,对高职教育下的课程改革进行了有效的尝试.  相似文献   

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