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This study focused on verbal aggression in sibling relationships. The study examined the relationship between (a) verbal aggressiveness with satisfaction and interpersonal trust, (b) the relationship between teasing and verbal aggressiveness, (c) whether people more satisfied with their siblings report that receiving verbal aggression is more personally hurtful, and (d) whether sibling sex influenced verbal aggression in the relationship. Results support the destructiveness of verbal aggression in that verbal aggressiveness was negatively related to satisfaction and trust. Teasing was found to be positively related to being verbally aggressive. Sibling satisfaction was positively related to being hurt from receiving verbally aggressive messages. Results involving sex show that women are more satisfied and report using less verbal aggression and teasing than the other sibling dyads. Conclusions, future directions, and limitations are discussed.  相似文献   

反转是一种技法,有不少整蛊短信运用反转技法来编写,即短信语段在看似理所当然中制造出人意料的东西,通过“逆差”反转出趣味来。短信反转技法有利用指示代词、词语别解、语词重复、利用多义词、利用谐音、运用排比、表明出错、刨设剧情等多种类型。短信反转是引人发笑的媒介,其机制在于心理期待的突然跌落。  相似文献   

This study focused on hurtful messages daughters-in-law (DILs, N = 132) reported receiving from mothers-in-law (MILs). Results reveal various hurtful message types: under- and overinvolvement, personal attacks, and hurt communicated to or through a third party. Grounded in attribution theory, we examined DILs’ attributions for MILs’ hurtful messages and their perceived agreement with their husbands’ reasoning for the message. Our findings illuminate distress-maintaining and relationship-enhancing attribution biases for MILs’ behaviors, such that DILs who were less satisfied with their MILs tended to make more internal attributions for MIL hurtful behaviors, and more satisfied DILs tended to make more external attributions. The degree to which a DIL believed she and her husband interpreted his mother’s behavior similarly was also important and positively predicted marital satisfaction. Findings addto the growing portrait of in-law communication, offering directions for hurtful messages and attribution theorizing in the in-law context.  相似文献   

Verbal aggression in violent and nonviolent marital disputes   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Recent research suggests that verbal aggression may function as a catalyst to violence between spouses in marital disputes. Communication skills deficiencies may predispose spouses to rely upon verbal aggression in family conflict situations instead of more constructive forms of communication such as argumentation. This suggests a need to understand better the role of verbal aggression in interspousal violence. A study is presented which compared a sample of nonabused wives to a clinical sample of abused wives in terms of self‐reports of the use of verbal aggression by the husband and wife in their most recent dispute. While there were several differences between the two groups, of the ten types of verbally aggressive messages examined, character attacks most clearly differentiated violent from nonviolent marital disputes. Two hypotheses which predicted the degree of verbal aggression in violent and nonviolent disputes and the relationship between husband and wife usage were supported. Implications are discussed especially in terms of studying interspousal violence from a communication orientation.  相似文献   

An attributional intervention was designed to reduce aggressive males' tendency to attribute hostile intentions to peers following ambiguously caused peer provocations. African-American elementary school boys ( N = 101), aggressive and nonaggressive, were randomly assigned to the attributional intervention, an attention training program, or a no-treatment control group. Data were collected on subjects' attributions about hypothetical and laboratory simulations of peer provocation, disciplinary referrals to the school office, and teacher ratings of aggressive behavior. Aggressive subjects in the attributional intervention were less likely to presume hostile intent by peers in hypothetical and laboratory simulations of ambiguous provocation. They were also less likely to endorse hostile retaliation on judgment measures and to engage in verbally hostile behaviors in the laboratory task. Further, intervention subjects were rated as less aggressive by their teachers following the treatment. Both the benefits of attributional change and its limitations in the African-American population are discussed.  相似文献   

Author's note: In the context of the conference I decided not to dot the t's and cross the t's of its proceedings but rather to select several themes of general relevance which were not likely to have been fully explored by the various commissions. There were (a) the models of language use - message making, (b) the speaker and his messages, and (c) some social aspects of the writer and his messages. I also tried to refer to as much relevant work in the field as possible, not I hope in the vain attempt to display scholarly erudition, but because I know many teachers in the audience wished to follow up the work of the conference .  相似文献   


This case study of one urban school district in British Columbia, Canada, examines technology-related disruptions to the teaching plans of seven midcareer elementary school teachers over a 1-year period. Despite having relatively good access to current digital technologies and relatively strong experience in using them, teachers commonly experienced disruptions to their plans that necessitated the use of diverse problem-solving strategies and supports. We examine the types of disruptions teachers recalled experiencing, the strategies they chose to address them, and the perceived success of those strategies in allowing teachers to carry through with their plans for classroom technology use in ways that preserved their pedagogical intent. Implications are discussed with regard to ways that districts might more effectively support elementary teachers’ technology use. (Keywords: technology, lesson planning, disruptions, barriers, professional development)  相似文献   

21世纪,网络文化得到迅猛发展,其手机短信就是代表。众多短信充满智慧与个性,不仅善用语音,构成押韵和叠音,使短信语言音韵和谐,具有音乐美,而且妙用汉字,尤其是运用析字格来委婉传情,巧妙达意,使短信语言趣味横生。本文析字格仅取"化形"类,分作拆散、离合、增损三类,重点剖析猜字短信及表达的内容。析字格是汉语独有的修辞方式,分析研究手机短信中的析字格,既可以启发艺术趣味,使人们更加热爱祖国的语言文字,也可以指导人们更好地创作短信,从而把短信这块精神家园建设得更好。  相似文献   

Ambivalence characterizes many adolescents' attitudes toward marijuana use. This study investigated the effects of ambivalence on adolescents' reactions to anti-drug messages. Two hypotheses suggested by past research were tested, one concerning the general vulnerability of ambivalent attitudes to persuasion, the other concerning the effect of ambivalence on message elaboration. Three hundred and eighty-six (386) adolescents ages 12 to 18 were exposed to anti-drug messages. Their marijuana use intentions and other related cognitions, as well as their responses to the messages, were assessed afterwards. Results provided relatively consistent support for the general vulnerability hypothesis—that high ambivalence participants reported greater agreement with the anti-drug messages and more anti-drug intentions and attitudes. No effect of ambivalence on message elaboration was detected. The implications of the findings for anti-drug communication campaigns are discussed.  相似文献   

分析了垃圾短信的特点、形成原因和危害,探讨了过滤垃圾短信的分类方法,指出开发出更加有效的分类方法是目前研究者工作的重点。  相似文献   

Most people state that they would be willing to be organ donors, however only a small percentage of the population has actually signed an organ donor card. These studies focused on persuasive messages that encourage people to sign organ donor cards. In the first study, people reported their attitudes and knowledge involving organ donation. Results indicated that donor card signing was related to overall knowledge about donation. When only considering those people with positive attitudes toward organ donation, their overall knowledge about donation explained their willingness to sign organ donor cards. In the second study, people read a message involving organ donation before they were asked to sign an organ donor card. The content of the message (i.e., narrative vs. statistics) and the affect of the message (i.e., humorous vs. sad) were manipulated. Results indicated that narrative messages were more effective than statistical messages. Additionally, humorous messages were more effective than sad messages.  相似文献   

本文试图以记忆理论为基础,通过实验考察长段听力材料中的信息数量和信息位置是否影响中级汉语听力理解。实验结果表明,信息数量较少时,信息位置的不同对事实题答题正确率的影响不大;当信息数量较多时,信息位置靠后的题目正确率显著高于靠前的题目。结合问卷和访谈的信息,我们认为,在长段听力理解中,答错题的原因不一定是听力能力不足,“遗忘”会影响听力测试的成绩,由此我们提出应将“用笔记录”作为一种听力策略在教学中得到强化。  相似文献   

手机短信:大学生思想政治教育新平台   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
手机在大学校园已呈普及之势,收发手机短信是大学生手机最主要的用途.文章分析了手机短信给大学生带来的影响,并着重就应用手机短信开展高校思想政治工作提出了具体的方法和建议.  相似文献   

Based on hope theory, this study examined potential links between hope and memorable messages. Using qualitative methods, the authors coded the content and form of memorable messages in three domains: academics, relationships, and finances. Quantitative analysis then tested if the memorable message characteristics of positivity and efficacy were associated with dispositional and domain-specific hope. Consistent with predictions, participants with higher dispositional hope reported more positive and efficacious messages across message domains. Hierarchical regression analysis suggested that the agency, but not the pathways, dimension of dispositional hope predicted message positivity and efficacy. Regression results also indicated that participants with higher domain-specific pathways reported more efficacious memorable messages.  相似文献   

This paper reports students’ perceptions of the classroom discipline strategies utilized in Australia, China and Israel. It examines data from 748 teachers and 5521 students to identify how teachers’ use of various disciplinary strategies, and the extent to which these relate to student misbehavior, differ in three national settings. In general, Chinese teachers appear less punitive and aggressive than do those in Israel or Australia and more inclusive and supportive of students’ voices. Australian classrooms are perceived as having least discussion and recognition and most punishment. In all settings greater student misbehavior relates only to increased use of aggressive strategies. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The language of text messages speeds up the transmission of information,shows the richness of languages,and contains all kinds of implication. Many researches on text messages have been published but the analysis of the languages of text messages in the domain of Grice's cooperative principle is open to investigate. This paper explores the language of text messages based on Grice's Cooperative Principle(CP) and its maxims,which aims to understand how the theory influences the text message communication and create some humorous effect. It is of practical significance to research text messages as a kind of language phenomenon.  相似文献   

消息与一般文章比 ,在语言上有共同的要求 ,也有它独自的特色。消息的语言要求准确、精炼、生动、得体 ,它选用词语 ,以俗词、常用语为主 ;造句以短句、散句为本 ;修辞择格而用 ,讲究形式美和意蕴美。  相似文献   

为使交换式以太网能满足工业数据通信的实时性要求,首先提出了一种基于固定优先级调度(Fix.PriorityScheduling,FPS)的实时消息调度模型,由源站点和消息接纳控制服务器对消息进行可调度性判定.另外,通过将消息集在交换式以太网上的可调度性判定转化为对在接收链路上具有释放抖动消息集的可调度性分析问题,给出了实时消息在发送和接收链路最坏传输完成时间的计算公式,进而提出了消息可调度性判定方法,并对相关结论进行了理论证明.  相似文献   

随着手机的普及,手机短信以时尚、快捷、价廉等优势改变了学生与外界的沟通,也丰富了汉语学习的内容和方式。文章从第二语言学习的角度,分析了手机短信内容对少数民族学生汉语学习的影响。  相似文献   

教育信息云储流在提高教学效率、减少资源投入、促进系统稳定的同时,加大了隐私侵权与安全储流等风险,迫切需要通过法定所涉个人信息的范围、构筑教育信息移转与内部监管机制、统一云服务协议必备条款、确立数据权人明示同意规则、建立完备的侵权责任制度、改进云服务提供商的安保屏障并提高教育机构及利益相关者的认知水平等应对策略,逐步形成健康有序的云储流环境,推动教育信息化、产业化与现代化。  相似文献   

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