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Promoting technology integration through collaborative apprenticeship   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Teachers often learn technology skills and integration strategies in intensive seminars, ineffective means for professional learning because experiences are seldom transferred to instructional practices. Thus, effective technology integration requires teachers to obtain learning experiences within the context of their teaching so they can practice, reflect, and modify their practices. Learning in a teaching community is a social process that involves ongoing, on-site, and just-in-time support. Teachers need avenues to continually interact to provide such support across all members of the community. Collaborative Apprenticeship, a professional development model featuring reciprocal interactions, is one such approach to promoting technology integration. Teachers experienced in technology use serve as mentors of peer-teachers' technology applications aimed at improving instruction. Technology is progressively infused as peer-teachers learn to design technology-rich lessons from their technology-savvy peers through modeling, collaboration, and coaching.  相似文献   

本文基于商务英语的课程培养目标和人才需求,运用模块化教学思想的理念,提出了商务英语核心能力课程之间以模块组合,抽离出共同商务核心词汇的教学方法,以提高商务英语词汇教学的切实效果.  相似文献   

通过竞争优势理论与比较优势理论进行比较得出,竞争优势理论是互动的比较优势理论,竞争优势理论可以为经济一体化理论提供新的分析工具和新思路.按照竞争优势理论进行内部分工,经济一体化集团会获得更多的利益.  相似文献   

24 socially withdrawn preschool children were located through classroom observations and assigned to 3 conditions: (a) socialization with a younger child during 10 play sessions, (b) socialization with an age mate during a similar series of sessions, and (c) no treatment. The socialization sessions, particularly those with a younger partner, were found to increase the sociability of the withdrawn children in their classrooms. Significant increases occurred mainly in the rate with which positive social reinforcement was emitted. Generally, the results support a leadership deficit theory of social isolation. Possible mechanisms responsible for the observed changes are discussed.  相似文献   

When learners explore dynamic and interactive visualisations they are often not able to interact with them in a systematic and goal-oriented way. Frequently, even supporting learners in processes of discovery learning does not lead to better learning outcomes. This can be due to missing pre-requisite knowledge such as the coherent mental integration of the pictorial and symbolic sources of information. In order to support learners in this process, we encouraged them to interactively and externally relate different static sources of information to each other before exploring dynamic and interactive visualisations. We evaluated the benefit of this instructional support in two experimental studies concerning the domains of statistics and mechanics. It revealed that the active integration of static representations before processing dynamic visualisations resulted in better performance and can provide a basis for a more systematic and goal-oriented experimentation behaviour during simulation-based discovery learning.in final form: 16 November 2004  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of an interdisciplinary program of reading and service learning on the cognitive and affective development of university students in Hong Kong. As Nussbaum (1997) stated, literature plays a vital role in educating citizens of the world through its narrative imagination and its power of promoting understanding and empathy toward the life of others. Halstead and Pike (2006) also emphasized that art can foster reflection upon action and bring about change in behavior as a result of perspective change. In this study, 24 freshmen read literary works under the theme of children??s welfare and explored issues related to the welfare of children worldwide. Their reflections on these materials were expressed in writing and in a presentation. In the following semester, the students participated in voluntary services within and outside Hong Kong. All students completed a questionnaire on their humanistic concerns and sense of global citizenship at the beginning and the end of the project. Results showed that students were conscious of their changes after joining the program and stated their growth in values and knowledge. The pre?Cpost-t-test analysis suggested that students had made significant improvement in the following areas: (1) their attitude toward serving others, especially in their personal and social values; (2) their engagement in reading literary and nonfiction works which reflect social and moral issues of the world; (3) their attention to world affairs; (4) their concern for the underprivileged; and (5) awareness of their potential in helping the poor.  相似文献   

Semantic knowledge accumulates through explicit means and productive processes (e.g., analogy). These means work in concert when information explicitly acquired in separate episodes is integrated, and the integrated representation is used to self-derive new knowledge. We tested whether (a) self-derivation through memory integration extends beyond general information to science content, (b) self-derived information is retained, and (c) details of explicit learning episodes are retained. Testing was in second-grade classrooms (children 7–9 years). Children self-derived new knowledge; performance did not differ for general knowledge (Experiment 1) and science curriculum facts (Experiment 2). In Experiment 1, children retained self-derived knowledge over one week. In Experiment 2, children remembered details of the learning episodes that gave rise to self-derived knowledge; performance suggests that memory integration is dependent on explicit prompts. The findings support nomination of self-derivation through memory integration as a model for accumulation of semantic knowledge and inform the processes involved.  相似文献   

This article explores the effectiveness of intervention discussion sections for a college general chemistry course designed to apply research on student preconceptions, knowledge integration, and student explanation. Two interventions, on bond energy and spontaneity, were tested and intervention student performance was compared with that of a control group that did not use the experimental pedagogy. Results indicate that this instruction, which identifies students' initial conceptions and integrates those ideas into class discussion, leads to enhanced conceptual understanding. The intervention group outperformed the control group on a written course midterm, the thermodynamics portion of a standardized American Chemical Society examination, and an in‐depth interview. In interviews, the intervention group students explained the energetics of bond breaking and formation at a more sophisticated level than did the control students. In contrast, control students were more tenuous in their thinking, tended to contradict themselves more when discussing bond energy, and harbored more misconceptions about spontaneity. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 39: 464–496, 2002  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(2):236-253

The demands of the twenty-first century require effective and sustainable use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in education. Various ICT strategies and initiatives across South Africa have not resulted in system-wide, sustainable ICT integration in schools. Although the roles of principals are acknowledged in educational management, the question remains how principals influence teachers' effective and sustainable integration of ICT through teacher professional development (TPD). A matrix of theoretical criteria selected seven participants across diverse contexts. In-depth interviews produced an integrated dataset that revealed principals' patterns of influence, their perceptions and experiences, their leadership and management styles, their attitudes towards ICT integration, their knowledge on related ICT and related TPD issues, as well as their strategic thinking on ICT integration. The proposed theoretical framework illustrates the interrelatedness of aspects that influence principals' leadership through open distance learning.  相似文献   


Schools need teachers who can provide English language learners with equal access to academic content and to information technologies. The authors propose that the integration of standards in TESOL (teaching English to speakers of other languages), the theory of multiple intelligences (MI) and technology can provide an equitable education, support learning differences and develop English language skills across the curriculum. The authors suggest how the integration of TESOL standards, MI theory and technology can become a part of pre-service teacher education and discuss some of the challenges to transferring this integration into the classroom  相似文献   

电子信息类专业中,工程数学与"信号与系统"、"数字信号处理"等专业课程关系非常紧密。将"工程数学"和信号类课程有效的整合到一起,通过教学实践,分析归纳了课程之间的逻辑联系,改变了工程数学和专业课程各自为政的现状。使得数学类基础课程和专业类课程能够较好的衔接与过渡,实现了工程数学和专业课程的融合,最终使信号系统类课程群趋于合理和完善。  相似文献   

D. P. Patil 《Resonance》2006,11(11):61-80
Riemann had revolutionized the fields of analysis, geometry and mathematical physics. His ideas concerning geometry of space had a profound effect on the development of modern theoretical physics. Riemannian manifolds, Riemann surfaces, the Cauchy—Riemann equations, the Riemann hypothesis-all these and more are packed into his one-volume collected works. Riemann clarified the notion of integration by defining, a little over 135 years ago, what we now call theRiemann integral. This article is devoted to a study of the Riemann integral.  相似文献   

名的古希腊学阿基米德有一句名言:“给我一个支点,我就能推动整个地球。”毫无疑问,以中国听力残障儿童的巨大数量,将聋儿康复工作比做地球并没有过分夸大。如果要进一步提高整个聋儿康复工作的水平,需要一个有力的支点。问题在于,什么是我们最佳的支点?曾经或正在致力于聋儿康复工作的人们,实  相似文献   

根据社区康复实训中心管理的现状和存在的问题,提出以学生为主体的自主管理模式,让学生成为管理的主人,充分发挥学生的主观能动性,促进实训中心管理水平和实践教学质量的提高,培养学生的服务意识、责任意识,提升学生的自我管理能力,使他们能更快适应岗位需求。  相似文献   

在定积分计算中,常常可以利用一个结论来简化计算偶函数、奇函数在对称于原点的区间上的定积分,这个结论能否在重积分计算中使用?本文给出该结论的推广使用方法。  相似文献   

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