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Although Asian Americans today are lauded as a model minority and Asian students are praised as whiz kids, racial prejudice toward Asians is as true today as it was in the past. American stereotypes of Asians appear characterized by persistent perceptual homogeneity and attitude-behavior inconsistencies. This review aims to: (a) display and analyze the basic stereotype toward Asians, (b) hypothesize an explanation for the basic Asian stereotype, (c) examine the Asian student stereotype by analyzing three factors commonly used to account for the achievement of Asian students, and (d) provide suggestions for research. Arguments for Asians' inherited advantages in IQ and cognitive abilities appear to be questionable. However, the factor of family encouragement and support as well as the work ethic and drive for education factor are found to be advantageous and disadvantageous to achievement, depending on how they are applied. The article discusses homogeneity-heterogeneity of perceptions, attitude-behavior consistency, achievement motivation, parent-child social interaction, mental health, and counseling needs relative to Asian students.  相似文献   


This article attempts to do three things: the first is an exploration of the ways in which Islam is presented in an essentialist way (with a focus on religious education (RE) in England and Wales), leading to stereotypes and unsubstantiated generalisations that are then embedded in resources and agreed syllabi, secondly, it provides a critique of essentialism, and finally a case is made for the role of hermeneutics in the teaching and learning of Islam. We argue that a hermeneutical approach is a sound way to both conceptualise the phenomenon of Islam and a pedagogical opening to make sense of it, that may help overcome some of the weaknesses of the current ways of teaching about Islam.  相似文献   

1931年至1949年,是中国电影发展史上具有划时代转折意义的一个时期,是中国电影在探索中走向成熟的时期,并对以后的发展产生了深远影响。而在这期间,受到苏联电影和美国好莱坞的深刻影响,并形成了自己独特的影戏观。  相似文献   

根据马丁和怀特提出的评价理论对电影评论这一文体中的态度资源进行分析发现,按出现频率的高低排列,态度资源依次出现的是鉴赏资源、判断资源、情感资源。这一分布特征反应了影评作者通过运用评价资源巧妙地将其个人观点客观化,从而使其更加令人信服。五篇影评中,作者运用不同的评价资源对电影的不同方面进行评价,但评价重点主要集中在对电影整体的评价以及对导演的评价等五方面。  相似文献   

作为现代传媒之一种的电影,正是由于“放映”这一环节而获得了自身独具的品格,也正是因放映员的当下参与,而凭添了几分或神秘闲适或亲切从容的意味。在整个新中国文化事业的大叙事中,电影发出了最强音,而在电影领域,与凋敝的创作形成鲜明对照的是繁盛的电影发行与放映(作为一种制度性的安排)。电影放映员就是这个大叙事中无数小叙事的参与者和执行者。  相似文献   

模因论(Memetics)是基于达尔文进化论的观点来解释文化进化规律的新理论。作为一门新兴学科,模因论从诞生后就表现出强大的传播性。各个领域的学者们都在将模因论与各自的学科相结合以获得新的启示。电影集文化性、艺术性以及商业性于一体,国外电影的逐渐普及使得影片片名的创作和翻译也显得极其重要。在人们心中早已成为思维定势的成语、典故、俗语等中国传统文化因子常常被借用、模仿和复制在外国电影的片名中。拟从模因论的理论出发,分析、解释模因在外国电影片名翻译中的影响。  相似文献   

影像艺术是一种生动直观的文化传播平台,为民俗文化提供了很好的展示空间;民俗文化中所蕴含的深厚底蕴,亦使其成为影视作品中重要的元素之一。这令二者的结合成为必然。这种结合,往往能对民俗文化自身发展起到保护与推动作用。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the gender stereotypes endorsed by elementary and high school students regarding mathematics and language. We developed a questionnaire allowing students to rate mathematics and language as either male or female domains and administered it to a sample of 984 elementary and high school French‐speaking Canadian students (Grades 6, 8, and 10). Results showed that, with the exception of Grade 6 boys, students did not believe that mathematics was a male domain, or even conceived of mathematics as a predominantly female domain, suggesting that the traditional stereotype favouring boys in mathematics might have changed over the past few years. Moreover, language was clearly viewed as a female domain. Overall, our findings suggest that boys seem to be in need of encouragement in school, especially regarding language, where the advantage given to girls is particularly salient.  相似文献   

游戏电影是集影视艺术和数字媒体艺术于一体的电影艺术新形态,其制作方式和故事叙述方式与传统电影相比存在明显的差异。现阶段国内外游戏电影的发展,虽然存在资金压力大、受众群体小、题材范围窄、市场不规范等问题,但整体发展态势良好,正呈现出商业发展互赢、技术艺术融合、技术力量变革、创作深度挖掘等发展趋势。  相似文献   

以许大同为代表的几乎所有的在美华人,试图在所面临着的西主化的冲击下改变自己,将自己融入到它们中间,彻底改变自己的第三世界的身份。第三世界的许大同们心甘情愿地接受着第一世界化的挤压。像《刮痧》这样的电影正处于中国影视走向世界的第二步,它们不像第一阶段的影片那样,向西方所展现的那种“中国特色”或“东方化”还往往停留在物质层面,精神上的揭示也是停留在展示给西方人看的立场上。到《先刮痧》,这种简单的线形判断没有了,化批判虽然淡了,但是编导对于东西方化冲突的理解加深了,那种冲突的复杂和转化体现了各种化自身的力量。  相似文献   

从后殖民的视角梳理了美国主流话语中的华人刻板形象,通过分析华裔女作家谭恩美的第二部作品《灶神之妻》中的母亲形象,指出其塑造的新型中国女性形象颠覆了华裔女性沉默、柔弱可怜的刻板印象,对华裔自身在西方的发展具有现实意义。  相似文献   

通过对经典影片的实例分析 ,强调在电影艺术中结构和人物的重要性及其审美价值。  相似文献   

作为香港“新电影”的突出代表人物,王家卫以后现代主义电影关学观对电影的叙事语言、故事主题、画外音独白、色彩运用和电影噱头等电影元素进行了深入的探索。他选择即兴的拍片手法,将叙事文本模糊,转而用碎片式的创作风格来粘合情节,通过人物情感自白来表现对生活的真切感受,呈现出人物间的情感冲突,刻画人物“寂寞个体间的无言交流、孤寂情感的另类诉说以及孤寂被拒的情感基调”等心理底色,形成王家卫独特的电影风格。  相似文献   

电影艺术可以真实反映本民族的社会生活与民族精神,创造出具有民族风格和民族特色的作品。从电影声音创作的重要性、声音创作与民族化、声音创作民族化的意义等方面进行分析论述,寻求中国电影的民族化发展道路。  相似文献   

School textbooks are the main means of instruction and the main tool for the organisation of the teachers’ pedagogic practices. Stereotypes concerning the two genders are inscribed in the curriculum and become evident inside the school textbooks. The present study, through a content analysis of the Greek-language textbooks used in the third grade of the Greek primary school, examines the existence of gender stereotypes throughout the full range of these books. Additionally, semi-structured interviews with a sample of teachers who have taught the particular subject in the past are carried out. The findings show that there is a need for evaluation of the existing language textbooks in primary schools, with the aim of promoting a more gender-balanced learning material. Moreover, the classroom teachers raise the need for the promotion of initial as well as in-service training for teachers on issues of ‘gender stereotypes’, ‘language sexism’ and ‘gender-mainstreaming policies’.  相似文献   

The most significant aspects within this taking place in the educational system regarding to paper are overcoming the stereotypes and prejudices that are Roma children. In addition to this, there are couples of explorations which explain the way of how the Roma children are integrated and socialized within the school borders and more concrete within a class. In that context, it gives the marks, at the same time, the visions of the Roma students in creating a comfortable atmosphere where they would find themselves to be motivated and show their best optimal school results, as well as support and encouragement for their increased activity, motivation and initiative within the school. Also, the author presented some project experiences from Sweden and Macedonia. As a pattern of an informal education from Faculty of Pedagogy in Skopje, which is very interesting, offers possibilities for development of capabilities and awareness of unity, mutual respect, tolerance ethnic harmony and building up of the consciousness of the existence of the other, especially for Roma students. The human ideas like being the first to love and taking initiative without wanting to be loved are accessible to everyone and are especially useful for youngsters.  相似文献   

In the movie You've Got Mail with Tom Hanks,his father's girlfriend said to him:"I'm going to be your wicked step-mother."I was amused at her words and couldn't help wondering how comes a steo-mother is always considered as"wicked'?  相似文献   

Drawing on the expectation state theory, this paper seeks to analyse the social cognitive process of the impacts of gender stereotypes along with their culturally derived schemas of status belief, status characteristics and emotion at the early stage of women's endeavour to emerge as leaders in academia. Employing a convenience sampling and interviews held with five women academic participants from three public and private universities in the western region of Indonesia, this research reveals that two social cognitive practices affect women's endeavour to emerge as leaders; (1) the incongruities of cultural and cognitive expected status belief and status characteristics about females with the expected performance of leadership. The pervasive effect of these can be mitigated when women adopt a strategy of neglection, coupled with a strategy of networking both via their own networks and their husband's networks; (2) the incongruities of cultural and cognitive expected ways of emotional expression on women with the expected performance of leadership. This impacts the status conferral that shapes the worthiness of females to emerge as leaders, leading female leaders in our study to build a protective shield of emotion display to keep them perceived as worthy individuals for leadership roles.  相似文献   

电影是重要的文化交流方式,随着越来越多的外国影片不断涌入国内市场,同时更多的国内影片打入国际市场,如何正确翻译电影片名,使之既保持原语文化特色又实现其商业价值是值得翻译工作者深入探讨的问题。  相似文献   

在现代性语境中,"阿本之争"体现了现代性问题的悖论性与复杂性,表征着"现代性的张力"。在电影观上,阿多诺与本雅明有着重大的分歧:前者认为电影是极权的工具,它抑制受众的想象力,有着粗鄙化的商业倾向;后者则认为电影是反抗极权的武器,它打破艺术的贵族化垄断,丰富受众的感知方式。"阿本之争"的背后潜隐着如何认知现代社会与现代艺术的离合关系、如何认清科技的压抑性与诗意性的共生关系以及如何捍卫现代性语境中个体的"完整的自由"等十分棘手的问题。  相似文献   

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