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人口流动过程中的越轨性行为分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章在对越轨性行为界定的基础上,对比分析了人口流动过程中的婚前性行为、婚外性行为、商业性性行为等越轨性行为。结果表明,与常住人口相比,流动人口的越轨性行为容许程度更高,越轨性行为的发生率更加明显。流动人口越轨性行为给个人、家庭和社会造成了不良后果,并引发系列社会问题。  相似文献   

257名大学新生性爱观现状调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用自编性爱观调查问卷,以随机取样法对257名大学新生进行了性爱观调查,结果显示,大学新生在婚前性行为与同性恋两项因子上有显著的学科差异;性知识与有无恋爱经历有显著的关系;大学新生在总体性爱观、性意向、性知识和婚前性行为方面存在显著的性别差异。调查结果表明,大学新生性爱观存在着多维度、多元性的特征,由传统保守的性爱观向开放的性爱观发展趋势比较明显。高校教育工作者应当重视和加强大学新生性爱心理方面的教育和导向。  相似文献   

Sex differences in spatial ability are widely acknowledged, yet considerable dispute surrounds the magnitude, nature, and age of first occurrence of these differences. This article focuses on 3 questions about sex differences in spatial ability: What is the magnitude of sex differences in spatial ability? On which aspects of spatial ability are sex differences found? and When, in the life span, are sex differences in spatial ability first detected? Implications for clarifying the linkage between sex differences in spatial ability and other differences between males and females are discussed. We use meta-analysis, a method for synthesizing empirical studies, to investigate these questions. Results of the meta-analysis suggest that sex differences arise on some types of spatial ability but not others, that large sex differences are found only on measures of mental rotation, that smaller sex differences are found on measures of spatial perception, and that, when sex differences are found, they can be detected across the life span.  相似文献   

以目前国内唯一仍在持续招生的性教育辅修专业为例,以全部10届462名报读学生为总样本,采用问卷调查为主要方式,调查其报读动机、家庭支持度、学习体验、学习前后的观念变化、在工作中开展性教育的情况等。81.8%的学生报读性教育辅修专业时具有知性懂爱的动机,却仅有8.4%的学生希望在将来教学过程中教授性相关知识;专业学习前后学生在性与性教育方面知识、技能和态度综合自评差异极其显著(p≤0.001);毕业后开展过性教育的人数比例为53.5%,而成为教师的毕业生有高达69.2%以上的人开展过性教育;80.0%的学生在工作和学习中向身边的人普及过性教育。学生报读动机更多是出于自身接受性教育的需要,通过学习能提升开展性教育的意愿,仍然能很好地达成培养目标;从事教师职业的毕业生开展性教育活动的比例较高,远高于从事其他职业的毕业生;师范专业学生学习性教育非常必要,意义重大。  相似文献   

Trauma-informed sex education is sensitive to students’ traumatic life experiences. Internet panel data for 600 Louisiana parents/caregivers of school-age youth were used to examine parental support for trauma-informed school-based sex education, and parental characteristics associated with supporting trauma-informed sex education. Nearly three-quarters (71%) of parents agreed that youth are exposed to high levels of trauma, and 86% reported interest in school-based sex education that supports emotional wellness. Of all parental characteristics, the perception that youth are exposed to high levels of trauma was most strongly associated with endorsement of trauma-informed sex education. Louisiana parents recognize the influence of emotional wellness on youth sexual health and support trauma-informed school-based sex education, which is becoming the new standard for youth sex education services.  相似文献   

男女生性别差异是客观存在的,然而在教育活动中存在着忽视学生性别差异的现象,存在着性别偏见的问题.这主要表现为教师对性别心理特性的偏见;教材文化中的性别偏见;教育科学中的性别偏见.要真正做到男女平等,在教育活动中必须关注性别差异,实施"因性施教",使每一个学生得到健康,全面的发展.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between school sex education and sexual health behaviours at first sex and later in adulthood, using nationally representative data. Respondents were adults from the 2010 Irish Contraception and Crisis Pregnancy Survey, a cross-sectional survey designed to assess knowledge, attitudes and behaviours relating to sex, contraception and pregnancy in Ireland. Results indicate that respondents who received sex education were more likely to have first sex at an older age and use contraception on this occasion. Sex education also significantly increased the likelihood of using contraception at first sex, when first sex occurred before 17 years of age. The effect of sex education and sexual health behaviours into adulthood was also investigated. Sex education increased the likelihood of having a history of sexually transmitted infection testing and decreased the likelihood of having experienced a crisis pregnancy. No association was found between sex education and contraception use over the past year. Findings suggest that sex education is an important factor in the context of first sex and later sexual health, and programmes should continue to equip young people as they make immediate sexual behaviour decisions and further sexual health-related decisions throughout their lifespan.  相似文献   

Medical education has not taken on board the growing awareness of sex and gender differences. A nation‐wide project to incorporate sex and gender in medical education aims to establish longitudinal gender and sex specific curricula in all Dutch medical schools that move beyond sex and gender differences in reproduction. A baseline assessment was necessary to gain an overview on the state of the art of sex and gender in Dutch medical curricula and on the courses that were suitable to integrate sex and gender differences. A quick‐scan demonstrates that sex and gender differences beyond reproduction are mostly ignored. Results have been used to create the necessary commitment of policy‐makers in all Dutch faculties to take further steps towards establishing longitudinal gender‐specific medical curricula.  相似文献   

Sex education is a contested site in the school curriculum as communities grapple with who should teach young people about sex and how it should be taught. In this paper we ask whether same‐sex‐attracted young people are being exposed to appropriate and relevant sex education at school, and if they are not whether it is necessary that sex education be inclusive of sexual difference. In the second Australian survey of 1749 same‐sex‐attracted youth of 14–21 years old, we ask young people about sex education classes at school, how useful they were for them, their sources of information regarding gay and lesbian relationships and safe sex, sexual behaviours and incidence of sexually transmissible infections and pregnancy. We find from the data that most of these young people found sex education to be useless because it was not inclusive. In comparison with normative studies, these young people were, on average, sexually active earlier, had higher rates of diagnosed sexually transmissible infections and at least as high an incidence of pregnancy. We conclude from the data that there is a need for sex education in schools to be inclusive of the sexuality of all students, not just those who are attracted to the opposite sex.  相似文献   

通过分层抽样调查惠州学院90后大学生的性观念及性教育现状,结果发现:90后大学生主要从非正规渠道获取性知识,对学校性教育工作的满意度偏低,认为学校开展性教育力度不够。因此,高校应教育90后大学生树立正确的性观念和性教育观,合理获取性知识;采用灵活多样的性教育形式,引导学生性身心健康发展;健全和完善大学生性道德和性价值观;建立高校性教育课程体系,以此来改进和提高90后大学生的性教育工作。  相似文献   

当代大学生的性观念和性心理现状及其对策研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
性教育是健康教育的一个重要组成部分。如何对当代大学生的性观念和性心理进行正确的教育和引导,是当前高校思想教育中的一项重要任务。因此,我们应该通过多种形式和手段,对大学生进行性健康知识、性伦理道德的教育和性心理的疏导,引导他们顺利地度过性心理发育的"危险期",使他们的身心得到健康的发展。  相似文献   

蒙汉回藏中学生性度取向的跨文化研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
该研究采用“贝姆性别角色量表”,对呼和浩特地区蒙汉回藏中学生共238人进行了测查。结果发现:1.蒙汉回藏中学生中存在四种性度取向类型,表明性度取向类型具有跨文化普遍性;2.其中双性化取向者占1/3左右,表明在现代化建设中他们的性别角色观念变化较大,蒙、藏族中学生大于汉、回族中学生差异显著;3.男性男性化和女性女性化类型分别占1/3和1/4。表明性别角色传统观念在我国中学生中还有一定影响,这种影响男生比女生大,回生比蒙汉藏生大;4.蒙汉回藏中学生中性化取向者,女生略高于男生,汉回生略高于蒙藏中学生,差异均不显著;5.初中和高中生性度取向四种类型比率大体相当,差异不显著。  相似文献   

论家庭功能中性功能的变迁   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过分析家庭功能和性所具有的几大功能入手,论述了西方家庭功能中性功能的变迁和中国家庭功能中性功能的变迁,指出随着社会的发展,家庭功能中性功能正发生着深刻的变化。  相似文献   

This study extends research on sex differences and similarities in communication values by examining (a) the influence of sex of friend on ratings of functional communication skills in same-sex and cross-sex friendships, (b) the moderating role of friend's sex in sex differences in evaluations, and (c) the mediating role of psychological gender in sex differences in communication values. Participants (144 men and 148 women) rated the importance of communication skills for either same-sex or cross-sex friends. Results indicate that, although men's and women's ratings of communication skills are similar, participant sex, gender, and sex of friend do exert some influence.  相似文献   

本文研究了黑斑蛙繁殖期血液中性激素与性腺发育、排精、排卵的关系 ,结果表明黑斑蛙每年清明前后产卵 ,产卵季节雄蛙血液中睾酮和雌蛙血液中雌二醇含量匀较高 ,四月中下旬达到最大值 ,繁殖季节过后 ,性激素迅速下降  相似文献   

Judit Illes 《Sex education》2013,13(5):613-625
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) pose a significant threat to the health and well-being of populations worldwide, and to young people in particular. Des]pite empirical evidence that comprehensive sex education is an important tool for prevention, the legitimacy and content of sex education in schools continue to be challenged by conservative narratives within society. This paper argues that sex education should be re-imagined as a form of civic training for children and recognised as an important corollary to public health efforts aimed at reducing the rate of STIs. The author's claim builds on notions of sexual citizenship, which consider sexuality to be an essential aspect of citizenship and a form of civic engagement. Sexual citizenship can make three important contributions to the advancement of sex education. First, the model can lead to greater acceptance of the idea of sex education by challenging conservative notions about children and sexuality, which are at the root of the classic objections to sex education. Second, it can help shape the content of sex education by eliciting parallels between civic participation and sex education. Finally, by emphasising how sex education can address some of the social phenomena underlying the spread of STIs, the model can be used to facilitate the incorporation of sex education into public health agendas. Although the author uses sex education in Canada as the principal case study, the paradigm may be equally helpful in other countries.  相似文献   

Sexuality and sex education cannot be divorced from the moral values of the societies within which we must negotiate our sexual identities and relationships. Rather than pandering to the moral panic that is too often associated with the provision of sex education in non‐secular societies where religion is more visibly active in shaping sexual ideals and norms, this article takes up the challenge of investigating a relationship that is often represented as being innately contradictory. It explores the Islamic notion of zina (illicit sex) in relation to the provision of comprehensive sex education for Muslim youth in contemporary Indonesia. The article initially establishes the demand for sex education among Indonesian youth from the overlapping perspectives of health, human rights and Islam. It then explores the notion of zina in detail and exposes how Islamic stipulations against premarital sex are not necessarily in conflict with the provision of sex education. The final section of the article refines the argument in favour of utilizing Islam as a framework for developing religiously appropriate sex education and describes a suitable approach and content for Islamic sex education curricula for Indonesian youth.  相似文献   

First sex marks a significant transition for most adolescents, yet teens often report that it was unplanned. Seventy-four college students participated in exploratory focus groups about their first sex. Although initially asked whether their first sex was spontaneous or planned, many participants revealed evidence of forethought or anticipation, signifying a third option, anticipation. This study suggests that the development and timing of sexual health messages should build on the apparent, albeit often unacknowledged, planning and thought that accompany the transition to first sex. Specifically, during the time immediately preceding first sex, young people might be particularly open to such messages.  相似文献   

《红楼梦》中的贾宝玉这一人物形象颠覆了传统社会性别角色对男性的束缚与奴役。贾宝玉背叛了“男人应该事业有成”的性别角色意识,颠覆了“男人远离女性”的性别的角色要求,挑战了“男人阳刚”的角色定位,违背了“男人老成持重”的性别塑造,反叛了男性友谊的“君子之交”,凝聚了男人解放思想所信奉的诸多理念。  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe an exercise that challenges hetero-normative and sexist notions of sexuality, allowing students to envision alternative models. Research shows how active learning eases student anxiety over challenging or threatening material. After reading Jessica Fields' Risky Lessons and Waskul, Vannini, and Weisen's article entitled ‘Women and Their Clitoris’, students designed a sex education curriculum that challenges conventional methods. Beyond critiquing existing sex education models, this exercise provides a space for students to reflect on their own sex education experiences, develop their own ideas for teaching about sex and become comfortable discussing sex and sexuality with their peers. All but one of the students reported finding the activity enjoyable or interesting. More than half of students reported change in their views about sex and sex education as a result of the activity.  相似文献   

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