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Andrew Johnson. By Lloyd Paul Stryker. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1929: pp. 881.

Better Speech. By Charles Henry Woolbert and Andrew Thomas Weaver. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co., Revised and Enlarged Edition, 1929: pp. v, 463; $1.52.

Speaking in Public. By Arleigh B. Williamson. New York: Prentice‐Hall, 1929: pp. xvi, 412.

Our Inheritance, Speeches and Addresses. By The Right Honorable Stanley Baldwin. Garden City, New York: Boubleday, Doran: 1928, pp. 349.

Modern Dramatic Structure. By Dorothy Juanita Kaucher, Ph. D., The University of Missouri Studies, Volume III, No. 4, October 1928.

Beneath the Crust of Words. By Louis Foley. Columbus: The Ohio State University Press, 1928: pp. v, 158.

John Wesley: A Portrait. By Abram Lipsky. New York: Simon and Shuster, 1928, pp. 305.

The Lord's Horseman. By Umphrey Lee. New York: Century Co., 1928, pp. 358.

The Oral Study of Literature. By Algernon Tassin. New York: Knopf, 1929: pp. 483.

The Public International Conference. By Norman L. Hill. Stanford University Press, 1929: pp. 267.  相似文献   

The purpose of the article is to: (1) identify the type of subjects used in published speech communication research over the last decade, (2) report the results of a survey of departments to determine present practices and policies regarding the use of subjects and (3) compare past and present subject selection practices. The review and survey indicate that, although a greater use of subjects from outside colleges has occurred, speech communication researchers continue to use college students as their primary source of subjects. Published articles generally do not report information needed for the replication and certification of findings.  相似文献   

以买卖交际会话为研究对象,以真实商业情境中的自然话语为语料,从民族交际学的视角用定量的方法,分析对买卖交际会话中的劝说策略,揭示了摊主作为特定社会群体的话语模式.研究发现,摊主的话语模式最主要的特征是礼貌,其次是合作性的、促进性的、关系性的及目的追求性的.摊主特定话语模式的形成受到制约商业情境的社会和文化准则及买卖交际双方角色关系的影响.  相似文献   

教学内容设计的心理学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教学内容设计是教学设计的主体部分,其质量高低直接影响教学活动的成败。教学内容设计的心理学研究,将为教学内容设计的存在和实施奠定科学的心理学基础,从而也为教师提高教学设计水平、优化教育教学效果做出积极的贡献。教学内容设计的心理学研究的主要内容有:教学内容设计的价值取向、教学内容设计的基本原则、教学内容设计的具体方式。  相似文献   

《孟子》一书中的偏正式复音词数量多,特征鲜明.文章拟从词性角度,对《孟子》中的偏正式复音词予以全面考察,并通过与《论语》的比较分析,探究偏正式复音词在先秦时的细微变化,以期为汉语词汇史的研究提供有力的依据.  相似文献   

Basic research in speech and the lateralization of language is shown to illuminate the problems of reading and some of its disabilities. First, it is pointed out how speech, or language for the ear, differs markedly from reading, or language for the eye. Though the sounds of speech are a very complex code and the optical shapes of written language are a simple cipher or alphabet on the phonemes, we all perceive speech easily but read only with difficulty. Perceiving speech is easy because, as members of the human race, we all have access to a special physiological apparatus that decodes the complex speech signal and recovers the segmentation of the linguistic message. Reading is hard because the phonemic segmentation, which is automatic and intuitive in the case of speech, must be made fully conscious and explicit. The syllabic method supplemented by phonics (used with certain reservations) is suggested for remediation of segmentation problems. Second, it is posited that since the sounds of speech are processed differently from non-speech sounds, the two should not be diagnosed and remediated interchangeably. Third, it is shown that the relationships among cerebral lateralization for language, handedness and poor reading can now be studied more meaningfully because of the recent development of new techniques. A truism often heard in the opening lecture of graduate classes in education is that we have few answers to the problems that beset us, only questions. In the field of reading, the difficulty may be owing at least in part to our impatient attempts to find immediate solutions for the teacher and the student in the classroom, and our consequent neglect of basic research. I should like to suggest today how knowledge of basic research in related disciplines may lead to clues for improving beginning reading instruction and the lot of the disabled reader—if only by affording us a deeper understanding of the reading process. Paper based on a talk given at the Twenty-first Annual Conference of The Orton Society, Washington, D.C., November 14, 1970.  相似文献   

如何准确把握、分析和加强开放教育学员的学习健康状况,是基层电大开放教育在教学中正面临的重要课题之一.笔者就基层电大开放教育学员的学习心理特征、现状和形成原因等进行了调查研究.调查显示,基层电大开放教育学员的学习心理存在着健康合理的成分,但亦并存有许多不健康因素.造成这一现状的主要因素是学员自身的非智力因素及外部环境的客观因素.众多的教学实践和相关的研究均表明:实行有效的激励机制、为学员提供有效的信息、咨询和学习交流服务、提倡"契约学习法"、鼓励"分层教学"、注重学法指导、重视经验学习、加强合作学习、坚持小组学习能够有效地增强开放教育学员健康、成功的学习心理体验.  相似文献   

言语行为与会话隐合理论在语用学研究中具有较强的操作性。对言语行为与会话隐含的研究与分析表明:文化差异是导致跨文化语用失误甚至石化现象的重要因素之一;培养跨文化语用意识可以一定程度地减少和避免语用失误及石化现象,是提高跨文化语用能力的策略之一。  相似文献   

Trends in speech     
Proposed to meet the often voiced objection that speech courses graded on a contract system stress only the quantity of work and exclude any quality controls, this plan establishes groups of tasks requiring different levels of cognative functioning by the students and assigns final letter grades for satisfactory completion of the corresponding levels.  相似文献   

Trends in speech     
This article employs Kenneth Burke's notion of interlocked moments to examine the speech, “Sources of Our Strength,” delivered by Senator George S. McGovern on October 11, 1972, at Wheaton College in Wheaton, Illinois. A clear rhetoric of change emerges, indicating a quest for redemption as the preeminent motive inherent in McGovern's discourse.  相似文献   

本文对课堂教学过程中大学生无声语言所代表的相应的心理活动,进行了初步的探究。使教师能通过观察大学生在课堂中所表现出来的无声语言来判断大学生对授课教师的教学内容,教学方法的理解度和接受程度,以便教师及时改进自己在教学过程中的不足,以提高大学课堂的教学质量。  相似文献   

心理理论的相关研究对游戏教学的启示   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
“心理理论”(Theory-of-mind)指个体对他人和自己心理状态及其与他人行为关系的推理或认知。心理理论使得个体能够对自身及其他个体的行为进行解释和预测,从而在个体的社会认知、社会行为、个体间理解与社会交往中起至关重要的作用。参考“心理理论”及相关研究的范式以组织实施儿童的游戏活动对促进儿童社会性的发展具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

一定社会的教育必须与一定社会的政治经济发展相适应。我们研究高等教育问题,也不能仅仅从教育的角度出发,而必须从社会的角度、从政治经济发展的角度出发。这是符合教育发展规律的。一、我国经济社会发展新阶段对高等教育提出更高的要求党的十六届五中全会突出强调:我们正“站  相似文献   

Educational technology research and development - This developmental research aims to (1) examine the design and developmental process, (2) investigate the nature and structure of the application,...  相似文献   

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