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This contribution explores “shuttling rhetorics” to help explain why the story of the National Woman's Party (NWP) framed many suffrage centennial celebrations. Drawing parallels between the tactics of the NWP and the Greenham Common Peace Camp of the 1980s and 1990s, this essay puts forth shuttling rhetorics as a way to trace movement as a mode of resistance. As an analytic, shuttling rhetorics allow critics to unsettle traditional understandings of protest rhetorical situations and understand how (mostly white) protestors’ expectations of violence and survival expose their inherent dependence on body privilege.  相似文献   

This essay examines Jefferson's Summary View of the Rights of British America as evidence of his craft as a storyteller. Specifically, I argue that Jefferson deploys a series of narrative renderings, the rhetorical effect of which is to eliminate the possibility of any genuine reconciliation with the English government. On the basis of this interpretation I conclude that the Summary View represents Jefferson's first declaration of independence.  相似文献   

世界人权宣言、就业政策公约、公民权利和政治权利国际公约、发展权利宣言与经济、社会及文化权利国际公约等国际公约对成年人的生存权、职业就业、选择权与发展权作了论述.2013年是我国大学史上毕业生最多的一年,就业形势十分严峻.我国高校毕业生就业面临不平等的法律歧视、缺少对农村户口大学毕业生的法律保护等多种法律问题.从法律的角度,提出了加快大学生就业权益保护的立法步伐、强化各地政府执法力度与提高大学毕业生运用法律,进行自我保护意识等几点建议.  相似文献   

This article aims to shed light on the impact of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) on education policy in Europe. The findings are based on a documentary analysis of the published reports of the Committee on the Rights of the Child (the Committee) on the implementation of the education rights in the CRC in every EU state. This included: a review of the state of children's rights to education in Europe as perceived by the Committee; a summary of the Committee's key recommendations for governments; and an assessment of whether the CRC can be considered to have influenced domestic education law and policies. The findings suggest that the CRC is having an impact on domestic education policy and that the child rights framework could be harnessed further by those seeking to influence government. The article concludes by reflecting on the factors which affect the processes of translating the CRC into policy and practice and explores the role that educationalists, both academic and practitioners, might play in its implementation.  相似文献   

Children's participation initiatives have been increasingly introduced within various institutional jurisdictions around the world, partly in response to Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Such initiatives have been critically evaluated from a number of different angles. This article engages with an avenue of critique which argues that children's participatory initiatives resonate with a neoliberal economic and political context that prioritises middle class, western individualism and ultimately fosters children's deeper subjugation through self-governance. Respecting these as legitimate concerns, this article draws on two counter-positions to argue that while children's participation can certainly be conceptualised and practised in ways that reflect neo-liberal, individualised self-governance, it does not necessarily do so. To make this argument I engage, on the one hand, with Foucault's work on the care of the self, and on the other, with more collective approaches to participation.  相似文献   

《儿童权利公约》将儿童权利保护置于首要位置,为儿童权利的保护提供了普遍的法律标准,它是迄今为止得到最为广泛认可的国际公约,成为儿童权利保护最重要的一个国际法律文件。中国积极实施《儿童权利公约》取得了一系列的成果。但是,我国儿童生存权保障也还存在不足,我国应进一步完善相关的法制,加强儿童生存权保障的组织,采取更加有效的措施,从而使儿童生存权得到更好的保障。  相似文献   

世界《儿童权利宣言》颁布至今已经整整50年了。我国作为世界《儿童权利公约》的缔约国,迄今为止在儿童权利的法律保护领域已取得了重大的成果与进展。本文既对中华人民共和国成立以后,在立法领域就儿童教育权的保障问题通过历史回顾、现状分析及未来展望等几个方面进行深入的剖析,并就存在的问题提出若干建议与对策。  相似文献   

Concerns about pupil disengagement from school and society have led to compulsory citizenship education in state schools in England. However, there is little evidence that the new citizenship education is meeting its goals. The research described here assesses a new approach to citizenship education that appears to overcome some of the identified obstacles in current practices. Hampshire's ‘Rights, respect and responsibility’ initiative is a rights‐based whole school reform of school policies and practices. Under this initiative the contemporaneous citizenship status of pupils is respected, pupils are taught about their rights under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and democratic participation is made meaningful in classroom and school functioning. Of particular interest is that the initiative starts in infant schools. This research indicates that young children can understand their rights and responsibilities in ways that are meaningful to their everyday behaviour and that rights‐based whole school reform has the capacity to improve pupil learning and citizenship behaviours.  相似文献   

UK law on education and sex discrimination does not protect the right of girls to equality in education. The European Convention on Human Rights and the Treaty of Rome offer better protection. The Convention provides for the right to education and the right of parents to have their philosophical convictions considered in the education of their child. The European Court of Human Rights’ interpretation of these rights is relevant to those seeking a remedy for sexism in education. The Treaty of Rome has stronger and faster enforcement procedures than the Convention but it makes little provision for education except in vocational training and recognition of qualifications. The form and structure of the EEC legal system nevertheless make it hospitable to a reforming education policy. Educationists need to make sure that the focus on education within the EEC extends beyond vocational training, that the context of the discussion and the definition of education are similar to those of the European Convention and the European Court of Human Rights.  相似文献   

This article explores the relationship between children's knowledge and perceptions about their rights and subjective well-being (SWB) in a sample of 8-, 10- and 12-year-olds in 18 countries, taking account of gender differences. Children's knowledge and perceptions about their rights were analysed considering whether they reported that they knew their rights, whether they had heard about the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and whether they thought that, in their country, adults respected their rights. To explore SWB, a modified version of the Student's Life Satisfaction Scale, adapted by the Children's Worlds project, was used. Children reporting that they knew their rights, knew about the CRC, or thought that in their country adults respected their rights demonstrated significantly higher SWB scores than those reporting otherwise in the 18 countries. The effects of perceiving that adults in general respected children's rights in their own country on SWB were much more important than the knowledge of children's rights or the knowledge of the CRC. Results provide useful indications on how to promote children's well-being in public policies, including in education, through the promotion of their rights.  相似文献   


This case study examines the experiences of a student who was excluded twice from a mainstream school while preparing for GCSE examinations. The authors are the student and his aunt. The exclusions were for an indefinite period and were triggered as a result of the school's inability to respond adequately to recurring epileptic seizures. The student, who has Asperger syndrome and a statement of special educational needs, had not broken any disciplinary code. Teachers' understanding of the label ‘special educational needs’ is questioned. The SEN and Disability Act 2001 has far-reaching implications for school ethos and culture. Schools' failure to anticipate the needs of students with disabilities or SEN may well lead to unlawful discrimination. Inclusive schools will need to recognize that in meeting students' individual needs the institution itself may need to change. Barriers to genuine parent partnership in education must be overcome, and children's participation rights, as confirmed in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, must be respected.  相似文献   

During the spring of 1919, the National Woman's Party sponsored the Prison Special, a cross-country train tour of 26 white women who had been jailed as a result of their protest activity for woman suffrage. Using visual, embodied, and verbal enactments of imprisonment and civic action, the Prison Special constituted white women's citizenship through simultaneous rhetorics of inclusion and expulsion. The Prison Special's foregrounding of white women's martial capabilities, respectability, and vulnerability justified white women's inclusion in the category of citizen. The Prison Special's contrast of the imprisoned white suffragists to Black women co-prisoners participated in the expulsion of Black women from the category of citizen.  相似文献   

By judgment delivered at Strasbourg on February 25, 1982, in the case of Campbell and Cosans, the European Court of Human Rights held, by six votes to one, that Mrs. Campell and Mrs. Cosans had been victims of a violation of the second sentence of Article 2 of Protocol No. 11 to the European Convention of Human Rights on account of the existence of corporal punishment as a disciplinary measure in the schools attended by their children. The Court also held, by the same majority, that the suspension of Mrs. Cosans' son from school following his refusal to accept such punishment amounted to a denial of his right to education, contrary to the first sentence of the said Article 2.  相似文献   

《儿童权利公约》将儿童权利保护置于首要地位,为儿童权利的保护提供了普遍的法律标准,我国积极实施公约,使我国儿童的发展权得到了较好的保障:儿童受教育权得到很好保障、儿童文化产品和文化活动日益丰富、儿童使用网络更便利获取信息机会增多、儿童参与权保障不断改善。但我国儿童发展权保障还存在不足,我们要进一步提高保障儿童发展权的意识、完善相关法制和政策,强化儿童权利保护的管理体制和规划,完成余下的"普九"任务,加强素质教育,提高儿童教育质量,采取切实措施促进儿童参与权的实现。  相似文献   


We report an empirical assessment of suggestions that education in the appreciation of rights may be an effective agent of moral education. A children's rights curriculum was developed that was incorporated into the existing health and social studies curricula in Grade 8 classes (age 13-15) at five different schools over a 6-month period. The curriculum was designed to teach adolescents about their rights and responsibilities under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in an egalitarian and student-centred manner. Assessment of the impact of the rights curriculum showed that, when compared with their peers who did not receive the rights curriculum, the adolescents who did indicated higher levels of self-esteem, perceived peer and teacher support and increased rights-respecting attitudes.  相似文献   

The fall of Communist regime in 1989 and the dissolution of Czechoslovakia in 1993 significantly affected the educational system of today's Slovakia. As a sovereign state, Slovakia has ratified the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities obliging its signatories to practise ‘inclusive education’. This article explores the current educational policies of the Slovak Republic in light of this obligation. Using the official statistical data the article argues that the current state educational policies have not succeeded in meeting the objective of practising inclusive education, as the proportion of students educated in segregated special educational provisions has been consistently rising over the last decade. This article attempts to identify particular aspects of the current educational policies which might have contributed to this phenomenon.  相似文献   

This article reflects on changes in the disability-related educational approach of United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), specifically investigating the context UNESCO's Special Needs Education unit was embedded in while following up the ‘World Conference on Special Needs Education’ that was held in Salamanca 20 years ago. The paper starts with the observations that first education for all and inclusive education are currently as education themes of UNESCO quite similar in terms of their scope and rationale. Second, although debates on inclusive education have been fuelled in context with the UN-‘Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities’, disability plays a less important role in UNESCO's programme spectrum, compared to some decades ago. Drawing from a study on institutions and knowledge analysing shifts in meanings of inclusive education, the recent tautology of themes is interpreted in connection with changes of UNESCO's approach to special needs education after 1994 and as consequence of shifts occurring back then in perceptions about the goals of UNESCO programmes. Borrowing from Organisation Studies, the article highlights conceptual changes in UNESCO's programmes, from traditional special (needs) education to inclusive education. Data used have been collected in the archives of the UNESCO headquarters in Paris. Method of the interpretive inquiry is in-depth content analysis.  相似文献   

Inherent in the rhetorical tradition of symbolic form is the search for the rhetorical processes which convert experience into the social forms of community. Fusing Robert Scott's notion of rhetoric as dynamic with the rhetorical concept of “spectacle,” this essay explores “the dynamic spectacle” as a rhetorical document of community building. Black America's struggle for identity in White America is offered as a case study.  相似文献   

Does rhetoric have a place in the discourse of human rights? Without certain reply, as the dilemmas of defining, claiming, and promoting human rights appear both to include and exclude the rhetorical gesture, this question invites inquiry into the preface of the contemporary human rights regime, the moment of the aftermath that provokes a struggle with language. Grasped partly through Richard McKeon's extended thought on human rights and conflict resolution, including his collaboration with a committee of philosophers charged by UNESCO to assess the grounds for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, this preface opens the work of discovery, an inquiry that recognizes how the hypocrisy of “acting words” constitutes a potential for expression which beckons being toward its human rights.  相似文献   

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