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Dolores Huerta, co-founder of the United Farm Workers Union, was and still is involved in a number of social justice causes, including voter participation. Since her days working at the Community Service Organization in the 1950s, she has long advocated for registering and organizing voters as part of a broader strategy to enfranchise Mexican, Mexican American, and other historically marginalized groups. This essay explores a few brief examples of her calls to get out the vote and participate in social movements more broadly to address the deep-seated problems of “citizenship excess” that face Mexican, Mexican American, and other immigrant communities (as well as many others) in the United States. In addition, Huerta has strongly advocated for “people power” as a way to get marginalized people into activism, especially those with intersectional identities related to race, ethnicity, gender, class standing, sexuality, and political orientations.  相似文献   

“商务英语函电”是高职院校一门重要的专业课程。由于商务英语函电的内容和语言具有特色,因此,课堂教学应以特色为基础,探索教学新思路。针对学生的实际学习能力和学习困难,应注重培养其扎实的商务英语函电写作基本功和在不同商务情景下的写作技巧,以灵活应对未来的社会需求。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine which emergent literacy skills contribute to preschool children's emergent writing (name-writing, letter-writing, and spelling) skills. Emergent reading and writing tasks were administered to 296 preschool children aged 4-5 years. Print knowledge and letter-writing skills made positive contributions to name writing; whereas alphabet knowledge, print knowledge, and name writing made positive contributions to letter writing. Both name-writing and letter-writing skills made significant contributions to the prediction of spelling after controlling for age, parental education, print knowledge, phonological awareness, and letter-name and letter-sound knowledge; however, only letter-writing abilities made a significant unique contribution to the prediction of spelling when both letter-writing and name-writing skills were considered together. Name writing reflects knowledge of some letters rather than a broader knowledge of letters that may be needed to support early spelling. Children's letter-writing skills may be a better indicator of children's emergent literacy and developing spelling skills than are their name-writing skills at the end of the preschool year. Spelling is a developmentally complex skill beginning in preschool and includes letter writing and blending skills, print knowledge, and letter-name and letter-sound knowledge.  相似文献   

协作脚本是为推动学习者在协作活动中的协作进程而设计的脚手架,是学习科学研究的重要组成部分。协作脚本是学习科学中的认知理论与学习理论的智慧结晶,是个体支架到协作支架的发展产物,更是学习科学作为一门设计科学的理论导向的产物。运用Bicomb、Gephi与SPSS软件,对来自Web of Science数据库的528篇协作脚本研究核心文献进行计量分析,发现脚本作用机制、学习环境与教学策略优化、科学教育、语言教育是国际协作脚本设计的四个主要研究领域,其内容与学习科学中学习发生机制、学习环境设计、学习分析技术等三个核心领域高度契合。通过展示协作脚本设计的六个案例,进一步总结528篇国际协作脚本研究,从设计的科学性角度提出了"4S-4W"协作脚本设计框架。结合学习科学三个核心领域的前沿动态以及文献计量结果,对172篇具备低内部成熟度、高外部影响力的新近文献进行进一步分析,探明了国际协作脚本研究的未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

论文用“信达切”的标准来评述姚乃强翻译的《红字》中文版本,最后指出在忠实于原文内容即“信”的基础上,姚先生的翻译更好地达到“达”和“切”的要求,是《红字》中文译本中的上乘之作。  相似文献   

韩国高校的写作教学主要包括两大领域:以文学为对象的写作和以文章为对象的写作。前者所包括的诗文及小说创作的教学模式深受中国古代诗文及小说创作的影响;而后者的涵盖范围较广,包括各种实用性文章写作以及专业学术科研论文写作。  相似文献   

Children's literacy skills are an important predictor of success in the early elementary grades. Education programs for at-risk preschool students target children's acquisition of specific literacy skills, including knowledge of letters of the alphabet, in preparing children for early school success. Writing has been proposed as a complementary approach to other instructional strategies for teaching young children about letters. This study examines relations among preschool children's early writing competence, knowledge of letter names, sensitivity to initial sounds in words and understanding of print concepts in a sample of low-income children enrolled in Head Start. Data were collected from the beginning to the end of the school year, which offered the opportunity to examine concurrent development of these early literacy skills. Results revealed that children whose writing was more sophisticated knew the names of more letters, understood more about print concepts and were more sensitive to initial sounds of words. There was evidence of bidirectional influences of writing on growth in letter knowledge, and of letter knowledge on growth in writing competence.  相似文献   

Purpose: Through an analysis of a social farming (SF) case study, this article investigates how collaboration and knowledge co-creation between different actors can support the process of rural transition in order to stimulate innovation in the welfare system using agricultural resources.

Methodology: We used the ‘Antecedent-Process-Outcome Framework’ developed by Wood and Gray [1991. “Toward a Comprehensive Theory of Collaboration.” The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 27 (2): 139-162] and adapted by Thomson and Perry [2006. “Collaboration Processes: Inside the Black Box.” Public Administration Review 66 (s1): 20-32], to analyse the collaborative process within the Board of Social Farming (BSF) in Valdera, Italy. The BSF in Valdera is particularly important as it was the first transition arena developed in Italy for SF development.

Findings: The article highlights the difficulties and opportunities encountered by the BSF in the knowledge co-creation and collaboration, and identifies key elements to facilitate innovation in SF and more generally in transition processes.

Practical implications: The article aims to generalize crucial practical elements in the relationship between collaborative approaches and innovation in the field of innovative welfare society, which is increasingly key to rural transition.

Theoretical implications: Innovation in SF is complex due to the need to identify new knowledge, diverse kinds of organizations and innovative interactions among many private and public stakeholders. The article explores the concept of collaboration in SF in order to re-define the production of public and private goods within local and rural communities.

Originality: The article aims to contribute to the ongoing discussion on the advantages and disadvantages of collaboration in order to reinforce rural transition pathways.  相似文献   

目前在不少高校,大学语文和写作正在为各种专业课“让路”,课时被不断压缩,一些优秀的教师不愿意上这两门课。而与此形成鲜明对比的是,大学生的写作能力、对中文的驾驭能力、对文学作品的鉴赏水平等却不容乐观。其实,大学语文和写作课能有效帮助大学生提升文化素质和应用能力,把大学语文和写作建设成为以全面培养和提高学生的人文素质为宗旨的新课程,是“教”和“学”双方共同的要求。凯里学院作为升本不久的地方院校,尤其是以师范专业为主的新建本科院校,大力加强文化素质课程的教育教学力度,不断提高学生的人文素养与写作能力,是一个长期的努力方向。  相似文献   

《21世纪大学生毕业论文写作要义》一书,具有三个特点:全方位、多角度立体化;针对性强、可操作性强;学术性、可读性统一,实用性强。它为即将毕业的大学生和工作岗位上的专业技术人员撰写学术论文提供了指导和帮助。  相似文献   

英汉思维模式存在差异,而这种差异又影响了语言的表达方式。本文结合大学英语写作案例,分析了英汉两个方面的思维模式差异对英语写作中语篇组织的影响,并简要提出了在大学英语写作教学中培养学生对思维模式差异的敏感性,提高学生的写作水平的策略。  相似文献   

Being at risk or in social vulnerability situations can affect important aspects of child development. The aim of this study was to investigate fundamental motor skills (locomotor and object control) and school (writing, arithmetic, reading) performances, the perceived competence and the nutritional status of girls and boys living in social vulnerability in the poorest regions of Brazil. Two hundred eleven (211) children (87 girls, 41%), 7–10-year-old (M = 8.3, SD = 0.9), from public schools in Ceará (Brazil), living in social vulnerability, participated in the study. Children were assessed using the Test of Gross Motor Development – 2, the Body Mass Index (BMI), the Self-Perception Profile for Children, and the School Performance Test. Multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA), adjusted for age, did not show any significant effect for locomotion. There was an effect of gender on the object control. Boys showed higher scores in striking, kicking, throwing, and rolling a ball. Quade's nonparametric analysis showed no difference in BMI between the genders. Most children presented healthy weight. The MANCOVA showed no effect of gender on children’s scores on perceived competence on the subscales; moderate scores were found for most children. There were no gender effects on school performance; both boys and girls demonstrated inferior performance. Boys and girls in social vulnerability showed inferior performance in most motor skills, moderate perceived competence and inferior school performance. These results reveal that the appropriate development of these children is at risk and that intervention strategies should be implemented to compensate the difficulties presented.  相似文献   

Through the use of the metaphoric tool of topography, two educational researchers explore the development of their understanding of collaboration in self-study of teacher education practices research. The researchers communicate their perceptions through the presentation of four topographic moments. Each topographic moment is represented by a poem and the analysis of the poem. The four moments explored include the self in collaboration, the positioning of the self and the other on the landscape of collaboration, the way in which collaboration impacts research methodology, and the role of representation and community. The poems stand as landscape markers used to metaphorically capture and communicate the authors' understandings. The way in which collaboration influences the layers of methodology contributes to the identity of teacher educator/researchers and establishes a community of scholarship in self-study research.  相似文献   

教师领导力是教师的核心素养之一,是影响教育教学质量的重要变量。国外教师领导力的研究呈现一些新动向,特别强调教师要从领导行为到领导思维方式的转变,主要体现在:对教师领导力的理解经历了正式职务的教师领导、作为具有课堂教学专长的教师领导、作为一种思维方式的教师领导三个阶段,研究的着眼点从强调个人角色转向教师集体的责任与共享;无论是实证研究还是循证决策,都将协作视为教师领导的关键能力;教师领导力研究对传统学校组织结构和组织文化提出挑战,对领导和权力理论有不同的诠释,对理论架构有独到的主张,重构成为教师领导力研究的内在需求。  相似文献   


This paper contrasts approaches to supporting ethno-cultural diversity in education in Canada, the USA and India through the lens of the experiences of the Tibetan diaspora. All three countries self-identify as linguistic and ethnically diverse states that value multiculturalism. These shared values make them insightful comparative cases to consider the role of public education vis-a-vis its impact on ethno-cultural diversity within pluralistic societies. The case used to conduct the comparison is that of the Tibetan diaspora, an ethno-cultural migrant minority found in each country. Three prevailing ethno-cultural diversity orientations are identified – integration, achievement and sustainability – to describe prevalent approaches in Canada, the USA and India, respectively. The paper concludes with implications of the skewed orientations in each context, proposing a more balanced use of all three orientations for more robust and comprehensive supports for ethno-cultural diversity in education.  相似文献   

中国唐代以后的短篇小说呈现出与传统叙述相异的面貌。具体表现为:以年轻女性从边缘到中心地位转换为特征的人物修辞设置、以偶然巧遇的特殊机缘为特征的时间修辞设置、以闺房对外秘密通道为特征的空间修辞设置,使叙事因子及叙事流程突破以往叙述模式、认知模式和一般预设,获得异质性,激起大众的接受兴趣。  相似文献   

教育平等原则是法国《教育法典》的三个基本原则之一,具有四重内涵:保障受教育机会平等,通过援助等手段促进实质平等,确保包容性的学校教育,学生参与及社会参与。教育平等能够成为法国《教育法典》的基本原则,一方面具有历史依据,有利于法典保持基本原则和制度的稳定性;另一方面具有宪法依据,从而使这一原则具有充分的民主基础。教育平等原则在法国《教育法典》编纂中发挥了建立基本制度和产生具体规则的功能,真正贯穿于法典,支撑起法典的结构。  相似文献   

本文从社会条件、职能、构造等方面分析了日本高等教育的改革。社会条件不仅包括来自历史的影响因素、未来社会发展的影响因素和国际间的影响因素,也包括大学与政治、经济关系的变化及来自大学内部逻辑发展的影响。大学社会职能的变化,包括知识的重构,学士课程的改革,研究生院的改革等。大学社会构造的变革包括重点化——社会的再分层,大学管理运营的合理化,多元的大学评价,板块的重构——大学民营化、国立大学法人化、大学的联合、大学的淘汰等。在此基础上,本文阐述了大学的社会构造——国家、市场、大学的关系。  相似文献   

Growing evidence supports the use of reflective writing activities centered around the human cadaveric dissection experience to support and assess elements of medical student wellness. Dissection may promote personal and professional development, increase resilience, and foster a sense of connection and community. This study employed a qualitative analysis of a reflective writing exercise to explore the question: “What is the impact of the cadaveric dissection anatomy experience on the personal and professional development of medical students?” This cross-sectional study was conducted at the conclusion of the first-year anatomy module. A total of 117 United States allopathic medical students were given a questionnaire designed to elicit the students' experiences and introspection. The exercise included four reflective questions that were provided to 20 groups of six students. Grounded theory analysis was used to explore themes that arose in students' responses. Participants exhibited several common reactions to cadaveric dissection. After analyzing all responses, 266 unique open codes were identified for all four questions. These open codes were sorted into ten distinct axial codes, which are broader categorical themes of open codes. The aims of our study were to identify themes that emerged as students reflected on the impact of their dissection experience using reflective writing as a tool to capture these themes and to gather information to inform pedagogical methodologies. The researchers observed that the educational effects of dissection captured in the reflective writing resembled those found in other areas of medical education that emphasize professional identity formation and important humanistic qualities.  相似文献   

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