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Popular theatre is gaining increasing attention in the Third World as a tool for popular education and community organizing. It finds expression in a number of forms including drama, music dance, puppetry and poetry and is performed for — and often by — ordinary peasants and workers. Popular theatre is used as a means of bringing people together, building confidence and solidarity, stimulating discussion, exploring alternative options for action, and building a collective commitment to change: starting with people's urgent concerns and issues, it encourages reflection on these issues and possible strategies for change.Popular theatre, however, is not a unified discipline. It is used by different groups for different interests, ranging from a technocratic, message-oriented domestication theatre at one end of the spectrum to a process of consciousness-raising, organization-building and struggle at the other end. Five main strands of popular theatre can be distinguished: (a) the struggle for national liberation; (b) mass education and rural extension; (c) community or participatory development; (d) conscientization or popular education; and (e) popular education and organizing.At its best, popular theatre is not an isolated performance or a cathartic experience, but part of an ongoing process of education and organizing, aimed at overcoming oppression and dependence, and at securing basic rights.
Zusammenfassung Als ein Instrument der Volksbildung und der Gemeinwesenarbeit gewinnt das Volkstheater in der Dritten Welt ständig an Aufmerksamkeit. Es findet Ausdruck in einer Vielzahl von Formen wie Drama, Musik, Tanz, Puppentheater und Poesie. Es wird aufgeführt für — und häufig von — einfachen Bauern und Arbeitern. Volkstheater wird eingesetzt, um Menschen zusammenzuführen, Vertrauen und Solidarität aufzubauen, eine Diskussion anzuregen, alternative Möglichkeiten für Aktionen zu erforschen und um, ausgehend von dringenden Belangen und Fragen, gemeinschaftliche Verpflichtung zur Veränderung der Verhältnisse aufzubauen. Überdies ermutigt es zu Reflektionen zu solchen Fragen und möglichen Strategien für Veränderung.Volkstheater ist jedoch keine einheitliche Disziplin. Es wird von unterschiedlichen Gruppen für verschiedenartige Interessen verwendet. Diese reichen vom technokratischen, Nachrichtenorientierten Domestizierungstheater an einem Ende des Spektrums zu einem Prozeß der Bewußtseinserweiterung, des Organisationsaufbauens und des Kampfes am anderen Ende. Es können fünf Hauptrichtungen des Volkstheaters unterschieden werden: (a) der Kampf um nationale Befreiung; (b) die Massenschulung und Ausweitung in ländlichen Gebieten; (c) die Gemeinwesen-oder partizipatorische Entwicklung; (d) die Bewußtmachung oder Volksbildung; und (e) Volksbildung und -organisierung.In seiner höchsten Form ist Volkstheater weder eine isolierte Veranstaltung noch ein kathartisches Erlebnis, sondern Teil eines weiterführenden Prozesses der Erziehung und des Organisierens mit dem Ziel, Unterdrückung und Abhängigkeit zu überwinden und Grundrechte zu sichern.

Résumé Le théâtre populaire jouit dans le Tiers Monde d'un intérêt de plus en plus grand en tant qu'instrument d'éducation populaire et d'organisation de la communauté. Il trouve son expression dans un grand nombre de formes comprenant l'art dramatique, la musique, la danse, les marionnettes et la poésie; il est joué pour, et souvent, par de simples paysans et ouvriers. Le théâtre populaire est un moyen utilisé pour rassembler les peuples, faire naître la confiance et la solidarité, stimuler la discussion, prospecter les options alternatives pour l'action et élaborer un engagement collectif pour le changement.Cependant, le théâtre populaire n'est pas une discipline homogène. Il est utilisé par différents groupes et à des fins différentes allant du théâtre technocratique de domestication orienté vers le message, au début de la gamme, au processus d'élévation de la conscience, de formation de l'organisation et de lutte, pour terminer. On peut distinguer cinq grandes tâches dans le théâtre populaire: (a) la lutte pour l'indépendance nationale; (b) l'éducation de masse et le développement rural; (c) le développement communautaire ou participatoire; (d) la conscientisation ou l'éducation populaire; et (e) l'éducation populaire et l'organisation.Pour dire le mieux, le théâtre populaire n'est pas une exécution isolée ni une expérience cathartique, mais c'est la partie d'un processus continu d'éducation et d'organisation visant à supprimer l'oppression et la dépendence, et à garantir les droits fondamentaux.

Attribution theory recently has been applied to school psychology practice in general and to school-based consultation in particular. Previous research has shown that consultants characteristically attribute responsibility for consultation outcomes, and particularly for failed consultations, to teacher consultees. However, these attributions may be a function of differential experiences. In this study, we hypothesized that the teaching experience of school psychologists is related to causal attributions of consultation outcome. A randomly selected national sample of school psychologist practitioners completed a questionnaire concerning reasons for successful and unsuccessful consultation outcomes. Results of the study showed that the teaching experience of school psychologists may mediate attributions of causality in consultation.  相似文献   

纵观400年现当代教育发展历史,培训,以其独特的经济功能,渐渐成为教育命系的主脉之一,与基础教育共同构架起大教育产业的两翼。今天,当代教育已经从"识字识事"为主的传统教育,向德、智、体全面发展的素质教育转变。让学生"识己(认识自己)",成为让学生"识事(认识事物)"更紧迫的时代课题。面对"识己"的时代课题,珍妮特·沃斯和戈登·德莱顿掀起了"学习革命",吹皱教潭一池春水。受教育革命的影响,在培训领域,也卷起"培训革命"的千堆雪。培训界的许多金科玉律,正面临着培训革命愈加猛烈地冲击,吸引我们每一位培训工作者眺望培训的革命,感受每天发生在身边的变革。  相似文献   

This study examines the implications of the structuralist, phe‐nomenological, and constructivist views of discourse and applies them to rhetorical criticism. Structuralist criticism analyzes the elements of the text and their interrelationships, whereas phe‐nomenological criticism stresses the influence of the situation on discourse. Constructivist criticism incorporates both methods and assumes a structural‐developmental perspective, focusing on the processes whereby participants understand and interpret discourse.  相似文献   

从地——地的角度对楚雄州的资源环境基础进行分析,基于此,对楚雄州的人地关系演进状态进行分析。在研究的过程中,把研究区和背景区、研究区和同级区域进行了对比。研究结论为:第一,楚雄州2004的资源环境基础低于云南省均值水平,资源要素综合评价系数为2.75,低出云南省水平的3.37;第二,就资源本底(多要素评价)而言,在云南省范围内,楚雄州位居第十位,资源本底值为2.75;第三,从资源保障角度来说,楚雄州属于次低保障地区;第四,就楚雄州各县市而言,楚雄州各县市的人地关系系数差距巨大。  相似文献   

18世纪60年代英国工业革命后,世界各国开始从以农业为主的传统乡村社会转向以工业和服务业为主的现代城市社会,城市化成为世界瞩目的重要问题。本文概括了城市化进程的三点特征,论述了工业革命对城市化的推动作用,得出了工业革命是城市化的基本动力和城市化的深刻根源这一结论。  相似文献   

This study, based on the theoretical model of Teacher Self-Efficacy proposed by Denham and Michael (1981), explored the effects of prior training, previous teaching experience, and certain demographic variables on the teaching self-efficacy of graduate teaching assistants. An adapted version of the Self-Efficacy Toward Teaching Inventory (Tollerud, 1990) was administered to a sample of graduate teaching assistants. Graduate teaching assistants with prior training endorsed a significantly higher level of self-efficacy than those with no training. Correlational analyses demonstrated significant positive relationships between prior training and previous teaching experience with level of self-efficacy. Multiple regression analysis indicated that previous teaching experience explained a significant amount of variance in self-efficacy. Results are discussed in light of the current training and utilization of graduate teaching assistants, and suggestions for future research are offered. is with the College of Education  相似文献   

This study sought to identify and categorize student perceptions of sexism. Respondents were asked to describe critical incidents involving sexism and to supply words and phrases, nonverbal behaviors, and media representations which they interpreted as sexist. Responses were content analyzed, and general hypotheses about the ways sex of respondent and sex of target affected the number and type of responses were tested.  相似文献   

In this article we discuss the more recent theories of the scientific revolution, the integration of mathematics with science and the importance of conceptual frameworks. This article is reproduced from the bookScience in the West and India: Some Historical Aspects, Editors B V Subbarayappa and N Mukunda, Published by Himalaya Publishing House, ‘Ramdoot’, Dr Bhalerao Marg, Kelewadi, Girgaon, Mumbai 400 004, India. The first part of this article appeared in September 1997.  相似文献   

This article gives an indepth insight into the path leading to the Scientific Revolution which includes ancient theories of science and modern science and technology. This article is reproduced from the bookScience in the West and India: Some Historical Aspects, Editors B V Subbarayappa and N Mukunda, Published by Himalaya Publishing House, ’Ramdoot’, Dr Bhalerao Marg, Kelewadi, Girgaon, Mumbai 400 004, India.  相似文献   

This study addresses issues surrounding the recruitment and training of black African religious education teachers within the context of the government’s intention to make the teaching profession more representative of the wider community. In relation to this there is a strong emphasis in the Teacher Training Agency’s Qualifying to Teach on selection procedures which promote equality of opportunity and the recognition of individual training needs. The study is informed by the work of Sikes and Everington who have highlighted the place of religion and culture within the personal histories of religious education teachers. Black African members of two successive cohorts of PGCE students are tracked to identify their training needs in relation to their cultural and religious backgrounds. The data identifies four cultural and religious factors which impact on their training to teach religious education in the UK. Finally, as advised by the Carrington Report, recommendations are made for the practice of teacher educators.  相似文献   

辛亥革命前夕,正值清廷实行“新破”时期.辛亥志士和有识之士鼎力鼓吹女子教育,声言女子教育既有利子女子各项权利的获得,也有利于家庭生计,还有利于优生优育,善种强种,更有利于救亡图存.他们奔走呼号,社会人士终于逐渐觉醒,掀起了兴办女子学校的高潮,女子教育面貌出现前所未有的改观.女子接受了教育,产生了强烈的个人对于国家社会的义务和责任意识,不仅积极宣传鼓动女子独立自主,结成团体争取自身权利,还积极参与社会革新,直接参与辛亥革命的各项活动,为辛亥革命取得胜利作出了杰出贡献.  相似文献   

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