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My little daughter is only four years old this year.She usually acts infunny ways and says some amusing words which you haven’t expected.Hereare three humorous stories about her. (1) D(daughter):Mum,Grandma is now old,you take care of her.When  相似文献   

Aunt Liu lives in the same village as I do.Her only daughter is my classmate as well as my close friend.Now in our area Aunt Liu is known far and wide as Rose Mother and her daughter as Rose Girl. Why?Aunt Liu loved her husband Uncle Cheng very much.He drove a truck to make a living. He was a devoted father and a warmhearted husband. The three of the family were living a happy life full of love.But sometimes human life is as unpredictable as the weather.One day three years ago Unc…  相似文献   

女人可能不是妈妈,也可能不是爱人,却永远是女儿,镁光灯下的璀璨,并没有抹去她们对父母的眷恋。父母的心中,她们也永远是个需要爱,需要保护的小女儿。要知道女明星和父母的故事吗?且看她们的真情档案。  相似文献   

运用评价理论的介入子系统框架。结合文化语境与情景语境分析课文Weeping for my smoking daughter中介入资源的修辞效果。受语篇的批驳本质影响,文中收缩资源远多于扩展资源,“否定”、“反驳”与“宣布”手段交替出现展开冲突性对话,“容纳”手段使作者观点不武断或强调记忆的不确定性,“支持”与“归属”手段导入了相对立的语篇外声音。介入资源导入各种显性或隐性评价,形成作者与语篇内其它声音之间、作者与读者之间的意义协商与互动。  相似文献   

陈丹丹 《海外英语》2011,(14):284-285
As a Jewish woman writer from South Africa,Nadine Gordimer is a typical post-colonial novelist in the world history of literature.Her masterpiece Burger’s Daughter has shown us her deep thinking about the relation between the blacks and the whites in the revolution for the blacks’ freedom.The thesis focuses on identity issue and analyzes how Rosa achieves self evolvement in different dialogues and her different life experiences.  相似文献   

齐行元 《海外英语》2014,(8):215-219
Amy Tan(1952-)is a female Chinese-American writer.As a famous figure equal to Maxine Hong Kingston,Toni Morrison etc.,Amy has become"another pioneer"among the minority American writers.The Bonesetter’s Daughter is another masterpiece after The Joy Luck Club,The Kitchen God’s Wife and The Hundred Secret Senses,which is published in 2001.The novel is about the life between the second-generation immigrant Ruth and her first-generation immigrant mother Luling.The stories in the novel are all narrated by female narrators.Through her novels,Amy Tan overthrows the traditional Chinese female images,shows rebel and fight of the female Chinese-Americans who are under the margin of a society dominated by patriarchy and full of racial discrimination and construct her own fictional authority.  相似文献   

张炜小说中塑造了一批大地女儿和大地母亲的完美的女性形象,这些女性人物形象,源于中国神话传说中兼有母亲和女性特征的创世女神形象原型,是民间文学中为爱降生、为爱坚贞的女性人物形象的延续。寄予了作家朴实自然、浑厚深邃的审蔓观念和追求。  相似文献   

At the beginning of this short story,the old horse- dealer,pillar of finance and spirit of the wholefamily,died and left nothing but debt and threatening to his four children.The three brothers were allfrightened at the collapse of their lives,and the sense of disaster in which they were involved left them noinner freedom. They were worrying aboutfinding a way outforthemselves and none of them would like tobother his head aboutthe future oftheir only sister,Mabel.Later,the depressed girl commi…  相似文献   

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