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Learning irregular words involves mental marking of irregular letters in the spelling, a process not fully understood. In a within‐subjects experiment, we manipulated the type of scaffolding given to beginning readers to evoke mental marking. We pretested to sort 103 kindergarten and first‐grade participants into sequential decoders, who decode letter by letter, and hierarchical decoders, who recognise vowel patterns. In the control phase, children read irregular words in sentence contexts with minimal scaffolding. In the experimental phase, participants read additional irregular words in sentence contexts by ‘operating on the word’ to mark irregular letters. Results indicated that the experimental condition induced better untimed word reading, but it did not improve spelling or reading in a flash presentation. Hierarchical decoders were significantly more successful than sequential decoders in untimed word reading, spelling and reading in the flash presentation. These results suggest that learning hierarchical decoding predisposes readers to learn irregular words.  相似文献   

Both sensitivity to speech rhythm and non‐speech rhythm have been associated with successful phonological awareness and reading development in separate studies. However, the extent to which speech rhythm, non‐speech rhythm and literacy skills are interrelated has not been examined. As a result, five‐ to seven‐year‐old English‐speaking children were assessed on measures of speech rhythm sensitivity, non‐speech rhythm sensitivity (both receptive and productive), reading attainment and phonological awareness. Hierarchical regression analyses revealed that productive non‐speech rhythm was unable to predict variance in reading attainment independently of phonological awareness and speech rhythm sensitivity. Receptive sensitivity to speech rhythm and non‐speech rhythm were both able to predict a significant amount of unique variance in reading attainment after controlling for age, vocabulary, phonological awareness, short‐term memory and each other. The findings suggest that receptive sensitivity to speech rhythm and non‐speech rhythm, while related to each other, also make contributions to reading attainment that are independent of each other. These findings provide only partial consistency with the general auditory processing deficit theory of reading difficulties, but are in line with the emerging theoretical claim that sensitivity to speech prosody may be implicated in successful literacy development.  相似文献   


The four‐phase project described here is based both on current social theories of writing and on contemporary studies of writing on the job and in the classroom. Phase one suggests methods for team organization, phase two the proposal submission, phase three the individual discussion chapter component, and phase four group components and team editing. Both teacher and student provide input for report evaluation. The author's survey of 29 formal report groups found positive attitudes toward both the formal report and collaborative writing.  相似文献   

Schon's [1983] account of “reflection‐in‐action” as a process of “refraining” experience as it proceeds has attracted considerable interest among teacher educators. But that interest has been accompanied by a great deal of confusion, perhaps because “reflection” is such a broad term with familiar meanings. Schon distinguishes the more familiar reflection‐on‐action from reflection‐in‐action that he sees occurring spontaneously within action.

A challenge facing those who stress reflection as a central feature of professional education for teaching involves finding ways to recognize and record the process of reflection‐in‐action in classrooms. This paper promotes discussion of what it means to analyze teaching from the perspective of reflection‐in‐action. After outlining some problems associated with recognizing reflection‐in‐action, data are considered from studies of metaphors and personal accounts of learning to teach. One teacher illustrates the potential of inferring reflection‐in‐action from accounts of changes in teaching practices. Parallel documentation of observations of teaching and interviews about that teaching emerge as a promising approach to the documentation of reflection‐in‐action in classrooms.  相似文献   

Action research is geared to changes for the better and has the potential to assist teachers to extend their teaching skills and develop a deeper understanding of themselves, their classroom and their learners. However, in the area of applied linguistics, the viability of action research has been seriously questioned. In this article, we argue that adopting a complexity‐theory perspective, which requires teachers to be dynamic and complex in their approach, helps in identifying action research as a suitable research tradition for investigating second‐language classrooms and in turn using it widely to invigorate the field of applied linguistics. Our argumentation is supported by the fundamental links between action research and complexity theory as an emerging paradigm in education. Although the case made in this article concerns second‐language classrooms, the conclusions reached may well apply to any classroom that shares some commonalities with second‐language classrooms.  相似文献   

This study explores the relationship between different types of prior knowledge and student achievement in an introductory chemistry course. Student achievement was regarded as the pace of completing the course as well as the final grade. A model of prior knowledge is proposed; this distinguishes between different types of prior knowledge and suggests how different types of prior knowledge should be assessed. The participants were 193 chemistry students from the University of Helsinki. Their prior knowledge was assessed with a questionnaire based on the prior knowledge model. The results indicate that the quality of prior knowledge is clearly reflected in the pace of completing the course and in the tendency to drop out of the course. Students who had deeper‐level prior knowledge were more likely to complete the course in the pre‐scheduled time and to get higher final grades, whereas students who performed lower in the prior knowledge test were more likely to either drop out or did not complete the course in pre‐scheduled time. The study implies that making a distinction between different types of prior knowledge is a potential way to identify students who are in need of more support.  相似文献   

The author, the President of EUROCLIO, a major association of European history teachers, considers the present state of history teacher preparation in the universities of Europe. Her primary complaint is that university programmes that are intended primarily for the training and preparation of future historians may neglect the needs of students planning to teach history in middle or in secondary schools. Typical university undergraduate history programmes tend to be overly academic, failing to provide enough in the way of pedagogical training. Thus the author recommends a strong dose of pedagogical methods courses as well as practical training for future history teachers. Other European organizations, particularly the Council of Europe and the European Union, are taking an interest in the ways in which history is being taught in the schools of their member states. The article ends with a survey of some recent conferences sponsored by these two organizations as well as by EUROCLIO on pedagogical and topical aspects of history teaching.  相似文献   

The aim of the British Government's National Grid for Learning policy is to harness the power of information and communications technology (ICT) in order to create a 'curriculum without walls', where the riches of the world's intellectual, cultural and scientific heritage are available to all. Central to this vision are the assumptions that: all pupils will in the future have appropriate access to computers at home and at school; that there is a common conception between home and school as to what actually constitutes learning. In this paper the authors draw on preliminary findings from a 2 year study of how young people actually utilise ICT at home and at school to raise important questions about the realisation of the Government's policy objectives.  相似文献   

The article describes how one Educational Psychology Service in the UK developed a service delivery based on self‐organised learning (SOL). This model is linked to the paradigms and discourses within which educational psychology and special educational needs work.

The work described here is dedicated to the memory of Brian Roberts, academic, close friend of Steve and a source of inspiration to both the authors.  相似文献   

Do students in preservice training programmes for elementary‐school teachers hold the correct scientific views which will eventually allow them to plan and implement instructional strategies which, in turn, will lead their future pupils to achieve a scientific concept of force? The results of a cross‐college age study dealing with this issue are discussed. The force conceptions of the students were analysed by means of a two‐part written questionnaire which was presented to them during the first week of the second semester. The most important findings of this study will be of interest to many elementary‐school teacher educators.  相似文献   

The Outsider's Gaze is a set of three DVDs for Asian students of Spanish, French and German. The project is an attempt to employ constructivist principles to the development of language learning materials. For students in Hong Kong and China, European languages present problems of relevance and contextualisation: the textbooks and available videos are invariably produced from the point of view of the insider (native speaker) and it is difficult for Asian students to connect the learning experience with their own lives. This article explores the issues involved in creating effective and meaningful learner‐centered materials for language students and contrasts this approach to the more common insider's approach. The three sections of the project are described and analyzed in terms of constructivist criteria.L' » Outsider Gaze » : Une approche centrée sur l'étudiant par des documents d'enseignement des langues. L' »outsider gaze » est un ensemble des 3 DVD pour des étudiants asiatiques en espagnol, français et allemand. Ce projet est un essai pour appliquer les principes constructivites à l'élaboration de documents pour l'enseignement des langues. Pour les étudiants de Hong Kong et de la Chine les langues europénnes posent des problémes de pertinence et de contextualisation : des manuels et des vidéos disponibles sont toujours traduits du point de vue de celui qui est né dans le pays où la langue est parlée et il est difficile pour les étudiants asiatiques de connecter cette expérience d'enseignement avec leurs propres vies. L'article explore les problèmes infligés pour créer des documents efficaces et signifiants centrés sur les étudiants et cette approche est en contraste avec l'approche habituelle de celui qui est né dans le pays où la langue est parlée. Les 3 sections de ce projet sont décrites et analysées en termes de critères constructivistes.Der Blick des Außenseiters: ein anfängerzentrierter Ansatz zu Sprachlehrmaterialien. 'The Outsiders Gaze' ist ein Satz von drei DVDs für asiatische Studenten der Fächer Spanisch, Französisch und Deutsch. Das Projekt ist ein Versuch, konstruktivistische Prinzipien zur Entwicklung von Sprachlernmaterialien zu verwenden. Für Studenten in Hongkong und China bergen europäische Sprachen Probleme der Relevanz und des Kontextes: die Lehrbücher und die verfügbaren Videos werden unverändert immer vom Standpunkt des Insiders (de einheimischen Sprechers) produziert, und es ist für asiatische Studenten schwierig, die mediale Lernsituation mit ihrer eigenen Lebenserfahrung zu verbinden. Dieser Artikel erkundet die Probleme, die mit dem Erschaffen wirksamer und bedeutungsvoller Anfänger zentrierter Materialien für Sprachstudenten verbunden sind und stellt diesen Ansatz dem Ansatz des allgemeinen Insiders gegenüber. Die drei Abschnitte des Projekts werden beschrieben und in konstruktivistischen Kategorien analysiert.  相似文献   

IN AN AGE OF MASS CONSUMPTION In our age of mass consumption, the ubiquity of commodification's many forms establishes and constitutes a significant fact of our everyday existence. A Starbucks on every corner. Between supermarket and superstore, supply almost never a problem. So much merchandise just a mouse click away. Nearly everything having its price. A product for every imaginable problem.  相似文献   

Although we were required to lecture to large groups of over 170 students, the traditional lecture clashed with our commitment to teach in a way that was student-centred, relational and socially and politically transformative. In this context, and using an action research approach, we sought to turn our large-group lectures into a space that both met some of the historic aims of the lecture in passing on received knowledge, but also became a space for students to immediately engage in a process of discussion and dialogue around the concepts and ideas raised. Although the literature suggested this was not possible in groups of over a hundred, we found that our students identified that the re-imagined lecture significantly aided their learning in a number of key respects.  相似文献   

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