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中亚非传统安全问题与跨国合作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏联时期,非传统安全问题在中亚地区已经存在。各国独立后,由于种种原因,这些问题进一步严重化。本文主要分析了中亚地区非传统安全问题的产生,特点及解决非传统安全问题上中亚国家所进行的跨国安全合作。近年来中亚非传统安全问题的滋长势头有所减缓,不过距完全解决还任重道远,所以中亚国家还需进一步加强国际合作力度。  相似文献   

文化认同与东亚共同体的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欧洲一体化建设的成功使得越来越多的人关注区域共同体的建设,东亚共同体的构建也成为东亚国家众多有识之士的奋斗目标。但是,相对于欧洲一体化的成功,东亚共同体的构建却要艰难的多,主要原因之一就在于目前东亚各国缺乏文化上的认同。如果要想成功地实现东亚共同体的构建,文化认同是各国需要共同努力解决的一个重要问题。  相似文献   

东北亚是历史和现实矛盾相纠结的重要地区之一。无论是中国崛起,日本走向"正常国家"的努力,日美同盟、韩美同盟的存在,朝核问题的反复,还是当今的一些突发性事件等都给东北亚安全合作带来了巨大困难。为此,中国必须进行身份建构,在东北亚安全合作中明确自己的定位,并通过积极的互动实践促进朝核问题的顺利解决,增强东北亚各国对中国的认同,为东北亚安全合作贡献自己的一份力量。本文从两个方面(角色身份、集体身份)对中国在东北亚安全合作中的身份进行建构,以促进中国在东北亚安全合作合作中发挥建设性作用。  相似文献   

跨国资本:对中国归国学术人才的评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从国际国内政治经济影响、政府政策以及个人因素等四个方面分析了海外学者回国的原因,力图通过对归国学者和本土学者在能力与贡献、国际联系、报酬和认可度、回国的比较观念以及短缺专业领域需求情况的调查与分析,客观地评估归国学者的“跨国资本”价值,并指出随着中国国际化进程的加快,归国学者所拥有的跨国资本将越来越受到重视,在中国学术机构中他们将处于主导地位。  相似文献   

In this discussion paper, I seek to understand the complex interaction between notions of ‘professionalism’ and gendered identity constructions against the backdrop of increased state regulation and demands for performativity in the early years. I seek to explore the ways in which ‘teacher professionalism’ is constructed by government and how this transcends into a ‘discourse of derision’, which then becomes a subtle, yet powerful, means of controlling this occupational group. I conclude by presenting an alternative feminist conceptual framework for assessing the gendered nature of identity formation, and as an opportunity to consider the role agency can play when seeking to resist/renegotiate the rapid and powerful policy reform agenda in the early years.  相似文献   

This study explored the formation and expression of gender identity among 19 self-identified transgender individuals through the use of qualitative, in-depth interviews. Through the lens of the Communication Theory of Identity (CTI), we examined how trans* individuals form and perform gender identity, the tensions produced between identity frames, and the discursive strategies used to navigate those tensions. We identified the manifestation of three specific identity gaps: personal-enacted, personal-relational, and enacted-relational. Furthermore, we discovered four discursive strategies previously recognized for navigating tensions that emerge from identity gaps: closeted enactment, passing, disengagement, and label changing, and we identified a fifth discursive strategy—hyper-engagement—used to navigate these tensions. Results revealed that these identity layers and discursive strategies collaboratively manifest and coalesce in response to specific communicative contexts. Our results are discussed within the resounding call for greater understanding of trans* identity formation and expression.  相似文献   

目前国内外学者对二战前英国在东南亚的殖民统治的研究已取得了丰硕的成果,而对战后英国重返东南亚的探讨还远远不够深入。国外学者对这段历史的研究带有较大的缺陷,其主流观点也经历了两次偏摆;而中国学者的研究则相当滞后,零星的成果也相当粗糙。英国是主动撤离东南亚,还是被赶出东南亚,成为中外学者争论的焦点。所幸的是,英国政府已相继公布了有关这段历史的大部分档案材料,这使我们研究战后英国在东南亚的非殖民化成为可能。  相似文献   

亚洲足球发展相对滞后,通过数据分析,说明亚洲足球与世界足球发展存在的显著差异,并分析了亚洲足球近年来发展所取得的成绩,试图探寻亚足联球队兵败巴西世界杯的深层次原因,力求通过处理好竞赛成绩和和夯实基础、学习借鉴和自主发展、基础训练和创新能力培养这三对关系,不断探索适合亚洲实际的足球发展之路,实现亚洲足球真正的发展和繁荣.  相似文献   

以往中国学术界主要研究国内苗族。近些年来,跨国苗族群体研究进入国内学者的视野,苗族的跨国文化和跨国分布也是国际学者关注的热点。国内学者关注包括老挝、越南、泰国和缅甸等东南亚国家的苗族群体,希望能够推动有关研究。西方学者从事东南亚苗族研究已经有一百多年的历史,来自欧美的人类学、民族学研究者和传教士留下了大量有关东南亚苗族的研究著述。文章追溯自十九世纪以来本领域研究的历史与发展,尝试对有关东南亚苗族的文献进行理论梳理,加以总结,为国内外苗族研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

在民间社会层面,福建与日本有着极为紧密的联系,这种联系对于双方社会的演变的作用还有待深入研究,因此,关注闽日间普通人群的社会交往无疑有着巨大的意义。通过对1979年以后赴日返回人员的调查,力求较真实地反映当前福建跨国人口迁移活动的状况,为深入了解侨乡社会现状,了解侨乡国际社会网络积累必要的第一手资料,为探明经常性的跨国迁移对侨乡社会、经济和民众生活的影响打下一点基础。  相似文献   

以往中国学术界主要研究国内苗族。近些年来,跨国苗族群体研究进入国内学者的视野,苗族的跨国文化和跨国分布也是国际学者关注的热点。国内学者关注包括老挝、越南、泰国和缅甸等东南亚国家的苗族群体,希望能够推动有关研究。西方学者从事东南亚苗族研究已经有一百多年的历史,来自欧美的人类学、民族学研究者和传教士留下了大量有关东南亚苗族的研究著述。文章追溯自十九世纪以来本领域研究的历史与发展,尝试对有关东南亚苗族的文献进行理论梳理,加以总结,为国内外苗族研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

In this paper I respond to Ajay Sharma’s Portrait of a Science Teacher as a Bricoleur: A case study from India, by speaking to two aspects of the bricoleur: the subject and the discursive in relation to pedagogic perspective. I highlight that our subjectivities are negotiated based on the desires of the similar and competing discourses we are exposed to, and the political powers they hold in society. As (science) teachers we modify our practices based upon our own internal arbitrations with discourses. I agree with Sharma that as teachers we are discursively produced, however, I suggest that what is missing in the discussion of his paper is the historically socially constructed nature of science or science education itself. I advocate that science education is not neutral, objective or unproblematic. Building on Gill and Levidow’s (Anti-racist science teaching, 1987) critique, it is precisely because we are socially constructed by the dominant hegemonic science education discourse that we rarely articulate the underlying political or economic priorities of science; science’s appropriation of other cultural ways of knowing; the way science theory has been, or is used to justify the oppression of peoples for political gain; the central role science and technology play in the defensive, economic and political agendas of nations and multinational corporations who fund science; the historical, and contemporary role science plays in rationalizing an exploitative ideological perspective towards the more-than-human world and the natural environment; and finally, the alienating effect science has on students when used as a ranking and sorting mechanism by educational systems. Therefore, we need to do what Mr. Raghuvanshi could not imagine: we need to destabilize the foundations of science education by questioning inherent structural and ideological inequities.
Alison SammelEmail:

Alison Sammel   received her doctorate in 2005 for a study that used critical theory and feminist poststructuralism to analyse how five science teachers believed they incorporated critical forms of pedagogy in their high school science classrooms. Intrigued by the social construction of the ‘Western science teacher’ she continues to explore the teaching and learning of Science through the lens of feminist poststructuralism. Alison currently teaches at the School of Education and Professional Studies at Griffith University on the Gold Coast and researches in the fields of Science and Anti-oppressive pedagogies. Prior to her employment at Griffith University, Alison was employed as the Chair of Science Education at the University of Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. It was here she began working with local Indigenous communities to authentically incorporate Indigenous Ways of Knowing into Science Education.  相似文献   

文人和政治家这两种身份认同的激烈交锋贯穿了瞿秋白短暂的一生。从《多余的话》中可以看出,瞿秋白明显趋向于文人身份,而对政治家身份持拒斥的态度。这与他对革命的理想化认识及其绅士意识有关。瞿秋白的悲剧与其说是他个人的性格所导致的文人从政的悲剧,毋宁说是诞生在一个革命语境当中的知识分子的由于时代而造成的悲剧,甚至可以被看作是在我国现代社会急剧转型过程中知识分子命运的典型。  相似文献   

澳大利亚大学跨国教育项目质量监管策略探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近几年来,澳大利亚大学在跨国教育领域异常活跃,成绩斐然.究其原因,一方面在于澳大利亚政府的重视和相关组织机构的努力,不断完善跨国高等教育的相关法规制度,另一方面在于大学自身对其输出的海外教育项目质量监控方面的努力.本文通过对澳大利亚大学海外教育质量报告的梳理与总结,探析澳大利亚大学在跨国高等教育领域的质量监管策略,以期能为中国的海外办学及中外合作办学项目的监管提供一些借鉴.  相似文献   

西双版纳勐腊县中老边境地区民族多元、文化多样,实为同一民族却分属不同国家的跨境民族,交往密切且形式丰富。在全球化、现代化情境下,互为"文化备份"的跨境民族及其之间的族群互动将有助于民族传统文化的传承与该地文化多样性的存续。  相似文献   

Madaris (plural of madrasa) face a multitude of challenges in preparing students for life in rapidly modernising societies and emerging globalised knowledge economies. The complexity of the role and tasks of madaris, which are caught in the interface of modernity and tradition, the challenges they face, and the strategies they develop to address these challenges, suggest the need for a very cautious approach when attaining a clear picture of madrasa education and making conclusive statements about them. The literature has contributed more to confusion than clarity about the number of madaris, their rationale, purpose, pedagogy, curricula, funding, administration, relations with the state, and global violence. This paper presents an account of current debates of madrasa education and reform focusing on madaris within the diverse Sunni schools of thought and denominations located across South Asia and Southeast Asia. Based on an extensive review and analysis of over 90 articles, an overview of madrasa education and an examination of the issues and challenges facing Islamic schools that struggle to uphold tradition, and those that have begun to embrace modernisation and integration in the global process of change is given. The extent that some Islamic education systems are willing to collaborate with non-Muslims and in the process potentially enrich their circle of interest while engaging with the rest of the world in dialogue offers promising glimpses and a sense of hope for religious-based education in Muslim communities in the 21st century.  相似文献   

1929-1933年世界经济危机对全世界影响巨大,华侨主要聚居地区东南亚也深受其害。由于深受所在国经济环境的影响,东南亚华侨经济本身存在着经营分散、产业落后的弱点。东南亚各国早已成为帝国主义的殖民地,在国际贸易中,只能被动地接受帝国主义的裹挟,因而经常牺牲华侨的利益,以维系其统治。在经济危机波及东南亚地区时,东南亚各国政府相继出台了排华的经济、移民政策。华侨经济深受其害。尽管国民党政府对华侨投资极为重视,颁布了相应的法律法规,若干地方政府对华侨投资也采取了积极鼓励的政策,取得了一定效果。但华侨投资国内,也受到国内经济环境的影响。1928年以后,由于官僚资本的垄断扩张,阻碍了中国民族资本的发展,压缩了其发展空间,并在客观上对华侨资本产生了排挤、制约的严重后果。为应对世界经济危机,华侨转变其经营方式,在生产经营上开源节流,在资本经营上越来越多地采取资本联合,并通过侨汇转移财产、直接投资国内等措施,力图减少损失。但因诸多因素的影响,最终未能摆脱经济危机。  相似文献   

The nature of cultural trade is the acknowledgement and acceptance of the cultural identity of different nationalities or countries. Cultural trade have its root in the contention for the resources of cultural identity. As a matter of fact, globalization is not simply homogenization; however, it enhances the diversity of cultural identity.Based on the economic principle, this paper aims to analyze the influences of globalization on culture, and explain the phenomenon of cultural identity caused during this process. Furthermore, through the analysis of the role of cultural identity, some feasible solutions to enhance the Chinese competitiveness of cultural trade are suggested.  相似文献   

In this concluding article of the special issue entitled “Identity Formation in Educational Settings”, we explicate the notion of identity as an integrative concept, discuss its growing popularity in the social sciences, and point to its special significance to education in contemporary society. Following an Eriksonian psychosocial approach and sociocultural emphasis, we look at the process of identity formation as a product of interrelatedness between the context and the individual person, and underscore the interaction between developmental and learning processes. We draw examples from the studies in this collection to highlight these conceptual relationships, as well as to contribute insights from the different research questions and modes of inquiry into the practice of co-construction of identity and knowledge in a variety of school contexts. We conclude with a call for the promotion of practice, research and theory in the emerging domain of identity formation in educational settings.  相似文献   

随着全球化成为一种人类社会生存新常态,各国为获得强有力的全球能力,参与全球竞争,开始重新检视高等教育,导致高等教育管理原有模式发生隐性解构,并逐步在解构中重构新模式。高等教育管理模式发生解构的原因包括三个方面:新自由主义思潮的加速蔓延,高等教育本质和功能的隐性嬗变以及教育国际化理念的日趋渗透。高等教育管理模式重构呈现独有特征,即管理权力集中化和分裂化趋势共存,管理焦点监管与效能并重,政府管理角色干预与放任兼顾。探讨高等教育管理模式重构过程中,在教育公平性、管理效能、职业自主性和社会关系等方面出现新挑战,对中国的高等教育发展有所启示。  相似文献   

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