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This study used a novel multidimensional locus of control instrument (I‐SEE) to investigate the relationship between locus of control, motivation, and academic achievement in three different types of school. The strengths of the I‐SEE are that it incorporates the construct of self‐efficacy and that it is embedded in a model of personality and action based on field‐theoretical conceptions. Further, it includes the role of the environment and personality in determining action. The results support a multidimensional conceptualisation of locus of control and the utility of the I‐SEE. There were statistically significant differences between schools for motivation and achievement and also a mediating effect between locus of control and school type, suggesting that interactional models are required in investigations of motivation and achievement. Furthermore, moderate levels of locus of control and self‐efficacy appear to be more adaptive than either extremely high or low levels.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine the implications of research on locus of control and achievement motivation for the practicing educational psychologist. The relation to learning and the implications for psychological evaluation of each construct are discussed. It is suggested that locus of control and achievement motivation influence the ways in which a child approaches school-related tasks, interprets the outcome of tasks, selects tasks, and persists in activities.  相似文献   

在对学生的管理过程中,要充分考虑学生的心理因素,心理因素是从事一切活动的基本动力,心理沟通是全面了解学生对学生实施良好管理的基础,在学生管理中,充分实施心理沟通有利于协调教师与学生的心理关系,是提高管理效率的捷径.  相似文献   

从认知角度看英汉语言禁忌现象   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
语言禁忌是各个民族共有的社会现象。目前对禁忌语的研究主要停留在语义学和社会语言学的基础上,而把人的认知能动性排除在外。禁忌语是人的一种心理现象,对它的研究离不开对认知心理的解释。应用范畴原型等认知语言学观点,试对禁忌语进行认知分析,为揭示禁忌语的实质提供理论工具和新视角。  相似文献   

跨文化交际是一个涉及复杂的心理活动的过程。由于文化差异,人们往往习惯以本群体的价值观和标准去预测或解释他群体成员的行为,而且容易形成偏爱本群体而疏远他群体的态度,主要表现为民族中心主义、文化定型和偏见,直接构成跨文化交际的主要心理障碍。基于此,在分析跨文化交际的主要心理障碍的表现形式和特点,以及它们对跨文化交际的负面影响的基础上,并提出克服的对策建议,以期不断提高跨文化交际的质量。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between workplace learning and psychological variables, such as learning competency, motivation, curiosity, self-esteem and locus of control, and organizational variables, such as centralization of power, formality, merit system and communication. The studied population consisted entirely of workers in small and medium manufacturing businesses in Korea. Totally, 685 workers were sampled and 388 of them were used for the analysis. The level of workplace learning in small and medium manufacturing businesses was higher than the expected average. All the variables in this study had significant positive low or moderate relationships with workplace learning. Lastly, about 50% of the variance in workplace learning was explained by communication, learning competency, merit system, motivation, centralization of power and curiosity.  相似文献   

指称语是在言语会话中引起幽默的一种重要手段。为了产生言语幽默效果,交际双方对于指称语的选择是一种动态的心理过程。Sperber和Wilson的关联理论对于解释英语言语幽默中发话人如何选择合适的指称语作为语言交际衔接手段的动因和受话人如何筛选并确定指称关系的心理过程有着重要的作用。指称语的语用解读能进一步丰富理解英语言语幽默的方法,提高读者对幽默的鉴赏力。  相似文献   

Different cultures have unique perspective on creativity, yet it is usually the American/Western perspective represented in the psychological literature. Here the authors test previous, Western research findings in creativity on Turkish participants. Study One looks at gender and age differences in creativity. Study Two explores the relationship between creativity and motivation, and Study Three examines the factor structure of creativity. In general, the authors were able to validate past research on Western populations. Creativity tended to increase with age, and intrinsic motivation is significantly correlated with creativity. Some gender differences were found (unlike in Western findings), and there were some differences in the factor structure of creativity.  相似文献   

图形是CG时代不可缺少的视觉元素,具有明显的视觉心理传达优势。从视知觉心理传达过程来看,根据现有最新视知觉研究成果可知,就大范围性质来说,图形具有更大的传达优势;从信息论的角度来看,图形具有信息传达数量的优势;从图形视觉语言传播的角度来看,图形语言更直接、更广泛、更易懂;从视觉信息传达的强度来看,图形具有更为强烈的视觉张力传达优势。在以数字媒体为主的时代,认识图形所具备的这些方面的优势,对充分发挥图形语言和开拓视觉新空间与审美领域具有积极的现实意义。  相似文献   

微公益是网络媒体环境下发展出的社会公益新理念。关注存在焦虑,是基于利己动机论的观点,把网络微公益的参与动机解释为人的心理需求,从而提供一个分析的视角。微公益的参与动机一般分为:责任或义务动机论、利己动机论、利他动机论和多重动机论。自媒体时代焦虑释放途径为:刷存在感、用信息填充生活空间、晒自己的生活。微公益对存在焦虑的作用为:个体看到自身微小而有价值的力量、体会到责任和履行责任的满足,进而实现本体追求的超越与统一,在虚拟网络和现实社会之间架起价值的桥梁。  相似文献   

语言与文化的密切关系决定了语言理据能够在大学英语教学文化导入中扮演十分重要的角色,而导入的契合点无疑就是文化理据。对文化理据的深入认识,尤其是对跨语言的文化理据差异性的充分操控,可以帮助大学英语学生有效掌握具体的对象性英语知识,初步构建工具性英语知识系统,从而在未来的职业生涯中成功实施跨文化交流活动。  相似文献   

The role of generational status (first-generation vs. continuing-generation college students) as a moderator of the relationship between psychological factors and college outcomes was tested to determine whether generational status acts as a risk factor or as a sensitizing factor. The sample consisted of 322 undergraduate students who completed online measures of self-esteem, locus of control, and academic adjustment and provided self-reports of GPA. Generational status significantly moderated the relationship between psychological factors and academic outcomes. Generally, it was found that the relationship between psychological factors and academic outcomes were strongest among first-generation students. Further, it was found that for the majority of the interactions with locus of control, first-generation status acted as a sensitizing factor that amplified both the positive and negative effects of locus of control. In contrast, for self-esteem, first generation status acted as a risk factor that only exacerbated the negative effects of low self-esteem. These results are interpreted as reflecting motivational differences between first- and continuing-generation students and are discussed with respect to the social/cultural capital hypothesis that is most frequently presented in the existing literature.  相似文献   

Politeness, as a linguistic phenomenon, pervades almost all the civilized social-cultures and languages, which works as a sort of softening agent to smoothen the course of communication. As people from different cultures may view differently on what politeness is and how to be polite, misunderstandings may arise if cultural differences are neglected in cross-cultural communication. This thesis is intended to make a comparative study of cultural differences in politeness between English and Chinese,first from the disparity in their conceptions of politeness,and then proceeds to discuss the underlying psychological factor. Lastly,based on the awareness of these cultural differences and the knowledge of the cause of the differences, this paper proposes some applicable advice to achieve successful cross-cultural communication.  相似文献   

围绕丰田的"召回门"事件,追求真相、揭示原因、预示影响等评论探析接踵而至,难以尽数。旨从跨文化交际角度评价丰田"召回门"事件,深入分析日美文化间的差异,以期对中国与美日两国进行跨文化交流提供有益参考,增强并提高有关从业人员的跨文化交际意识和能力。  相似文献   

In this study the perception of psychological needs and motivation in a student-centred and a teacher-centred learning environment are compared, using Self Determination Theory as a framework. The self-report Intrinsic Motivation Inventory was completed by 230 students (mean age 16.1 years) in pre-vocational secondary education. School records on absenteeism and achievement were also analysed. As predicted, multi-level analyses showed that students in the student-centred learning environment reported higher levels of perceived autonomy, competence, relatedness and motivation, measured by pleasure and effort. Furthermore, boys were less absent. Achievement shows no differences. These results suggest that a student-centred form of learning can be more beneficial for students' motivation if granted autonomy is embedded in a supportive environment.  相似文献   

This article describes a situative approach to studying motivation to learn in social contexts. We begin by contrasting this perspective to more prevalent psychological approaches to the study of motivation, describing epistemological and methodological differences that have constrained conversation between theoretical groups. We elaborate on issues of the unit of analysis, the conceptualization of contexts, and the role of identity as a central construct. Finally, we argue that the design of learning environments and interventions to change learning environments are informed by attention to the relationships among meanings, identities, and motives in context. We illustrate our argument with examples of design-based research and design-based implementation research focused on motivation to learn in children and adults.  相似文献   

作为一种语际交流活动,翻译是跨文化传播的活性转换器。在跨文化传播视域下来探讨安徽省政府网旅游版的英译问题,主要以黄山市和芜湖市政府网旅游版英译为例。语料分析表明政府网旅游版的英译不仅要关注中西语言表达方面的差异,而且还必须从跨文化角度出发注重译语读者的思维逻辑习惯、文化心理和审美情趣,以便英译文本能在译入语文化中完美再现其语篇功能,在文化交流的层面实现意义的有效传播。  相似文献   

委婉语是人类日常话语交际中经常出现的一种语言交际形式。本文从心理语言学的角度出发探讨了委婉语在话语交际中的各种社会心态 ,分析委婉语产生的历史和政治原因 ,揭示了委婉语强大的社会交际功能  相似文献   

少数民族大学生人际关系素质现状调查与分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在人际交往过程中,少数民族大学生通常渴望交往但又缺乏主动精神。由于语言、风俗习惯等不同,许多大学生不能很好地处理人际交往关系,常常会因为交往失败而引发心理问题。学校管理部门要加强有关人际课程的建设、广泛开展心理调查和心理咨询活动、注重学生个性心理品质的教育,提高少数民族大学生人际交往素质。  相似文献   

联觉是人脑天生的一项特殊功能,它主要发生在生理层,主要是生理学或脑科学研究的对象;移觉主要是指人的实时心理出现的跨感官刺激——反应现象。它是人类后天社会心理的感觉自发行为,主要发生在心理层,属于心理学研究的领域;通感是人类言语行为的自觉建构,它主要发生在语言层。通感形成是一个动态的过程,它主要包括生理联觉、心理移觉和语言通感三个维度。  相似文献   

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