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Researchers in this study explored friends’ boundary coordination and ownership surrounding private information as posed by Communication Privacy Management theory. One hundred pairs of friends (N = 200) completed measures about the risk of a prior disclosure and the degree of discussion about who could/could not know the information. In support of Communication Privacy Management theory, disclosers engaged in greater boundary coordination when the information was riskier. When the information was riskier, disclosers and receivers perceived that the receivers had less ownership rights over the information. Disclosers reported negative emotional reactions to hypothetical dissemination of higher-risk information when they perceived their friends as having less ownership, but positive emotional reactions of lower-risk information when they perceived their friends as having more ownership. Receivers were more likely to disseminate the information when they perceived they had ownership over the information.  相似文献   

In this study, alexithymia was tested as a moderator of the relationship between individual tendencies toward privacy (i.e., personal privacy orientation and anticipation of boundary turbulence) and the decision to reveal and conceal. Using structural equation modeling, results showed that both personal privacy orientation and anticipation of boundary turbulence were positively related to alexithymia. Alexithymia, in turn, moderated the relationship between personal privacy orientation and concealing, anticipation of boundary turbulence and concealing, and personal privacy orientation and revealing. Implications and directions for future research will be discussed.  相似文献   

Although privacy violations can be uncomfortable and disruptive, they have the potential for positive outcomes in relationships if addressed. Using Communication Privacy Management theory as a framework, this study surveyed a community sample of 273 adults to examine their retrospective accounts of privacy violations in personal relationships. Results showed that less than half of the sample offered explicit rules for information management, and the majority of participants blamed the confidant for the privacy turbulence. Findings indicated that people often do not share similar information with the violator in the future, but if they do, less than half offer explicit privacy rules during the privacy recalibration process. Confrontation efficacy was positively associated with initiating a conversation about the privacy turbulence and that people who engaged in privacy recalibration were more likely to report forgiveness and relational improvement and less likely to report relational damage than those individuals who did not.  相似文献   

隐私权的范围包括私人活动、个人信息和个人领域,但个人印鉴、在逃人员登记表不属于该范围。雇员和患者隐私权的扩张是隐私权发展的一个趋势,父母子女关系是否属于隐私权应分情况对待。违反道德的隐私、不受法律保护的观点并未获得相关法律的支持。隐私不一定为真,只要向特定的第三人披露隐私即构成侵犯隐私权。侵犯隐私权的抗辩事由包括公权力部门依法行使权力、公共利益、隐私权人同意、公开判决书、权利人正当行使权利、具有优位的权利及公众人物。  相似文献   

School programs to prevent aggression vary; some emphasize skills training while others focus on social climate. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between life skills, classroom climate and self-reported levels of victimization. The study, conducted in Israel, included 97 schools, 261 fifth and sixth classrooms, and close to 9,000 students. Results of hierarchical regression showed a significant relation between lower levels of self-reported victimization and some of the life skills and with two of the three classroom climate components: relationship, and personal growth; system maintenance was not related to classroom aggression. Moreover, classroom climate was far more related to the level of victimization than life skills. Several demographic variables (i.e., SES, gender) were also found to be related to levels of victimization. The study was supported by a grant from the Israeli Ministry of Education.  相似文献   

刘磊  彭云杰 《教育科学》2012,28(4):62-65
大学生隐私权是大学生就读期间依法享有的,对属于自己私人生活范畴的事项依法自由支配并排除他人非法干涉的一项人格权利。高校管理中,大学生隐私权的侵权方式主要有非法干涉大学生"隐的权利"和非法侵犯大学生"私的权利两种类型"。当下我国高校管理中,保护大学生隐私权亟须从理顺高校与大学生的法律关系和引入正当法律程序两方面入手。  相似文献   

The initial sexual encounter between partners can be a salient relationship event that constitutes an important turning point in relationship development. The goal of this study was to examine the associations between communication and outcomes of initial coitus between partners. We hypothesized that communication would correspond with the emotional, cognitive, and relational outcomes of initial coitus, over and above the effects of individual and relational factors. Results supported the hypothesized associations between communication and sexual outcomes. The discussion highlights the implications of initial coitus as a turning point in relationship development and proposes future directions for research on sexual intimacy.  相似文献   

在公共场所安装视频监视设备,被认为是维护治安、打击犯罪的灵丹妙药,全国上下对此深信不疑。但近年来诸如深圳罗湖监控"直播"居民隐私事件等侵犯公民隐私情况的不断出现,凸显了各城市在公共场所视频监控方面的弊病,引发了人们对隐私权保护的担忧。本文从以上问题出发,对我国公共视频监控与隐私权保护的现状予以分析和研究,并在此基础上提出相关的建议,以期给我国如火如荼的公共视频监控建设打一支清醒剂。  相似文献   



The aim of the study was to examine caregiver management strategies for child sexual abuse (CSA) when presented with hypothetical scenarios that vary in physical invasiveness.


One hundred fifty three caregivers were given 3 scenarios of CSA with 7 management strategies presented in the 21-item Taking Action Strategies (TAS) scale. Caregivers were asked to rate strategies according to their willingness to carry out each action with rating of 5 = greater likelihood of carrying out the action specified while a rating of 1 = a lower likelihood of carrying out that action. CSA scenarios included exposure to pornography/masturbation, fondling, and penetration while management strategies including fighting the accused, blaming the child, and outreaching to the authorities. Repeated measures ANOVA was used to compare mean TAS scores for the management strategies across CSA scenarios.


The difference between TAS scores across the abuse scenarios was statistically significant (p < .001). Mean TAS scores reflected greater preference for taking action if the abusive act was perceived as more physically intrusive (exposure to pornography/masturbation-TAS 3.5, fondling-TAS 3.7, penetration-TAS 3.8). Caregivers reported being less willing to handle a disclosure of CSA without outreach (TAS 2.5 and 2.0 for fighting and blaming the child, respectively) and more willing to manage a disclosure with outreach to authorities (TAS 3.8, 4.5, and 4.7 for outreaching to Child Protective Services [CPS], to the child's healthcare provider and police, respectively). A predictor of caregiver outreach to authorities identified was the caregiver having past interactions with CPS.


Perception of the physical invasiveness of CSA and demographic factors can impact caregiver management strategies after a disclosure.

Practice implications

Results suggest that several factors influence caregiver management of sexual abuse. These factors warrant further study, as they are potential contributors to declining trends in CSA cases observed. Other implications include the need for educational efforts targeting caregivers. These interventions should focus on dispelling myths about the perceived physical invasiveness of CSA. These perceptions should not mitigate a caregiver's decision to involve the authorities in their management after a disclosure. Lastly, despite criticisms of the child protective systems, caregivers with past encounters with CPS view these related agencies as valuable resources.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The present study investigated the context in which children were able to report their child sexual abuse experiences and the children's views as to what made it difficult to talk about abuse and what helped them in the disclosing process. The aim was to study disclosures as they were occurring in their natural settings. METHOD: Data were obtained from therapeutic sessions and follow-up interviews from 20 families with 22 children. These children had said something that made their caregivers concerned about ongoing child sexual abuse. Qualitative analysis was conducted to capture the children's and caregiver's perspectives of the disclosure process. RESULTS: The children felt it was difficult to find situations containing enough privacy and prompts that they could share their experiences. They also were sensitive to others reactions, and whether their disclosures would be misinterpreted. When the children did disclose they did it in situations where the theme of child sexual abuse was in some form addressed or activated. The results indicate that disclosure is a fundamentally dialogical process that becomes less difficult if the children perceive that there is an opportunity to talk, and a purpose for speaking, and a connection has been established to what they are talking about. CONCLUSIONS: It is difficult for children to initiate a conversation about something secret, confusing and distressful, and where there are few conversational routines in a family for talking about such themes. Children also are sensitive to the needs of their caregivers and fear consequences for their family and offender. Children need a supportive structure or scaffold in order to reveal their experiences of child sexual abuse.  相似文献   

青春期是性发育和性成熟的时期,是心理矛盾激化的时期,是个体社会化的关键时期。青春期的性健康教育是综合性教育,主要包括性生理教育、性心理教育和性道德教育。基于贵州省毕节市城区青少年性健康教育现状的调查与分析,通过结果显示、剖析问题和总结经验,形成一定的参考性建议和可行性措施。  相似文献   

《情欲》中人物行为的展开以奥地利阿尔卑斯山为背景,把现代社会的性爱与情欲放置在已经肢解了的自然碎片上进行剖析和拷问,赋予冰霜雪雨、山川草木以"性"的寓意。这里的大自然不仅是人的无机身体的隐喻,更是人类精神生态遭受破坏的象征。作品所描述的那些淫乱、强暴、虐恋、窥隐并存的不和谐的性世界里挣扎的生命体,在幽暗浑尘的原始冲动中,用一种危险的方式对抗习以为常的情感价值,碾压着道德正统前行,无论其过程的超越还是结局的毁灭都极具艺术的震撼效果。现认为,耶利内克《情欲》对主人公的性生态从男女性关系状态及性的自我意识状态展开探讨,通过对20世纪"性革命"语境的文学反思,并试图作出生态意义上的"中心主义"①解构。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To enhance understanding of the sexual abuse disclosure process from the perspective of preteen and teenage survivors. To reconsider prominent models of the disclosure process in light of our findings. METHODS: We conducted a secondary analysis of data from four focus groups in which 34 preadolescent and adolescent female survivors of sexual abuse had been asked about their treatment experiences. Girls often recounted disclosing their victimization to others. Using the disclosure segment as our unit of analysis, we isolated 106 for study. During analysis, we wrote narrative summaries of each segment's significance, grouped these conceptually, and examined their interconnectedness. When synthesized, individual experiences of disclosing contributed to understanding the overall disclosure process. RESULTS: Three phases were identified: Self, where children come to understand victimization internally; Confidant Selection-Reaction, where they select a time, place, and person to tell and then weather that person's reaction (supportive or hostile); and Consequences (good and bad) that continued to inform their on-going strategies of telling. The actions and reactions of adults were significant and informed the girls' decisions. CONCLUSIONS: We advocate integrating existing theories and research into a model which views the disclosure process from the child's perspective and includes pre-disclosure and a post-initial public disclosure stages. The model conceptualizes disclosure as an iterative process in which children interact with adults and incorporate responses into their on-going decisions about telling (recant, deny, affirm, etc.). The combined model should recognize the concerns and position of adults as well as the perspective and logic of youth.  相似文献   

学生数据是教育数据的重要组成部分,在支撑教育决策、改进课堂管理、推送个性化路径等方面得到了广泛应用。然而,实践中出现了很多侵害学生数据隐私的问题,造成了不良社会影响,急需政府从立法层面加强保护。在此领域,欧美发达国家已经有数十年的经验,法律和制度都较为健全。针对美国和欧盟学生数据隐私保护立法和实践情况的分析发现,欧美已经建立了相对全面的学生数据隐私保护法律体系,形成了较为完善的隐私保护框架原则,其强调行业自律、全民参与的经验值得借鉴。但是也暴露出一些问题,例如,法律仍旧滞后于实践的需要,数据所有权不明确、处理过程不规范,学生、监护人及其他相关方的数据隐私保护意识薄弱,隐私保护和开放教育数据、学习分析之间存在矛盾等。我国尚处于数据隐私保护的起步阶段,应在汲取欧美国家的经验与教训基础上,提高认识,切实增强全民的法律意识;加快立法,尽快建立完善相关法律制度;加强行业自律,规范市场行为;营造隐私保护的社会大环境,构建多方参与的治理体系。  相似文献   

The term “back burner” describes a desired potential romantic/sexual partner with whom one communicates with the intent of establishing a future romantic or sexual connection. Contemporary communication technologies (e.g., mobile phones, social networking applications) facilitate connections with back burners. Two survey studies (Ns = 347, 374) showed that back burner communication is relatively common among college students; however, college students also have many romantic or sexual interests that they do not consider back burners. Additionally, although most college students will not fully disclose their communication with back burners to their partners, approximately half fully disclose communication with romantic or sexual desirables to their partners. Therefore, the results of this study suggest that back burners can be distinguished from those with whom we would entertain having a romantic or sexual connection. Theoretically, they can also be distinguished from other types of casual sexual relationships.  相似文献   

Sexual abuse in the developmentally disabled: Dilemmas of diagnosis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Evaluation of developmentally disabled persons for physical signs of sexual abuse presents many challenges to the practitioner. This group is especially vulnerable to all types of abuse. A group of 35 mentally retarded females from a residential treatment facility was examined by the child abuse medical team at Harbor/UCLA Medical Center after one inpatient was found to be pregnant. Patients ranged in age from 13 to 55 years (median, 26 years; mean, 31.3 +/- 13.6 years). All of the women had some degree of disability, with 24 (69%) being categorized as profoundly retarded. No patient was able to provide a history. There were 13 (37%) patients who had genital findings we believe are consistent with prior vaginal penetration. Dilemmas which arose during evaluation included the significance of healed genital lesions in this population and the implications of the findings for the residential facility. While developmentally disabled persons need an advocate in the medical and legal systems, these patients can overwhelm the practitioner. Whenever possible, a team approach is recommended to decrease the work load and frustration and provide collegial support and affirmation of findings.  相似文献   

This study investigates perceptions of family communication among members with different sexual identities. Specifically, from the perspective of heterosexual family members (N = 129), the study takes an intergroup perspective to determine how accommodative and non-accommodative communication and attitudes toward homosexuality predict intergroup anxiety and relational satisfaction with gay or lesbian family members. Further, the manner in which family communication influences attitudes toward homosexuality is examined. Results are discussed in terms of implications for research on heterosexual–homosexual interaction, family communication, and intergroup communication, in general.  相似文献   

针对频频爆出的高校教师性侵事件,从社会、教师、学生三个角度阐述了对当前高校出现不良师生关系的思考,并从规范教师权力和建立法律制度两个方面提出应对不良师生关系的对策。  相似文献   


The body of evidence supporting a relationship between the social determinants of health and adolescent sexual and reproductive health is vast. To advance health and have a greater impact on adolescent health outcomes, sexual and reproductive health practitioners need to take into account the relationships, community, and society within which adolescents live, learn, and play. With this review, we aim to provide practitioners with a clear understanding of the value of adopting a more comprehensive approach and we provide concrete recommendations for actualizing social determinants of health through programs and services. Recommendations are provided for each of the five social determinants of health categories outlined by Healthy People 2020, including Neighborhood and Built Environment, Economic Stability, Health and Healthcare, Social and Community Context, and Education.  相似文献   

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