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This paper examines the online learning experience as related to work–life balance from the student’s perspective. Four open-ended discussion questions were asked of 302 students in sixteen graduate business courses, over a three-year period. Two hundred and ten students voluntarily responded with their observations and perceptions of their personal online learning experience and how this experience impacted their work/life/school balance. This paper, using content analysis and qualitative coding, is focused on understanding the student’s perception of how online learning impacts their work–life balance, especially as compared to brick-and-mortar classroom learning. This paper concludes that online learning can enhance work–life balance for most students, especially when compared to the alternative of traditional fixed time and place classroom learning.  相似文献   


Research Findings: This article reports on family child care providers’ views about their engagement with professional development programs, including providers who were and were not participating in Quality Rating and Improvement Systems in Los Angeles, California. Most providers participating in the study were taking active steps to improve their work with children, but only a few providers described themselves as satisfied with the programs available. First, we report on why providers chose to engage (or not) in formal professional development activities; specifically, we explore the relationship between career phase and engagement and the levels of participation reported by seasoned providers. Second, we describe the way many providers strategically self-customized their quality improvement (QI) activities by drawing flexibly on available programs or by finding a coach who would work with them on their specific needs. Practice or Policy: Our findings suggest that in order to increase engagement with formal QI systems, designers of professional development supports must better align these supports with the needs and interests of family child care providers in terms of content and modes of delivery. We propose the concept of just-in-time professional development as 1 way to make QI offerings more responsive to some family child care providers’ needs.  相似文献   

Change theories and Organization Development strategies have long followed the problem-solving approach of looking at organizations, identifying the weaknesses and introducing interventions to “stop doing the wrong things.” In its simplest form, this approach has been successful in a variety of situations and has a popular following. Consultants or internal reviewers look for the problems, identify the cause of the problem, and introduce the intervention (new rule) to eliminate the opportunity for the repetition of the “problem.” Problem-solving is a popular perspective through which change is initiated in politics, academia, and in social media. Eliminate the “bad” and pay attention to what we have been doing wrong to improve. This article first reviews the problems posed in past Hanna lectures to some major themes: (a) the need to address societal concerns, (b) the need to reduce sub-disciplinary fragmentation, (c) the problems inherent on university campuses as a result of politics and the economy, (d) the need to re-examine the over-reliance on the scientific research paradigm at the cost of phenomenological understandings, and (e) the framing of problems to be solved by professionals in our field. The introduction of Appreciative Inquiry and is then provided as an alternative approach to examine current contextual setting with the primary emphasis away from “What problems are you having?” and toward “What is working around here?”. This alternative suggests that in all organizations there is some positive force that is moving the organization forward, and the identification of that force (what works) can lay the ground work for doing more of “what works.” Finally, three examples of Appreciative Inquiry opportunities in action from our discipline are offered for consideration.  相似文献   

Social work faculty experience increasing demands to develop and maintain a research portfolio that includes external funding and publications. Given the increase in research expectations, more part-time instructors are needed to teach courses. In addition to the literature review, we briefly describe a pilot part-time faculty mentorship project developed by our school to build a strong, connected, and consistent part-time faculty team. However, we also wanted to examine mentorship programs at other schools/departments of social work; as a result, we conducted an exploratory research study with social work deans and directors nationwide. Findings suggested that while schools of social work are more likely to employ greater numbers of faculty overall, departments tend to have higher teaching expectations for full-time tenure-track faculty. Despite variability among responses, most schools and departments provide some form of support to part-time faculty members; a lack of resources was given as the primary reason for limited mentorship activities.  相似文献   

This article focuses on work and life balance from a community college occupational dean perspective. It addresses definitions and concepts of work life and the nature of the role of occupational dean. The themes from this study include the use of time both at work and away from work, work/life crossover, perception of work/life, and work/life satisfaction.  相似文献   

This study assessed differences in the work environments of NAEYC accredited and nonaccredited centers. The sample included 5,008 directors, teachers, and support staff who worked in 60 accredited and 320 nonaccredited child care centers in 33 states. Individuals completed the Early Childhood Work Environment Survey assessing their perceptions of different organizational practices. Data were aggregated using the center as the unit of analysis. The results revealed that there were notable differences between accredited and nonaccredited programs relating to the quality of work life for staff. In 10 dimensions of organizational climate, there were statistically significant differences between accredited and nonaccredited programs. The four dimensions which together accounted for the greatest variation in differences were innovativeness, goal consensus, opportunities for professional growth, and clarity. Statistically significant differences were also registered in staffs level of job commitment, staff turnover, and teachers' current and desired levels of decision- making influence.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to provide a review of background information regarding perceived level of personal control over the physical features of the work environment and its impact on individual satisfaction and outcomes. In today's business with the fast growth of technology, e‐market development, and innovative methods of communication, the workplace will continue to change rapidly. To control and accommodate these fast changes while sustaining or enhancing outcomes, organizations have increasingly turned to a model of work teams; therefore, employees’ skills in working within team environments has been emphasized. To guarantee that the work environment itself supports these new approaches of working, flexible workplaces are often suggested. Open‐plan offices offer more flexibility when compared to completely closed and private ones and they are considered to have more capabilities and are, therefore, highly valued in today's industry. Apart from its advantages, open‐plan office design does create some problems due to lack of personal control over the work environment, which can negatively affect employees’ satisfaction and performance. It is, therefore, important to emphasize the significance of personal control over the physical work environment and the impact of that on employees’ satisfaction and outcome.  相似文献   

工作与生活平衡在国外已经有20多年的研究历史,我国在这方面的研究起步比较晚。对国外工作与生活平衡相关文献进行了梳理,探讨了工作生活平衡的产生和理论起源,并对工作生活平衡的概念、工作生活平衡计划和结果变量进行述评,指出了现有研究的不足,以及对未来研究的展望。提出未来工作生活平衡概念研究应当整合当前的两类研究方法,丰富工作生活平衡的测量研究和前因变量研究,拓宽工作生活平衡对相关领域的影响。结合中国国情进行跨文化研究显得十分必要。  相似文献   

坚持生涯自主发展指导思想,坚持全员、全域、全程、全局的原则建立完整持久的开发体系,以便突破个人与组织的隔阂,缩小学习与工作的距离,缩小现实与未来的屏障。而要实现这样的目标,就需要政府在立法、经费、基础建设等方面做出努力,学校则要加强生涯教育和辅导,而企事业单位需要变革人力资源管理战略,建立员工与组织协调发展的机制,社区也需为此完善交流和学习的网络。  相似文献   

Many people with dyslexia experience numerous failures in their lifetime. This can reduce their life satisfaction and the sense of happiness. However, external support and one’s personal resources, for example resiliency, aid in dealing with difficult situations. Our study verified the importance of resiliency and perceived social support for the level of life satisfaction and the sense of happiness in Polish students with and without dyslexia, studying at both state and non-state universities. We used the Cantril Self-Anchoring Scale, SHI-PL Questionnaire, Resiliency Scale, and Social Support Questionnaire. The results showed that students with dyslexia demonstrated lower levels of: life satisfaction, positive emotions, resiliency, perceived/expected emotional and practical support, and general social support. The difference in happiness remained at the level of a statistical trend. Therefore, we conclude that dyslexia may be treated a risk factor in terms of happiness and life satisfaction in young adults.  相似文献   

This study was designed to assess the current status of group work preparation in counselor education programs. The authors sent a questionnaire to a 10% (N = 310) stratified random sample by state of the membership of the Association for Specialists in Group Work. Respondents provided demographic information that was compared with two similar studies conducted 10 years ago. The results showed that counselor education programs are providing more and broader didactic and experiential group work preparation for graduates who are gaining employment in diversified work settings. In addition, the respondents surveyed indicated an increase in females as group workers and a more “active-instructive” role on the part of group counselors.  相似文献   

日常生活在全部社会生活中处于本体论上的基础地位,对社会和个人的发展有着重要的意义,大学生的日常生活更是如此。但是,长期以来,大学生的日常生活却缺乏正确、鲜明的导向,在日常生活中表现出的无批判的消极适应性和缺少创造性对大学生的健康、全面成长造成了消极的负面影响。为此,笔者认为要引导大学生将艺术的精神灌注到日常生活中去,把自己的日常生活当作艺术品一样去创造,使日常生活情趣化、个性化、纯净化、理想化,并在此过程中塑造完美的自我,成就理想的人生。  相似文献   

In developed countries, healthy retirees can fulfill their life, but may fear growing old. Yet, there is little empirical data on the relationship between this fear and life satisfaction. This cross-sectional, correlational survey study tested whether a new, summated measure of Fears About Growing Old (FAGO)—derived from exemplifications of Laslett, who posited the theory of the Third Age—significantly predicted life satisfaction and retirement satisfaction after adjusting for significant social participation covariates. A total of 190 Canadian retirees at three senior centers in Ontario, Canada, completed surveys. A pilot study established the reliability and validity of the scales, including the FAGO, used to assess the independent variable. In a regression analysis, fear (R 2 change = .06) was found to be a statistically significant predictor of life satisfaction when controlling for five covariates (current activity, circumstance and pursuing own interest as two reasons for retirement, postretirement work, and perceived social support); overall R 2 = .26. For retirement satisfaction, fear significantly explained variance in the outcome (R 2 change  = .04) while controlling for two significant covariates (current activity and perceived social support); overall R 2 = .14. A work by gender interaction on satisfaction was not found. Other than fear about loss of mobility, men rated loss of partner very high; women rated mortal disease very high. The lowest fear was loss of retirement income for men and loss of earning-power for women. Canada's poverty preventive programs successfully supported senior postretirement life. The FAGO was useful to find senior needs.  相似文献   

通过对城市中信访之“气”的生产机制进行揭示,本文认为通过社会力量化解“气”是非常有益的尝试。通过对上海社工介入信访调解C 项目的研究,文章发现在实际运作中,尽管社会力量介入信访取得一定成效,但是仍然存在诸多问题与不足,这主要是由于社工以及社会工作机构作为新兴的社会力量的价值没有得到项目委托方(地方政府)的正确认识,信访调处仍然停留在“打压———反弹”模式,并没有发生本质的变化。本文提出政府首先应该对于专业社会工作的价值和角色予以尊重和承认,改变原来解决信访矛盾的惯有方式,重视参与调处社会矛盾的社会力量的重要性,推动整个信访工作的发展,进而改进目前信访体制中的弊端。  相似文献   

In Bangladesh, the International Planned Parenthood Federation, through the Family Planning Association of Bangladesh, works to increase access to quality reproductive health (RH) care services among low- and medium-income groups in underserved outlying districts. The strategies being pursued are as follows: 1) expand RH services (with special emphasis on long-term methods) through special work units/upgraded clinics and mobile clinics; 2) develop and use information, education and communication materials for information and awareness raising; 3) hold community-based meetings for information dissemination, RH awareness and motivation, and clinical contraception; 4) conduct advocacy campaigns to increase demand for RH services; 5) organize adolescent school-based programs and peer group meetings on awareness raising and RH; 6) strengthen field units/local nongovernmental organizations and community based organizations through training and support; 7) promote inter-linkages with other RH information partners, government agencies and other nongovernmental organizations; and 8) establish a cost recovery process for sustainability. A summary of the main activities of the program is provided.  相似文献   


Drawing on a sample of undergraduate social work students from four mid-western social work programs, this study compared perceptions of field instructors regarding non-traditional and traditional students. Field instructors rated their perceptions of the successful fulfillment of the demands of field practicum and the impact of several life characteristics for traditional and non-traditional students.

Non-traditional students were rated significantly higher on a variety of measures as assessed by field instructors. This study has implications for social work education that involves differential recruitment, retention, and support of traditional and non-traditional students.  相似文献   

Immersion learning is one form of experiential education and has great utility in social work education. However, there is limited research on student learning outcomes from immersion learning courses in social work education. This ethnographic research describes an immersion learning course offered to BSW students (N = 9) and the learning outcomes gained. This semester-long course focused on macrolevel practice with people experiencing poverty, homelessness, and the sexual exploitation of women. As part of this course, students went on a weeklong immersion trip, where they visited a dozen human service organizations and interacted with people experiencing poverty and homelessness. Qualitative analysis produced three findings. First, students reported that these interactions helped them realize their biases and impacted their understanding of poverty. Second, students reported enhanced social work practice skills, such as cultural competency, self-awareness, and interpersonal expertise. They also gained a better appreciation for macrolevel practice. Third, students reported a better understanding of how to deploy classroom knowledge in practice and how to apply what they learned back in the classroom. These findings have implications for undergraduate social work education and how immersion learning programs can be a tool for enriching both knowledge and practice skills.  相似文献   

Working with at-risk youth presents unique challenges for rural agencies and organizations. This study describes the results of a life-skills management program, Survival Skills for Youth (SSY), that was organized and delivered to rural youth via collaborative efforts of education and noneducation agencies. The program was replicated with 10 groups of rural youth in Tennessee and Missouri (N = 114). All programs were a collaborative effort of 2 or more organizations, such as University Extension, school districts, juvenile justice programs, and state human service or workforce development programs. Pre- and postevaluations of knowledge of life management concepts, self-esteem, and social skills showed SSY to be effective in changing the attitudes and behaviors of rural youth. Performance and generalization of the skills in natural settings were also demonstrated. Interagency partnerships were shown to be an effective means of providing extracurricular life-skills management workshops for at-risk rural students.  相似文献   

Research Findings: A quasi-experiment was undertaken to test the effect of Montessori practical life activities on kindergarten children's fine motor development and hand dominance over an 8-month period. Participants were 50 children age 5 in 4 Montessori schools and 50 students age 5 in a kindergarten program in a high-performing suburban elementary school. Children were pre- and posttested on the Flag Posting Test, an individually administered test of fine motor skill requiring children to place tiny flags mounted on pins into preset pinholes. Students in the Montessori treatment group demonstrated significantly higher accuracy, speed, and consistent use of the dominant hand on the posttest, adjusted for pretest differences and gender. Effect sizes were moderate for accuracy and speed (ds = .53 and .37, respectively) and large for established hand dominance (?R2 = .35). Longitudinal research on the effects of early childhood programs emphasizing the reciprocal interplay of cognitive and physical aspects of activity is recommended. Practice or Policy: The findings argue for a balanced approach to early childhood education that maintains the importance of physical activity and fine motor development in conjunction with cognitive skills. Montessori practical life activities involving eye–hand coordination and fine motor skills can be integrated into programs.  相似文献   

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