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服务与公平——美国图书馆残疾人服务现状及其启示   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
美国图书馆在残疾人服务方面凸显了公平特色。它给我们以如下启示:制定相关法律政策;增加便于残疾人利用的馆藏资源;配备方便残疾人的各种设施;安排高素质的专门服务人员;做好各种细节服务。  相似文献   

This article reports on a large‐scale international survey of authors' perception and experience of the journals system conducted by ciber in association with National Opinion Polls (NOP). It explores the factors that inform authors' decisions where to publish and, in particular, which groups of readers they perceive to be most important. It probes readership behaviour and the values that underlie authors' attitudes towards copyright and emerging business models, notably open access. It is concluded that many aspects of author behaviour are highly conservative and that a significant shift towards open access is, in the short to medium term, highly unlikely.  相似文献   

Modelling is a concept fundamental for software engineering. In this paper, the word is defined and discussed from various perspectives. The most important types of models are presented, and examples are given. Models are very useful, but sometimes also dangerous, in particular to those who use them unconsciously. Such problems are shown. Finally, the role of models in software engineering research is discussed.  相似文献   

叶德辉的《书林清话》是中国版本学史上第一部系统、集中探讨版本学问题的专著,其内容涉及了版本学的各个方面;征引了大量史料,并对这些史料进行了考辨;重视对明清版本的探讨;对今天版本学研究具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

经典教育是美国高等教育的重要组成部分,也是近年来我国高校教育改革关注热点之一,而经典教育的重要内容就是经典阅读。文章通过对中美经典教育的历史与现状进行介绍,提出经典教育,尤其是经典阅读,要求国内图书馆进一步开展阅读推广。  相似文献   

Models in software engineering - an introduction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Modelling is a concept fundamental for software engineering. In this paper, the word is defined and discussed from various perspectives. The most important types of models are presented, and examples are given. Models are very useful, but sometimes also dangerous, in particular to those who use them unconsciously. Such problems are shown. Finally, the role of models in software engineering research is discussed.Received: 21 October 2002, Accepted: 10 January 2003,  相似文献   

方延明 《新闻界》2007,22(4):3-6
新闻文化与数学文化具有一种天然的一致性。本文在数学思维的视野下,概要分析了新闻文化中的诸多数学观念,特别是从模型意义,审美结构与内容,尤其是简洁美、对称美、奇异美,以及求极值、重证明等方面,提出了一些值得新闻文化借鉴的重要内容和方法。  相似文献   

科技文献与行业信息知识链接系统基于竞争情报的理念,提出构建行业知识体系.通过整合企业创新所需的各类型资源信息,建立技术主题、研发机构和科技人才等知识元链接系统,实现了公共科技文献信息与行业技术经济信息的集成应用和共享.以此概念建设的"科技文献与行业信息知识链接系统(冶金行业)"依据我国冶金行业大中型企业的特点以及独特的信息需求,为大中型冶金企业的技术创新和管理创新提供整体的信息/知识解决方案.  相似文献   

做好文稿的退修工作   总被引:14,自引:7,他引:7  
曹作华  田力 《编辑学报》2001,13(6):351-352
为了确保科技信息准确,快速,广泛地传播,编辑在做文稿退修时须把握好以下几点:1)注意对文稿内容,结构及统计数据的审查与质疑。2)注意对文稿标准化的审查与修改,使题名,摘要,关键词,名词术语,计量单位等符合科技期刊的标准化规范化要求。3)尊重作者劳动,退修意见力求准确,全面,具体,要求明确,确保一次退修成功。  相似文献   

大学生科研能力是衡量高校办学水平的重要指标之一.攀枝花学院自升本以来,成立专门领导机构,各部门支持配合.特别是图书馆近几年从新生文献教育入手,在抓好文献检索课教学的同时,对高年级大学生进行文献资源专业培训,对有科研需求的学生进行课题跟踪服务.通过服务体现了图书馆及图书馆人的价值.  相似文献   

高校图书馆为社区服务研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
周世辟 《图书馆论坛》2007,27(3):4-7,54
高校图书馆为社会和社区服务是图书馆的基本职能。它既是社区建设和发展的需要,也是高校图书馆自身发展的需要。高校图书馆要在做好调查研究的基础上,根据需要与可能,开展多种形式的社区服务活动。  相似文献   

In many probabilistic modeling approaches to Information Retrieval we are interested in estimating how well a document model “fits” the user’s information need (query model). On the other hand in statistics, goodness of fit tests are well established techniques for assessing the assumptions about the underlying distribution of a data set. Supposing that the query terms are randomly distributed in the various documents of the collection, we actually want to know whether the occurrences of the query terms are more frequently distributed by chance in a particular document. This can be quantified by the so-called goodness of fit tests. In this paper, we present a new document ranking technique based on Chi-square goodness of fit tests. Given the null hypothesis that there is no association between the query terms q and the document d irrespective of any chance occurrences, we perform a Chi-square goodness of fit test for assessing this hypothesis and calculate the corresponding Chi-square values. Our retrieval formula is based on ranking the documents in the collection according to these calculated Chi-square values. The method was evaluated over the entire test collection of TREC data, on disks 4 and 5, using the topics of TREC-7 and TREC-8 (50 topics each) conferences. It performs well, outperforming steadily the classical OKAPI term frequency weighting formula but below that of KL-Divergence from language modeling approach. Despite this, we believe that the technique is an important non-parametric way of thinking of retrieval, offering the possibility to try simple alternative retrieval formulas within goodness-of-fit statistical tests’ framework, modeling the data in various ways estimating or assigning any arbitrary theoretical distribution in terms.  相似文献   

Brian Cowan 《Media History》2013,19(3):275-292
This paper examines the relationship between the aesthetic thought of Joseph Addison and Richard Steele and early modern virtuoso culture. It argues that both Addison and Steele did not reject virtuoso culture so much as to attempt to reform and redefine it. It is observed that Addison in particular wrote a virtuoso travel narrative in his Remarks on Italy as well as contributing to the discourse on antiquarian medal-collecting. In their writings on art and connoisseurship in the Tatler and Spectator essays, both Addison and Steele can be understood as defenders of a neo-classical aesthetic that rejected and ridiculed a supposedly indiscriminate virtuoso aesthetic of curiosity. But the essays are best understood as part of an important moment of transition in which an early enlightenment notion of taste emerged from a template established by baroque virtuosity rather than as a complete rejection of virtuoso culture.  相似文献   

The Global Information Locator Service (GILS) encompasses a global vision framed by the fundamental values of open societies. Societal values such as a free flow of information impose certain requirements on the society’s information infrastructure. These requirements in turn shape the various laws, policies, standards, and technologies that determine the infrastructure design. A particular focus of GILS is the requirement to provide the means for people to discover sources of data and information. Information discovery in the GILS vision is designed to be decentralized yet coherent, and globally comprehensive yet useful for detailed data. This article introduces basic concepts and design issues, with emphasis on the techniques by which GILS supports interoperability. It explains the practical implications of GILS for the common roles of organizations involved in handling information, from content provider through system engineer and intermediary to searcher. The article provides examples of GILS initiatives in various types of communities: bibliographic, geographic, environmental, and government.  相似文献   

试论文化经典的主要特征和作用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
文化经典,是在文化起源和发展过程中形成的具有根底作用的最重要的文本。文化经典的文本具有多样性,首先表现在文化内容的分类上,其次直接体现在文本承载文化所用的材料质地和自然形态上。文本的多样性鲜明地体现了经典之所以为经典的特有性质,这就是内在蕴含着的经典性,即:经典的力量、经典的品格、经典的魅力。文化经典的作用和意义则有五个方面的内容。  相似文献   

Editor's notes     
《Communication monographs》2012,79(2):152-154
The need to adapt behaviors appropriately to situational constraints and particular members is one aspect of leadership that has received minimal attention from previous research. This study examined the distributional structures of leaders' comments in discussions with differing purposes in an attempt to determine whether leaders adapt their oral behaviors to meet varying goals and to compensate for failures in previous meetings. It was concluded that leaders do adapt oral behaviors to achieve objectives and in response to past failures. This finding suggests that a broad repertoire of possible behaviors is important for successful leaders who find themselves in a variety of discussional situations with divergent goals, members, and constraints.  相似文献   

提高协调能力、处理好各种关系是现代图书馆对文献采访馆员的基本要求,也是文献采访提高工作质量的重要措施。论文论述图书馆文献采访工作中涉及的各种关系的协调,包括:文献资源配置协调、与读者协调、部门间协调、与出版发行机构协调、馆际间协调,同时阐述了提高协调效能的若干措施。  相似文献   

提高协调能力、处理好各种关系是现代图书馆对文献采访馆员的基本要求,也是文献采访提高工作质量的重要措施。论文论述图书馆文献采访工作中涉及的各种关系的协调,包括:文献资源配置协调、与读者协调、部门间协调、与出版发行机构协调、馆际间协调,同时阐述了提高协调效能的若干措施。  相似文献   


Well-chosen keywords in titles are significant in enabling optimal document retrieval. Title keyword searches employing the natural language of the researcher augment controlled vocabulary searches. Authors and researchers interested in a particular topic share a vocabulary that contains keywords useful in database searching. It is important for authors to incorporate such keywords in their titles. Both author and researcher will benefit if titles facilitate electronic access. Librarians can assist in educating authors on the benefits of using distinctive and selective keywords in titles by making guidelines available.  相似文献   

This article discusses the role of the online audience community as a strategic resource for media work. It opens up a current perspective on the audience community, which has received scarce attention in research both conceptually and empirically. The article provides an empirical analysis of the various ways in which the audience community can serve as a resource in the work of journalists. The conclusion is that the audience community can have wide-ranging strategic significance and implications for media work and media brands. In particular, observing and connecting with the audience community can help journalists acquire deeper knowledge and understanding of the audience, as well as strengthen commitment and engagement among the audience with the media brand. As a consequence of collaborating with the audience community, new journalistic roles and tasks are emerging.  相似文献   

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