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近年来,一批政府高级官员因工作不力或在重大安全事故和责任事故中负有责任而被罢官去职。在对行政首长的问责实践中,普遍存在这样一些问题:行政首长的职权配置和行使规则问题;行政首长个人承担责任的具体方式和范围问题等的法律规定不明确、不具体。这导致在实践中,对行政首长的问责出现权利与责任不相适应的问题,行政首长对什么事负责,在什么情况下对行政首长问责等。另外,目前行政首长问责主体的单一化也不利于行政首长问责的有效实施;与行政首长承担的责任相对应,惩治措施不到位。因此,建立适合我国国情的行政首长问责制,对切实推动行政体制改革和政治体制改革的进程,建立社会主义民主政治制度下的责任政府等,都具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。  相似文献   

胡适与蒋介石,一个是五四新文化运动中的风云人物,另一个是1928年至1949年10月以前中国的最高执政者;一个是世界主义者,另一个是民族主义者。他们既承传旧学,又容纳新潮,彼此以反共为合作的政治基础,但又因"民主"与"专制"的不同理念而发生冲突:胡适一心要在中国移植美国式的政治体系,主张言论自由与民主宪政,而蒋介石则认为这是在唱"民主自由高调",如果照此办理"则必断送国脉矣"。由于受中西文化的不同影响,在他们的政治交往中可谓摩擦不断,但终究没有公开决裂。究其缘由,大致有如下三点:一、胡对蒋的批评与讽谏是以支持为前提的;二、蒋在内心虽对胡颇为反感,但在行为方式上仍有相当程度的包容;三、蒋不满美国干预中国内政,但又急需争取美援,他十分清楚,胡的背后有美国支持,故对胡适不得不适度地妥协。  相似文献   

当前,我国正处在一个改革创新、多元文化不断冲突融合的新时代,高校思想政治教育正面临着更加复杂而多元的文化价值选择和新的挑战。因此,未来一段时期,思想政治教育社会价值的主要内容是培育大学生的政治认同,而个体价值的主要内容则是在大学生中开展公民教育,这是社会主义核心价值体系的根本要求和题中之义。  相似文献   

Recent research on school choice highlights the tendency among some White, middle‐class parents to engage with discourses of community responsibility and ethnic diversity as part of their responsibility and duty as choosers and who therefore exercise choice in ways that undercut the individualistic and self‐interested character framing governmental discourses and rationalities around choice. This article contributes to these debates through making visible the ways in which some mothers articulate and combine meanings and practices of choice that register contrasting and sometimes contradictory notions of active and responsible parenting. Drawing on data from a group of mothers of diverse social class and racial backgrounds, I explore how some mothers negotiate their school choice around a number of intersecting positions and relations that work across, as well as within, formulations of public–private, collective–individual, citizen–consumer, political–commercial. Through a consideration of the relationships in practice between these diverse elements, this article questions the analytic value of distinctions between citizen and consumer, community and individual as framings for understanding the motivations and aspirations shaping some mothers' school choices.  相似文献   

人是文化的产物,公民人格的生成需要适宜的文化环境。在学校教育中,公民人格的建构遭遇着文化阻隔,表现为惟上惟权的价值取向对人的自主性的抑制、学校"差序格局"对学校公共性的侵蚀、学校人际互动的"私德"对"公德"的僭越等。学校场域中的公民人格建构应厘清教育价值,提升人的自主性;构建实践共同体,增强学校的公共性;划清"私德"的疆界,培育人的公共理性。  相似文献   

20世纪 70年代以来 ,西方政治心理学有关人格与政治行为的研究从公民转移到政治家 ,主要从认知方式、动机与领导绩效、一般人格特征与行为方式等探讨了政治家的人格特征对其领导行为的影响 ,取得了重要进展。最近的研究表现出两个基本趋势 :一是力图将公民的人格与政治家的人格特征联系起来进行综合研究 ;二是改变了过去对政治行为的宽泛理解 ,而集中探讨政治家的人格特征对选民投票行为的影响。  相似文献   

高校思政课教师是加强和改进大学生思想政治教育的骨干力量,他们的人格对大学生的健康成长具有不可估量的教育价值。从高校思政课教师人格魅力的特质分析入手,进一步阐述和论证其对大学生人格的社会化、和谐心理的构建、公民精神的培育以及形成正确的价值判断和行为选择等方面产生的积极影响,提出高校思政课教师应形成高度的文化自觉、积累丰富的情感体验,不断地提升人格精神,塑造理想人格,社会和学校应营造良好的外部环境,更好地发挥高校思政课教师人格魅力的积极示范效应。  相似文献   

公民政治社会化与思想政治教育在主导者、对象、教化内容以及目的等方面有着内在一致性。这种一致性决定了思想政治教育作为实现公民政治社会化的一种重要途径 ,在公民政治社会化中发挥着不可替代的重要作用  相似文献   

元代太医院是总全国医事管理的最高行政机构,其最高行政长官为“太医院使”,也称“太医院大使”或“太医院院使”。他们作为元代医政的最高管理者,直接参与相关医药管理制度的制定与执行,在元代医政管理中起着非常重要的作用。但与历代主持医事管理的官员相比,元代太医院使数量之大,政治地位之高都远远超过历代,他们作为一个特殊的群体在备受蒙古大汗们欣赏和宠信的同时形成了许多群体特点。而以往学者对此内容研究甚少。笔者不揣谫陋,略抒管见如此,不当之处,敬祈方家教正。  相似文献   

本研究以Cattell的16PF测验为研究工具,调查和了解中小学领导干部胜任特征模型与人格特质的匹配度。结论:各个级别在各项人格特质方面均有匹配、低配和高配的状况。建议为中小学领导干部创建二者匹配档案,定期进行心理健康教育和加强对主要领导的心理监控。  相似文献   

以我国西部地区四所民办学院在校大学生为研究对象,运用多种方法统计分析,探析贫困生的人格特征及其成因,发现民办高校贫困生群体在人格特征、应付方式等方面与非贫困生群体有着显著的区别,在贫困生群体内部,人格特征也表现出一定的性别、年级等结构性差异.认为应有针对性地对贫困生进行教育干预,从而提高贫困生的心理健康水平.  相似文献   

This article uses the parallel political marketplace conceptualization to analyze the political environment in which colleges and universities operate. How the marketing decisions of the college or university as a political actor can be affected by the political activities of citizen/consumer groups is addressed. Other political actors such as advocacy organizations are considered as are the flows of favors and threats in a political system. The political roles that can be served by marketing are identifies and cooperation between marketing and public affairs for the achievement of a college or university's legislative and regulatory goals is discussed.  相似文献   

扩大公民有序政治参与是我国社会主义民主政治发展的重要内容。当前,公民意识的普遍薄弱严重制约着扩大公民有序政治参与的健康发展。大力加强公民意识的培养,有助于从根本上扩大公民有序政治参与。  相似文献   

西晋作家傅玄素以刚直清正著称,但在魏晋易代特殊环境下,其人格发生扭曲,多逢迎机变而少忠义节操.这既与时代思想有关,也取决于他与司马氏集团的特殊关系,形成了儒道结合的二重人格模式.  相似文献   

1985年以来的社会转轨是俄国历史上一次剧烈的社会转型过程。这次社会转轨过程伴随着严重的政治腐败。进入21世纪后,也就是普京担任总统之后,俄罗斯政府充分认识到了腐败的严重性及其危害性,并积极采取措施进行腐败治理。  相似文献   

90后大学生自我意识强、个性张扬,思想政治教育必须深入了解大学生的思想、心理和感受,探寻思想政治教育的新思路和新举措,突出思想政治教育的核心载体作用,通过多种方式的日常大学生思想政治教育对大学生进行合理、有效的引导,并建立多渠道、分类别、聚合力、重实践的科学实效体系,以人文精神和价值关怀为铺垫塑造大学生的人格发展能力。  相似文献   

何叔衡是中国共产党历史上司法战线的先驱和卓越领导人,中共党史上反腐第一人,为中央苏区的法制建设做了大量的探索性工作,并做出了卓越的贡献。他主政工农检察人民委员部期间,注重调查研究,走群众路线,严厉打击贪污腐化分子;担任内务部代部长期间,积极开展行政立法,开创性地以顺口溜的形式对法律进行传播,为法律社会学及法律传播学的研究提供了范本;担任临时最高法庭主席时,践行治国安民"法为上"的原则。  相似文献   

This article describes an innovative week of training days, entitled 'Celebrating Families', which took place at Sunfield, Worcestershire, in July 2002. The week, for and around families of children with special needs, arose from a shared vision and philosophy held by three host organisations. Representatives of all three organisations have contributed to this article. Barry Carpenter is chief executive of Sunfield, an independent school which provides education and care for children with severe and complex learning needs, and Sally Conway is the school's co-ordinator of family services. Mandy Addenbrooke is currently working as an independent consultant in communication and autistic spectrum disorders, and, at the time of the training week described here, was regional development officer for Contact a Family in the West Midlands. Elizabeth Attfield is children's services training and advisory officer for Autism West Midlands.
The week of events was underpinned by the notion of the self-defined, extended family. T he format and content of the week were designed to highlight and celebrate the vital roles that extended family members play in supporting one another, and in educating professionals. Workshops and a conference were planned to explore common themes and illuminate unique contributions, and family members were actively involved as 'trainers' as well as delegates. Outcomes were highly positive. Evaluations from participants not only validated the inclusive training model, but also inspired a series of further events for families at Sunfield during 2003 and 2004. 'Celebrating Families' week delivered a clear message: families of children with special needs must be recognised, involved and celebrated.  相似文献   


Policy elites use rhetoric in speeches and press releases to provide framing that is intended to influence public opinion. These rhetorical events can be treated as instances in which speech usefully promotes particular discourses. Indeed, elected officials are able to influence how individuals think about problems and solutions through speeches and press releases. Two important rhetorical events in which political elites advance frames for social issues are annual state of the state addresses (SoSA) given by U.S. governors and gubernatorial press releases that inform media reporting about state policy. This study employed policy discourse and rhetorical analyses to examine SoSAs and press releases as rhetorical events within the context of educational policy. Our findings show that governors framed the roles of state government, governors, and educational stakeholders within a discourse that perpetuates a neoliberal version of education. In this framing, governors situated education’s purpose as being workforce and economic development, ignoring its role in addressing social issues and preparing informed, engaged participants for democratic society. Given that individuals make decisions about how to address social issues and understand public institutions based on framing provided by political elites, these findings raise implications for state educational policies and the public purposes of education.  相似文献   

The concept of the leader's need to leave a record so that others know that she was present at a community college at a given point in time, working on behalf of the communities she served, is the theme of this article, which consists of stories from the lives of seven current and former community college chief executive officers, Vivian B. Blevins, Pamila Fisher, Sylvia Ramos, Carol Tatsey-Murray, Jerry Sue Thornton, Carolyn G. Williams, and Parker Williams give accounts of how they came to their positions as chief executive officers, the challenges and joys of that work, and the legacies they hope to leave. Their accounts as academic laborers are important tools for exploring the meaning of their roles and the roles of those they serve, for educating the uninitiated in the mission of the community college, and for reinforcing the value of that mission to the lives of community college students past, present, and future.  相似文献   

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