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This study investigated the impact of supervisor biological sex, power use, and nonverbal immediacy on subordinates' satisfaction, liking for the supervisor, and perceptions of the supervisors' credibility. After viewing video scenarios of male and female supervisors engaging in nonverbally immediate (or nonimmediate) and prosocial (or antisocial) power use, subordinates reported perceptions of satisfaction, affect, and credibility. Results of the 2 × 2 × 2 experimental design indicated significant main effects for supervisor prosocial power and nonverbal immediacy. Although there were interaction effects, the variance accounted for was minimal. Supervisor prosocial power use and nonverbal immediacy were positively and significantly related to subordinates' self-reported satisfaction, liking for the supervisor, and work enjoyment. Supervisor biological sex did not show a relationship to any of the criterion variables. This study demonstrates that supervisors should maintain nonverbal immediacy and frame prosocial-type messages to preserve their credibility in the workplace.  相似文献   

The term “back burner” describes a desired potential romantic/sexual partner with whom one communicates with the intent of establishing a future romantic or sexual connection. Contemporary communication technologies (e.g., mobile phones, social networking applications) facilitate connections with back burners. Two survey studies (Ns = 347, 374) showed that back burner communication is relatively common among college students; however, college students also have many romantic or sexual interests that they do not consider back burners. Additionally, although most college students will not fully disclose their communication with back burners to their partners, approximately half fully disclose communication with romantic or sexual desirables to their partners. Therefore, the results of this study suggest that back burners can be distinguished from those with whom we would entertain having a romantic or sexual connection. Theoretically, they can also be distinguished from other types of casual sexual relationships.  相似文献   

Although privacy violations can be uncomfortable and disruptive, they have the potential for positive outcomes in relationships if addressed. Using Communication Privacy Management theory as a framework, this study surveyed a community sample of 273 adults to examine their retrospective accounts of privacy violations in personal relationships. Results showed that less than half of the sample offered explicit rules for information management, and the majority of participants blamed the confidant for the privacy turbulence. Findings indicated that people often do not share similar information with the violator in the future, but if they do, less than half offer explicit privacy rules during the privacy recalibration process. Confrontation efficacy was positively associated with initiating a conversation about the privacy turbulence and that people who engaged in privacy recalibration were more likely to report forgiveness and relational improvement and less likely to report relational damage than those individuals who did not.  相似文献   

为考察马基雅维利主义人格量表(MPS)在大学生群体中的适用性,以481名武汉市大学生为被试,对 MPS 进行因素分析和效、信度检验,结果显示:(1)项目分析后保留16个项目,探索性因素分析抽取4个因素,各因子及项目归属与原问卷一致,4个因子可解释总变异的52.064%.(2)验证性因素分析显示4因素模型拟合良好;MPS 总分与各因子和人格特质、操纵策略相关显著.(3)内部一致性信度为0.727-0.831,重测信度为0.715-0.837.据此认为:MPS 中文版信、效度良好  相似文献   

在网络和新媒体蓬勃发展背景下,电脑辅助交际中非语言交际研究的基础,历史沿革,现状和发展。  相似文献   

Coping with racial discrimination can be a complex and challenging endeavor, because individuals often feel powerless and stigmatized. Social support can help people cope more effectively with racial discrimination. This study examines the type and quality of supportive communication in an online forum for people who have experienced racial discrimination by examining messages’ person centeredness and facework. A total of 1,203 messages from an online support forum were coded for support type, person centeredness, and facework features. Despite the sheer volume of support, most messages were only moderately person centered, and most advice messages did not adequately attend to targets’ negative face. Our findings uncover some of the benefits and limitations of online social support, and we discuss implications for online forum moderators and participants.  相似文献   

This study examined how past information-seeking experience influences individuals’ information-seeking decision process following an event that increases uncertainty in close relationships. To examine this issue, a two-wave, cross-lagged, panel-design study was conducted, and outcome expectancy, communication efficacy, and information-seeking were measured at each time. Analyses revealed that communication efficacy mediates the link between outcome expectancies and information-seeking under the conditions of uncertainty. The results also suggest that communication efficacy and information-seeking impact each other cyclically. The findings of this research suggest that scholars should focus on people's information-seeking experience and communication efficacy when examining information-seeking following events that increase uncertainty in close relationships.  相似文献   

造成交际障碍的原因是多种多样的,而人际语境认知失调是其重要原因之一。在言语交际过程中,人际语境认知失调突出地表现在交际者对自我的认知失调、对交际对象的认知失调、对人际关系和角色关系的认知失调。正是因为这些人际语境认知偏差影响了言语交际的顺利进行,使话语表达和理解困难重重,难以实现交际目的和交际预期。  相似文献   

Following the interaction enjoyment approach (Burleson &; Denton, 1992 Burleson , B. R. , &; Denton , W. H. ( 1992 ). A new look at similarity and attraction in marriage: Similarities in social-cognitive and communication skills as predictors of attraction and satisfaction . Communication Monographs , 59 , 268287 . doi: 10.1080/03637759209376269 [Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), this investigation examined whether (a) romantic couples possess similar online communication attitudes and (b) such attitudes predict frequency of email, instant messaging, and social networking site communication between dyad members. Results indicated couples possessed similar attitudes toward online social connection but not online self-disclosure; moreover, couples' attitudes predicted media use in a communal pattern, with equivalent actor and partner effects. Attitude toward online social connection positively predicted all forms of online communication, with attitude toward online self-disclosure positively predicting social networking site communication and inversely predicting e-mail communication. One implication of these results is that relational context may moderate the extent to which individual attitudes predict media use patterns.  相似文献   

The initial sexual encounter between partners can be a salient relationship event that constitutes an important turning point in relationship development. The goal of this study was to examine the associations between communication and outcomes of initial coitus between partners. We hypothesized that communication would correspond with the emotional, cognitive, and relational outcomes of initial coitus, over and above the effects of individual and relational factors. Results supported the hypothesized associations between communication and sexual outcomes. The discussion highlights the implications of initial coitus as a turning point in relationship development and proposes future directions for research on sexual intimacy.  相似文献   

With a sample of 248 Hong Kong adolescents, this study probed the impact of media richness and communication control on teenagers' use of MSN® for online friendship development. Both media richness and communication control contributed to MSN's overall functionality and teenagers' self-presentation and friendship development. Media richness positively influenced both social and task communications and shortened the time needed to turn a stranger to friend, whereas communication control showed a positive relationship to social friendship communication. Rich features, such as webcam and MSN Spaces, facilitated the increase of acquaintances, new friends, opposite-sex friends, and total number of friends, whereas messaging helped build close friendships. Overall, media richness and communication control appeared to be valid constructs in explaining teenagers' MSN feature use and online friendship development.  相似文献   

Creativity is the lifeblood of a successful organization, as creative employees drive companies to be innovative and competitive. While studies have examined how leaders foster creativity, researchers have overlooked how communication between workgroup peers and teams cultivate creative output. Interviews were conducted to determine the effects of leader, peer, and team communication on employee creativity within the national video game industry. Results indicate communication exchanges uniquely influence employee creativity, with peer associations being most crucial. Informal mentoring, or “creativity coaches,” were vital lifelines within creatively driven organizations. Additional findings highlight the importance of structure, support, and trust in creatively supportive organizations.  相似文献   

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of interpersonal communication on the adoption of agri-environmental measures (AEM) by organic farmers in Germany.

Methodology: The study used the logit model to predict the probability of adoption behaviour, and Social Network Analysis (SNA) was conducted to analyse the question of whether validating information about organic farming provided by interpersonal information sources is associated with communication frequency.

Findings: Our findings demonstrate that being an early adopter of organic farming practices and frequent contact with young and highly educated farmers increases the probability of adoption of other AEM. However, contact frequency in interpersonal networks was found not to be a significant determinant for explaining adoption decisions. Frequently communicating farmers in the network are more likely to attribute higher levels of importance to organic farming information received from formal actors than to information received from informal actors.

Practical Implications: If young and highly educated farmers, who can be considered as informal opinion leaders, are approached by the extension services, then an effective diffusion of information on AEM can be expected. To support the AEM adoption, a platform should be provided by state agencies that would enable organic farmers to understand the environmental benefits achieved over the time.

Originality/value: This study contributes to the scientific discussion on the role of interpersonal communication on AEM adoption. A new aspect is our consideration of organic farmers adopting additional AEM. Moreover, we highlight organic farmers' validation of the importance of formal and informal information sources on organic farming.  相似文献   

This research investigated the impact of teacher caring and teacher immediacy on student perceptions of teachers' credibility. While the results of the two studies conducted indicated the presence of strong main effects for teacher caring and immediacy and strong negative effects for teacher non‐caring and nonimmediacy on the various dimensions of teacher credibility (as hypothesized), significant interaction effects were observed between caring and nonimmediacy on both dimensions of credibility studied (competence and trustworthiness). In most cases, when teacher caring was low, whether the teacher was in the immediate or nonimmediate condition made no significant difference—both produced negative perceptions of teacher credibility. In contrast, when teacher caring was high, teacher nonimmediacy significantly lowered perceived credibility. Probing of the interaction results suggested that high verbal caring tends to soften the negative impact of teacher nonimmediacy. The results of these studies demonstrate that teachers should maintain high verbal caring to preserve their credibility in the classroom. Implications for teacher training and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

The Argumentativeness (ARG) Scale and Verbal Aggressiveness Scale have been used in hundreds of studies over the past quarter century. As expected, psychometric research has examined their validity. Although this article focuses on recent criticisms by Kotowski, Levine, Baker, and Bolt, some major points refute earlier criticisms. This article argues that (a) a large body of research demonstrates validity of the scales, (b) dimensionality of the scales is quite unequivocal, (c) argumentative presumption favors using the original scales (unless and until newer scales demonstrate statistically significant greater criterion variance), (d) critics of the ARG Scale's predictive validity have failed to include 4 situational components of argumentativeness theory in their testing, (e) both scales are designed and supposed to measure extensive sets of relevant behaviors over time, not individual behaviors observed once, and (f) statistical inference cannot confirm nulls, so critics' claims of "no correlation" between scale scores and observable behaviors are not scientific.  相似文献   

大学生人际交往中存在着一些负面因素,本文从人格、认知、情感三个方面探讨了影响大学生建立良好人际关系的因素,并指出了解决问题的方向。  相似文献   

In this study, structural equation modeling is applied to examine the determinants of students' satisfaction and their perceived learning outcomes in the context of university online courses. Independent variables included in the study are course structure, instructor feedback, self‐motivation, learning style, interaction, and instructor facilitation as potential determinants of online learning. A total of 397 valid unduplicated responses from students who have completed at least one online course at a university in the Midwest were used to examine the structural model. The results indicated that all of the antecedent variables significantly affect students' satisfaction. Of the six antecedent variables hypothesized to affect the perceived learning outcomes, only instructor feedback and learning style are significant. The structural model results also reveal that user satisfaction is a significant predictor of learning outcomes. The findings suggest online education can be a superior mode of instruction if it is targeted to learners with specific learning styles (visual and read/write learning styles) and with timely, meaningful instructor feedback of various types.  相似文献   


This article inquires into the role of humor in the relational learning process that takes place in adventure education programs. It presents program episodes, which the authors experienced in their practice as facilitator, staff trainer and researcher, and explores the related literature. Four aspects appear to affect whether humor either facilitates or interferes with participants' learning in development programs. First, humor plays a role in developing relationships among participants and between participants and facilitators, and hence in the relational safety that characterizes an environment conducive to learning. Second, it may play a role in creating a workable distance to sensitive learning issues. Third, humor may offer new and unexpected perspectives, which contribute to revising familiar but restrictive reference frames. Finally, humor seems to fulfill these functions to the extent that it is not planned to do so, and as such may exemplify the ‘paradox of functionality’ in relational processes.  相似文献   

This study investigated the communicative role of perceived organizational support and psychological contracts in fulfilling exchange relationships and buffering burnout in employees contributing extra role time organizational citizenship behaviors (ERT-OCB). The lens of social information processing positioned burnout as a job attitude subject to the influence of the organization’s communication environment that informs employees as to the value they and their extra role time contributions hold with the organization. Participants (N = d461), high school teachers coaching debate teams from 46 states, completed questionnaires. Findings showed that both organizational support and psychological contract fulfillment buffered the positive relationship between ERT-OCB and burnout.  相似文献   

师生交流的传播学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
师生交流是一个贯穿教育全过程的重要概念,对它的研究不能仅仅停留在师生之间教学内容的传达上。该文以传播学的理论来分析师生交流的形式、手段、主要内容及不同定位产生不同的效果等,意在使师生交流在更宽的领域得到更深入的研究。  相似文献   

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