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The competence discourse issued by the Colombian Ministry of National Education defines an ontological duty, a set of logics for the education of subjectivity. Some interesting elements result from this analysis. The first level, or denotative level, manages a management or business cultural code. This code is closely related to the second level or connotative level linked to certain values translated, as Saussure says, into an ideology or myth: the myth of rational market in this case. This is the performing work of discourse, that language game that entails the promise of future success and happiness.  相似文献   

"诗教"是中国传统诗学的重要范畴,中国新诗建设者曾对它的历史不足严加批判。但是,"诗教"的事实在新诗中依然存在,传统"诗教"理论中的核心意识"天人合一"其原型是中国的"化生"神话,而中国新诗将其演化成了一种"生生"生存诗教,应对着中国现代的"苦难"历史语境。通过对"化生"神话与中国新诗的"生生"生存诗教之间关系的梳理,对中国新诗的民族性考察以及重建中国诗学话语有着一定的意义。  相似文献   

Understanding the influences upon curriculum formation is an ongoing challenge for adult educators. This discussion describes one approach to curriculum analysis—the aspirational myth—based on the notion that instructors and learners co‐construct an idealized identity representing the end point of learning. The aspirational myth is described with reference to an empirical case study of a training programme, and implications for teaching and research discussed.  相似文献   

“神话”概念的厘清是中国神话传说研究中一大关键问题。对于“神话”概念的认知必须紧扣“神圣性与真实性”的基本限定,这样既有利于与国际学术话语进行有机衔接,也有利于选择适切的中国神话传说的具体材料和相关论题在中国文化的具体语境中展开论述。其中,神话与仪式、传说、故事等相关概念的区分也是进行神话研究的重要前提。  相似文献   

论文致力探讨的,是作为五、六十年代“红色革命经典”之一的《红旗谱》的意识形态神话再生产的运作问题。主要从角色设计、情节编织、话语互动以及整体叙事模式四大方面,来追踪、辩识这一秩序化叙述的“基本法则”。与此同时,我们将不断发现:在此类由对“革命历史”的规范化叙述所构筑的主流意识形态话语空间,仍存在着各种细小的裂痕和缝隙,对当代神话的合法化和合理化阐释,构成潜在的消解和变异的威胁。  相似文献   

This paper aims at showing the close ties between Renaissance literature and science as emerge from the use and the transformation, in a post-Copernican context, of the myth of Phaeton—according to Greek mythology: the boy who tried to conduct the chariot of the Sun and died in this attempt. G.B. Benedetti’s analysis and criticism of Ovid’s Metamorphoses, book two, provides an insight into this literary and scientific issue. Astronomical poems and variations of Phaeton’s myth by other illustrious Renaissance men—including T. Brahe and King James of Scotland and England—are taken into account, as well.  相似文献   

教育应当回归生活世界,这是当前我国教育理论界颇具魅力和影响力的话语。在这种话语的背后,其实最为根本的隐喻了人们看待教育世界的思维视角转换,即由以往工具化教育的本质主义思维定式转向了生活教育哲学的生成性思维方式,并由此对教育提出了整体性、体验性、民主性、开放性的基本诉求。  相似文献   

随着新世纪的来临,不同国家不同民族的话话中正在悄悄地用“全球化”来置换“地缘化”其表现是人们更加相信,经济全球化或市场一体化的进程无疑会给各国社会带来财富和希望,这样一种憧憬使用“全人类利益”包装起来的“奶乐文明”又成为一个新的神话。  相似文献   

This study discusses the representation of (the) literacy (myth) in popular movies and a teaching and research project on cinematic literacy narratives. It attempts to reveal the existence of a powerful ‘Pygmalion template’ in contemporary movie culture. Focusing on a discourse or culture clash ‘Pygmalion movies’ simultaneously contribute to the discursive construction and deconstruction of the literacy myth. Because of their polysemic character, these films offer fertile grounds for inquiring into the problematic nature of literacy acquisition and discourse or culture clashes. Inviting pre‐service teachers to reflect on these issues, the authors created a curriculum as contact zone in which films are used as a primary source of knowledge and insight together with students’ movie analyses and interpretations, personal narratives, and theoretical readings. This exploratory study of on‐line discussion groups revealed the students’ contradictory and competing movie readings. Organizing the curriculum as a contact zone deepened the students’ and one’s own understanding of literacy as an ideological site of struggle in (movie) culture.  相似文献   

伏羲神话和九隆神话都是我国著名的神话,伏羲神话一般被视为是汉族的神话,但在我国的许多少数民族地区,仍然流传着诸多关于伏羲的神话。需要强调的是,文中所指的伏羲神话是所有和伏羲有关的神话,而不是特指某一个关于伏羲的神话。九隆神话则是我国西南地区的一个神话,通过对比分析,我们可以发现这两个神话具有很多的相似之处。拟从情节内容和文化内涵两方面出发,对两个神话的相似之处进行分析和阐述。  相似文献   

中国古典诗歌的传统一直是强调政治道德的男性话语占据中心位置 ,神话与爱情作为弱势话语在李商隐诗歌中呈现出女性特质。这种女性话语具有一种对于世界的重构能力 ,使得传统诗歌中的儒家政治道德景观发生了某种微妙的变化  相似文献   

从女性主义的视角来看,古希腊神话和传说是站在男性中心的立场上书写出来的。因此,女性作家往往故意偏离宏大叙事主题,大胆地对神话加以重构,重新赋予古老的神话鲜明的现实意义。加拿大作家玛格丽特.阿特伍德的近作《珀涅罗珀记》通过对叙事方式和叙事视角进行颠覆和置换,体现了在当代社会语境下,女性作家是如何策略性地解构男权社会的神话传统,颠覆男权思想,重构女性神话的。  相似文献   

吴祖光在40年代连续创作了三部风格独特的神话剧作品《牛郎织女》、《捉鬼传》和《嫦娥奔月》,这种回溯古老神话传说的戏剧形式在当时受到了极大的关注与欢迎。现代神话剧既是对古老神话戏曲传统的继承,也是对现代话剧表现形式的拓展。吴祖光的神话剧分别采用了仙境-人间与鬼域-人间的空间模式,借助古老的神话题材体现出对于现实社会的思考。论文主要从吴祖光神话剧的双重空间形态的视角来考察剧作家独特的审美追求。  相似文献   

In recent times reports into incidents of racist violence in Britain identified a prevailing institutionalized racism and social segregation (Cantle, 2002; MacPherson, 1999). In this article I present an analysis of authoritative educational discourse in the form of school inspection reports, focusing on a single issue: the cultural practice of minority ethnic families visiting their heritage country. Using critical discourse analysis, I suggest that the discourse of the inspection reports racializes the cultural practices of the Asian minority, defining them as the alien and foreign. In this discourse an uncontested, common-sense discourse emerges, which blames minority families for the presupposed harm done to their children's education by visits to the heritage country. I conclude that such cultural practices become an emblem of difference, whereas the dominant ideology in official discourse is one of homogenization. This discourse implies that for minority ethnic families to be part of the imagined community of successful learners in Britain, this cultural practice will have to stop.  相似文献   

传统意义上的神话,目的是塑造神的伟大与崇高,因此,传统神话都有一些神秘的气息。“神话是一种言谈,神话是一种传播体系,是一种讯息。”[1]对我国历史上的孔子、关羽、大禹等进行神话学的研究,可以清楚地看出我国人民对他们的崇拜情结。  相似文献   

林耀德的都市诗在现代主义与后现代之间来回切换,既有对现代主义的追问与批判,又有关于后现代社会的隐喻与戏谑。林耀德以自己的书写方式意欲建构一个所谓的"都市文学神话",并最终将都市文学推向文学话语场,形成新的话语方式。  相似文献   

话语霸权的建构经由言论,辩论和修辞获得。后结构主义语言学关注话语的解构作用,强调“去中心化”,挑战并剖析主导话语霸权。结合后结构主义与话语霸权理论,剖析了美国国会与行政部门中国委员会(CECC)2010年年度人权与法治报告英文版的涉华话语霸权建构模式。研究显示CECC通过词汇的重复、被动语态、对偶、对照、头韵、拟人等语言和话语手段,把中国政府置于话语低地,制造单方话语霸权。CECC涉华话语霸权建构模式应引起我国的重视及警惕,但仍具一定价值,可作为我国政府建构国际话语主动权的参考。  相似文献   

This essay investigates the operation of discourse and power in the constitution of social identity and reality, as represented in Japanese American internment narratives. The analysis identifies forms of subjectivity, discursive strategies and practices to gain insight into the lived experience of internees and into the process by which discursive closure is realized in cultural systems. The Japanese American subject is constituted as a “Radical Other” in internment stories through two interwoven threads: the Japanese American subject as (dis)loyal and the Japanese American subject as “enemy alien.” The essay concludes with a discussion of implications for public discourse, narration, and criticism.  相似文献   

韩礼德认为语篇意义具有格律运动。马丁和罗斯进一步指出格律存在于语篇的各个层面。作家通过格律谋篇布局,读者也可以通过格律解读作家的文体风格。以韩礼德的功能语言学理论及马丁和罗斯的格律论为理论框架,解读海明威的“冰山风格”,探究文学语篇的功能文体学研究模式。  相似文献   

关系词语对计算机的汉语复句层次关系识别具有重要意义。伪关系词的出现和关系标记的缺失给复句层次关系识别造成的影响,分析复句关系词语与同形的异类词、异构词之间的区别,揭示关系标记与词间连词、篇章关系词的不同用法的差异,挖掘复句关系标记缺失的隐现形式,以期为复句层次关系识别服务。  相似文献   

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