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Intellectual goods can follow the same pattern as physical goods with the product life cycle of birth, growth, maturity, and decline. For the intellectual good of technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge (TPACK), its birth began with Shulman (1986 Shulman, L. S. (1986). Those who understand: Knowledge growth in teaching. Educational Researcher, 15(2), 414.[Crossref] [Google Scholar], 1987 Shulman, L. S. (1987). Knowledge and teaching: Foundations of the new reform. Harvard Educational Review, 57(1), 122.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Canonical correlation analysis (CCA) was used to test the relationships among five of the 12 constructs in the technology integration education (TIE) model developed by Holland and Piper (2014 Holland, D. D., &; Piper, R. T. (2014). Technology integration education (TIE) model: Millennial preservice teachers' motivations about technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge (TPACK) competencies. Journal of Education Computing Research, 51(3), 257294.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Based on the patterns of cross-loading correlations, this study found that there were limited correlational relationships between the set of independent variables and the set of dependent TPACK variables. For this pilot study, the sample consisted of 90 elementary education majors and 51 secondary education majors.  相似文献   

This paper explores assumptions about essential knowledge in degree programs that have traditionally prepared teachers of physical education, and discusses the question of what sort of teacher education is necessary or desirable to prepare teachers for the new Health & Physical Education (HPE) key learning area. I argue that the curriculum of the typical HPE degree program reinforces a desire for certainty (Bauman, 2001 Bauman Z (2001) The individualized society (Cambridge, Polity)  [Google Scholar]) that is incompatible with the conditions of contemporary living and the nature of teachers' work. Moreover, it may be contributing to a ‘teacher identity’ in tension with the socially‐critical agenda embedded in the contemporary HPE school curriculum. Rejecting the notion of ‘business as usual’, I contend that it is the way of thinking about education, health, physical education, and the work of contemporary schooling, that is the most important graduate attribute our students may acquire. Proposing that Giddens' (1994 Giddens A (1994) Beyond left and right: the future of radical politics (Cambridge, Polity Press)  [Google Scholar]) notion of the sociological imagination offers potential in this regard, I consider one program with sympathies with this orientation.  相似文献   

Much has been written about the potential for online learning (Fryer, 1997 Fryer R (1997) Learning for the twenty first century (London, DfEE)  [Google Scholar]; www. ngfl.gov.uk/ngfl/index.html www.ngfl.gov.uk/ngfl/index.html  [Google Scholar]). However this literature typically emphasizes not online learning but online education. In this paper I focus on the potential for online learning, specifically learning about issues surrounding femininity in the presence of online peers, originally brought together through the medium of the Mindscape game ‘Babyz’. Members of ‘The Babyz Community’, as participants describe themselves, (www.angelfire.com www.angelfire.com  [Google Scholar]; www.mnBabyz.cjbnet www.mnBabyz.cjbnet  [Google Scholar]; www.Babyzrus.cjb.net www.Babyzrus.cjb.net  [Google Scholar]) gain experience in web site surfing and design, email, as well as opportunities to communicate worldwide. This paper, through an analysis of ‘Babyz’ software, affiliated web sites and forum interactions, provides an account of girls' links with each other and their presentations of multiple identities through the Internet.  相似文献   


The multiracial people's movement in the United States has expanded significantly in the last 10 years (Douglass, 2003 Douglass, R. E. 2003. “The evolution of the multiracial movement”. In Multiracial child resource book: Living complex identities, Edited by: Root, M. P. P. and Kelley, M. pp. 1317. Seattle, WA: Mavin Foundation.  [Google Scholar]). Historically, community-based education programs have supported social movements in the United States (Collins &; Yeskel, 2000 Collins, C. and Yeskel, F. 2000. Economic apartheid in America: A primer on economic inequality &; insecurity, New York: The New Press.  [Google Scholar]; Sarachild, 1974 Sarachild, K. 1974/1978. “Consciousness-raising: A radical weapon”. In Redstockings of the Women's Liberation Movement, Feminist revolution, pp. 144150. New York: Random House.  [Google Scholar]/1978), yet little has been written about how educational programs might serve the social and political movements of mixed-race people. This case study describes two community-based multiracial education programs by and for mixed-race people and suggests ways that each supports multiracial community organizing. The conclusion offers recommendations for shaping future multiracial education programs for multiracial people.  相似文献   

While convincing research suggests that beliefs are the best predictors of individual behavior and that educators' beliefs influence their perceptions, judgments, and practices, research also states that beliefs are hardy and highly resistant to change (Bandura, 1986 Bandura, A. 1986. Social foundations of thought and action: A social cognitive theory, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.  [Google Scholar]; Dewey, 1933 Dewey, J. 1933. How we think: A restatement of the relation of reflective thinking to the educative process, Boston: D.C. Heath. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]; Pajares, 1992 Pajares, F. 1992. Teachers' beliefs and educational research: Cleaning up a messy construct. Review of Educational Research, 62(3): 307332. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]; Rokeach, 1968 Rokeach, M. 1968. Beliefs, attitudes, and values: A theory of organization and change, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.  [Google Scholar]). Understanding the nature of beliefs, attitudes, and values is essential to understanding future administrators' choices, decisions, and effectiveness regarding issues of diversity, social justice, and equity. This article provides a review of quantitative measures, instruments, inventories, and studies that assess educators' personal and professional beliefs, attitudes, perceptions, and preconceptions. The literature review briefly describes related studies and the discussion section highlights in detail the design, piloting, and results of two fairly recent measures that broadly define diversity, that report validity and reliability data, and that are relatively easy to administer and score.  相似文献   

In this paper, I analyze the theorization of adolescent femininity within three popular cultural texts about girls and schooling written by women and published in the United States during the 1990s. The books, referred to as Ophelia narratives, include Lyn Mikel Brown and Carol Gilligan’s (1992 Brown, L. M. and Gilligan, C. 1992. Meeting at the crossroads: women’s psychology and girls’ development, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]) Meeting at the Crossroads, Mary Pipher’s (1994 Pipher, M. 1994. Reviving Ophelia: saving the selves of adolescent girls, New York: Putnam.  [Google Scholar]) Reviving Ophelia, and Peggy Orenstein’s (1994 Orenstein, P. and American Association of University Women. 1994. Schoolgirls: young women, self‐esteem, and the confidence gap, New York: Doubleday.  [Google Scholar]) Schoolgirls. Drawing on feminist and literary theories informed by poststructuralism, I read the Ophelia narratives as alternative educative texts in which adult women use the figure of the hysterical adolescent girl to engage with knowledge about gender and sexuality. I argue that the adolescent girl, central to debates about gender and education in the 1990s, serves as a site of displaced self‐representation, where women challenge as well as reaffirm adolescent femininity as a state of injury. In this way, the Ophelia narratives provide an archive from which to examine the contradictory discourses of femininity that position the adolescent girl within curricular representations.  相似文献   

This quantitative study investigated e-mail responsiveness by community colleges in the nine mega-states to an inquiry from a prospective student. Noel-Levitz (2006b Noel-Levitz . ( 2006b ). Engaging the “Social Networking” generation: How to talk to today's college-bound juniors and seniors . Retrieved from http://ww.noellevitz.com  [Google Scholar]) reported that prospective students want to receive an e-mail with information about an institution prior to applying for admission. Specifically, high school juniors and seniors want to have a two-way conversation with an institutional representative during their college search (Noel-Levitz, 2006a Noel-Levitz . (2006a). Navigating toward e-recruitment: Ten revelations about interacting with college-bound high school students . Retrieved from http://www.noellevitz.com  [Google Scholar], 2007a Noel-Levitz . ( 2007a ). Building an e-recruitment network: Connecting with college-bound seniors in the era of MySpace . Retrieved from http://www.noellevitz.com  [Google Scholar], 2007b Noel-Levitz . ( 2007b ). Following the link to two-year colleges: The e-expectations of high school students considering community college . Retrieved from http://www.noellevitz.com  [Google Scholar], 2008 Noel-Levitz . ( 2008 ). 2008 e-recruiting practices report: Benchmarks for two-year and four-year institutions . Retrieved from http://www.noellevitz.com  [Google Scholar]). Research also indicates that community colleges are not as likely as four-year institutions to use web-based communication with prospective students (Noel-Levitz, 2008 Noel-Levitz . ( 2008 ). 2008 e-recruiting practices report: Benchmarks for two-year and four-year institutions . Retrieved from http://www.noellevitz.com  [Google Scholar]; Peakow, 2006 Peakow , C. ( 2006 , June 19 ). Survey: Most community colleges don't use the Web to recruit. Community College Week , 18 ( 23 ). Retrieved from http://www.ccweek.com  [Google Scholar]). Half of the community colleges in this study replied to an e-mail inquiry from a prospective student within five business days, just over 30% of community colleges responded with individualized responses, and a number of institutions utilized automated software that did not address the prospective student's questions. Community colleges must acknowledge and respond to the wants and needs of their prospective students for two-way communication during the college search process. With the dramatic expansion of web-based communications options, community colleges that routinely ignore prospective student e-mail inquiries risk a negative backlash from a variety of directions. Numerous student complaints about an institution's lack of responsiveness could trigger any number of local- and state-level concerns impacting everything from simple image and reputation to questions about administrative priorities and the appropriateness of funding levels.  相似文献   

This project provides a framework for interrogating the language often used in media reporting on education, and making those often hidden ideological underpinnings more visible. Explored through this analysis are the language, metaphors, logic, and rhetorical devices used by various news media reporting on educational concerns, and in particular the concerns revolving around teacher quality and teacher preparation, which allow the construction and circulation of specific kinds of knowledge and assert certain kinds of truths. This analysis is guided by the premise that education writ large, which includes the profession of teaching as well as the field of teacher preparation, is charged with helping students, our youngest citizens, develop an understanding of the practices and problems of people-power, self-rule, and shared governance in our democratic society. If education primarily involves preparing students for democratic citizenship, as a long history of scholarship has established (Barber, 2001 Barber, B. (2001). An aristocracy of everyone. In S. J. Goodlad (Ed.), The last best hope: A democracy reader (pp. 1122). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. [Google Scholar]; Bean &; Apple, 1995 Beane, J. A., &; Apple, M. W. (1995). Democratic schools. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. [Google Scholar]; Beard, 1937 Beard, C. (1937). The unique function of education in American democracy. Washington, DC: National Education Association. [Google Scholar]; Dewey, 1916 Dewey, J. (1916). Democracy and education. New York, NY: Free Press. [Google Scholar]; Bode, 1937 Bode, B. H. (1937). Democracy as a way of life. New York, NY: Macmillan. [Google Scholar]; Giroux, 1989 Giroux, H. (1989). Schooling for democracy: Critical pedagogy in the modern age. London, England: Routledge. [Google Scholar]; Gore, 1993 Gore, J. (1993). The struggle for pedagogies: Critical and feminist discourses as regimes of truth. New York, NY: Routledge. [Google Scholar]; Gutman, 1999 Gutmann, A. (1999). Democratic education. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.[Crossref] [Google Scholar]; McLaren, 2001 McLaren, P., &; Farahmandpur, R. (2001). Educational policy and the socialist imagination: Revolutionary citizenship as a pedagogy of resistance. Educational Policy, 15(3), 343378. https://doi.org/10.1177/0895904801015003002.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]; Nussbaum, 2010 Nussbaum, M. (2010). Not for Profit: Why Democracy Needs the Humanities. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. [Google Scholar]), educating citizens to critically examine, analyze, and understand social worlds is essential to democracy.  相似文献   

This article documents the Critical Friends Group (CFG) process five university colleagues used to blend the theoretical frameworks of Universal Design for Learning (Rose & Meyer, 2002 Rose, D. and Meyer, A. 2002. Teaching every student in the digital age: Universal design for learning, Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.  [Google Scholar]) and Interactive Phase Theory (McIntosh, 1990 McIntosh, P. 1990. Interactive phases of curricular and personal re-vision with regard to race, Wellesley, MA: Wellesley College Center for Research on Women. (Paper # 219) [Google Scholar]) as tools to increase equity and access in our classrooms. Using the CFG reflective approach, the faculty collaboratively reviewed their syllabi and implemented innovations in their classroom practice. This article presents a theory of action that emerged as well as nine tensions related to teaching and participation in a learning community. Implications for equity and access in higher education and future inquiry are presented.  相似文献   

This performance testimonio is the result of collaboration between two U.S. Latina graduate students/ university instructors: a Latina of Puerto Rican descent and a white Chicana. It is a dialogue in which the authors “come together to engage our differences, face-to-face, and work to find common ground” (The Latina Feminist Group, 2001 The Latina Feminist Group. 2001. Telling to live: Latina feminist testimonios, Durham, NC: Duke University Press. [Crossref] [Google Scholar], p. 1). We offer this performance testimonio to interrogate and be accountable for our performances of hybrid/assimilated identities, as we strive to recognize the ways we produce, maintain, and resist dominant and oppressive cultural paradigms. To do this, we draw on the models of resistance found in Latina/Chicana feminist discourse and performance autoethnography. The text was created to be performed before an audience.  相似文献   

The paper sets out to examine the role that ethnographic work can and should play in the development of sociological theory, focusing on the case study of differentiation–polarisation theory. It provides a detailed discussion of the work of Hargreaves (1967 Hargreaves, D. 1967. Social relations in a secondary school, London: Routledge. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]), Lacey (1970 Lacey, C. 1970. Hightown Grammar: the school as a social system, Manchester: Manchester University Press.  [Google Scholar]) and Ball (1981 Ball, S. 1981. Beachside Comprehensive. a case‐study of secondary schooling, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.  [Google Scholar]) and assesses the degree to which their work was ethnographic in contemporary terms. It argues that the model of theory development they offer does not need to be understood in the manner adopted by Hammersley in his account of their work as a model for theory development and testing in the sociology of education. Rather it requires the ethnographer to be more attuned towards setting and maintaining a theoretical agenda, by (a) being more preoccupied with refining existing or established theoretical ideas and concepts and (b) retaining the capacity for the fieldwork setting to inform and direct the study.  相似文献   

This study investigates the ongoing debate in the conceptual change literature between unitary and elemental perspectives on students' knowledge structure coherence. More specifically, the current study explores two potential explanations for the conflicting results reported by Ioannides and Vosniadou (2002 Ioannides, C. and Vosniadou, S. 2002. The changing meanings of force. Cognitive Science Quarterly, 2(1): 562.  [Google Scholar])and diSessa, Gillespie, and Esterly (2004 diSessa, A. A, Gillespie, N. and Esterly, J. 2004. Coherence versus fragmentation in the development of the concept of force. Cognitive Science, 28: 843900. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) in terms of differences in coding schemes and differences in student populations. The current study addresses these questions by applying the coding schemes from both studies to interviews with 201 students drawn from the United States, the Philippines, Turkey, China, and Mexico. The analyses focus first on the coding schemes, suggesting that differences in coding schemes seem unlikely to account for the differences in the original studies. The analyses then focus on potential differences between student populations, suggesting that some differences exist in terms of consistency and meanings that might result from language, culture, or educational systems, but that these differences are too small to account for the radical differences in the findings of the original studies. Two additional explanations are then proposed and explored involving the instruments and the epistemological stances invoked for the students. Overall, the results align more closely with the findings of diSessa, Gillespie, and Esterly (2004 diSessa, A. A, Gillespie, N. and Esterly, J. 2004. Coherence versus fragmentation in the development of the concept of force. Cognitive Science, 28: 843900. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). [Supplemental materials are available for this article. Go to the publisher's online edition of Journal of the Learning Sciences for the following free supplement: Coding Schemes and Rules.]  相似文献   

This article offers a critical analysis of discourses and power structures and the ways they operate in two instructors’ adult education and ESOL classrooms. The instructors defined learner experience in specific ways and subsequently used those definitions and drew on their learners’ experiences to define their curricula and pedagogy. They conceptualized learner experiences in ways that potentially empowered or emancipated learners from existing power structures. The data presented are part of a two‐year study of different lifelong learning and adult education contexts in the north‐eastern and mid‐western USA. Data sources included survey, interview, artifact collection, and observation methods. Data analysis was guided by a sociocultural theory of literacy development (The New London Group 1996 New London Group. 1996. A pedagogy of multiliteracies: Designing social futures. Harvard Educational Review, 66: 6092. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar], Gee 1996 Gee, J. 1996. Social Linguistics and Literacies: Ideology in discourses , (2nd edn), London: Falmer.  [Google Scholar], 2003 Gee, J. 2003. What Video Games Have to Teach Us About Learning and Literacy, New York: Macmillan. [Crossref] [Google Scholar], Barton and Hamilton 1998 Barton, D. and Hamilton, M. 1998. Local Literacies: Reading and writing in one community, London: Routledge. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]), Holland et al.'s (1998 Holland, D., Lachicotte, W. Jr., Skinner, D. and Cain, C. 1998. Identity and Agency in Cultural Worlds, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.  [Google Scholar]) theories of figured worlds and identity development, Bakhtin’s (1963 Bakhtin, M. M. 1963. Problems of Dostoevsky’s Poetics, Edited by: Emerson, C. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press. 1994 [Google Scholar], 1975 Bakhtin, M. M. 1975. The Dialogic Imagination, Edited by: Emerson, C. and Holquist, M. Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press. 1998 [Google Scholar], 1979 Bakhtin, M. M. 1979. Speech Genres and Other Late Essays, Edited by: Mcgee, V. W. Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press. 1994 [Google Scholar], 1986 Bakhtin, M. M. 1986. Toward a Philosophy of the Act, Edited by: Liapunov, V. Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press. 1993 [Google Scholar]) theory of dialogism, and Foucault’s (1963 Foucault, M. 1963. The Birth of the Clinic: An archaeology of medical perception, Edited by: Sheridan‐Smith, A. New York: Vintage. 1975[Crossref] [Google Scholar], 1980 Foucault, M. 1980. Power/Knowledge: Selected interviews & other writings, 1972–1977, Edited by: Gordon, C., Marshall, L., Mepham, J. and Soper, K. New York: Pantheon. 1980 [Google Scholar]) conceptualization of power. One instructor offered her learners a chance to empower themselves, that is, to find gratification by learning to appropriate mainstream ways of acting, thinking, believing, and using text. The discourse that promotes such instructional efforts is predominant in lifelong learning and adult education. In this discourse, referred to at the outset as one of coherence, learner experience, as a resource for language and literacy development, is essentialized as dispositional, meaning that correct or proper attitudes and beliefs are necessary for empowerment. The other instructor practised a reverse discourse, or what Gee (1996 Gee, J. 1996. Social Linguistics and Literacies: Ideology in discourses , (2nd edn), London: Falmer.  [Google Scholar]) referred to as a liberatory literacy. She positioned learners to critique the Discourses they encountered, including those they participated in, as movement toward emancipation, toward communicative competence or a critical stance in the world. In effect, learners reversed the panoptic framework and turned the gaze back upon existing power structures. In this case, learner experience was valued for the experiential positioning it offered learners.  相似文献   

This article narrates a parallel personal and professional journey of scholarly engagement with the field of the social foundations of education and its home in the American Educational Studies Association. It draws on Gloria Anzaldúa's (2000 Anzaldúa, G. E. (2000). Interviews/Entrevistas (A. Keating, ed.). New York, NY: Routledge. [Google Scholar]) notion of conocimiento as multileveled and connective knowings, and María Lugones's (2008 Lugones, M. (2008). From within germinative stasis: Creating active subjectivity,resistant agency. In A. Keating (Ed.), Entremundos/Among worlds: New perspectives on Gloria Anzaldúa (pp. 8599). New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan. [Google Scholar]) idea of coalitional journeys to describe the histories and possibilities for the field.  相似文献   

The Disney/Pixar film, Monsters University (2013) was a tremendous financial success. As a film written entirely about college students and their quest for social and economic attainment, but marketed primarily to children and adolescents, its messages about the purpose of college and the college experience deserve close examination given its widespread popularity. Theorists have argued that popular fiction (Tompkins, 1986 Tompkins, J. (1986). Sensational designs: The cultural work of American fiction, 1790–1860. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. [Google Scholar]), especially film (Giroux, 1996 Giroux, H. A. (1996). White panic and the racial coding of violence. Fugitive cultures: Race, violence, and youth, 2754. [Google Scholar], 2008 Giroux, H. A. (2008). Hollywood film as public pedagogy: Education in the crossfire. Afterimage, 35(5), 713. [Google Scholar]; Gregory, 2007 Gregory, M. (2007). Real and teaching and real learning vs. narrative myths about education. Arts and Humanities in Higher Education, 6(1), 727. https://doi.org/10.1177/1474022207072197.[Crossref] [Google Scholar]; Peterson, 2009), is a powerful vehicle for creating, reflecting, and reinforcing social values and norms. This article examines the film closely to challenge the many explicit and implicit stereotypes it portrays regarding meritocracy, elitism, and gender and reflects on the role of friendship in a neoliberal society.  相似文献   


The authors' purpose was to test a parsimonious model derived from social cognitive career theory (R. W. Lent, S. D. Brown, & G. Hackett, 1994 Lent, R. W., Brown, S. D., & Hackett, G. (1994). Toward a unifying social cognitive theory of career and academic interest, choice, and performance. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 45, 79122. doi:10.1006/jvbe.1994.1027[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) and expectancy value theory (J. S. Eccles & A. Wigfield, 2002 Eccles, J. S., & Wigfield, A. (2002). Motivational beliefs, values, and goals. Annual Review of Psychology, 53, 109132. doi:10.1146/annurev.psych.53.100901.135153[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) that integrates groups of variables (demographic background, student behaviors, and school-related beliefs) with the goal of predicting high school dropout in a nationally representative sample of 15,753 high school students. Structural equation modeling was used to test the effect of the various predictors on students' dropout status 2 years later. The model fit the data very well, and the results indicated that socioeconomic status, academic performance, parental involvement, and absenteeism were most predictive of high school dropout. In contrast, social cognitive constructs (self-efficacy and subjective task value) added little explanatory power. Implications for high school dropout prevention programs are discussed.  相似文献   

This article updates and clarifies what is known about where political information is gathered online. Some studies have found that the online sites of traditional media companies dominate online interest and marginalize non-traditional sites that present independent views, which damages the Internet's ability to provide diverse viewpoints (Blevins, 2001 Blevins , J. L. ( 2001 ). Counter-hegemonic media: Can cyberspace resist corporate colonization? In B. Ebo (Ed.), Cyberimperialism? Global relations in the new electronic frontier (pp. 139151 ). Westport , CT : Praeger . [Google Scholar]; Dahlberg, 2005 Dahlberg , L. ( 2005 ). The corporate colonization of online attention and the marginalization of critical communication? Journal of Communication Inquiry , 29 , 160180 . doi: doi: 10.1177/0196859904272745 [Crossref] [Google Scholar]; Introna &; Nissenbaum, 2000 Introna , L. D. , &; Nissenbaum , H. F. ( 2000 ). Shaping the Web: Why the politics of search engines matters . Information Society , 16 , 169185 . doi: doi: 10.1080/01972240050133634 [Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Other research shows a trend toward more non-traditional site use (Pew Research Center, 2009 Pew Research Center . ( 2009 , April 15 ). The Internet's role in campaign 2008 . Washington , DC : Pew Internet &; American Life Project . Retrieved from http://www.pewinternet.org/Reports/2009/6-The-Internets-Role-in-Campaign-2008.aspx  [Google Scholar]). This study uses survey data from political information gatherers during the 2008 Pew Research Center . ( 2008 , December 28 ). Internet overtakes newspapers as news outlet . Washington , DC : Pew Internet &; American Life Project . Retrieved from http://people-press.org/report/479/internet-overtakes-newspapersas-news-source  [Google Scholar] U.S. presidential campaign to measure how much traditional and non-traditional media sites dominated their attention and whether factors such as demographics, political interest, social ties, and use of offline media limited or contributed to that domination. The survey found that non-traditional sites controlled respondents' online attention as much as traditional media sites in terms of political information, and several factors contributed to accessing traditional and non-traditional media online.  相似文献   

Rewards are frequently used in classrooms and recommended as a key component of well-researched methods of cooperative learning (e.g., Slavin, 1995 Slavin, R. E. 1995. Cooperative learning: Theory, research, and practice (, 2nd ed., Needham Heights, MA: Allyn &; Bacon.  [Google Scholar]). While many studies of cooperative learning find beneficial effects of rewards, many studies of individuals find negative effects (e.g., Deci, Koestner, &; Ryan, 1999 Deci, E. L., Koestner, R. and Ryan, R. M. 1999. A meta-analytic review of experiments examining the effects of extrinsic rewards on intrinsic motivation. Psychological Bulletin, 125: 627668. [Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]; Lepper, 1988 Lepper, M. R. 1988. Motivational considerations in the study of instruction. Cognition and Instruction, 5: 289309. [Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). This may be because the effects of reward-removal are not typically assessed in studies of cooperative learning whereas they typically are in studies of individuals. Alternatively, rewards and their removal might function differently for groups than individuals. The present study tested the hypothesis that groups would show less detrimental effects of reward-removal than individuals. Results showed a significant interaction where dyads increased their performance after reward-removal, while individuals showed a decrease on difficult transfer questions.  相似文献   

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