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Guided by the theoretical concept of uncertainty, the present study was an exploratory investigation of general partner and relational uncertainty within sibling relationships. Undergraduate and graduate student participants responded to a written survey utilizing scales measuring general partner uncertainty, relational uncertainty, extent of topic avoidance, and various relational and demographic items. Results revealed that siblings experience significantly more partner uncertainty than relational uncertainty, although both uncertainty types were experienced at low to moderate levels. Further, differing levels of partner and relational uncertainty were associated with frequency of sibling contact, but not with sibling dyadic gender composition. Finally, both general partner and relational uncertainty were significant predictors of levels of general topic avoidance, although neither uncertainty type predicted romantic/sexual relationship topic avoidance levels. Theoretical implications for uncertainty management are discussed in light of the unique sibling relationship.  相似文献   

Using relational framing theory, this article examines the influence of utterance type and relational context on the salience of relational frames. The authors report the results of two studies that used scenarios to manipulate utterance form and information about the relationship between interactants. Participants rated the relevance of dominance-submissiveness and affiliation-disaffiliation frames to interpreting the hypothetical interactions. Results showed that judgments of dominance-submissiveness frame salience were sensitive to variations in utterance type and relational context, but the results were mixed for the affiliation-disaffiliation frame. The authors discuss the implications for relational framing theory and the possibility of an affiliation bias.  相似文献   

This study investigates perceptions of family communication among members with different sexual identities. Specifically, from the perspective of heterosexual family members (N = 129), the study takes an intergroup perspective to determine how accommodative and non-accommodative communication and attitudes toward homosexuality predict intergroup anxiety and relational satisfaction with gay or lesbian family members. Further, the manner in which family communication influences attitudes toward homosexuality is examined. Results are discussed in terms of implications for research on heterosexual–homosexual interaction, family communication, and intergroup communication, in general.  相似文献   

The present study examines the role of local news media in influencing perceived public support for a controversial political issue, and merges a key proposition of the spiral of silence theory with literature on conflict avoidance to analyze antecedents of political outspokenness among a representative sample of registered voters in the Western Pacific Island of Guam. Respondents were asked about their perceptions of local news media and public support for, and willingness to express opinions about, the relocation of roughly 8,600 U.S. Marines and about 10,000 of their dependents and civilian support from Okinawa, Japan to Guam. Results show that perceived support from local news media predicted perceived public support. Perceived public support for one's opinions positively predicted, and conflict avoidance negatively predicted, willingness to express opinions. The positive association between perceived public support for one's opinions and willingness to express opinions was stronger among those who had higher conflict avoidance than those who had lower conflict avoidance.  相似文献   

In this study, alexithymia was tested as a moderator of the relationship between individual tendencies toward privacy (i.e., personal privacy orientation and anticipation of boundary turbulence) and the decision to reveal and conceal. Using structural equation modeling, results showed that both personal privacy orientation and anticipation of boundary turbulence were positively related to alexithymia. Alexithymia, in turn, moderated the relationship between personal privacy orientation and concealing, anticipation of boundary turbulence and concealing, and personal privacy orientation and revealing. Implications and directions for future research will be discussed.  相似文献   

Idiomatic communication is a strategic and unique form of communication that is indicative of a close relationship. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between idiomatic communication with solidarity and satisfaction to validate Social Penetration Theory using Knapp's stages of escalation and de-escalation. The results of the study (N = 275) found that couples in de-escalation stages report less idioms, and use idioms with less frequency, than couples in the escalation stages. Couples in de-escalating stages use confrontation, nickname, and teasing insult idioms with more negative effects than escalating couples. Finally, the use of idiomatic communication is significantly related to solidarity and relational satisfaction.  相似文献   

汉语话题主位结构与英语主语主位结构在线性顺序上既可能是相互对应 ,也可能存在着差异。为了强调句子中某个主要信息、表达出某种特定的主题意义、取得不同的交际效果 ,在汉英互译时 ,要注意这两种结构语序一致或语序发生变化时所产生的语义差异 ,根据原文的文体风格、翻译目的、翻译对象作出更适当的选择 ,力求做到既忠实于原文 ,又符合译语的表达习惯。  相似文献   

Social websites like Facebook enable users to upload self-created digital images; it is therefore of interest to see how gender is performed in this domain. A panel used a literature review of pictorial features associated with gender traits, and a sample of Facebook pictures to assess gender stereotypes present in Facebook images. Traits emerging in greater prominence in pictures of males included active, dominant, and independent. Those prominent with female users included attractive and dependent. These findings generally conform to gender stereotypes found in prior research and extend the research regarding stereotypical gender traits displayed in professional media depictions to self-selected social media displays. They also extend the research on gender differences in impression management generally, in both interpersonal communication and social media, to include gender-specific traits that are part of young mens and women's impression management.  相似文献   

在大数据时代,社交网络数据日益剧增,有效分析社交网络信息将对政府的合理决策起到促进作用.在海量的社交网络信息中,用户行为的数据分析是近些年来研究的热点问题.利用社交网络,用户可以关注当前的热点话题,并进行评论或者发布其他信息.这一系列行为反映出用户对于不同话题的偏好性和情感的倾向性,进而提供出有价值的潜在信息.本文设计了一种并行算法,实现了在Twitter和新浪微博数据上识别热点话题,并对用户情感进行分析.实验结果表明,该方法可以有效地监控热点话题及用户情感,具有重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

《中国近现代史纲要》专题教学初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
程珂  王雪莉 《钦州学院学报》2010,25(1):91-94,124
实行《中国近现代史纲要》专题教学,可以较好地处理中学《中国近现代史》与高校《中国近现代史纲要》之间的衔接问题,可以较好地处理教材体系向教学体系转化的问题。专题的设计,要充分把握“一个主题”、“两个了解”、“三个选择”的教学重点。专题教学要注重学生自学的作用、历史细节的展开、学生历史思维能力的提高、学生理想信念的增强。  相似文献   

科学研究对于促进思想政治教育学科发展,深化基础理论,指导实践发展,提升实际工作者专业素养具有重要意义。开展科学研究要以积累成果和提升能力为落脚点,关注热点前沿,着眼问题探讨,持续深耕,善于规划积累整合自身的研究成果,实现成果的转化推广。  相似文献   

中国的新闻发布工作近年来取得了重大的历史性突破。传播效果是检验新闻发布活动的重要标准。对新闻发布活动的传播效果的研究本质上关注的是现代社会系统中大众传媒作为社会建制或社会中介与社会中的“人”(新闻发布活动者)之间的关系;而对这种关系的处理很大程度上是依赖对“受众”(记者)的认识视角的转换和革新。  相似文献   

关于宋玉<高唐><神女>二赋的主旨,众说纷纭,莫衷一是.我们通过文本内容的分析、祭高唐神女之礼俗分析和<高唐><神女>以事为谏之思想分析,得出了新的结论.我们认为:<高唐><神女>二赋以楚襄王祭高禖为创作素材,借襄王欲幸巫山神女之事为说,劝谏襄王不要把复兴楚国的希望完全寄托在敬天事神的"天命"政治之上,而要面对现实,重视人事,推行"民本"政治,以求楚之王室与国家"延年益寿千万岁".否则即便是巫山神女也不会福佑楚王和楚国.作品反映了宋玉轻天命而重人事的进步思想.  相似文献   

英语是世界上使用最为广泛的语言,是一种交流沟通的重要工具。但是“哑巴英语”现象在我国较为普遍,其中在高中英语学习者中尤为突出。此现象大大阻碍了高中英语学习者的学习热情和自身英语水平的提高。为了帮助高中英语学习者摆脱英语学习的困境,本文从以下方面详尽地分析“哑巴英语”现象的形成原因:环境因素、教师因素、学生因素,并在此基础上,从环境、教师、学生三方面提出了具体的应对策略,以期消减“哑巴英语”这一英语教学中的顽疾。  相似文献   

语言交际是一种复杂的人类言语行为,交际者根据交际目的、环境,对象以及各种随机因素的交互作用而作出言语决策.语言交际策略的使用不但要遵循顺应理论的原则,而且还受元语言意识的影响.减少不确定性和含糊交际,作为大家经常使用的交际策略,它们的最终目的都是实现信息的交换,满足交际者的需求,顺利完成交际任务.  相似文献   

运用新怨恨理论研究中国现代文学的怨恨体验,从方法论意义上要解决的问题首先表现在为解决最典型的怨恨者与最有影响的代表者两难之间的矛盾,选取一部分最典型的怨恨者,同时又选择一部分对中国现代文学的最有影响者。其次,要质疑本质决定论,因为本质往往是先验的、预设的,而现象才是具体的、真实的;本质自己不能显示与证明自己,只有现象才能显示一定的本质。本质不是自明的、自定的、注定的与天生的,而是从现象中产生的,不同的现象表现了不同的本质。再次,要打破思潮流派论,因为思潮流派论无视同一思潮流派的作家,其具体文本有时其实具有极大的不同,相反,倒是不同思潮流派的作家,其具体文本有时并非没有很大相通。最后,要革新包含与被包含的分类方法,借鉴佛教文化的分类思维,不按同一标准而是按照双重或多重标准,不按并列与割裂标准而是按照重复与交叉标准。  相似文献   

Relational satisfaction and stability following discovered incidents of relational betrayal were investigated. Predictions from Social Exchange Theory, specifically Rusbult's Investment Model, were tested along with the effects of communication strategies. Participants (N = 155) completed a questionnaire about a recalled betrayal. Inconsistent with the investment model, relational satisfaction was the best predictor of relational stability. Generally, the more committed and invested the offender, the more likely the reported use of communication repair strategies. The likelihood of apologies, accepting responsibility, and promising change also increased with the severity of the betrayal. Only promising change was related to post-betrayal relational satisfaction.  相似文献   

Recognizing the challenge of adequate evaluation in higher education, this essay introduces some of the critical, alternative-seeking conversation about educational measurement. The thesis is that knowledge, value, and meaning emerge in the relational dynamics of education, thus requiring complex approaches to evaluation, utilizing relational criteria. The method of the essay is to analyse two educational case studies – a travel seminar and a classroom course – in dialogue with educational literature and a process-relational philosophy of education. Building from this analysis, the essay concludes with proposals for relational criteria of evaluation: relations with self, community and culture, difference, earth, and social structures.  相似文献   

系统管理理论是管理原理中的最基本、起统率作用的原理。本文从系统管理的基本原理入手,通过运用系统管理的理论、方法、观点对高校学生思想政治教育的目的、功能和价值进行系统分析,以促进高校学生思想政治教育工作的科学化、高效化,实现高校思想政治教育工作的方向性和有序性。  相似文献   

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