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Book review     
BLACK STUDIES IN THE UNIVERSITY: A SYMPOSIUM. Ed. Armstead L. Robinson, Craig C. Foster, and Donald H. Ogilvie. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1969; pp. xi + 231. $1.75 (paper).

THE BLACK PANTHER SPEAKS. Edited by Philip S. Foner. Philadelphia: The J. B. Lippincott Company, 1970; pp. xxx + 274. Paper $2.95.

THE RHETORIC OF BLACK POWER. By Robert L. Scott and Wayne Brockriede. New York: Harper and Row, 1969; pp. viii + 207. Paper. $2.75.

RHETORIC OF BLACK REVOLUTION. By Arthur L. Smith. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1969; pp. vii + 199. Paper $2.95.  相似文献   

THE HAMLET OF EDWIN BOOTH. By Charles H. Shattuck. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1969; pp. xxvii+321. $10.95.

CHARLES KEMBLE, MAN OF THE THEATRE. By Jane Williamson. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1970; pp. x+267. $7.95.

THE BLACK TEACHER AND THE DRAMATIC ARTS: A DIALOGUE, BIBLIOGRAPHY, AND ANTHOLOGY. Edited by William R. Reardon and Thomas D. Pawley. Westport, Conn.: Negro Universities Press, 1970; pp. xviii+487. $13.50.

A DICTIONARY OF AFRO‐AMERICAN SLANG. Edited by Clarence Major. New York: International Publishers, 1970; pp. 128. .$5.95; paper $1.95.

ADLAI STEVENSON: PATRICIAN AMONG THE POLITICIANS. By Bert Cochran. New York: Funk &; Wagnalls, 1969; pp. 424. $10.00.

THE POLITICIANS 1945–1960. By Booth Mooney. Philadelphia and New York: J. B. Lippincott, 1970; pp. 368. $7.95.

MOMENTS IN THE RHETORIC OF THE COLD WAR. By Wayne Brockriede and Robert L. Scott. New York: Random House, 1970; pp. 130. Paper $2.50.

THE PENTAGON PROPAGANDA MACHINE. By Sen. J. W. Fulbright. New York: Liveright Publishing Corp., 1970; pp. vii+166. $4.95.

MASS COMMUNICATIONS AND AMERICAN EMPIRE. By Herbert I. Schiller. New York: Augustus M. Kelley, 1969; pp. x+170. $9.00.

MASS MEDIA IN THE SOVIET UNION. By Mark W. Hopkins. New York: Pegasus, 1970; pp. xviii+366. $8.95.

THE IMAGE EMPIRE: A History of Broadcasting in the United States, Volume III, from 1953. Erik Barnouw. New York: Oxford University Press, 1970; pp. 396. $9.75.

THE GLASS TEAT. By Harlan Ellison. New York: Ace Books, 1970; pp. 318. Paper $1.25.

CULTURE IS OUR BUSINESS. By Marshall McLuhan. New York: McGraw‐Hill, 1970; pp. 336. $10.00.

THE ACQUISITION OF LANGUAGE: THE STUDY OF DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHO‐LINGUISTICS. By David McNeill. New York: Harper and Row, 1970; pp. viii+183. $6.95.

LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT: FORM AND FUNCTION IN EMERGING GRAMMARS. By Lois Bloom. Cambridge: M. I. T. Press, 1970; pp. xiv+270. $8.95.

THE DEVELOPMENT OF ORAL COMMUNICATION IN THE CLASSROOM. By Gerald M. Phillips, Robert Dunham, Robert Brubaker, and David Butt. Indianapolis: Bobbs‐Merrill, 1970; pp. xiii+204. $6.50.

CLINICAL SPEECH IN THE SCHOOLS: ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT. Edited by Rolland J. Van Hattum: Springfield, Ill.: Charles C Thomas, 1969; pp. xiv+381. $12.50.

STUTTERING: LEARNED AND UNLEARNED. By Frank J. Falck. Springfield, Ill.: Charles C Thomas, 1969; pp. 160. $7.75.

THE IDEA OF A PARTY SYSTEM: THE RISE OF LEGITIMATE OPPOSITION IN THE UNITED STATES, 1780–1840. By Richard Hofstadter. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1969; pp. xiii+280. $7.50; paper $2.45.

THE PULPIT OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION: POLITICAL SERMONS OF THE PERIOD OF 1776. Edited by John Wingate Thornton. New York: Da Capo Press, 1970; pp. 537. $19.50 [first published 1860].

THE ART OF THE AMERICAN FOLK PREACHER. By Bruce A. Rosenberg. New York: Oxford University Press, 1970; pp. xii+ 265. $8.50.

THE YOUNGER PITT: THE YEARS OF ACCLAIM. By John Ehrman. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1969; pp. xv+710. $14.95.


CICERO: EIN BIOGRAPHISCHER VERSUCH. By Matthias Gelzer. Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1969; pp. x+426. DM 32.‐.

CICERO ON ORATORY AND ORATORS. Translated or Edited by J. S. Watson. Introduction by Ralph A. Micken. Foreword by David Potter. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1970; pp. li+379. $8.50.

OF ELOQUENCE. Studies in Ancient and Medieval Rhetoric. By Harry Caplan. Edited with an Introduction by Anne King and Helen North. Ithaca, N. Y.: Cornell University Press, 1970; pp. 289. $8.50.

LANGUAGE IS SERMONIC: RICHARD M. WEAVER ON THE NATURE OF RHETORIC. Edited by Richard L. Johannesen, Rennard Strickland, and Ralph T. Eubanks. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1970; pp. vii+230. $6.95.

VON DEUTSCHER REDE (Of German Speech). By Walter Jens. Munich, Germany: E. Piper, 1969; pp. 217+bibliography. $3.50.

UNDERSTANDING DISCOURSE: THE SPEECH ACT AND RHETORICAL ACTION. By Karl R. Wallace. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1970; pp. xi+150. $6.50.

STUDIES IN MACHIAVELLIANISM. By Richard Christie and Florence L. Geis. New York: Academic Press, 1970; pp. xii+415. $12.50.

THE WORLD'S BEST ORATIONS. Edited by David J. Brewer. (Reprint) Metuchen, N. J.: Scarecrow Press, 1970. 2 vols. $84.50.

AUSTRALIA SPEAKS: AN ANTHOLOGY OF AUSTRALIAN SPEECHES. Edited by A. L. McLeod. Sydney: Wentworth Press, 1969; pp. 213. Paper $5.00.

REPRESENTATIVE AMERICAN SPEECHES: 1969–1970. Edited by Lester Thonssen. New York: H. W. Wilson, 1970; pp. 208. $4.50.

METHODS OF RESEARCH IN COMMUNICATION: Edited by Philip Emmert and William D. Brooks. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1970; pp. ix+517. $8.95.

OF HUMAN INTERACTION. By Joseph Luft. Palo Alto, Calif.: National Press Books, 1969; pp. 177. $4.95.

FUNDAMENTALS OF INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION. By Kim Giffin and Bobby R. Patton. New York: Harper and Row, 1971; pp. xii+229. $6.50.

BASIC READINGS IN INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION. Edited by Kim Giffin and Bobby R. Patton. New York: Harper and Row, 1971; pp. xi+441. Paper $4.95.

INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION: A CROSS‐DISCIPLINARY APPROACH. By Arthur Solomon. Springfield, Ill.: Charles C Thomas, 1970; pp. vii+109. $8.50.

“SPEECH COMMUNICATION IN THE SECONDARY SCHOOL,” The Bulletin of the National Association of Secondary School Principals. Edited by Stanley M. Elam and Waldo W. Braden. Washington, D. C.: December, 1970; pp. iii+148. Paper $2.00.

MODERN DEBATE CASE TECHNIQUES. By Donald R. Terry, with James M. Copeland, Philip Emmert, Clark D. Kimball, Allan J. Lichtman, and Daniel M. Rohrer. Skokie, Ill.: National Textbook Company, 1970; pp. ix+ 107. Paper $3.00.  相似文献   

THE PSYCHOANALYTIC INTERPRETATION OF HISTORY. Edited by Benjamin B. Wolman. Foreword by Wiliam L. Langer. New York: Basic Books, Inc., 1971; pp. x+240. $8.95.

PUBLIC OPINION AND HISTORIANS: INTERDISCIPLINARY PERSPECTIVES. Edited by Melvin Small. Detroit: Wayne State University, 1970; pp. 199. $7.95.

HISTORY AS SOCIAL SCIENCE. Edited by David S. Landes and Charles Tilly. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice‐Hall, Inc., 1971; pp. viii+ 152. paper $1.95.

THE POLITICAL IMAGE MERCHANTS: STRATEGIES IN THE NEW POLITICS. Edited by Ray Hiebert, Robert Jones, John Lorenz, and Ernest Lotito. Forewords by Lawrence O'Brien, Robert J. Dole and Rogers C. B. Morton. Washington, D. C.: Acropolis Books Ltd., 1971; pp. 312. $7.95; paper $4.95.

SOCIO‐CULTURAL DYNAMICS; AN INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL CHANGE. By Francis R. Allen. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1971; pp. x+396. $8.95.

TELEVISION STATION OWNERSHIP. Edited by Paul W. Cherington, Leon V. Hirsch and Robert Brandwein. New York: Hastings House Publishers, Inc., 1971; pp. 304. $12.50.

BROADCASTING AND GOVERNMENT: RESPONSIBILITIES AND REGULATIONS. (Second edition.) By Walter B. Emery. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 1971; pp. viii+569. $12.50.

THE MEDIUM IS THE REAR VIEW MIRROR: UNDERSTANDING McLUHAN. By Donald F. Theall. Montreal: McGill‐Queen's University Press, 1971; pp. xviii+261. $8.75; paper $2.95.

READINGS IN ORGANIZATIONAL AND INDUSTRIAL PSYCHOLOGY. Edited and with instructor's manual by Gary A. Yukl and Kenneth N. Wexley. New York: Oxford University Press, 1971; pp. viii+590. Paper $6.95.

PERSUASION THEORY AND PRACTICE. By Kenneth E. Andersen. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, Inc., 1971; pp. viii+386. $9.50.

COMMUNICATIVE VOICE AND ARTICULATION. By Bernard P. McCabe, Jr. Boston: Holbrook Press, 1970; pp. viii+215. $5.95.

MAKING YOUR MEANING EFFECTIVE. By Robert T. Oliver. Boston: Holbrook Press, Inc., 1971; pp. xii+267. $6.95.

COMMUNICATION SKILLS: VOICE AND PRONUNCIATION. By Mardel Ogilvie and Norma S. Rees. New York: McGraw‐Hill, 1969; pp. vii+274. $7.50.

TEACHING SPEECH. By Loren Reid. (Fourth Edition.) New York: McGraw‐Hill, 1971; pp. xiv+479. $9.50.

ANALYZING TEACHING BEHAVIOR. By Ned A. Flanders. Reading, Mass.: Addison‐Wesley Publishing Company, 1970; pp. xvi+ 448. $9.75.

LEARNING DIRECTORY, 1970–71. New York: Westinghouse Learning Corporation, 1970; 7 vols.; pp. 6681. $90.00.

INFORMATION SERVICES FOR ACADEMIC ADMINISTRATION. By JB Lon Hefferlin and Ellis L. Phillips, Jr. San Francisco, Calif.: Jossey‐Bass, 1971; pp. xiv+160. $6.50.

READERS THEATRE: TOWARD A GRAMMAR OF PRACTICE. By Joanna Hawkins Maclay. New York: Random House, 1971; pp. ix+110. Paper $2.50.

A HANDBOOK OF CREATIVE CHORAL SPEAKING. By Marjory Frances Brown‐Azarowicz. Minneapolis: Burgess Publishing Company, 1971; pp. xi+148. Paper $3.95.

CARL THEODORE DREYER: FOUR SCREENPLAYS. Edited and with introduction by Ole Storm. Foreword by Carl Theodore Dreyer. Translated by Oliver Stallybrass. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1970; pp. 312. $12.00; paper $3.95.

SHAW: SEVEN CRITICAL ESSAYS. Edited by Norman Rosenblood. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1971; pp. xi+136. $6.00.

THE SHAKESPEAREAN STAGE: 1574–1642. By Andrew Gurr. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1970; pp. ix+192. $9.50; paper $2.75.

SHAKESPEARE'S PLAYS TODAY: SOME CUSTOMS AND CONVENTIONS OF THE STAGE. By Arthur Colby Sprague and J. C. Trewin. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 1971; pp. 147. $4.95.

PLAYWRITING: THE STRUCTURE OF ACTION. By Sam Smiley. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice‐Hall, Inc., 1971; pp. xiv+315. $7.95; paper $4.50.

PLAY DIRECTING: ANALYSIS, COMMUNICATION, AND STYLE. By Francis Hodge. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice‐Hall, Inc., 1971; pp. xiv+394. $8.95.

THE THEATRE AND ITS DRAMA: PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES. By Ralph Borden Culp. Dubuque, Iowa: Wm. C. Brown Company Publishers, 1971; pp. ix+455. $8.50.

PLAYREADER'S REPERTORY: DRAMA ON STAGE. Edited by Melvin R. White and Frank M Whiting, Glenview, Ill.: Scott, Foresman and Company, 1970; pp. 806. Paper $6.95.

ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF SPEECH. By Harold M. Kaplan. (Second Edition.) New York: McGraw‐Hill Book Company, 1970; pp. x+528. $12.95.

CLEFT PALATE AND ITS ASSOCIATED SPEECH DISORDERS. By Charlotte G. Wells. New York: McGTaw‐Hill Book Company, 1971; pp. xii+308. $10.95.

ORGANIC VOICE DISORDERS. By G. Paul Moore. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice‐Hall, Inc., 1971; pp. xiii+161. $6.50.


THE PASSIONS OF THE MINDE IN GENERALL. By Thomas Wright. Introduction by Thomas O. Sloan. Urbana: The University of Illinois Press, 1971; pp. xlix+377. $12.95.

LITERARY STYLE: A SYMPOSIUM. Edited by Seymour Chatman. New York: Oxford University Press, 1971; pp. xv+427. $12.50; paper $3.50.

CICERO'S LETTERS TO ATTICUS, INDICES TO VOLUMES I‐VI. By D. R. Shackleton Bailey. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1971; pp. 114. $7.50.

THE ORDERING OF THE ARTS IN EIGHTEENTH‐CENTURY ENGLAND. By Lawrence Lipking. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1970; pp. xiv+503. $12.50.

A CORNELL NOTEBOOK. By Raymond F. Howes. Ithaca: Cornell Alumni Association, 1971; pp. xv+201. $5.00.

THE FIRST SEX. By Elizabeth Gould Davis. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1971; pp. 382. $7.95.

WOMAN IN SEXIST SOCIETY: STUDIES IN POWER AND POWERLESSNESS. Edited by Vivian Gornick and Barbara K. Moran. New York: Basic Books, Inc., 1971; pp. xxv+515. $12.50.

INDIAN ORATORY: FAMOUS SPEECHES BY NOTED INDIAN CHIEFTAINS. Edited by W. C. Vanderwerth. Foreword by William R. Carmack. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1971; pp. xvii+292. $8.95.

THE FEAR OF CONSPIRACY, IMAGES OF UN‐AMERICAN SUBVERSION FROM THE REVOLUTION TO THE PRESENT. Edited with commentary by David Brion Davis. Ithaca, N.Y.; Cornell University Press, 1971; pp. xxiv+369. $10.00.

BRECHT AND IONESCO: COMMITMENT IN CONTEXT. By Julian H. Wulbern. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1971; pp. vi+250. $8.95.

TOWARD DRAMATIC ILLUSION: THEATRICAL TECHNIQUE AND MEANING FROM HARDY TO HORACE. By T. J. Reiss. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1971; pp. viii+212. $7.50.

THE DRAMATIC WORLD OF HAROLD PINTER: ITS BASIS IN RITUAL. By Katherine H. Burkman. Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1971; pp. xvii+171. $8.00.

IBSEN: A BIOGRAPHY. By Michael Meyer. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday &; Company, 1971; pp. xxii+865. $12.95.

CHEKHOV IN PERFORMANCE: A COMMENTARY ON THE MAJOR PLAYS. By J. L. Styan. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1971; pp. vii+341. $14.50.

SAMUEL BECKETT, HIS WORKS AND HIS CRITICS: AN ESSAY IN BIBLIOGRAPHY. By Raymond Federman and John Fletcher. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1970; pp. xiii+383. $15.00.

EMPIRICAL RESEARCH IN THEATRE. Edited by David W. Addington and Allen N. Kepke. Bowling Green, Ohio: Center for Communications Research, 1971: pp. 60. $2.00.

THE MAKING OF FEATURE FILMS: A GUIDE. By Ivan Butler. Baltimore: Penguin Books Ltd., 1971; pp. 191. Paper $1.75.  相似文献   

Writers and Their Critics: A Study of Misunderstanding. By Henri Peyre. Ithaca, New York; The Cornell University Press, 1944; pp. xii + 340. $3.00.

A Short View of Elizabethan Drama. By Thomas Marc Parrott and Robert Hamilton Ball. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1943; pp. viii + 312. $2.00.

The Communication Arts. Sponsored by the National Policy Committee for the High‐School Victory Corps. Superintendent of Documents, United States Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D.C. 1943: pp. 75. $.25.

Speak Up! A New Approach to Communication. Revised Edition. By Bess Sondel. Chicago: The University of Chicago Bookstore, 1944; pp. vi + 70. $1.02.

Little Black Sambo. By Agnes Curren Hamm. Milwaukee: The Tower Press, 1944; pp. 12. $.50.

Approach to Social Studies through Choral Speaking. By Dorothy Harvel and May Williams Ward. Boston: Expression Company, 1945; pp. 184. $2.25.

Competitive Debate: Rules and Strategy. By George McCoy Musgrave. New York: The H. W. Wilson Company, 1945; pp. 147. $1.25.

Influence of Certain Personal Factors on a Speech Judgment. By Bernard Carp. New Rochelle, New York: The Little Print Company, 1945; pp. 122. $1.75.

The Quest for Preaching Power. By John Nicholls Booth. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1943; pp. 229. $2.00.

The Creative Delivery of Sermons. By Robert White Kirkpatrick. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1944; pp. xxii + 235. $2.50.

Essentials of Parliamentary Procedure. By Zoe Steen Moore and John B. Moore. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1944; pp. x + 221. $2.50.  相似文献   

Representative American Speeches, 1941–1942. Selected by A. Craig Baird. New York: The H. W. Wilson Co., 1942; pp. 297. $1.25.

Principles of Effective Speaking. By William Phillips Sandford and Willard Hayes Yeager. Fourth edition. New York: The Ronald Press Company, 1942; pp. xii + 580. $2.75.

Studies in Honor of Frederick W. Shipley (Washington University Studies: Language and Literature: No. 14). By His Colleagues. St. Louis: Washington University, 1942; xi + 314 pp.

The Story of the Eight‐Year Study. By Wilford M. Aikin. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1942; pp. 157. $1.75.

Here's How, a Guide to Economy in Stagecraft. By Herbert V. Hake. Illustrated by the author. Evanston: Row, Peterson &; Co.; pp. 108. $2.00.

Speech Abstracts, vol. II. Mimeographed. Compiled by Clyde W. Dow. $1.00.

The “Eight Points”; of Post‐War World Reorganization. Compiled by Julia E. Johnsen. New York: The H. W. Wilson Co., 1942; pp. 126. $.90.

The Practice of Speech Correction in the Medical Clinic. By Mary Wehe Huber. Together with Speech Correction from a Dental Viewpoint by A. E. Kopp. Boston: The Expression Company, 1942; pp. 72. $1.75.

Speech Training for the Deaf Child. By Sylvian M. Martin. London: George Allen and Unwin Ltd.; New York: W. W. Norton and Company, Inc., Distributors, 1941; pp. 114. $1.00.

Training the Speaking Voice. By Virgil A. Anderson. New York: Oxford University Press, 1942; pp. xx, 387.

Terminology and Definitions of Speech Defects. By Mardel Ogilvie. New York: Teachers College, Columbia University Contributions to Education, No. 859, 1942; pp. 300. $3.25.

Wartime Censorship of Press and Radio. Compiled by Robert E. Summers. New York: H. W. Wilson Company, 1942; pp. 297. $1.25.

Permanent Price Control Policy. Compiled by Julia E. Johnsen. New York: H. W. Wilson Company, 1942; pp. 113. $1.25.

Plans for a Post‐War World. Compiled by Julia E. Johnsen. New York: H. W. Wilson Company, 1942; pp. 238. $1.25.

Webster's Dictionary of Synonyms. Springfield: G. &; C. Merriam Co., 1943; pp. 908. $3.50 (with thumb index, $4.00).

The Extempore Speech. By Earl W. Wells and Paul X. Knoll. New York: The Ronald Press Company, 1942; pp. 362. $3.50.

Essentials of Parliamentary Procedure. By J. Jeffery Auer. New York: F. S. Crofts &; Co., 1942; pp. 41. $.45.

Poems of Fun and Fancy. By Edith Martha Deplitch. Boston: Expression Company, 1942; pp. 75. $1.25.

American Speech. By Wilhelmina G. Hedde and William Norwood Brigance. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1942; pp. xi + 596. $1.80.

Rehearsal. By Miriam A. Franklin. New York: Prentice‐Hall, Inc., 1942; pp. 447. $4.00.

The Psychology of Persuasive Speech. By Robert T. Oliver. New York: Longmans, Green and Company, 1942; pp. 389. $2.75.

The Speech Teacher and Competition. By Roy Bedichek and F. L. Winship. Austin: The University of Texas Publication, 1941; pp. 131. 25 cents.

Poems for Playtime. By Carrie Rasmussen. Boston: Expression Company, 1942; pp. 93. $1,25.

University Debaters’ Annual, 1941–42. Edited by Edith M. Phelps. New York: The H. W. Wilson Company, 1942; pp. 459. $2.25.

Leadership Through Speech. By Joseph G. Brin. New York: Harbinger House, 1942; pp. 140. $2.00.  相似文献   

THE DEVELOPMENT OF POLITICAL ATTITUDES IN CHILDREN by Robert D. Hess and Judith V. Torney, Chicago: Aldine Publishing Co., 1967. xviii + 288 pp. $9.75.

POLITICAL SOCIALIZATION by Kenneth P. Langton, New York: Oxford University Press, 1969. xvii + 215 pp. $2.50, paperback.

POLITICAL SOCIALIZATION edited by Edward S. Greenberg. New York: Atherton Press, 1970. x + 199 pp. $6.95.

AGAINST THE ODDS: THE HIGH RISK STUDENT IN THE COMMUNITY COLLEGE by William Moore, Jr. San Francisco: Jossey‐Bass, Inc., 1970. xii + 244 pp. $8.50.

HIGHER EDUCATION AND THE NATION'S HEALTH: POLICIES FOR MEDICAL AND DENTAL EDUCATION by the Carnegie Commission on Higher Education. New Jersey: McGraw‐Hill Book Company, 1970. 128 pp. $2.95.

FREE‐ACCESS HIGHER EDUCATION by Warren W. Willingham. New York: College Entrance Examination Board, 1970. x + 240 pp. $6.50.

EDUCATION IN AMERICA, 1960–1969, THE EDUCATIONAL SUPPLEMENT OF THE SATURDAY REVIEW. New York: Arno Press, 1971. 4 vols., 2,790 pp. $175.00.  相似文献   

Elementary School Administration: Theory And Practice by Charles F. Faber and Gilbert F. Shearron. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1970. 395 pp.

The School Managers: Power And Conflict In American Public Education by Donald J. McCarty and Charles E. Ramsey, with a foreword by Roald F. Campbell. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Publishing Corporation, 1971. 281 pp. $11.50.

Governing Schools: New Approaches To Old Issues by Luvern L. Cunningham. Columbus, Ohio: Charles E. Merrill Publishing Co., 1971. 277 pp. $7.95, 83.95 paper.

Scene Of The Battle by Joan I. Roberts. Garden City: Doubleday and Company, 970. 441 PP. $8.95.

Bridges To Understanding by Irwin T. Sanders and Jennifer C. Ward. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1970. 285 pp.

The Future Of Education by A. D. C. Peterson. New York: Humanities Press, 1968. 233 pp. $6.50.

Soviet Preschool Education: Teachers Commentary, Volume 11, edited by Henry Chauncey. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., 1969. 218 PP. $595.

Caring For Children In Trouble by Julius Carlebach. London: Routledge &; Kegan Paul; New York: Humanities Press, 1970. 198 pp. $5.25.

The Evaluation Of Instruction: Issues And Problems edited by M. C. Wittrock and David C. Wiley. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., 1970. xiii + 494 pp.

Evaluation For Decision-Making In The Schools by John W. Wick and Donald L. Beggs. Boston: Hough-ton Mifflin Company, 1971. 263 pp. $4.95.

Patterns Of Educational Philosophy, Divergence And Convergence In Culturological Perspective By Theodore Brameld. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1971. 615 pp.

Positive Relativism: An Emergent Educational Philosophy by Morris L. Bigge. New York: Harper and Row, 1971. 182 pp., $3.25.

Toward A Rational Society: Student Protest, Science And Politics by Jurgen Habermas. Boston: Beacon Press, 1969. 127 pp. $5.95.

Sociological Perspectives In Education by Jack L. Nelson and Frank P. Besag. New York: Pitman Publishing Corp., 1970. 230 pp. $6.75.

Methods Of Learning Disorders by Patricia I. Myers and Donald D. Hammill. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1969. 313 pp. $8.50.

400 Losers: Delinquent Boys In High School by Winton M. Ahlstrom and Robert J. Havighurst. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1971. 246 pp. $9.50.

The Educable Mentally Retarded Child: Guidance And Curriculum by Kathleen Barnette Waite. Springfield, Ill.: Charles C Thomas, 97. 578 PP. $32.25.

Computer-Assisted Instruction, Testing, And Guidance edited by Wayne H. Holtzman. New York: Harper and ROW, 1970. 402 pp. $10.00.

The Development Of Oral Communication In The Classroom by Gerald M. Phillips, Robert E. Dunham, Robert Brubaker, and David Butt. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc., 1970. 211 pp. $6.50.

Effective Instruction Through Dynamic Discipline by Leslie J. Chamberlin. Columbus, Ohio: Charles E. Merrill Co., 1971. 337 pp.  相似文献   

INTERNATIONAL STUDIES OF NATIONAL SPEECH EDUCATION SYSTEMS: VOLUME 1. CURRENT REPORTS ON TWELVE COUNTRIES. Edited by Fred Casmir and L. S. Harms, Foreword by William S. Howell. Minneapolis: Burgess Publishing Company, 1970; pp. xxviii+226. $7.50.

REDETECHNIK. EINFUEHRUNG IN DIE RHETORIK. By Herbert Biehle. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter &; Co., 1968; pp. 212. Paper DM5.80.


REDE IN DER OEFFENTLICHKEIT: EINE EINFUEHRUNG IN DIE RHETORIK. By Hellmut Geissner. Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer Verlag, 1969; pp. 103. Paper DM7.50.

LEHRBUCH DER RHETORIK. By Heinz Lemmermann. München and Wien: Günter Olzog Verlag, 1968; pp. 232. DM16.80.


THE COLONIAL IDIOM. Edited by David Potter and Gordon L. Thomas. (Landmarks in Rhetoric and Public Address.) Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1970; pp. xiii+639.

A HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. By John R. Alden. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1969; pp. xii+541+xvi. $10.00.

THE FOUNDING OF A NATION: A HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 1763–1776. By Merrill Jensen. New York: Oxford University Press, 1968; pp. xiii‐+ 735. $13.50.

THE BIRTH OF THE NATION: A PORTRAIT OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE ON THE EVE OF INDEPENDENCE. By Arthur M. Schlesinger. Introduction by Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1968; pp. ix+258+xi. $7.95.

HARD TIMES: AN ORAL HISTORY OF THE GREAT DEPRESSION. By Studs Terkel. New York: Random House, 1970; pp. xiii+ 462. $8.95.

THE SHATTERED DREAM. By Gene Smith. New York: Wiliam Morrow, 1970; pp. iii+278. $6.95.

IMAGEMAKER: WILL ROGERS AND THE AMERICAN DREAM. By William R. Brown. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1970; pp. 304. $10.00.

AMERICA'S HEROES: THE CHANGING MODELS OF SUCCESS IN AMERICAN MAGAZINES. By Theodore P. Greene. New York: Oxford University Press, 1970; pp. ix+387. $8.50.

AN ARMED AMERICA: ITS FACE IN FICTION. By Wayne Charles Miller. New York: New York University Press, 1970; pp. xvi+294. $7.95.

THE SYSTEM OF FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION. By Thomas I. Emerson. New York: Random House, 1970; pp. ix+754. $20.00.

THE POLITICS OF FEAR: JOSEPH R. MCCARTHY AND THE SENATE. By Robert Griffith. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1970; pp. xi+362. $8.50.

FORERUNNERS OF BLACK POWER: THE RHETORIC OF ABOLITION. Edited by Ernest G. Bormann. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice‐Hall, 1971; pp. viii+248. $8.50; paper $4.50.

HARRY EMERSON FOSDICK'S ART OF PREACHING: AN ANTHOLOGY. Edited by Lionel Crocker. Springfield, Ill.: Charles C Thomas, 1971; pp. xii+283. $13.75.

BLACK PREACHING. By Henry H. Mitchell. New York: Lippincott, 1970; pp. 248. $4.95.

VOICES OF THE NEW FEMINISM. Edited by Mary Lou Thompson. Boston: Beacon Press, 1970; pp. 246. $5.95.

RALPH McGILL, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER: VOL. II‐RALPH McGILL SPEAKS. Compiled by Calvin McLeod Logue. Durham, N.C.: Moore Publishing Company, 1969; pp. 517. $9.95.  相似文献   

GROUP LEADERSHIP AND DEMOCRATIC ACTION. By Franklin S. Haiman. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1951; pp. vii+309. $2.50.

NEW WAYS TO BETTER MEETINGS. By Bert and Frances Strauss. New York: The Viking Press, 1951; pp. 177. $2.95.

DISCUSSION AND DEBATE: TOOLS OF A DEMOCRACY. By Henry L. Ewbank and J. Jeffery Auer. (Second edition). New York: Appleton‐Century‐Crofts, Inc. 1951; pp. x+ 492. $3.50.

COMMUNICATION: THE SOCIAL MATRIX OF PSYCHIATRY. By Jurgen Ruesch and Gregory Bateson. New York: W. W. Norton and Company, 1951; pp. 314. $4.50.

FÉNELON'S DIALOGUES ON ELOQUENCE. By Wilbur Samuel Howell. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1951; pp. 160. $3.00.

THEODORE WELD: CRUSADER FOR FREEDOM. By Benjamin P. Thomas. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 1950; PP. 307. $4.25.

THE LETTERS OF THEODORE ROOSEVELT. Selected and edited by Ehing E. Morison; John M. Blum, Associate Editor; John J. Buckley, Copy Editor. Cambridge; Harvard University Press, igsi; 9 volumes; Vols. 1–2, pp. xxix+800; 801–1549. $20.00.

PUBLIC SPEAKING: PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE. By Giles Wilkeson Gray and Waldo W. Braden. New York: Harper &; Brothers, 1951; pp. xiv+581. $4.00.

TEACHING SPEECH IN THE SECONDARY SCHOOL. By Karl Robinson. New York: Longmans, Green and Company, 1951; pp. 438. $4.00.

SPEECH: FORMS AND PRINCIPLES. By Andrew Thomas Weaver. (Second Edition). New York: Longmans, Green and Company, 1951: pp. 415.$3.50.

HOW TO WRITE A SPEECH. By Edward J. Hegarty. New York: McGraw‐Hill Book Company, 1951; pp. vii+xii+226. $3.50.

THE AMERICAN PRONOUNCING DICTIONARY OF TROUBLESOME WORDS. By Frank O. Colby. New York: Crowell, 1950: pp. 399. $4.50.

A MANUAL OF PRONUNCIATION. By Morriss H. Needleman. New York: Barnes and Noble, 1950; pp. cvii+321. $4.00.

YOUR DEAF CHILD. By Helmer R. Mykle‐bust. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, 1950; pp. 133. $2.50.

LANGUAGE FOR THE PRESCHOOL DEAF CHILD. By Grace Harris Lassman. New York: Grune &; Stratton, Inc., 1950; pp. 263. $5.50.

THE RETURN FROM BABEL. By Gerald M. Spring. New York: Philosophical Library, 1951; pp. ix+179. $3.50.

MORE ABOUT WORDS. By Margaret S. Ernst. Sketches by W. A. Dwiggins. New York: Knopf, 1951; pp. xii+233. $3.00.

WORDS AND THEIR USE. By Stephen Ullman. New York: Philosophical Library, 1951; pp. 108. $2.75.

POETRY AND DRAMA. By T. S. Eliot. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1951; pp. 44. $1.50.

A TREASURY OF THE THEATRE (FROM AESCHYLUS TO TURGENEV). Edited by John Gassner. (Revised Edition for Colleges). New York: The Dryden Press, 1951; pp. xviii+718. $4.50.

HISTORY OF THE RUSSIAN THEATRE: Seventeenth Through Nineteenth Century. By B. V. Varneke. Original Translation by Boris Brasol. Revised and Edited by Belle Martin. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1951; pp. xii+459. $6.50.

HISTORY OF SPEECH EDUCATION AT COLUMBIA COLLEGE 1754–1940. By Helen P. Roach. New York: Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University, 1950; pp. 134. $2.35.

TELEVISION AND OUR CHILDREN. By Robert Lewis Shayon. New York: Longmans, Green and Company. 1951; pp. 94. $1.50.

RADIO AND TELEVISION SOUND EFFECTS. By Robert B. Turnbull. New York: Rinehart and Company, Inc., 1951; pp. xv+334. $4.50.

SUCCESSFUL RADIO AND TELEVISION ADVERTISING. By E. F. Seehafer and J. W. Laemmar. New York: McGraw‐Hill Book Company, Inc., 1951; pp. xiii+574. $6.50.

FOUNDATIONS IN BROADCASTING. By Edgar E. Willis. New York: Oxford University Press, 1951; pp. viii+439. $3.25.

TELEVISION PROGRAMMING AND PRODUCTION. By Richard Hubbell. (Second Edition). New York: Rinehart and Co., 1950; pp. xiv+240. $3.50.

PRACTICAL LOGIC. By Monroe C. Beardsley. New York: Prentice‐Hall, Inc., 1950; pp. xxviii +580. $3.75.

THINKING STRAIGHT. By Monroe C. Beards, ley. New York: Prentice‐Hall, Inc., 1950; pp. xxi+278. $2.00.

THINK BEFORE YOU WRITE. By William G. Leary and James Steel Smith. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1951; pp. 490. $2.25.

WE TEACH ENGLISH. By Lou La Brant. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1951; pp. 342. $2.75.

INNOCENTS FROM ABROAD. By Kenneth Harris. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. 1951; pp. 238. $2.50.

ROBERT'S RULES OF ORDER REVISED. By General Henry M. Robert. (Seventy‐fifth anniversary edition). New York: Scott Foresman and Company, 1951; pp. 326. $2.10.  相似文献   

LINCOLN THE PRESIDENT: LAST FULL MEASURE. By J. G. Randall and Richard N. Current. New York: Dodd, Mead and Company, 1955; pp. vii+421. $7.50.

THE METALOGICON OF JOHN OF SALISBURY. Translated with Introduction and Notes by Daniel D. McGarry. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1955; pp. xxvii+305. $5.00.

THE HUMANISM OF CICERO. By H. A. K. Hunt. Victoria: Melbourne University Press, 1954, and London and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1954; pp. viii+215. $4.50.

LIBERTY AND REFORMATION IN THE PURITAN REVOLUTION. By William Haller. New York: Columbia University Press, 1955; pp. xv+410. $6.00.

THE DEVELOPMENT OF ACADEMIC FREEDOM IN THE UNITED STATES. By Richard Hofstader and Walter P. Metzger. New York: Columbia University Press; pp. 527. $5.50.

ACADEMIC FREEDOM IN OUR TIME. By Robert M. MacIver. New York: Columbia University Press; pp. 329. $4.00.

THE DEVELOPMENT OF AMERICAN LITERARY CRITICISM. By Harry H. Clark, Richard H. Fogle, Robert P. Falk, John H. Raleigh, and C. Hugh Holman. Edited by Floyd Stovall. Chapel Hill, N. C.: The University of North Carolina Press, 1955; pp. ix+262. $4.00.

ONE MIGHTY TORRENT: THE DRAMA OF BIOGRAPHY. By Edgar Johnson. New York: Macmillan Co., 1955; pp. 591. $6.50.

THE THEATRE ANNUAL, 1955. Edited by Blanche A. Corin. Vol. XIII. New York: Theatre Annual, Inc., 1955; pp. 89. $1.50.

THE FLOWER IN DRAMA AND GLAMOUR: THEATRE ESSAYS AND CRITICISM. By Stark Young. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1955; pp. xiv+223. $3.00.

THE TEMPEST. By William Shakespeare. Edited by Frank Kermode. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1954; pp. lxxxviii+167. $3.50.

CYMBELINE. By William Shakespeare. Edited by J. M. Nosworthy. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1955; pp. lxxxiv+224. $3.85.

KING JOHN. By William Shakespeare. Edited by E. A. J. Honigmann. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1955; pp. lxxv+176. $3.85.

THE MERCHANT OF VENICE. By William Shakespeare. Edited by J. R. Brown. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1955; pp. lviii+174. $3.25.

PRESENT DAY PSYCHOLOGY. Edited by A. A. Roback, with the Collaboration of Forty Experts in the Various Fields. New York: Philosophical Library, 1955; pp. xiv+995. $12.00.

THE SANE SOCIETY. By Erich Fromm. New York: Rinehart and Company, Inc., 1955; pp. 370. $5.00.

SPEECH IN THE ELEMENTARY CLASSROOM. By Charles Van Riper and Katherine G. Butler. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1955; pp. 150. $2.50.

HEARING THERAPY FOR CHILDREN. By Alice Streng, Waring J. Fitch, LeRoy D. Hedgecock, James W. Phillips, and James A. Carrell. New York: Grune and Stratton, 1955: pp. 371. $6.75.

LISTENING FOR SPEECH SOUNDS. By Empress Y. Zedler. New York: Doubleday and Company, Inc., 1955; pp. xi+145. $3.00.

THE ART OF COMMUNICATING. By Thomas Pollock, Marion Sheridan, Frances Ledbetter and Ronald Doll. New York: Macmillan Company, 1955; pp. ix+438. $2.88.

SPEECH AND YOUR PERSONALITY. By Theodore F. Nelson and W. Kirtley Atkinson. Chicago: B. H. Sanborn &; Company, 1955; pp. vii+454.

ORAL COMMUNICATION IN BUSINESS. By David C. Phillips. New York: The McGraw‐Hill Book Co., 1955; pp. x+223. $3.75.

HOW TO WIN THE CONFERENCE. By William D. Ellis and Frank Siedel. New York: Prentice‐Hall, 1955; pp. x+214. $3.95.

THE STAFF ROLE IN MANAGEMENT. By Robert C. Sampson. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1955; pp. xii+226. $4.00.

GROUP‐CENTERED LEADERSHIP. By Thomas Gordon. New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1955; pp. 366. $5.00.

SPIRITUAL VALUES IN SHAKESPEARE. By Ernest Marshall Howse. New York: Abingdon Press, 1955; pp. 148. $2.50.

SENT FORTH TO PREACH. Studies in Apostolic Preaching. By Jesse Burton Weatherspoon. New York: Harpers and Brothers, 1954; pp. 182. $2.50.  相似文献   

LANGUAGE AND BEING: AN ANALYTIC PHENOMENOLOGY. By Stephen A. Erickson. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1970; pp. x+165. $6.50.

LANGUAGE AND POVERTY: PERSPECTIVES ON A THEME: Edited by Frederick Williams. Chicago: Markham, 1970; pp. xii+459. $8.95.

LANGUAGE BEHAVIOR AND COMMUNICATION: AN INTRODUCTION. By Harold J. Vetter. Itasca, Ill.: F. E. Peacock, 1969; pp. ix+265. $7.00.

BODY LANGUAGE. By Julius Fast. New York: M. Evans, 1970; pp. 192. $4.95.

LANGUAGE IN DRAMA: MEANINGS FOR THE DIRECTOR AND THE ACTOR. By William L. Sharp. Scranton, Pa.; Chandler, 1970; pp. xi+162. $5.50; paper $2.50.

CURRENTS IN CONTEMPORARY DRAMA. By Ruby Cohn. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1969; pp. x+276. $5.95.


EXPERIMENTAL THEATRE: FROM STANISLAVSKY TO TODAY. By James Roose‐Evans. New York: Universe Books, 1970; pp. 160. $6.95.

THE LIVING THEATRE: U.S.A. By Renfreu Neff. Indianapolis: Bobbs‐Merrill, 1970; pp. x+254. $7.50.

STUMP, BAR, AND PULPIT: SPEECHMAKING ON THE MISSOURI FRONTIER. By Frances Lea McCurdy. Foreword by W. Francis English. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1969; pp. xiv+218. $7.50.

THE POLITICAL PERSUADERS: THE TECHNIQUES OF MODERN ELECTION CAMPAIGNS: By Dan Nimmo. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice‐Hall, 1970; pp. x+214. Paper $2.45.

GREAT AMERICAN SPEECHES: 1898–1963. Edited by John Graham. New York: Appleton‐Century‐Crofts, 1970; pp. x+269. Paper $3.95.

FRANKLY SPEAKING: A COLLECTION OF EXTRAORDINARY SPEECHES. By Spiro T. Agnew. Washington, D. C.; Public Affairs Press, 1970; pp. 108. Paper $2.00.

THE RHETORIC OF REVOLUTION. Edited by Christopher Katope and Paul Zolbrod. Toronto: Macmillan, 1970; pp. xi+553. Paper $4.95.

CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER: THE FREE SPEECH CONTROVERSY. Edited by Nicholas Capaldi. New York: Pegasus, 1969; pp. xx+271. $6.95; paper $2.25.

THE PRESIDENT STEPS DOWN: A PERSONAL MEMOIR OF THE TRANSFER OF POWER. By George Christian. New York: Macmillan, 1970; pp. 282. $6.95.

A TIME TO SPEAK. By Wil A. Linkugel and David M. Berg. Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth, 1970; pp. ix+163. Paper $2.50.

A BASIC RHETORIC OF SPEECH‐COMMUNICATION. By Ray E. Nadeau. Reading, Mass.: Addison‐Wesley, 1969; pp. xi+291. $5.95.

COMPOSITION AND STYLE IN THE WRITING OF SPEECHES. By G. P. Mohrmann. Dubuque, Iowa: Wm. C. Brown, 1970; pp. xi+100. Paper $1.75.

PRACTICAL SPEECHMAKING: COMPOSING THE SPEECH AND DELIVERING IT. By Ronald M. Brown and Ralph G. Nichols. Dubuque, Ia.: Wm. C. Brown, 1970; pp. x+ 118. Paper $1.95.

EFFECTIVE SPEAKING: A COMPLETE COURSE. By Arthur N. Kruger. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1970; pp. x+630. $8.95.

PERSPECTIVES ON ORAL COMMUNICATION. By J. Vernon Jensen. Boston: Holbrook Press, 1970; pp. x+174. $5.95.

THE CHALLENGE TO EFFECTIVE SPEAKING. By Rudolph Verderber. Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth, 1970; pp. 257. $5.95.

PREPARING SPEECHES OF SUBSTANCE: THE ANALYSIS METHOD. By Philip Kaye and Harold P. Sampson, Lincoln: Nebraska Wesleyan Press, 1969; pp. xv+257. $7.00.

FROM THOUGHT TO SPEECH (Teacher's Edition). By L. Day Hanks and Martin P. Andersen. Lexington, Mass.: D. C. Heath, 1969; pp. viii+497+88 (Teacher's Guide). $6.00; teacher's ed. $6.92.

THE RHETORIC OF ARGUMENTATION. By William J. Brandt. Indianapolis: Bobbs‐Merrill, 1970; pp. vii+288. $6.00.

THE RHETORIC OF NO. Edited by Ray Fabrizio, Edith Karas, and Ruth Menmuir. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1970; pp. xii+419. Paper $4.95.

LANGUAGE MADE PLAIN: AN INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF LANGUAGE AND LANGUAGES. By Anthony Burgess. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell, 1969; pp. 186. Paper $1.95.

LINGUISTICS. By Peter H. Salus. Foreword by Russel R. Windes. Indianapolis: Bobbs‐Merrill, 1969; pp. xiii+66. Paper $1.45.

RELIGIOUS LANGUAGE AND THE PROBLEM OF RELIGIOUS KNOWLEDGE. Edited with an Introduction by Ronald E. Santoni. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1968; pp. 382. $8.50; paper $3.75.

GIAMBATTISTA VICO: AN INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM. Edited by Giorgio Tagliacozzo and Hayden V. White. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1969; pp. xxvi+636. $12.00.

ANCIENT RHETORICAL THEORIES OF SIMILE AND COMPARISON. By Marsh H. McCall, Jr. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1969; pp. xii+272. $8.50.

A HISTORY OF ENGLISH. By Barbara M. H. Strang. London: Methuen, 1970; pp. xxiv+453. $16.00.

GAME THEORY: A NONTECHNICAL INTRODUCTION. By Morton D. Davis. Foreword by Oskar Morgenstern. New York: Basic Books, 1970; pp. xii+208. $6.95.

INTERVIEW! THE EXECUTIVE'S GUIDE TO SELECTING THE RIGHT PERSONNEL. By Theodore Hariton. New York: Hastings House, 1970; pp. 159; $6.95.  相似文献   

FREE SPEECH: RESPONSIBLE COMMUNICATION UNDER LAW. By Robert M. O'Neil. Indianapolis, Indiana: The Bobbs‐Merrill Company, Inc., 1966; pp. viii 123+$1.25.

THE MOYNIHAN REPORT AND THE POLITICS OF CONTROVERSY, by Lee Rainwater and William L. Yancey. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1967; pp. xvii+493. $3.95.

VOICES OF CRISIS: VITAL SPEECHES ON CONTEMPORARY ISSUES, by Floyd W. Matson, New York: The Odyssey Press, Inc., 1967; pp. xi+304.

THE BLACK POWER REVOLT. Edited by Floyd B. Barbour. Boston: Porter Sargent Publisher, 1968; pp. 287. $5.95 cloth; $2.95 paper.

THE AGITATOR IN AMERICAN SOCIETY. By Charles W. Lomas. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice‐Hall, 1968; pp. viii+182.

BLACK POWER: THE POLITICS OF LIBERATION IN AMERICA. By Stokely Carmichael and Charles V. Hamilton. New York: Vintage Books, 1967; pp. xii+ 198. Paper $1.95.

REPORT OF THE NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMISSION ON CIVIL DISORDERS. New York: Bantam Books, 1968; pp. xi+609. Paper $1.25.  相似文献   

Association news     
1. Useful and Instructive Poetry. By Lewis Carroll, with an Introduction by Derek Hudson. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1954; pp. 45. $2.50.

2. Light Armour: Playful Poems on Practically Everything. By Richard Armour. New York: McGraw‐Hill Book Company, 1954; pp. ix+118. $2.75.

3. Gentlemen's Relish. By Christopher Morley. New York: W. W. Norton Company, 1955; pp. 100. $3.00.

4. A Bowl of Bishop: Museum Thoughts and Other Verses. By Morris Bishop. New York: Dial Press, 1954; pp. 106. $3.00.

5. What Cheer. An Anthology of American and British Humorous and Witty Verse. Gathered, sifted and salted, with an Introduction by David McCord. New York: The Modern Library, 1955: pp. xliv+515. $1.45.

6. The Best Humor From Punch. Edited by William Cole, and Illustrated by Sprod. Cleveland: The World Publishing Company, 1953; pp. 350. $3.50.

7. American Literature in Parody. Edited by Robert P. Falk. New York: Twayne Publishers, 1955; pp. 279. $3.75.

8. Guided Tour of Campus Humor. Edited by Max Shulman. New York: Hanover House, 1955; pp. xxxii+456. $2.95.

9. An Encyclopedia of Modern American Humor. Edited by Bennett Cerf. New York: Doubleday &; Company, Inc., 1954; pp. xvi+688. $3.95.

10. The Golden Argosy. Edited by Van H. Cartmell and Charles Grayson. New York: Dial Press, 1955; pp. 656. $6.00.

11. A Treasury of the Familiar and A Second Treasury of the Familiar. Edited by Ralph L. Woods. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1955; pp. x+751 and xi+722. $6.50 and $6.00.

12. The Compact Treasury of Inspiration. Edited by Kenneth S. Giniger. New York: Hawthorn Books, 1955; pp. 313. $3.95.

13. Stories from the Southern Review. Edited by Cleanth Brooks and Robert Penn Warren. Baton Rouge: The Louisiana State University Press, 1953; pp. xv+435. $6.00.

14. The Antioch Review Anthology. Edited by Paul Bixler. Cleveland: The World Publishing Company, 1953; pp. ix+470. $6.00.

15. The New Partisan Reader: 1945–1953. Edited by William Phillips and Philip Rahv. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1953; pp. viii+621. $6.00.

16. A Treasury of Mississippi River Folklore. Edited by B. A. Botkin. New York: Crown Publishers, Inc., 1955; pp. xx+620. $5.00.

17. The Devil's Pretty Daughter. Edited by Vance Randolph. New York: Columbia University Press, 1955; pp. xvi+239. $3.75.

18. The Ballad Book. Edited by MacEdward Leach. New York: Harper and Brothers, Inc., 1955; pp. xiv+842. $7.50.

19. A Treasury of American Ballads: Gay, Naughty and Classic. Edited by Charles O'Brien Kennedy. New York: The McBride Company, 1954; pp. xxvii+398. $4.75.

20. The Golden Treasury of the Best Songs and Lyrical Poems. Revised, enlarged and brought up to date by Oscar Williams. New York: The New American Library, 1953: pp. 532. $.50.

21. Voices from the Past. Edited by James and Janet Maclean Todd. New York: E. P. Dutton Company, 1955; pp. 550. $6.50.  相似文献   

AMERICAN PHILOSOPHIC ADDRESSES, 1700–1900. Edited by Joseph L. Blau. New York; Columbia University Press, 1946; pp. xii+762. $6.75.

THE EPIGRAM IN THE ENGLISH RENAISSANCE. By Hoyt Hopewell Hudson. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1947; pp. viii+178. $2.50.

HUGH BLAIR. By Robert Morell Schmitz. New York: King's Crown Press, 1948; pp. xii+ 162. $2.75.

ADVENTURE IN THE THEATRE. By Gertrude R. Jasper. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 1947; pp. xiii+370.. §4.50.

PHONEMICS. By Kenneth L. Pike, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1947; pp. xvi+ 254. §3.00.

WORLD WORD. By W. Cabell Greet. (Second edition, revised and enlarged). New York: Columbia University Press, 1948; pp. liii+608. $6.75.

THE AMERICAN LANGUAGE: SUPPLEMENT II. By H. L. Mencken. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 1948; pp. xiii+890+ xliii. 57.50.

THE MEANING OF WORDS. By Alexander Bryan Johnson. Milwaukee: John Windsor Chamberlin, 1948; pp. xii+256.

THE GREAT REHEARSAL. By Carl Van Doren. New York: The Viking Press, 1948; pp. xii+336. $3.75.

POLITICAL FORGIVENESS IN OLD ATHENS. The Amnesty of 403 B.C. By Alfred P. Dorjahn. Northwestern University Studies in the Humanities, No. 13. Evanston, 1946; pp. 56. $1.50.

IT PAYS TO TALK IT OVER. Edited by Julius Schreiber, M.D. 1224 Twentieth St. N.W., Washington, D.C.: National Institute of Social Relations, 1947; pp. 48. $.40.

SPEECH CORRECTION METHODS. By Stanley Ainsworth. New York: Prentice‐Hall, Inc., 1948; pp. xi+149. $3.65.

HELP THEM HELP THEMSELVES. By Juliette McIntosh Gratke. Dallas: Texas Society for Crippled Children, 1947; pp. 184. $2.50.

PLAY PRODUCTION FOR LITTLE THEATRES, SCHOOLS, AND COLLEGES. By Milton Smith. New York: D. Appleton‐Century Company, 1948; pp. xii+482. $4.50.

RADIO NEWS WRITING. By William F. Brooks. New York: McGraw‐Hill Company, 1948; pp. vii+200. $2.75.

RADIO NEWS WRITING AND EDITING. By Carl Warren. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1947; pp. xix+439. $4.00.

THE RADIO ANNOUNCER'S HANDBOOK. By Ben G. Henneke. New York: Rinehart and Company, 1948; pp. xi+308. $4.00.

RADIO IN ELEMENTARY EDUCATION. By Roy De Verl Willey and Helen Ann Young. Boston: D. C. Heath and Company, 1918; pp. x+450. $3.50.

FACTUAL COMMUNICATION. A Handbook of American English. By L. O. Guthrie. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1948; pp. x+448. $3.50.

USE OF LANGUAGE. By Henry F. Pommer and William M. Sale, Jr. New York: F. S. Crofts and Company, 1947; pp. v+258. $1.50.

SPEAKING EFFECTIVELY. By Lee Norvelle and Raymond G. Smith. New York: Longmans, Green and Company, 1948; pp. xvii+238. $2.75.

USING WORDS EFFECTIVELY. By Charles Chandler Parkhurst, Assisted by Alice Blais. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1948; Series A, pp. x+156; Series B, pp. x+156. $1.50 per volume.

HOW TO TALK EFFECTIVELY. By Lawrence W. Rogers. New York: Joseph F. Wagner, 1947; pp. 216. $2.50.

EXTEMPORE SPEAKING. A Handbook for the Student, the Coach, and the Judge. By Donald L. Holley. New York: The H. W. Wilson Company, 1947; pp. 115. $1.50.

ORAL COMMUNICATION. A Short Course in Speaking. By Donald C. Bryant and Karl R. Wallace. New York: D. Appleton‐Century Company, 1948; pp. xi‐f‐320. $2.50.  相似文献   

LITERARY HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. Edited by Robert E. Spiller, Willard Thorp, Thomas H. Johnson, and Henry Seidel Canby. Associates: Howard Mumford Jones, Dixon Wecter, and Stanley T. Williams. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1948; pp. (Vols. 1 and 3) xx+1422; (Vol. 3) xxii+817. $20. (Vol. 3, Bibliography, available separately, $7.50.)

HERMOGENES. DE STATIBUS. Edidit Georgius Kowalski. Travaux de la Société des Sciences et des Lettres de Wroclaw, Seria A., Nr. 1. Wratislaviae, 1947; pp. Ixxxii+72.

THE GAY COUPLE IN RESTORATION COMEDY. By John Harrington Smith. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1948; pp. xi+252. $3.50.

THE COMMUNICATION OF IDEAS. Edited by Lyman Bryson. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1948; pp. ix+296. $3.50.

ACOUSTIC PHONETICS. By Martin Joos. Language Monograph No. 23. Linguistic Society of America. Baltimore: Waverly Press, Inc., 1948; pp. 136. $4.50.

LANGUAGE AND LANGUAGE DISTURBANCES. Aphasic Symptom Complexes and Their Significance for Medicine and Theory of Language. By Kurt Goldstein. New York: Grune and Stratton, 1948; pp. xii+374. $8.75.

A GUIDE TO PUBLIC OPINION POLLS. By George Gallup. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1948; pp. xxiv+117. $2.50.

MODERN ENGLISH AND ITS HERITAGE. By Margaret M. Bryant. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1948; pp. xii+407. $5.00.

REPRESENTATIVE AMERICAN SPEECHES: 1947–1948. Selected by A. Craig Baird. New York: The H. W. Wilson Company, 1948; pp. 260. $1.50.

THE ADVERTISING AND BUSINESS SIDE OF RADIO. By Ned Midgley. New York: Prentice‐Hall, Inc., 1948; pp. xi+365. $5.35.  相似文献   

Speech Communication: A Brief Textbook. By William Norwood Brigance. New York: F. S. Crofts, 1947; pp. 220. $1.75.

Basic Training in Speech. By Lester Thonssen and Howard Gilkinson. Boston: D. C. Heath and Company, 1947; pp. viii+551. $3.25.

Basic Principles of Speech. Revised Edition. By Lew Sarett and William Trufant Foster. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1946; pp. 592. $3.25.

Notebook for Public Speaking: A College Course in Basic Principles. By Ray Ehrensberger and Elaine Pagel. New York: Prentice‐Hall, Inc., 1946; pp. x + 166.

Four Who Spoke Out. By Robert T. Oliver. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1946; pp. x+196. $2.50.

Mass Persuasion: The Psychology of a War Bond Drive. By Robert E. Merton, assisted by Marjorie Fiske and Alberta Curtis. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1946; pp. 210. $2.50.

Handbook for Discussion Leaders. By J. Jeffery Auer and Henry Lee Ewbank. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1947; pp. 118. $1.75.

The Church Across the Street. By Reginald D. Manwell and Sophia Lyon Fahs. Boston: The Beacon Press, 1946; pp. 272. $2.50.

A Guide for Teachers Using The Church Across The Street. By Sophia Lyon Fahs and Reginald D. Manwell. Boston: The Beacon Press, 1946; pp. 21. 50c.

Oral Reading. By Lionel Crocker and Louis M. Eich. New York: Prentice‐Hall, 1947; pp. 507. $4.25.

Are You Telling Them? By Bess Sondel. New York: Prentice‐Hall, 1947; pp. 292. $2.95.

Speech for the Classroom Teacher. Revised Edition. By Dorothy I. Mulgrave. New York: Prentice‐Hall, 1946; pp. 423. $3.75.

American Speech. Revised edition. By Wilhelmina Hedde and W. Norwood Brigance. New York: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1946; pp. xi + 596. $1.96.

Manual of American Dialects: for Radio, Stage, Screen and Television. By Lewis Helmar Herman and Marguerite Shalett Herman. Chicago: Ziff‐Davis Publishing Company, 1947; pp. xvii + 326. $6.00.

Visible Speech. By Ralph K. Potter, George A. Kopp, and Harriet C. Green. New York: T. Van Nostrand Company, 1947; pp. 441. $4.75.

Speech Correction: Principles and Methods. Revised edition. By C. Van Riper. New York: Prentice‐Hall, 1947; pp. 470. $4.00.

Training the Singing Voice. By Victor Alexander Fields. New York: King's Crown Press, 1947; pp. x + 337. $4.00.

Your Voice and Your Speech: Self‐Training for Better Speaking. By Beatrice Desfousses. New York: Cattell and Company, Inc., 1946; pp. xiii + 224. $3.50.

Sleeping Beauty. By Agnes Curran Hamm. Milwaukee: The Tower Press, 1946; pp. 12. 50 cents.

Man Against Myth. By Barrows Dunham. Boston: Little, Brown, 1947; pp. 316.

How To Create Sound Effects for Home Recordings. By Ed Ludes and Hallock B. Hoffman. California: The Castle Press, 1946; pp. 90. $1.50.

Remembrance of Amherst. An Undergraduate's Diary 1846–1847 (William Gardiner Hammond). Edited by George F. Whicher. New York: Columbia University Press, 1946; pp. 307. $3.00.  相似文献   

The Praise of Folly. By Desiderius Erasmus. Translated from the Latin, with an Essay and Commentary, by Hoyt Hopewell Hudson. Princeton University Press, 1941; pp. xi, 166.

Speech: Forms and Principles. By Andrew Thomas Weaver. New York: Longmans, Green and Company, 1942; pp. 437. $2.75.

Introduction to the English Language. By Albert H. Marckwardt. Toronto and New York: Oxford University Press, 1942; pp. xiii, 347.

Introductory Phonetics. By T. Earle Johnson. Mimeographed. Published by the author, University, Alabama. 59 pp. $1.25.

Good American Speech. By Margaret Prendergast McLean. Rev. Edition. New York: Dutton, 1941; pp. xii + $2.50.

The Gift of Tongues. By Margaret Schlauch. New York: Modern Age Books, Inc., 1942; pp. x + 342. $3.50.

Practice of Voice and Speech Therapy. By Emil Froschels and Auguste Jellinek. Boston: Expression Company, 1941; pp. 255. $3.50.

Writing and Laterality Characteristics of Stuttering Children. By E. j. Spadino, Teachers College, Columbia University, Contribution to Education, No. 837, New York, 1941.

The Writer's Radio Theatre, 1940–1941. By Normàn S. Weiser. New York: Harper &; Brothers, 1941; pp. 213. $2.00.

Debate and Discussion: A Syllabus and Workbook. By Carle B. Sports. Boston: Expression Company, 1941; pp. 250 + v. $1.60.

Stage Makeup. By Richard Carson. Foreword by Frederich H. Koch. New York: F. S. Crofts and Co., 1942, pp. xiv + 176, illustrated. Color chart.

Everyday Speech. By Harley Smith, Clara E. Krefting, and E. C. Lewis. Chicago: American Book Company, 1941; pp. 479. $1.68.

Creative Group Work on the Campus. By Louise Price. New York: Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University, 1941; pp. 437. $3.25.

Choral Speaking Technique. By Agnes Curren Hamm. Milwaukee: The Tower Press, 1941; pp. ix + 116.

Speech Improvement Through Choral Speaking. By Elizabeth E. Keppie, Conrad F. Wedberg and Miriam Keslar. Boston: Expression Company, 1942; pp. xvi + 278.

Choric Interludes. By Mildred Jones Keefe. Boston: Expression Company, 1942; pp. 352.

Our First Speech Book. By M. Pearl Lloyd. New York: Newson and Company, 1942; pp. 164. $1.00.

Knowing Your Language and Strength Through English, by Frederick Bair, E. Neal, and V. Sanders, New York: Macmillan Company, 1941; pp. 338; 365. $1.12; $1.00.

A Glossary of Literary Terms. By Dan S. Norton and Peters Rushton. New York: Farrar and Rinehart, 1941; pp. 8g. $.60.

Latin Literature in Translation. Edited by Kevin Guinagh and Alfred Paul Dor‐jahn. New York: Longmans, Green, and Company, 1942; pp. xviii + 822. Text Edition, $4.00; Trade Edition, $5.00.

Foundations of Speech. By Claude M. Wise, James H. McBurney, Louis A. Mallory, Charles R. Strother, William J. Temple; James M. O'Neill, Editor. New York: Prentice‐Hall, Inc., 1941; pp. xi + 499.  相似文献   

THE ELIZABETHAN HOUSE OF COMMONS. By J. E. Neale. London: Jonathan Cape, 1949; New Haven: Yale University Press, 1949; pp. 455‐ $500.

SPEECH DEVELOPMENT OF A BILINGUAL CHILD. Vol. 3, Grammar and General Problems in the First Two Years. By Werner F. Leopold. Northwestern University Studies in the Humanities, No. 18. Evanston: Northwestern University, 1949; pp. x+200. $5.00.

SPEECH DEVELOPMENT OF A BILINGUAL CHILD. Vol. 4, Diary From Age 2. By Werner F. Leopold. Northwestern University Studies in the Humanities, No. 19. Evanston: Northwestern University, 1949; pp. ix+176. $5.00.

POWER AND MORALS. By Martin J. Hillenbrand. New York: Columbia University Press, 1949; pp. xiv+217. $3.25.

PROPHETS OF DECEIT. A Study of the Techniques of the American Agitator. By Leo Lowenthal and Norbert Guterman. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1949; pp. xvi+164. $2.50.

THE ANALYSIS OF PROPAGANDA. By William Hummel and Keith Huntress. New York: William Sloane Associates, Inc., 1949; pp. viii+222. $1.50.

THE ART OF SCENIC DESIGN. By Lee Simonson. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1950; pp. 174. $4.50.

HAMLET'S FATHER. By Richard Flatter. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1949; pp. viii+206. $3.75.

THE BACKGROUNDS OF SHAKESPEARE'S PLAYS. By Karl J. Holzknecht. New York: American Book Company, 1950; pp. x+482. $4.75.

THE CARDIFF GIANT. By A. M. Drummond and Robert E. Gard. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press 1949; pp. xiii+114. $2.25.

THE PLAYS OF NATHAN FIELD. Edited with Introductions and Notes by William Peery. Austin: The University of Texas Press, 1950; pp. x+346. $3.75.

THE THEATRE OF THE BRITISH ISLES EXCLUDING LONDON. By Alfred Loewenberg. London: Printed for the Society for Theatre Research, 1950. pp. x+75.

THE CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA 1861–1865. By E. Merton Coulter. Baton Rouge: The Louisiana State University Press; Austin: The Littlefield Fund for Southern History of the University of Texas, 1950; pp. x+644. $7.00.

BRITISH BROADCASTING. A Study in Monopoly. By R. H. Coase. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1950; pp. ix+206. $2.75.

SCIENCE VIA TELEVISION. A Practical Guide for the Preparation and Production of Informational Television Programs. By Lynn Poole. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1950; pp. xi+198. $3.50.

VISUAL AIDS. Their Construction and Use. By Gilbert G. Weaver and Elroy W. Bollinger. New York: D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., 1949; pp. 338. $4.75.

CURRENT AFFAIRS AND MODERN EDUCATION. By James F. Corbett, Nathan Brown, Mildred B. Mitchell, and Marian S. Quigley, New York: The New York Times, 1950; pp. xiv+278. $1.50.

ARGUMENTATION, DISCUSSION, AND DEBATE. By A. Craig Baird. New York: McGraw‐Hill Book Company, Inc., 1950; pp. x+422. $3.75.

DISCUSSION IN HUMAN AFFAIRS. By James H. McBurney and Kenneth G. Hance. (Revised edition of the Principles and Methods of Discussion). New York: Harper and Brothers, 1950; pp. viii+432. $3.00.

CREATIVE POWER THROUGH DISCUSSION. By Thomas Fansler. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1950; pp. 221. $3.00.

GROUP THINKING AND CONFERENCE LEADERSHIP. Techniques of Discussion. By William E. Utterback. New York: Rinehart and Company, Inc., 1950; pp. vn+248. $2.50.

HANDBOOK OF GROUP DISCUSSION. By Russell H. Wagner and Carroll C. Arnold. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1950; pp. vii+322. $2.75.

BASIC SPEECH. By Jon Eisenson. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1950; pp. xi+344. $3.00.

SPEECH FOR EVERYDAY USE. By Elizabeth G. Andersch and Lorin C. Staats. New York: Rinehart and Company, 1950; pp. x+218. $2.50. STUDENT'S WORKBOOK; pp. 46. $.50. TEACHER'S GUIDE; 20 pp.

DYNAMIC PUBLIC SPEAKING. By George M. Glasgow. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1950; pp. xii+315. $2.50.

THE ART OF GOOD SPEECH. By Dwight L. Bolinger and Ralph Weiman. Philadelphia: Russell Press, 1948; pp. 159. $9.85.

COMMUNICATING IDEAS TO THE PUBLIC. A Practical Application of Public Relation. Relations to Everyday Problems in Human Communication. By Stephen E. Fitzgerald. New York: Funk and Wagnalls Company in association with Modern Industry Magazine. 1950; pp. xv+267. 13.50.

BUSINESS COMMUNICATION. By Everett C. Marston, Loring M. Thompson, and Frank Zacher. New York: Macmillan Company, 1949; pp. xii+537. $4.50.  相似文献   

THE PHILOSOPHY OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCES. By Alan Ryan. New York: Pantheon Books, A Division of Random House, 1970; pp. vi+249. $7.95.

THE NATURE AND FUNCTION OF SCIENTIFIC THEORIES. Edited by Robert G. Colodny. (University of Pittsburgh Series in the Philosophy of Science, Volume 4). Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1970; pp. xv+361. $12.95.

THE RESEARCH ACT: A THEORETICAL INTRODUCTION TO SOCIOLOGICAL METHODS. By Norman K. Denzin. Chicago: Aldine Publishing Company, 1970; pp. xvii+ 368. $9.50.  相似文献   

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