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萧红、迟子建这两位东北女性作家虽然存在于不同的历史时空语境中,但她们同样以深深扎根于东北大地的创作实践承传着萨满文化精神,"和而不同"地显现出独具风貌的地缘文化特色,可堪"对话":在创作视野上,她们共同关注万物有灵的黑土地,但萧红是"审丑"式的祛魅批判,迟子建则是审美式的附魅讴歌;在审美风格上,她们都展现出一种复归原始自然的野性悲壮的生命强力,但萧红世界洋溢着一种酒神式个体毁灭的痛楚快感,迟子建世界则充溢着一种纵情地编织迷人梦境的日神式光明;在文本叙事上,她们都运用双声话语进行表达,但萧红以女性眼光与智性眼光相结合去透视,而迟子建则将母性眼光和生态眼光融合一起去展望;在创作思维上,她们都无法摆脱缘自原始惧感思维的死亡情结,但萧红秉持着一种"向死而生"的佛家式苦难意识,迟子建则汲取了"生死齐一"的道家式超然哲学。  相似文献   

Neoliberalism has become the most dominant ideology in current world and educational researchers thus may need to disclose the ways in which neoliberalism affects education and curriculum and propose new strategies to cope with them. Through literature review, however, the author argues that perhaps because of the social and theoretical scope in the West, the existing analytical strategy, which mainly focuses on the influence of government policies, seems unsuitable for some non-Western countries. This paper reviews the Grade 1-9 curriculum reform in Taiwan's education system, and suggests that one of the neoliberalism's influences in education might be more ‘invisible’ because it reflects the public's/agents’ social imagination of this neoliberal world. Furthermore, the hybrid cultural context in Taiwan, such as the examination culture, also seems to play an important role in the process of curriculum reform. Thus, the author argues that the analysis of neoliberalism in education should pay more attention to ‘agent’ and ‘culture’ aspects, but not just ‘structure’ aspect. It is also argued that ‘curriculum reform’ should be expanded into ‘social reform’ to some extent, since social imagination has such a heavy impact on curriculum reform.  相似文献   

“对话、结构、自主学习”课程模式是成人学习课程设计的核心思想。课程资源的建设中必须重视字教材的设计,在体现学科结构的基础上,要注意满足成人学习对话和自主学习的需要;在课程实施环节应该根据课程目标设计不同的学习情境,促成学习的反思;课程评价要根据学习自主学习的特点,重视成人学习的个性发展,从多角度进行考察和评价。  相似文献   

Strategic Alliance Poker (SAP) provides instructors with an opportunity to integrate the resource based view with their discussion of strategic alliances in undergraduate Strategic Management courses. Specifically, SAP provides Strategic Management instructors with an experiential exercise that can be used to illustrate the value creation potential of complementary resources and the role of trust in fostering resource sharing in strategic alliances. A discussion of the theoretical background, implementation, implications, and results of SAP is provided in this paper.  相似文献   

关于旅行社行业协会的中日比较与借鉴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本旅行业协会因为有权威所以成为推动日本旅游业持续快速发展的重要保证。而我国旅行社协会因为“无位”最终导致碌碌无为。在面临挑战和机遇的情况下,如何借鉴日本的行业管理经验,找到适合自己的道路,有所作为,从而达到因“有为”而最终“有位”的目的,是中国的旅行社行业协会面临的首要问题。  相似文献   

Examining the nascent rhetoric of the Young Lords Organization's (YLO) 1969 “garbage offensive,” this essay argues that the long-standing constraints on agency to which they were responding demanded an inventive rhetoric that was decolonizing both in its aim and in its form. Blending diverse forms of discourse produced an intersectional rhetoric that was qualitatively different from other movements at the time. As such, the YLO constructed a collective agency challenging the status quo and, in some ways, foreshadowed more contemporary movement discourses that similarly function intersectionally. Examining the YLO's garbage offensive, then, presents rhetorical scholars with an opportunity to revise our understanding of how marginalized groups craft power through rhetoric.  相似文献   

哈尔滨市科技中介机构存在变动性强,稳定性差;人力资本良好,但需提高专业技术水平;人才和信息缺乏;资金缺乏;科技中介市场落后,行业行为不规范,无行业品牌等问题。为了解决这一发展困境,哈尔滨市可以建立科技中介服务联盟和信息资源共享数据库、搭建企业与科技中介机构联谊平台、创办中介推介期刊、出台相关扶持政策、建立第三方评估机制,以促进科技中介市场及机构的发展。  相似文献   

Sharri Plonski 《Compare》2005,35(4):393-409
This paper discusses the presence of ‘peacebuilding islands’ within civil society as potential agents of transformation in the midst of intractable conflict. Focusing on the particular case of the Israeli‐Palestinian conflict, the argument stems from a deconstruction of the legacy of national myopia perpetuated through social and political institutions and the capacity of individuals to impact them. Inspired by feminist organisations and the personal experience of feminist peace activists in Israel and Palestine, the author discusses the intersection of a variety of peacebuilding and educational initiatives as paramount to the building of a culture of peace in the region. The study embraces strategies that challenge the structural, socio‐cultural and inter‐personal status quo as part of a multi‐layered effort at transforming conflict in the Middle East.  相似文献   

基于对话教学理论的课堂学习共同体研究与设计应用   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
关于学习共同体的研究日益丰富。如何在日常课堂教学中构建学习共同体逐步引发教育改革者的思考。对话教学作为一种全新的教学理念,以课堂为基础,在对话精神的指导下,以培养"学习共同体"为目的,随其发展逐渐成为新课改教学的主流。文章以对话理论在课堂教学中的应用为切入点,将学习共同体的研究目光聚焦在课堂,在深入分析的基础上,构建基于对话教学的课堂学习共同体,以期为一线教师创建课堂学习共同体提供有益的实践参考。  相似文献   

对话与失衡——王国维境界理论生成机制分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王国维的境界理论是在融合中西文论、美学以及文化思想的基础上所创造的一种新理论,它的出现体现了文化间展开对话所具有的文化新因素的生成功能.但是,存在于王国维境界理论当中的这种中西文化对话并非平等,而是一种失衡了的对话,或者说王国维的境界理论更多地表现为西方美学思想的一种移植,是西方美学思想对中国境界理论的一种全面切换.其具体体现主要有两点:一,王国维的境界理论从实质上来讲更多地来源于尼采的悲剧理论和叔本华的直观理论;二,王国维的境界理论完全立足在西方哲学、美学的基础之上,是西方哲学、美学思想的一种具体运用与展开.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国公民法律意识正逐步由传统型向现代型演变。当代中国公民法律意识变化的途径因年龄、文化程度、职业等方面的不同而显现出一定的差异和不平衡。为此,在促进公民法律意识变化途径的选择上,一是要发挥电视优势,提高法制教育效果,二是农村普法宣传活动要增强实效,三是要兴利除弊,积极发挥网络作用。  相似文献   

在张丽军先生新近出版的文集《对话与争鸣》中,"对话"不仅体现为一种文本组织形式,更以一种研究方法的姿态出现,这对于促进当前文学文化热点问题的探讨具有积极意义。  相似文献   

This article presents a metalogue discussion about the two focus articles and the six associated review essays on the topic of conceptual change as it applies to research, and science teaching and learning in museum settings. Through the lenses of a sociocultural perspectives of learning we examine the applicability of the ideas presented in the forum for museums and museum educators. First we reflect on the role that emotions can play in concept development; second, we reflect on the role of language, talk, and gestures to concept development and conceptual change in the short-lived nature of experiences and conversations in museums; and third, we consider the nature of objects as representations of science content in museum settings.
Jennifer D. AdamsEmail:

Jennifer D. Adams   is an assistant professor of science education at Brooklyn College, CUNY. She did her doctoral dissertation at the Graduate Center, CUNY on museum-based teacher education at the American Museum of Natural History. Her research focuses on informal science teaching and learning, museum education, and culturally relevant science teaching and learning. Lynn U. Tran   received her PhD in science education at North Carolina State University, and recently finished a post-doctoral fellowship with the Center for Informal Learning and Schools at King’s College London. She is currently a Research Specialist with the Center for Research, Evaluation, and Assessment at the Lawrence Hall of Science at the University of California, Berkeley. Her research focuses on the pedagogical practices and professional development of science educators who teach in museums. Preeti Gupta   is the Senior Vice President of Education and Public Programs at the New York Hall of Science. She is responsible for all programs and projects in the following divisions: Science Career Ladder, the Explainers who serve as interpretation staff, Professional Development, K-12 Student Programs, Digital Learning Programs, Science Technology Library and Public Programs. Ms. Gupta is a graduate of the Science Career Ladder, starting her career in museum education as a high school student. She is currently pursuing a PhD in Urban Education at the CUNY Graduate Center. Helen Creedon-O’Hurley   is a secondary science educator in New York City’s public schools. She is the president of the Science Council of New York City, a science educator organization, and is in the doctoral program in urban education at the Graduate Center, CUNY.  相似文献   

This paper features one gay parent activist in the complex social milieu of his child’s school and his community, his actions meeting both resistance and concurrence as a larger movement operated locally and nationally to make schooling more accepting of and acceptable to gays and lesbians. The paper traces this man’s parenting processes and their effect on the schooling of many children, not only his own, and then contrasts his voice with the reluctant, often denying, and finally acquiescent voices of school people. The narrative captures the essence of cultural and identity change as well as individual and institutional processes. Turning to theory, I use postmodern dilemmas to define the episodic movements of the groups and the multipositionality of the individuals involved. Agency, social roles, and collaborative and individual activity illuminate the agenda of social groups effectively working with and through this parent to meet political goals for students.  相似文献   

玄学是魏晋时期通过清谈深入探讨宇宙社会人生之本体的思潮和学说,对当时的文化、教育、艺术、宗教以及社会生活等都产生了很大影响,甚至还与后世佛教、道教以及宋明理学的形成和发展都有一定关系。玄学清谈在表现形式及其实质方面与当代课程教学理论所倡导的教学对话及其理解性实质有许多相似之处。整理、挖掘玄学思潮中的教学对话及其理解意蕴,对完善教学对话理论、指导当今教学实践具有重要价值。  相似文献   

This study investigates perceptions of family communication among members with different sexual identities. Specifically, from the perspective of heterosexual family members (N = 129), the study takes an intergroup perspective to determine how accommodative and non-accommodative communication and attitudes toward homosexuality predict intergroup anxiety and relational satisfaction with gay or lesbian family members. Further, the manner in which family communication influences attitudes toward homosexuality is examined. Results are discussed in terms of implications for research on heterosexual–homosexual interaction, family communication, and intergroup communication, in general.  相似文献   

海牙《国际代理法律适用公约》与我国民法典的制定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海牙《国际代理法律适用公约》吸收了各国在代理法律适用领域一些较为一致的作法,对各国存在分歧的方面,进行了取舍和调和,兼顾了代理各方的利益,具有很强的合理性,值得我国立法借鉴。我国民法典草案第九编第26条的规定虽然具有一些值得肯定的地方,但也存在明显不足之处,建议对之进行修改。  相似文献   

While young South Koreans’ (SKs’) views on North Korean (NK) refugees, North Korea and Korean reunification have become increasingly negative or callous, less is understood about viable interventions to address their aggravating attitudes. Through the lens of Allport’s intergroup contact theory, the current study explored how SK college students’ friendships with NK refugees influence their perspectives on (a) attitudes towards NK refugees; (b) interest in North Korea; and (c) views about Korean reunification. We used a concurrent triangulation mixed-methods design that integrates quantitative data via a survey and qualitative data via in-depth interviews. Survey data drawn from 276 SK college students revealed that those with NK refugee friends showed more favourable attitudes towards the NK refugee population, greater interest in North Korea-related issues and NK society, and more positive perspectives on Korean reunification. A cross-analysis of in-depth interviews with 11 SK college students who developed friendships with NK refugees yielded five primary domains: (a) initial occasion on which they met the NK refugee friend(s); (b) feelings and thoughts about friendships with NK refugee(s); (c) friendship-induced changes in perceptions of the NK refugee population; (d) friendship-induced changes in perceptions of North Korea; and (e) friendship-induced changes in perceptions of Korean reunification. Based on the intergroup friendship’s promising effects that our findings suggest, we discussed the benefits of employing educational practices that could promote intergroup contacts and understandings of North Korea and the refugee population.  相似文献   

Using autobiographical experiences as a framework for inquiry, this article sets out to question the often unexamined assumptions that surround the definition of ‘proficiency’ in second/foreign languages. In so doing, it opens up possibilities of inquiry into the power-laden relationships between speaker agency, cultural belonging and self-expression that are equally relevant to intra-linguistic contexts. Recasting our linguistic identities as performative acts that respond to a number of personal and social agendas, the article concludes by considering some general implications of speaker agency and the emotional stakes inherent in language use for the teacher of English in the multilingual classroom.  相似文献   

In this paper, the authors examine the power of dialogue and meaningful connectedness from their perspectives as female scholars of color. They draw from the feminist co-mentoring literature, which encourages equal balance of power among participants where each person takes on the role of teacher and learner, or mentor and mentee, since both have something significant to contribute. These contributions are rooted in critical dialogue, which places emphasis on humanizing and empowering those involved in the dialogue. Building community and fostering deeper connections and interactions among the co-mentors is also a key component of this framework. The findings revealed three major themes: (1) Developing an academic and scholarly identity; (2) Battling a sense of place and belonging, and; (3) Finding hope and regaining power and agency. This work is significant because it highlights the critical importance and value of mentoring for women of color in the academy, especially when authentic relationships are rooted in ethical care for one another. Additionally, this research further examines how relationships are created, developed, and sustained among scholars.  相似文献   

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