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本研究对戒毒人员与普通人群的交往焦虑状况进行对照分折与考察。研究显示,吸毒严重损害了个体的社会心理层面,对戒毒人员的交往焦虑有极大的负面影响。在从民族、性gU两个方面进行分析的基础上,本研究提出了相应的对策与建议:1、针对戒毒人员的整个心理环境进行心理矫治;2、营造轻松、平和的戒毒环境;3、重视戒毒人员认识与理解能力的提高;4、注意女性在交往焦虑方面的特殊性;5、重视对少数民族戒毒人员的教育和民族地区禁毒宣传。  相似文献   

Two studies were conducted to examine the use of relational maintenance behaviors in the sibling relationship. In the first study, the specific relational maintenance behaviors used by siblings were identified. A principal components factor analysis of 70 previously generated behaviors used by 363 participants revealed six factors: confirmation, humor, social support, family visits, escape, and verbal aggression. In the second study, the link between the six relational maintenance behaviors used by siblings and the relational outcomes of liking, commitment, and trust was explored. Results indicate the confirmation, humor, social support, and family visits relational maintenance behaviors are correlated positively with liking, commitment, and trust, but the verbal aggression relational maintenance behavior failed to correlate with liking, commitment, or trust.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether cross‐cultural differences in communication apprehension (CA) can be explained with regard to cultural orientations, personality traits and component theory. To this end, a total of 618 undergraduates, studying in Taiwan (n = 298) and the United States (n = 320), participated in this study. Participants filled out the Personal Report of Communication Apprehension along with Self‐Construal Scale, the Revised NEO Personality Inventory, Fear of Negative Evaluation, and Self‐Perceived Communication Competence scale. The results indicated that Chinese in Taiwan scored significantly higher in communication apprehension than Americans. The influence of culture on CA was mediated by independence self‐construal, neuroticism, extroversion, fear of negative evaluation, and communication competence. The strongest mediating effect was found for self‐perception of communication competence. The implications of these findings were further discussed.  相似文献   

This experiment raised the question: will communication apprehension (CA) mediate the effect of nonverbal involvement cues (NVI) on state anxiety, interpersonal attraction and speech duration in information gathering interviews? Subjects, high and low in CA, responded to the questions of three trained interviewers from whom they received either high or low levels of NVI behaviors (i.e. head nods, eye contact, body orientation, etc.). CA did not function as a mediating variable. Rather, main effects were obtained for CA on state anxiety and speech duration and for NVI on interpersonal attraction and speech duration.  相似文献   

Communication apprehension is conceptualized as a causal agent in student success. It is implicated in both academic and interpersonal success, two factors identified by prior resesarch as primary predictors of persistence. A four year longitudinal study of the impact of communication apprehension on grade point average and persistence at the university level was conducted. Results indicated high CA students were significantly more likely to drop out and attain lower grade point averages compared to low CA students. The impact of CA was strongest during the first two years. A replication of the study confirmed the impact of CA on student persistence. It is concluded the impact of CA on the probablity of high CA students’ survival in college is substantial and this impact adds to the case favoring the provision of training programs to assist such students overcome their apprehension about communication.  相似文献   

This is a report of two studies that examined the association of receivers' perceptions of sources' levels of several communication traits (shyness, communication apprehension, verbal aggressiveness) with the receivers' reported levels of affect for the source (general affect and/or liking) and the receivers' perceptions of the sources' credibility (competence, trustworthiness, goodwill). Study 1 examined employees’ perceptions of their supervisor's communication trait behaviors in the organizational context, while Study 2 examined the students' perceptions of their roommate's communication trait behaviors in an interpersonal context. As predicted on the basis of previous theory and research, both perceived communication apprehension and perceived verbal aggressiveness of the source were found to be substantially negatively correlated with credibility and affect and/or liking reported by the receiver. Contrary to our hypothesis, perceived behavioral shyness was not meaningfully associated with either credibility or affect. It is concluded that these results provide important information for distinguishing between the theoretical constructs of shyness and communication apprehension and theory in this area in general.  相似文献   

文章深入分析了美国华裔女作家谭恩美的第一部小说《喜福会》中母女双方同时表现出来的民族中心主义思想,探讨了该思想在中美两种不同的文化背景下给小说中四对母女之间的交流与沟通带来的消极影响,从而指出在跨文化交际中应采取一种理性的文化相对主义的态度。  相似文献   

Relying on uncertainty reduction theory, this study examines the effect of communication strategies on assessments of relational repair and intimacy. Approximately one hundred heterosexual, romantically involved couples nominated unfaithfulness, third party competition, and geographic distance as events most negatively affecting their relationships. These couples also reported that they most often engaged in interactive communication behavior (especially relationship talk) to repair their relationships. In addition, men's passive strategy use and women's active strategy use were associated with self‐reported and partner‐attributed beliefs that the relationship was repaired. Perceptions of relational repair were, in turn, tied to the degree of self‐reported intimacy.  相似文献   

The focus of this study was to assess the value that college students place on instrumental and affective communication skills across progressive relational stages in same‐sex relationships. Existing measures were utilized for affective and instrumental skills, however a newly developed communication skill (companionship) was also included. Relational stages included non‐unit (acquaintance), pre‐unit (testing friendship potential), unit (friend), and super‐unit (special friend). Results indicated that participants in non‐unit relationships valued some affective communication skills less tlian did those in pre‐unit, unit, and super‐unit relationships. All relational stages valued instrumental skills equally. Some gender differences were noted.  相似文献   

本文概要介绍了常用蓄电池的种类,同时对不同种类的蓄电池的正确使用与日常维护进行了综述,并提醒人们在提高蓄电池的使用寿命,降低经济损失的同时,更要注重环境的保护.  相似文献   

许多高校都有培训专用的计算机机房,专用机房不同于普通的开放型机房,它具有参培人员复杂、教师机与学生机交互、网络的随时控制等特点,因此也会引起相应管理和维护上的问题。针对这些特点和问题,提出了一些可行性解决策略。  相似文献   

We report on how fifty superintendents (chief executive officers of public school systems, each invited by a researcher to participate) from seven states in the US talked in eight focus groups of their perspectives on their influence as leaders, their efforts to communicate with stakeholders, and how they learn from these stakeholders. We maintain that our participants’ revelations suggest that three definitions must be expanded to fit their work. First, influence or authority must be seen not merely as vested in the superintendent; rather, these superintendents described their leadership in terms of working with and through others. Second, organizational communication for these superintendents is more than the district’s leader communicating his or her perceptions and wishes to others; it is more relational, in which a variety of actors communicate their perspectives to one another. Third, this type of inter‐professional leadership leads logically to relational mentoring, where learning does not pass merely from expert to novice; rather, superintendents described their roles in terms of various parties learning from and teaching one another. We discuss implications of these insights for practice, research, and preparation.  相似文献   

Recent training efforts designed to strengthen student argumentation skills and decrease verbally aggressive tendencies have yielded mixed results (Rancer et al., 1997, 2000). Inherent in these efforts is the belief that an individual's use of verbal aggression is implicitly related to law argumentative behavior and a weak system for generating arguments (Infante, 1988). As an extension of this research, we examined the relationships among trait‐like argumentativeness (Infante & Rancer, 1982), trait‐like verbal aggressiveness (Infante & Wigley, 1986) (VA), and Wheeless, Preiss, and Gayle's (1997) construct of informational reception apprehension (IRA). Results indicated that two IRA factors, listening anxiety and intellectual inflexibility, were significant predictors of both aggressive communication traits. Further, both IRA factors accounted for greater variance in trait‐like argumentativeness than in trait‐like VA. Implications of these findings as they relate to Infante's (1987) “argumentative skill deficiency model,” as well as suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

在商务语境下使用的专门用途英语,也被称为商务英语。在跨文化国际商务交际中,其扮演着重要的沟通桥梁作用,其使用得当与否对商务交际的成败产生直接的影响。本文主要通过分析商务语境下的英语语用特点和语用原则,探讨运用英语语用策略开展跨文化商务交际,以实现商务交际利益的最大化。  相似文献   

任远 《福建工程学院学报》2011,9(5):481-486,510
建立针对二语学习者提高口语交际策略应用的元认知策略培训模式,并探究元认知策略对口语交际策略应用的影响。通过基于因子分析的研究表明,元认知策略培训有助于提高口语交际策略中以准确度为导向的策略应用,但对口语交际策略中大部分策略的解释力不够,相关性较弱,需要构建其他培训模式完善口语交际策略的应用。  相似文献   

The communication apprehension (CA) construct is based on the assumption that information about a person's tendency to experience anxiety in communication situations provides unique information, beyond that provided by assessing that person's predisposition to experience anxiety in general, in predicting anxiety when forced to communicate. However, the validity of this assumption is uncertain. In the present study, the predictive power of the PRCA‐24 and a general anxiety measure was examined at three separate intervals during a semester long public speaking course. Results indicated that, at the outset, the PRCA‐24 and the general anxiety measure predicted anxiety experienced during public speaking with equal power. By the end of the semester, the PRCA‐24 was clearly superior to the general measure in predicting self‐reported performance anxiety.  相似文献   

云南边境地区是一个国家比较特殊的区域,随着中国边境地区全方位的开放,云南桥头堡建设工程的扎实推进,云南边境地区教育交流合作日趋频繁。在交流合作中,存在着相互间的渗透和影响、刺激和挑战、改造和争夺、促进和鞭策,一场涉及民族认同、国家认同的博弈正在悄无声息地进行中。  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to determine the extent to which anxiety sensitivity and speech trait anxiety serve as predictors of state anxiety during public speaking. A model is proposed and tested, in which anxiety sensitivity and speech trait anxiety are found to be significant predictors of state anxiety during public speaking. The model accounted for 43.1% of the variance in the dependent variable. Anxiety sensitivity, or fear of physical sensations or consequences, contributes unique variance to anxiety during public speaking beyond that of trait anxiety alone. Implications for theory development, instruction, and therapy are examined.  相似文献   

The importance of communication partner intervention to support the successful implementation of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) strategies has been established. Despite this, limited knowledge and use of AAC form serious barriers to inclusion. In this study, 196 pre-service early childhood teachers were taught key word signing (KWS), one common form of AAC, along with approximately 80 Auslan signs. Participants were asked to develop ideas for implementing KWS in early childhood settings. Using participant journal entries, we conducted a thematic analysis to investigate the perceived impact of using KWS in early childhood practice. Participants reported the belief that KWS was beneficial for supporting communication development. Participants identified that using KWS can facilitate inclusive approaches through reducing barriers to participation, valuing diversity, and supporting a sense of belonging. Additionally, participants reported that engaging with inclusive approaches to using KWS formed a catalyst for fostering openness to inclusion more broadly. Overall, the findings demonstrate that approaching KWS as a communication partner intervention holds potential for contributing to the conditions for inclusion in early childhood settings in line with social relational and human rights models of disability. Implications for teacher education and inclusive practice are discussed, as are the limitations of this study.  相似文献   

由于Web上半结构化数据的复杂性,XML已成为Internet上数据交换的标准。这就对于XML存储与检索等一系列文件管理提出了新的要求。主要结合SQL Server关系数据库管理系统,分析了XML在关系数据库中的存储策略,以及结合XQuery对于数据库中XML文档的检索方法。  相似文献   

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