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中国文化史上的女藏书家探微   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中国藏书史上,历代的女性藏书家们在中华民族优秀文化的传承中占有一席之地。尤其是一批女性奇秀,她们博学多才,在各自生长的那个社会里,潜心涉猎,著述颇丰;节衣宿食,惜书如命;好书有志,督子成才;远怀卓识,推动着家庭乃至社会藏书事业的发展,留下了浓墨重彩的一笔。  相似文献   

基于“哲学核心书目”的馆藏漏采分析研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为优化馆藏结构,选择覆盖率高且有国家性质的《全国总书目》为数据来源,对2003-2005年的哲学类图书出版状况进行调查分析,同时基于Google Scholar的引文统计,形成哲学核心书目。然后将哲学核心书目分别与5家大学图书馆哲学类馆藏进行比对,分析馆藏漏采的原因,包括专业设置方面的原因、出版方面的原因、发行方面的原因等,以期调整采购策略,降低漏采率,改进馆藏资源建设。  相似文献   

After more than 30 years of failing to conduct a comprehensive inventory of the book collection at a large liberal arts library, our patrons complained that they could not find one in five books. A study of the problem indicated that in fact 20% of our books were either missing or misshelved. This article discusses the investigation of the problem and the impact after five years of conducting an annual inventory by using handheld devices to gather bar codes and interface these with our catalog records to find the missing and misshelved books. The missing book rate dropped from 5.6% to less than one half percent. The misshelved book rate dropped steadily every year from 11.6% to 3.1%. The number of books reported as missing by our patrons dropped 90%.  相似文献   

Collection development in college and university libraries most often occurs using longstanding traditional selection methods, such as favorable book reviews or local user needs. This study uses citation analysis as a tool to select books for the social science book collection in one academic library and compares the circulation of books using traditional methods to those books using citation analysis. The journal impact factor was used to determine those journals and authors cited the most in the disciplines of business, anthropology, education, political science, psychology, and sociology. If those authors published books, the books were purchased and circulation data on the books were tabulated and compared to books chosen using traditional methods. Findings indicate that books purchased using traditional methods of selection circulated more, except when individual disciplines were measured. In the areas of business, political science, and psychology, there was no significant difference in circulation statistics, and together both the traditional and citation analysis methods accounted for circulation of nearly 95% of the social science collection. Since it is based on scholarly activity, citation analysis is a collection development method that could be used in all academic libraries.  相似文献   

关汉华 《图书馆论坛》2007,27(6):180-182,252
我国是世界上保存图籍最为宏富的国家之一,这与历代重视典籍分不开,自汉、魏以来就设立秘书监进行专职管理。明代对此有所因革,朝廷典藏改由翰林典籍管理。其初由于朝廷重视,典籍发挥了身处翰林的特定优势,进展良好;自明中叶后,随着政局转坏,典藏亦渐趋衰败。其经验教训,具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

浅谈明代江浙私人藏书   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
明代是我国古代藏书事业的繁荣时期,其中尤以江浙藏书蔚为大观。明代江浙藏书事业具有鲜明的地域文化特色和时代特色。江浙私人藏书对明代及其以后的文化事业发展做出了很大贡献,但也有其自身的历史局限性。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to describe an assessment project of the monograph collection at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) Lied Library. The circulation statistics and in-house use of all monographs for the nine colleges at UNLV were assessed analyzing the last five years of data. The analysis included an assessment of the circulation statistics and in-house use of books purchased on an approval plan compared with books purchased by individual liaison librarians. The findings illustrated the fact that overall use of the monograph collection has declined over the past five years. The findings also showed that books purchased on an approval plan had slightly higher use than the books purchased by individual liaisons. The study shows that academic libraries need to monitor usage of the monograph collection to be certain that money is spent in the most efficient manner and that usage data can be helpful if there is a need to reduce budget allocations for monographs or if a reallocation of funds for monographs is necessary.  相似文献   

Value of books depends on their place in the collection, and it is not suggested that the librarian become an expert in the prices of rare books. The dealer should be trusted as an adviser. The same is true about disposal of rare books.An account is given of earlier practice at the New York Academy of Medicine Library in the acquisition of rare books, and some notable items are listed. The importance of pamphlets, reprints, and annual reports is discussed.Building a collection of the institution's own records is commended, and various examples given of how an unbalanced or inappropriate collection loses its value. Good examples of special subject collections are quoted.Care and preservation of rare material are discussed.  相似文献   

Studies of displays have, in the main, been limited to examining the effect of the display phenomenon on the items on display. An experiment involving eight small public libraries in one Illinois library system tested the broader effect of displays on tumover rate and total circulation. Results found that displaying books from the adult circulating collection did not significantly increase overall library circulation or circulation of adult books. While books on display may circulate more often, there is evidence that this circulation is displaced from other areas of the collection.  相似文献   

藏书事业的兴衰与各个朝代统治者所采取的行政措施有着极大的关系。明代统治者采取了发展社会经济、大兴教育和科举、保护藏书等一系列有利于藏书发展的政策和措施,为藏书营造了良好的社会环境,推动了明朝藏书事业的繁荣和发展。  相似文献   

鸦片战争后,随着社会动荡的加剧,福建为数众多的私家藏书快速流落市场。清同治十一年至十三年,浙江著名藏书家陆心源在福建为官期间,开展了一系列访书、购书、借书活动,对闽中故家所藏宋元旧刻、精抄秘本搜访不遗余力,收获颇丰。论文采用文献研究法,通过梳理陆氏藏书目、书志、题跋及其他相关史料,对陆心源在闽期间的藏书事迹一一加以稽考,既是对陆心源生平研究的有益补充,也可藉此考察近代福建私家藏书聚散的历史事实。  相似文献   

本文以季秋华《知不足斋序跋题记》为对象,较全面地论述清代大藏书家、刻书家鲍廷博在长达七十年生涯中的藏书、校刻书事迹,指出鲍氏的序跋题记,不仅反映他藏书、校刻书的历程,更是其收藏、校刻书历程中的人生感悟、心灵独白的流露;不仅是版本目录学的经典之作,也是乾嘉时代浓厚人文精神的反映。  相似文献   

This paper describes three imperatives for collection inventory work at the University of Canterbury (UC) Library. Learning experiences from UC Library's first full inventory in 2005 were used to develop a regular and sustainable method of conducting future inventories. The first need for inventory arose as a result of an organized crime ring that targeted valuable books in libraries throughout New Zealand. Findings from library customer surveys in 2003 and 2005 gave rise to a second imperative which was to take prompt, proactive action regarding items missing from the shelves. As UC Library begins moving items to offsite storage, a third imperative arose for correctly accounting for what UC Library actually holds. As pressure comes on staffing resources this additional and significant collection management task has had to be achieved without extra staff. Good communication, clarity of responsibilities and breaking down the work into manageable amounts all became vital to the overall success of managing inventory work.  相似文献   

文章采用信息调查方法,对我国23个高等中医药院校图书馆的建设现状中的各种藏书量等文献资源建设指标及其数字化现状进行调研分析。结果发现,中医药院校图书馆中医药古籍文献的藏书量是中医药院校图书馆藏书区别于其他普通高等学校的主要特色之一,存在古籍文献资源数字化建设和资源共享不足、非医学专业相关的文献资源和外文文献资源较少等建设方面的问题,建议高等中医药院校图书馆建设改变建设理念,加大投入,加强数字化建设,并扩充非医学专业和外文文献资源的建设,以更好满足中医药院校的科研和教学需求。  相似文献   

周生杰博士的《鲍廷博藏书与刻书研究》一书对于徽籍文献巨子鲍廷博的研究与表彰有两点值得注意:其一,全景式展现鲍廷博之家世、行实及其藏书、献书、刻书活动等;其二,注重往深处开掘,揭示鲍氏藏书、刻书的背景、思想、特色及其影响等。此外,《研究》以细腻而又饱蘸情感的笔墨展开论述,为鲍廷博的研究与表彰增色不少。  相似文献   

This assessment of the Siberia content monographs in polar collections of the Rasmuson Library of the University of Alaska at Fairbanks identifies language holdings and collection strengths, evaluates research potential and compares holdings with selected Pacific Rim libraries. Data indicate that Russian language titles outnumber English titles seven to one and other languages for to one. Two LC classes, science and history, comprise 44% of the holdings, while the four largest classes constitute 60% of the collection. The Siberiana collection can support research in selected subjects: history, anthropology/physical geography, Eskimo linguistics, agriculture, permafrost, and geology. The collection is about half the size of those at the University of Hawaii and Hokkaido University. It contains nearly as many Siberiana titles as do the Slavic ccollections of the University of California, Berkeley, and is a third larger than holdings in the collections of the University of Washington, Seattle, and several times larger than those of the universities at Oregon, British Columbia, Melbourne, and Stanford. Currently Rasmuson Library owns 4,333 titles, 2,064 cataloged and 2,269 partially processed.  相似文献   

基于层次分析法的学科图书采购模型构建及实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

试析高校图书馆图书采购招投标中供应商的选择   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
谢小梅 《图书馆论坛》2006,26(3):143-145,154
图书招标采购是目前高校图书馆逐步采用的一种图书采购方式厂随着我国图书市场的开放,图书馆从自身利益出发,应该有条件地选择供应商。文章根据图书采购招标的特点及供应商的选择影响图书馆藏书建设的质量,提出了选择供应商的标准和评标的方法。  相似文献   

三浦宽二 《图书馆杂志》2020,(3):133-137,156
本文就日本公共图书馆对历史照片、历史文献等人文资源的收集、保存、公开和信息公开化的情况与课题,研讨公共图书馆馆藏资料的电子化和信息公开化的必要性以及未来。迄今为止,日本公共图书馆的主要资料是纸质书籍。大部分公共图书馆尚未对图书馆资料进行电子化,而且也没有采购电子化资料。但是在公共图书馆收集的资料当中,尤其是对地方文献信息进行系统性收集、保存、公开和传承,是日本图书馆法对公共图书馆规定的主要任务之一。在这一点上,中国公共图书馆法也是一样的。保存、公开地方文献最合适的办法是电子化。所以地方文献信息必须要考虑电子化和在网络上公开。另外,在对照片资料进行电子化时除了照片本身,还应该对照片信息(照片年代、拍摄地点、照片内容等)进行登记。但是目前日本公共图书馆在公开历史照片时,对这些内容尚无统一规定。在此,我将介绍日本公共图书馆在历史照片、历史文献的电子化和信息公开化方面的现状,并探讨相关课题,以及对公共图书馆关于数字人文学进行展望。  相似文献   

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