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As elsewhere in the Western world, between 1900 and 1940 the anti‐tuberculosis campaign in the Netherlands produced a wide range of initiatives to promote child health. In each of these the social and the medical were linked, as the hygienic ‘mood’ was encouraged by a child‐saving ethos that focused upon the poor. In this article the author discusses the choices that were made between anti‐tuberculosis interventions for children, the benefits projected on each of these and the categories of children for whom they were meant. Private and voluntary initiatives dominated the field, whereas the state turned out to be very reluctant to take responsibility. Medically controlled health camps for ‘weak’ children were a more important instrument than open‐air schools and mass medical examination. Medical surveillance produced new categories and data which in turn justified the continued growth of child hygiene after tuberculosis had become less of a threat during the 1930s.  相似文献   

The article explores the long‐term effectiveness of in‐service teacher training courses for English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers in the Greek educational context. It presents the results of a questionnaire designed and issued to teacher‐trainees a year after the completion of 60‐hour courses. The questionnaire assessed, among others, (a) teacher trainees' beliefs regarding the relevance of the knowledge acquired to their individual needs, (b) the extent to which they used the materials provided in the course, and (c) the usefulness of the subjects offered. The data are discussed in relation to strategies for optimising teacher training services and implications are drawn for the implementation of change in a broader educational context. A ‘cooperative model' is proposed for the promotion of change involving active cooperation between all agents involved in the educational process and necessitating top‐down and bottom‐up cooperation.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between being labelled either as having dyslexia or as having general special educational needs (SEN) and a child's self‐esteem. Seventy‐five children aged between 8 and 15 years categorised as having dyslexia (N = 26), as having general SEN (N = 26) or as having no learning difficulties (N = 23), completed an age‐appropriate version of the Culture‐Free Self‐Esteem Inventory and a standard test of reading ability. When the self‐esteem scores of the groups were compared (with the discrepancy between reading and chronological age being partialled out), it was found that the self‐esteem scores of those in the ‘general SEN’ group had significantly lower self‐esteem scores than those in both the ‘dyslexia’ group and the ‘control’ group. There was no significant difference between the self‐esteem scores of the ‘dyslexia’ and the ‘control’ group. On the basis of these findings, it is suggested that being labelled as having a general SEN may negatively affect children's self‐esteem because, unlike the label dyslexia, this label offers very little in the way of an explanation for the child's academic difficulties and because targeted interventions are not as available for those with a less specific label.  相似文献   


In this paper we use the lens of an emerging research method in education called “design research” to address questions raised by Sugrue and Uí Thuama (1994) about the lack of strong linkages between research and classroom practice in Irish education. We provide context for this question by contrasting it with similar discussions in the US and UK about research quality in education. Next we elaborate a framework from one member of the design research community in educational research (Bannan‐Ritland, 2003) to show why some varieties of educational research may have little to offer practice at least directly and in the short term. Finally, we offer insight from Lesson Study in Japan (Lewis, 2002) as one possible solution to the problem of research and practice alignment.  相似文献   

Education became the central focus of the Universities' Mission to Central Africa (UMCA) following a disastrous and unsuccessful attempt to settle in Nyasaland (now Malawi). The aim of this article is to trace the UMCA educational policy from Zanzibar, where the mission became established in 1864, to Northern Rhodesia (now Zambia). From their earliest experiences in Africa UMCA missionaries were confronted with the reality and horror of slavery. In Nyasaland missionaries fought slave raiders and in Zanzibar the first UMCA schools catered entirely for ex‐slaves. This article analyses the education developed for former slaves and shows how, as the mission expanded, missionaries continued to attempt to build communities and provide what they considered to be the best spiritual and educational opportunities for indigenous populations while facing considerable external constraints, including the expectations of a colonial power.  相似文献   

Findings are synthesized from six evaluation studies of alternative teacher certification programs introduced in the Netherlands between 2000 and 2005. The available evidence raises concerns about the feasibility of accelerated workplace learning for aspiring teachers. Intake assessments amounted mostly to selection procedures, while less attention was paid to advising candidates. In candidates' workplace learning, work often overrode learning. They received little mentoring and were offered few opportunities to qualify themselves in all basic aspects of teaching. Conclusions and recommendations regarding the development of alternative teacher education are formulated on the basis of five quality standards for teacher education.

Entre 2000 et 2005, les Pays‐Bas ont mis en place des parcours parallèles pour la formation des enseignants. Dans cet article, l'auteur présente les résultats de six études qui ont évalué la qualité de ces parcours parallèles. Les résultats disponibles soulèvent des questions quant à la possibilté de réaliser des formations accélérées effectuées sur le terrain et destinées aux futurs enseignants. Dans ces formations accélérées, l'évaluation initiale (intake assessment) servait la plupart du temps à sélectionner les candidats tandis que peu d'attention était accordée à la fonction conseil. Lorsque les candidats étaient formés sur le terrain, la pratique prenait le dessus sur la formation. Ils n'étaient guère encadrés et avaient peu l'occasion de se familiariser avec tous les aspects fondamentaux du métier d'enseignant.

S'inspirant de cinq standards de qualité pour la formation des enseignants, l'auteur présente ses conclusions et ses recommandations pour la mise en place de parcours parallèles en ce qui concerne la formation des enseignants.

Se sintetizan los resultados de seis estudios en los que han sido evaluados programas alternativos de certificación de profesores que han sido introducidos entre 2000 y 2005 en los Países Bajos. La evidencia disponible plantea cuestiones sobre la viabilidad de aprendizaje acelerado por futuros profesores en el lugar de trabajo. Las evaluaciones llevadas a cabo se limitaban a menudo a procedimientos de selección, mientras que se solía prestar menos atención al asesoramiento de los candidatos. En su lugar de trabajo, el proceso de aprendizaje de los futuros profesores fue relegado a segundo plano a causa del trabajo. Resultó que los futuros profesores recibieron poca tutoría y que se les ofrecieron pocas oportunidades de cualifarse en todos los aspectos de la enseñanza. Se sacan conclusiones y se hacen recomendaciones en cuanto al desarrollo de programas alternativos de formación del profesorado a base de cinco criterios de calidad para la formación del profesorado.

In diesem Forschungsbericht werden die Ergebnisse von sechs Evaluationsstudien zu den zwischen 2000 und 2005 in den Niederlanden eingeführten alternativen Lehrerausbildungsprogrammen zusammengezogen. Die Befunde lassen Fragen über die Realisierbarkeit von beschleunigtem Lernen während der Arbeit durch ankommende Lehrer aufkommen. Zulassungsprüfungen beinhalteten meistens Ausleseverfahren, wobei der Beratung von Kandidaten weniger Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt wurde. In dem Lernen von Kandidaten während der Arbeit war der Arbeitsaspekt haüfig stärker vertreten als das Lernen. Sie empfingen wenig Betreuung und erhielten wenig Gelegenheit, sich in allen grundlegenden Lehrerfähigkeiten zu qualifizieren. Es werden Schlussfolgerungen und Empfehlungen bezüglich der Entwicklung von alternativen Lehrerausbildungsprogrammen formuliert aufgrund von fünf Qualitätsstandarden zur Lehrerausbildung.  相似文献   

This study sought to investigate affectionate communication among members of sibHng/spouse/sibling‐in‐law triads as well as the influence of such communication on relational quality. Under the principles of Affectionate Exchange Theory, affectionate communication among these family members may ultimately serve the evolutionary mandates of viability and procreation. Three hundred twenty‐seven participants, comprising 109 sibling/spouse/sibling‐in‐law triads, completed surveys about their communication of affection, relational satisfaction, and closeness. Consistent with predictions, spouses reported communicating more affection to each other than did siblings, who reported communicating more affection than siblings‐in‐law. The communication of affection by spouses and siblings showed a significant correlation, as did the communication of affection by siblings and siblings‐in‐law, and these correlations were significant even when controlling for the affection communicated in the third relationship in the triad (except for nonverbal support communicated in the sibling and marital relationships). Finally, for all three relational types, affectionate communication was positively correlated with both relational satisfaction and closeness.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a study of the experiences of teacher educators in the introduction and development of e‐portfolios over an eight‐year period from 2002 to 2009 at a Swedish university. The study was conducted with 67 teacher educators in order to investigate how e‐portfolios have been discussed, designed, used and disseminated during this period. Research methods involved 25 narrative interviews and a questionnaire that was completed by 42 participants. The theoretical framework of Basil Bernstein, particularly his concepts of classification, framing, educational codes and pedagogical devices, was used to analyse the data. The paper presents a discussion of the contextual circumstances in relation to classification, framing and codes that affect the social construction of e‐portfolios. The results point to parallel processes resulting in a variety of discourses and designs of e‐portfolios and highlighting the importance of the social construction of e‐portfolios across the teacher education faculty, rather than merely their implementation.  相似文献   

Two recent books, English Teachers in a Postwar Democracy: Emerging Choice in London Schools, 19451965 and The London Association for the Teaching of English, 1947–67: A History, explore an important period in the development of English as a school subject and in the remaking of the professional identity of English teachers in London.  相似文献   


This paper analyses the expansion of technical education in Hertfordshire, United Kingdom, in the 1920s and 1930s. It argues that the rapid industrial and commercial growth in this southern county at a time of chronic economic uncertainty nationally brought particular pressures to bear upon the Local Education Authority to provide an increasing range of courses to better equip local children for local Jobs. With government approval and, indeed, eventual direction the technical education initiative increasingly pervaded the elementary schools, with vocationally orientated courses becoming available to children aged 13, 12 and even 11 years. An important Incentive In most county councillors’ eyes was the fact that these developments deflected attention away from any great expansion of secondary education. As a result of these pressures and policies by 1938 technical education was well established, well planned and well funded but never more than second prize for the aspiring elementary‐school child or booby prize for the failing secondary one.  相似文献   


This analysis of A‐level English and Mathematics results from ten comprehensive schools in the north‐east represents some of the work done in the first year of a ‘school effects’ study entitled the COMBSE project ('Confidential, Measurement‐Based, Self‐Evaluation'). The project enables participating schools to compare their A‐level results with those of similar schodls. In an attempt to take account of differences in intakes to the schools, data were collected for a wide range of variables expected to relate to A‐level grades: prior achievement, socio‐economic status, class size, teacher characteristics and time variables such as time allocated and time reportedly spent on homework. However, once an index based on an average O‐level grade was computed, other variables contributed little or nothing to the prediction of A‐level grades.

Some findings ran counter to the general pattern of effects in the literature. For example, a negative correlation between time spent on homework and grades achieved, and smaller classes obtaining lower residual gains than larger classes in English, though not in Mathematics. Two issues were raised: is the 30% failure rate reasonable and should A‐level Mathematics be so much more difficult to pass than A‐level English?  相似文献   

In the Netherlands, educational attainment is the result of a sequence of separate educational transitions. Because of the tracked nature of the Dutch educational system, students do not make binary stay‐or‐leave‐decisions at each transition. After having entered one track of secondary education, students can change tracks during the entire secondary course. The initial track and the secondary school outcome therefore are incongruent for a significant proportion of the Dutch students. As social background partly predicts initial track placement, track changes and successful termination of the course, we suggest distinguishing conditional and unconditional effects of family background in the transition to secondary school outcome. This paper complements findings of previous research by taking into account the tracked structure of the Dutch educational system and the entire sequence of transitions in secondary education. For the empirical analysis, repeated cross‐sections from the Family Survey Dutch Population (1992, 1998, 2000 and 2003) are used. Multinomial logistic regressions reveal that inequality in the outcome of secondary education is partly explained by the fact that initial track placement is socially selective and because this initial inequality is even enhanced by track changes during secondary education. The remaining ‘conditional’ effect of parental education, however, indicates that parental education works on top of this selection to prevent drop out. Inequality in secondary school outcome thus is a cumulative result of social background effects in a sequence of educational transitions throughout secondary education. Decreasing inequality over time is entirely explained by decreasing inequality in the transition from primary to secondary education.  相似文献   

This study analyzes public perceptions of Boston's magnet school program. Typically evaluated in terms of their impact on racial integration, magnet schools also were designed to improve the tarnished image of the Boston school system. While promoting voluntary integration at a handful of schools, the magnet program struggled to change the reputation of public education in the city. Boston's magnet schools found themselves perched precariously between conflicting and equally-problematic perceptions. To the extent that they were perceived to be elite enclaves, Boston magnet schools became potent symbols of inequality. To the extent that magnet schools were not perceived to be academically superior, they could never encourage integration nor become symbols of the potential of Boston public schools. Illustrating the dilemma presented by these contradictory perceptions, the history of Boston magnet schools suggests that efforts towards racial integration must be intertwined with campaigns for increasing educational achievement citywide.  相似文献   

This article is concerned primarily with university‐related work‐based learning in the UK. The authors trace the development of work‐based learning from its early days to the wide variety of styles and scale currently being practised. In the wake of the Dearing Report, they review the experience of work experience and sandwich courses; the move from work experience to work‐based learning; work‐based learning for those in work; and work‐based learning through technological transfer. The authors identify key variables which appear to determine the nature of different styles of work‐based learning including the tension between the twin purposes of international competitiveness and student personal development, and the willingness of the universities to move from their traditional control of the curriculum to allow a greater variety of learning experiences. The authors focus on the emergence of learner‐managed three‐way partnerships between the learner, the university, and the employer based on real‐time, work‐based projects as a way of reconciling economic benefit with personal development as purposes for work‐based learning. The article concludes by identifying some of the key educational issues which such schemes raise and identifies possible future directions in which they might develop.  相似文献   

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