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INTRODUCTIONThetyphoonisaverydestructivestormoc curringonthetropicaloceansurfaceanddepend ingonthepotentialheatreleasedfromthemicrovaporcondensationasthemainenergysourceforitsmaintenanceanddevelopment.Typhooncanbringcalamitiesindifferentdegreestothear…  相似文献   

台风是全球最严重的自然灾害之一,对人类社会造成了巨大的破坏,严重威胁人民生命财产安全。我国属台风多发性国家,每年因台风带来的经济损失高达数千亿,甚至上万亿元。目前抗御台风的预案研究主要集中在预警、建筑设施加固和人员财产转移等方面,对于台风灾害过程中人体机能的应急反应能力及承受力极限的研究还没有涉及。通过分析体能应急反应力并与体育运动相结合,为进一步提高人类预防与抗御台风灾害能力提供参考。  相似文献   

Field measurement of strong wind characteristics is of great significance for the development of bridge wind engineering. Located in east China, the Runyang Suspension Bridge (RSB) with a main span of 1490 m is the longest bridge in China and the third longest in the world. During the last four years, the RSB has suffered from typhoons and strong northern winds on more than ten occasions. To determine the strong wind characteristics of the RSB, wind measurement data obtained from field tests during strong winds and data from the wind environment monitoring subsystem of the structural health monitoring system (SHMS) of the RSB were combined to analyze the wind speed and direction, variation in wind speed with height, turbulence intensity, turbulence integral length, wind friction speed and the power spectrum. Comparative studies on the characteristics of these different strong winds were carried out based on the current wind-resistant design specification for highway bridges. Results showed that some regularity in wind characteristics can be found in these different typhoons passing through the RSB. The difference between a strong northern wind and a typhoon is relatively clear, and in summer the typhoon is the dominant wind load acting on the RSB. In addition, there were some differences between the measured strong wind characteristics and the values suggested by the specification, especially in respect to turbulence intensity and turbulence integral length. Results provide measurement data for establishing a strong wind characteristic database for the RSB and for determining the strong wind characteristic parameter values of this coastal area in east China.  相似文献   

研究相关史料可以发现,明清时期广东台风灾害具有频率高÷时间集中、影响范围广、突发性强、成灾强度大以及连锁效应显著等特点,严重危害老百姓的生命财产安全,破坏农业生产,而且带来严重的社会问题,对生态环境也产生了一定影响。明清广东台风研究对当下的防风减灾工作仍有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

碱浸提法提取S604、S606、931、中7、808、808对照、868、135、908、9015、939等11种香菇菌棒中的蛋白质和多糖,结果表明:135和908的蛋白质含量显著高于其他9个品种,9015的多糖含量显著高于其他10个品种。  相似文献   

台州市中小学旧校舍的加固,既要满足水平方向抗震和抗台承载力又要防止台风导致的水患。加固工作中,一方面要加强结构承载力,即按新规范要求采用抗震加固通用方法进行加固,如采用无横墙支撑的砖柱、受力空斗墙和不符合抗震抗台要求的预制楼板接缝等加固措施;另一方面要防止台风导致的水患,如采用水毁构件进行表面清理、维护和加固。后期使用表明,上述措施是可行的,保证了本市中小学旧校舍的使用安全。  相似文献   

本文把质点动力学的Lagrange表述法和流体力学惯用的Euler表述法结合起来,建立了描述台风顶部辐散流出层Coriolis旋流的独特的二维微分方程组。该方程组有精确解,得到了流线方程.台风流出层气流先表现为气旋性流出,然后转化为反气旋性流出,本文求得了转向点的位置,理论计算的结果与由观测资料得到的Fujita模式符合得较好,并且导得强台风流出层转向半径与流入层转向半径相等的结论。  相似文献   

冯永亮 《唐山学院学报》2020,32(6):18-23,36
分析了基于物种敏感度分布(SSD)的概率生态风险评价的数学原理,并在此基础上首次给出了概率生态风险评价的Matlab函数"PERA",该函数只需要污染物的生物毒性数据和环境监测数据作为输入变量即可获得SSD曲线、HC5值、联合概率曲线(JPC)以及JPC与坐标轴所围面积表示的发生有害生物效应的总体风险概率(ORP值)等指标,可用于污染物环境基准的推导和污染物生态风险评价。  相似文献   

搜集并梳理了几十年来各家对曾姬无卸壶铭文及其相关问题的研究成果,按照铭文顺序排列,为研究者提供更方便的资料索引。曾姬无卸壶于上世纪30年代出土于安徽寿县朱家集楚王墓中.共两件,两壶壁均铸铭文五行,《集成》著录为9710、9711号。两壶自出土以来,因铭文的史料价值而备受学者的关注,对这件铜器及其铭文的研究也层出不穷,尤其是近二十年来对其铭文的考释取得了重要突破,为解读这件铜器提供了更准确的参考。  相似文献   

台风结构的非对称性对台风运动的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文分析了台风中心附近涡度局地变化■/■t的非对称性对台风加(减)速运动的影响结果表明,突然加速的台风,其前方和后方的■/■t分别为较大的正值和较小的负值;而突然减速的台风,其■/■t的分布则正相反此外,设计了一个综合考虑引导气流、涡旋结构以及涡度变化等因子作用的台风运动的预测方案。  相似文献   

刘君龙 《丽水学院学报》2007,29(4):99-101,104
2006年8月的台风"桑美"过后,为了医治人们心灵的创伤,浙江省各地纷纷组织心理救援队奔赴灾区,用一种近乎宗教仪式的方式来让一些受害者摆脱心灵的羁绊。由此引起了笔者对宗教在社会主义新农村建设中的作用的关注与思考。全文就宗教在社会主义新农村建设中的积极作用作出初步探讨,并对宗教的某些特点提出自己的一些思考。  相似文献   

2006年8月的台风"桑美"过后,为了医治人们心灵的创伤,浙江省各地纷纷组织心理救援队奔赴灾区,用一种近乎宗教仪式的方式来让一些受害者摆脱心灵的羁绊.由此引起了笔者对宗教在社会主义新农村建设中的作用的关注与思考.全文就宗教在社会主义新农村建设中的积极作用作出初步探讨,并对宗教的某些特点提出自己的一些思考.  相似文献   

This paper presents a distribution free method for predicting the extreme wind velocity from wind monitoring data at the site of the Runyang Suspension Bridge (RSB), China using the maximum entropy theory. The maximum entropy theory is a rational approach for choosing the most unbiased probability distribution from a small sample, which is consistent with available data and contains a minimum of spurious information. In this paper, the theory is used for estimating a joint probability density function considering the combined action of wind speed and direction based on statistical analysis of wind monitoring data at the site of the RSB. The joint probability distribution model is further used to estimate the extreme wind velocity at the deck level of the RSB. The results of the analysis reveal that the probability density function of the maximum entropy method achieves a result that fits well with the monitoring data. Hypothesis testing shows that the distributions of the wind velocity data collected during the past three years do not obey the Gumbel distribution. Finally, our comparison shows that the wind predictions of the maximum entropy method are higher than that of the Gumbel distribution, but much lower than the design wind speed.  相似文献   

风暴潮极值状态下珠江河网白坭水道内的不稳定流动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1999年洪季和9316号台风风暴潮的实测资料,通过ECOMSED数学模型对珠江河网广州区域进行数值模拟计算.计算结果显示,在99年洪季时,河网内白坭水道流动为通常的往复流动;但在风暴潮极值状态下,由于受极值流速及地形的影响,流动在白坭水道中弯曲扭摆,呈现出流动不稳定现象.  相似文献   

This article introduces a new inferential test for acyclic structural equation models (SEM) without latent variables or correlated errors. The test is based on the independence relations predicted by the directed acyclic graph of the SEMs, as given by the concept of d-separation. A wide range of distributional assumptions and structural functions can be accommodated. No iterative fitting procedures are used, precluding problems involving convergence. Exact probability estimates can be obtained, thus permitting the testing of models with small data sets.  相似文献   

应用spssclementine数据挖掘工具构建logistic模型来预测潜在目标用户购买通信产品的概率,通过模型预测结果对购买通信产品概率比较高的用户进行产品推销,提高营销准确率,从而实现产品从粗放式营销到精确化营销,以节省通信企业投入成本,提高通信企业运营效益.  相似文献   

In the developing phase of typhoon formation, the spiral belt partly emerges in satellite cloud images. This research starts from images and moves on to graphics and then to representation and recognition. Following this route, local spiral cloud belt is segmented from the raw images using image segmentation, the spiral information is extracted using mathematic morphology, and local spiral curves are detected using Hough transformation. The problem of center locating of developing typhoon has finally been solved through a search algorithm of spiral curve. For No. 99082008 cloud image, the result produced by the algorithm in this paper is at 122. 3 degree west longitude, 17.5 degree north latitude. The real typhoon center location was at 122.4 degree west longitude, 18 degree north latitude.  相似文献   

统计近十年影响惠州市的台风特点、所造成的灾情,分析台风防御工作的现状,提出了针对台风防御对策,在此基础上建立了惠州市台风综合服务系统。系统经过提取历史资料,进行天气学分型,采用三层B/S模式架构设计,以Web作为用户的客户应用软件。用户在客户端的机器上仅需保障有web浏览器即可向服务器发送请求,经过一系列的服务计算和处理汇总,服务器向用户浏览器发送各种汇总的数据和结果。这大大减少了值班人员预报时间,丰富了政府决策人员决策资料,达到了防灾减灾的结果。  相似文献   

随机变量的概率分布是概率论和数理统计教学中的最基本的概念,在一般的教学过程中一般都是孤立地阐述各种概率分布.为使学生建立起常用概率分布之间以及离散型和连续型概率分布之间的联系,对常用6种离散型概率分布和11种连续型概率分布的关系加以讨论,在侯文建立的概率分布的关系图的基础上,从另一个角度归纳并补充了常用概率分布之间的关...  相似文献   

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