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中国非英语专业研究生词汇量不同词频等级分布状况研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文探讨了中国非英语专业研究生的接受性和产出性词汇量在高频、中频、低频以及学术类词汇四个词频等级的分布情况。上海市两所重点高校的360名研究生参加了两种分别测量学习者接受性和产出性词汇的词汇测试。研究结果表明,我国非英语专业研究生能够掌握大多数高频词和学术类词汇的基本含义,但由于他们对中低频词,尤其是低频词的认知率较低,在今后的学习中仍有可能面临词汇上的困难;研究生的产出性词汇量要远低于其接受性词汇量,且大部分产出性词汇仍属于高频词;尽管学生对学术类词汇的认知率较高,但他们在该词频上的产出性词汇量仍有待进一步提高。针对上述结果,研究建议在研究生英语教学过程中教师应注意对学生词汇学习策略的培养,并通过数据驱动学习、转变写作任务模式等途径扩大学生的产出性词汇量。  相似文献   

The effects of a 20-session intervention targeting morphological word structure on vocabulary knowledge were investigated in four Grade 4 and 5 classes, assigned randomly to treatment and control conditions. Hierarchical regression analyses controlling for initial vocabulary showed significant instructional effects on morphological analysis and vocabulary with words that were taught directly and novel words built on bases that were taught in the context of other derivations, but not for words with untaught bases. Results indicated that the treatment group made better use of pre-test vocabulary knowledge in learning new vocabulary. Results are discussed in light of the growing debate regarding whether to teach many words in a shallow way or to provide deep, rich instruction about fewer words.  相似文献   

本文主要讨论陕西安康方言词汇的融合问题:融合经过了一个弱势方言词汇近于消失,强势方言词汇相互渗透的过程。融合呈现5种基本类型。融合途径是:消减原有词语、收纳别的方言词、借用普通话词语。特征词均属于基本词汇,大多集中在称谓等类别里。而一般词汇多集中在位置、代词等类别里,其特征是,使用区域广泛,处于最上层,最易相互融合,也最易向普通话靠拢。  相似文献   

以分类的方式对英汉词汇的文化内涵作了初步的对比,把文化内涵的词汇分为五种:对等词、重叠词、半缺项词、缺项词、矛盾词.  相似文献   

山西二人台唱白对词汇修辞进行了三方面的积极运用:从词语的来源或结构上看,主要是利用了方言词、熟语等词汇成分;从词语的意义上看,主要是利用了词语的同义、反义和多义关系;从词形方面看,主要利用了拆词、倒词等变化手段。  相似文献   

汉语水平考试用词统计分析报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
适应汉语国际推广形势,汉语水平考试(HSK)3000、5000、8000的词汇量标准是否合理?原有词汇大纲与现实语言生活用词是否一致?HSK考试中的实际用词情况怎样?与最初的设计是否吻合?本文通过对近百套HSK正式试卷用词的统计分析.提出汉语考试宜将普通汉语学习者和专业汉语学习者、来华汉语学习者和非来华汉语学习者加以区分,并重点面向普通汉语学习者、非来华汉语学习者。新HSK宜制定明确的词汇量标准,可考虑以150、300、600.1200、2500、5000词为新HSK词汇等级标准。  相似文献   

传统的韩语词汇教学往往忽视词汇之间的联系,无序地给学生灌输词汇的词典意义,大大降低了学习效率。韩语中汉字词占韩语词汇总量的一半,大量的汉字词对韩语的日常使用产生了重要影响。韩语学习中,能否准确地掌握汉字词直接决定学习效果。将韩语中的汉字词与中文词汇建立联系,利用词汇意义的变化来掌握韩中同形异义词将达到事半功倍的效果。  相似文献   

论述了词汇教学时,师生都须明白,哪些为被动词,哪些为主动词.对于前者,我们只需根据语境及词的形态理解其大概意思即可;对于后者,教师在呈现新词时,一定要把握交际性和意义性原则.句型操练非常有效,但不能过度使用以至变成机械操练.鼓励学生使用新词,这对于词汇的巩固也很有效.最后,笔者还提到教师要帮助学生掌握一些学习策略.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of adaptive word retrieval intervention on a classroom vocabulary program on children’s vocabulary acquisition in kindergarten. In the experimental condition, word retrieval was provided in a classroom vocabulary program, combining implicit and explicit vocabulary instructions. Children performed extra word retrieval activities and received semantic feedback for words they did not learn during the classroom vocabulary program. Eighty-seven children were in the experimental condition, and 115 children were in the classroom vocabulary control condition. Results showed the adaptive word retrieval intervention to stimulate higher learning gains than the classroom vocabulary program on the learning of the target words. Children in the experimental condition also showed transfer effects; they described more words on a standardized expressive vocabulary test than children in the control condition. The research findings suggest additional value of word retrieval with feedback for classroom vocabulary learning.  相似文献   

Research Findings: The present study compared effects of explicit instruction on and practice with the phonological form of words (form-focused instruction) versus explicit instruction on and practice with the meaning of words (meaning-focused instruction). Instruction was given via interactive storybook reading in the kindergarten classroom of children learning Dutch. We asked whether the 2 types of instruction had different effects on vocabulary development and 2 precursors of reading ability—phonological awareness and letter knowledge—and we examined effects on these measures of the ability to learn new words with minimal acoustic-phonetic differences. Learners showed similar receptive target-word vocabulary gain after both types of instruction, but learners who received form-focused vocabulary instruction showed more gain in semantic knowledge of target vocabulary, phonological awareness, and letter knowledge than learners who received meaning-focused vocabulary instruction. Level of ability to learn pairs of words with minimal acoustic-phonetic differences predicted gain in semantic knowledge of target vocabulary and in letter knowledge in the form-focused instruction group only. Practice or Policy: A focus on the form of words during instruction appears to have benefits for young children learning vocabulary.  相似文献   

从日语的词汇来看,现代日语中仍然保留着许多汉字及汉语词汇,而且许多词汇除发音与现代汉语不同外,字形却相近或相同,我们就把汉日语言中这些词汇称为中日同形语.中日同形语是中日两国文化交流、互动的产物.汉语和日语中的汉字词汇,虽然都使用了汉字,但是这些汉字用在不同的语言体系中,必定也会产生一些不同的含义和用法.  相似文献   

英语词汇记忆方法很多,然而学生在实际记忆词汇的过程中却很少能灵活运用,或者即使记住单词,却难以在使用时灵活变通运用。问题的根本在于这些方法是零散的,未能使记忆后的词汇形成一个在逻辑上相互联系的整体。基于选择性的逻辑联想就是建立一个6维的记忆模式,或者说是一个词汇记忆体系,这个体系能够为学生记忆每个看似“零散”词汇时提供一个相对固定的范式。  相似文献   

经过研究发现:语篇对学生自然条件下阅读词汇习得没有显著的影响;缺少语篇知识不利于学生猜测生词;丰富的图式虽然有助于学生猜测生词,但同时也减少了学生对生词的注意,且不能引发深层次加工,不利于词汇的长久记忆。  相似文献   

The main aim of this study was to find out which type of vocabulary cluster – semantic, thematic and unrelated – very young learners benefit from the most while learning foreign language vocabulary. The study also aimed at shedding light on the effects of these three vocabulary clusters on the immediate and delayed recall of foreign language vocabulary. In accordance with the aims, 51 very young English as a Foreign Language learners participated in the study. A pre-test was administered to determine the target words in the three clusters so that all target words were new to all participants. The participants received immediate recall tests immediately after the instruction of L2 words in each cluster. Delayed recall tests were also administered for each cluster after three days of reviews of the words in the clusters The analysis of the quantitative data results of the study revealed that the presenting L2 words in different type of clusters have a significant effect on very young EFL learners' L2 vocabulary retention, and the subjects remembered significantly more L2 words when the words were grouped in unrelated clusters.  相似文献   

在大学英语教学中,教师要提高词汇教学首先要从研究学生如何学习词汇入手,而学生要学好词汇需从其词汇知识和词汇习得入手。习得词汇知识不只是熟悉词形,还包括熟悉各种意义、概念和已知词的意义关系。此外,教师还应了解学生词汇习得的个体差异以及学生在学习过程中出现的造词现象等。把词汇教学的侧重点放在学生的学方面,研究学生学习词汇的规律和个体差异,以学促教,反之用教进一步引导学,使词汇的教和学相辅相成,互相促进。  相似文献   

外贸英语的专业词汇是普通英语词汇词义派生的产物,具有一词多义和多词一义的特性,并使用大量的术语和缩略语。词汇表、语义场、词块和语境是目前词汇教学中常用的呈现方式,在专业词汇教学中,可使用词汇表与词块两种方式共同呈现普通英语词汇派生出的专业词汇;可采用语境的方式呈现多义的专业词汇;可采用语义场的方式呈现同义的专业词汇;可在阐释定义的基础上采用词汇表的方式呈现术语和缩略语。  相似文献   

词汇是语言有机组成部分。在传统的词汇教学过程中,我们对词的讲解重点在于它的音、形、义,而义的讲解仅停留在字面意义上,对词汇深层次的文化内涵讲得甚少。因此,学生学习词汇只是重复进行枯燥无味的记忆,文化知识的贫乏导致了在跨文化交际中出现一些笑话和错误。由此可见,在讲解所学语言词汇时,导入其文化内涵及产生这一词义的历史文化和背景知识显得尤为重要。在本文中,笔者主要就英语词汇的文化内涵与词汇教学等方面内容进行浅析。  相似文献   

Effects of a taped-words treatment on reading proficiency   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In an effort to increase reading proficiency, five 9th- and 10th-grade students with behavior disorders were instructed to read along with an audio type of vocabulary words recorded at 80 words per minute. Effects of the taped-words intervention on rate of reading vocabulary words as well as generalization effects of reading passages containing some of the same vocabulary words were assessed within a multiple baseline design. Results suggested significant effects due to practice. Minimal generalization from reading word lists to reading passages was demonstrated. The results of the present study are compared with similar investigations.  相似文献   

通过介绍英汉语言中出现的借词,讨论了英汉词语互借对语言文化的影响.英语借用汉语词汇主要以传统文化为主,方式上主要是音译和借译;汉语借用英语词汇主要是些反映新事物、新发明的词汇.  相似文献   

关于对外汉语词汇教学系统性的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对我国目前对外汉语词汇教学"遇词讲词"的现状,笔者认为,对外汉语词汇教学应贯彻词汇语义学理论精神,参照计算语言学中的"词网"思路,有必要建立对外汉语常用词汇语义网和词库,为规范对外汉语词汇教学系统性服务。  相似文献   

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