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兰文洁 《考试周刊》2013,(25):146-146
新课程理念下生物教学要求教师应用全新的教育理念指导教学实践,承认学生的个体差异,重视学生的个性发展,遵从学生身心发展规律及兴趣爱好,特别注重在课堂教学中提高学生分析问题、解决问题的能力,注重课堂教学氛围的营造,寓教于乐,从而在一种轻松愉快的氛围中达到教学目标。  相似文献   

课堂教学是培养学生创新精神和实践能力的主阵地。在省、市教科所的指导下区四所小学从1998年下半年开始在各学科教学中进行自主学习教改实验,构建了以“启发诱导─—自主探索─—创新实践”为特色的课堂教学模式。本文结合我们的实践,着重谈一点儿在营造宽松和谐教学环境方面的体会。 契诃夫指出。“我们要努力使学习充满无拘无束的气氛,如果不能造就儿童和老师在课堂上都能够自由呼吸的教学气氛,那么任何一种教学方法都不可能发挥其固有的作用。”我们开展自主学习教改实验正是从这里起步的,即营造民主、平等、宽松、和谐的教学氛围…  相似文献   

课堂作为小学生进行知识获取的重要来源地,其教学效率对学生获得知识的多少会产生最直接的影响。而在课堂教学过程中,课堂的氛围又是对课堂效果产生极大影响的主要因素之一。特别是在小学六年级语文的教学中,只有营造出活跃的课堂氛围才可以更好地吸引小学生的注意力,继而有效提升课堂效率。教师如果能够让课堂教学变得更加丰富多彩,小学生不但可以达到获得知识的目的,还可以获得一定的情感寄托。本文对活跃小学六年级语文课堂氛围的相关策略做出了探究,期望能够为相关教学提供一定参考。  相似文献   

20世纪50年代以来,相应科学教育的发展,科学教学理论也日趋完善。而这个时期最为著名的是“探究式教学”理论。“探究教学”的代表有美国教育学家萨其曼、施瓦布和加涅等人。他们都从不同角度,论证了教学过程中“探究学习”的重要性。相应各种“探究教学”理论,产生了各式各样的教学模式。本文就萨其曼等人的探究教学的理论及模式作了认真的探讨。  相似文献   

实施素质教育,培养有科学头脑的新一代创新人才,不仅应在学校的课外活动课程教育中有目的地进行探索与拓展,更应该在实施素质教育的主阵地--课堂教育中有目的地加以渗透与加强.开展科学的探究教学,需要教师更新教育观念,全面提高自身素质,选择科学的探究课题和内容,研究教学的策略、程序及其具体环节的实施,充分发挥教师的主导作用,真正落实学生的主体地位,为学生学会学习、学会生存、学会合作及终身发展奠定基础.  相似文献   

情感教育是为了达到教育学生让其做出积极的反应,教师有目的以良好的情感去教育和鼓励学生的教育方式。它存在于整个教学历程中,亦是教育的重要环节之一,因此最有效的教学方法之一是把初中语文教学与情感教育结合起来。  相似文献   

在聋人中等职业技术学校里,美术专业是重要的专业.要上好美术课,使聋生掌握既定的美术知识与技能,创设良好的教学氛围是很必要的.  相似文献   

形成创新教学课堂氛围的“五大因素”   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
素质教育的核心是创新教育,主渠道是课堂教学。形成创新教学课堂氛围是落实素质教育,培养创新型人才的重要途径和方法。而形成创新教学课堂氛围起关键和重要作用的是“五大因素”:“尊重学生人格”是首要因素;“开展民主化讨论”是重要因素;“实施开放性教学”是必要因素;“科学处理教材”是直接因素;“优化教学媒体”是动力因素。  相似文献   

高师研究型教学的心理氛围因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究性教学是一种全新的教学模式,十分重视教学实践和教学效果研究。影响研究型教学效果的关键因素是心理氛围,在研究性教学情况中具有重要作用。  相似文献   

徐学福 《教育科学》2006,22(2):20-23
根据教学论,科学教学中的“探究”可有三层含义:作为教学目标,指学生应掌握的科学探究技能,要理解的科学探究特性;作为教学原则,指激发学生积极探究未知、主动建构意义的基本教学要求;作为教学方法,指学生在教师指导下所采用的类似科学探究过程的学习方式或程序。  相似文献   

《Cultura y Educación》2013,25(2):141-156

In this article the authors raise their concern about the way in which students with different levels of competence in the language of instruction (English in this case) acquire a second language. They also address the issue of the types of conditions which are necessary in order for dialogic interaction to be effective in the classroom when these students are acquiring a second language

In the first section, a review of the different theories on language learning is carried out, which helps to provide a response to the questions which have been raised. In the second section, the need to create opportunities to use the second language in real and meaningful situations is also raised, based on the results of three case studies. Learning through dialogue is presented as being a much more effective approach to teaching and learning a second language than traditional approaches, which were based on the teacher merely providing instruction and subsequently developing the information.  相似文献   

设置引人入胜的情境、发人深思的问题 ,是学生的探究活动赖以起步和深入的前提。本文描述了学生由这样一个问题所引发的探究活动。学生参与的兴趣、学习活动的丰富和深刻程度以及一项真正的科学探究性学习活动的教育价值 ,都可以从中读出。  相似文献   

探究性学习研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
探索性学习是我国教育改革大力提倡的一种学习方式,探究性学习的实施与开发需要一定的社会基础和心理基础。在实施的过程中,教师与指导者需要掌握探究性学习的界定、类型;同时,也需要掌握探究性学习开发的具体模式,从而为这种学习方式在基础教育领域开发奠定一定的基础。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to provide empirical evidence to support the validity of the Community of Inquiry (CoI) model survey. The participants for this study were undergraduate and graduate students (n = 1173) enrolled in fully online (57%) and blended online courses (43%) offered through WebCT during the spring 2008 semester at a mid-sized western university. One half of the student responses were randomly selected for exploratory factor analysis while the remaining half was subjected to confirmatory factor analysis. Results from the exploratory analysis identified a three factor model which was tested through confirmatory factor analysis and found to be an acceptable fit to the predicted population model. Results from this study suggest that the CoI survey holds promise as a useful evaluation tool for providing formative and summative feedback about the effectiveness of online courses and programs.  相似文献   

Dynamic inquiry learning emphasizes aspects of change, intellectual flexibility, and critical thinking. Dynamic inquiry learning is characterized by the following criteria: learning as a process, changes during the inquiry, procedural understanding, and affective points of view. This study compared the influence of open versus guided inquiry learning approaches on dynamic inquiry performances among high‐school biology students. We hypothesized that open inquiry students who engage in the inquiry process from its initial stage, participating in the decision making process of asking inquiry questions and planning all aspects of the inquiry, will outperform students who experienced guided inquiry, in terms of developing dynamic inquiry performances. Students were divided into two groups: guided and open inquiry learning approaches. Both groups were followed throughout their 2‐year inquiry learning process. The data sources included interviews, students' inquiry summary papers, logbooks, and reflections. A quantitative content analysis of the two groups, using a dynamic inquiry performances index, revealed that open inquiry students used significantly higher levels of performances in the criteria “changes during inquiry” and “procedural understanding.” However, the study's results indicated no significant differences in the criteria “learning as a process” and “affective points of view.” The implementation of dynamic inquiry performances during inquiry learning may shed light on the procedural and epistemological scientific understanding of students conducting inquiries. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 46: 1137–1160, 2009  相似文献   

刘力 《教育学报》2003,(10):36-38
本文论述了探究式教学的教学原理和教学环节 ,并剖析了探究式教学的优点。  相似文献   

This study investigated how professional development featuring evidence‐based customization of technology‐enhanced curriculum projects can improve inquiry science teaching and student knowledge integration in earth science. Participants included three middle school sixth‐grade teachers and their classes of students (N = 787) for three consecutive years. Teachers used evidence from their student work to revise the curriculum projects and rethink their teaching strategies. Data were collected through teacher interviews, written reflections, classroom observations, curriculum artifacts, and student assessments. Results suggest that the detailed information about the learning activities of students provided by the assessments embedded in the online curriculum motivated curricular and pedagogical customizations that resulted in both teacher and student learning. Customizations initiated by teachers included revisions of embedded questions, additions of hands‐on investigations, and modifications of teaching strategies. Student performance improved across the three cohorts of students with each year of instructional customization. Coupling evidence from student work with revisions of curriculum and instruction has promise for strengthening professional development and improving science learning. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 47: 1037–1063, 2010  相似文献   

Within the community of inquiry literature, the absence of the notion of genuine doubt is notable in spite of its pragmatic roots in the philosophy of Charles Saunders Peirce, for whom the notion was pivotal. We argue for the need to correct this oversight due to the educational significance of genuine doubt—a theoretical and experiential understanding of which can offer insight into the interrelated concepts of wonder, fallibilism, inquiry and prejudice. In order to detail these connections, we reinvigorate the ideas of Peirce by borrowing the language and concepts of Albert Camus, at the same time demonstrating their unlikely congruence. In particular, we argue for the necessity of genuine doubt along with the need for the presence of a diversity of prejudices as a starting point for genuine inquiry.  相似文献   

计算机多媒体辅助教学效果调查与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对计算机多媒体辅助教学效果进行问卷调查。调查结果显示,多数学生对计算机多媒体辅助教学的优点持肯定态度,但存在弊病也不容忽视,如教师的课件信息表现形式单一,师生之间缺少交流,学生不愿意作笔记等。并在调查和分析的基础上提出相关的建议:教师要尽量掌握先进的多媒体课件的制作和播放软件;实时交流,与传统的教学方法有机结合;准备充分,保证质量。  相似文献   

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