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Some Remarks on Reading and the Teaching of Reading   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Reading is one of the four important skills in English as a secoind or foreign language. However, many teachers often focus attention on grammatical or lexical issues like tenses, sentence structures or verbal idioms, To students reading is the main reason why they learn English. Through reading, our range of kowledge can be broadly widened. However, for a long time, the importance of the teaching of extensive reading has been neglected. This paper aims to give an analysis and my own empirical experience of the teaching of extensive reading. The first part is about the complex nature of reading, the second part dealing with some methods which I have applied in the teaching of reading.  相似文献   

Love is an eternal theme of literature which plays a vital role in people's life.With cultural exchanges,the acceleration of globalization,and cultural integration,Chinese and Western’s view of love have influenced each other.There is no doubt that literature is the mirror of the culture.By comparing Western and Chinese literature together,people could learn more about the differences between the two different lifestyles and cultural values.From the angle of culture,this thesis will look at how the characters’fates are mainly infl uenced by their attitudes towards material life,different sexual understanding and the way they view themselves.  相似文献   

On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first human being to set foot on the Moon. He was the commander of the Apollo 11 lunar module, and was accompanied by Edwin Aldrin. His first words after stepping on the moon were, "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind."1 This event was televised to Earth and seen by millions! Armstrong was born in Wapakoneta, Ohio in 1930. He was on a plane for the first time at the age of six. He took flying lessons in his teens and got…  相似文献   

The article, Educational Reform: Implications for Educational Psychologists, by Benton and Hoyt is an example of the consequences of asking the wrong questions to the right question. Educational psychologists do, indeed, have a vested interest in the current debate over reform in education, particularly teacher education. The data that Benton and Hoyt chose to dissect, however, completely omitted the substantial body of information where educational psychologists have special expertise. The elaborate factor analysis reformed by Benton and Hoyt simply confirms that if one starts with flawed data, no amount of statistical manipulation will lead to a valid conclusion.  相似文献   

本文通过分析乔叟的《坎特伯雷故事集》中那位来自巴思的寡妇所讲的故事中的人物艾莉森以及人物所处的时代背景,说明虽然乔叟把艾莉林这个人物塑造得较为丰满,充满活力,与传统作品中苍白无力的女性人物形成了鲜明的对照,但由于乔叟所用的语言毕竟属于男权社会的语言,所以最终塑造的妇女形象还是不够公正。论文以此来说明群体的语言对个体思维的限制作用,以及传统的男权语言对妇女形象的贬低作用。  相似文献   

This article aims to demonstrate the importance of applying of discourse analysis approach to reading in Comprehensive English Course.In the face of the urgent need to improve reading skills in English,it's necessary to learn the methodology of learning reading from the perspective of discourse analysis.Only when the learners know the details of the reading process,the overall arrangement of the discourse as well as the wording and phrasing can they improve their reading ability effectively and understand the English articles deeply.  相似文献   


The present article investigates the rhythm of study as described by Giorgio Agamben in ‘The idea of study’, present in Idea of prose. In this short treatise, Agamben presents Melville’s scrivener Bartleby as the exemplary embodiment of study. Bartleby’s paradigmatic status, according to Agamben’s interpretation, does, however, exclude him from belonging to the ‘class of study’. Bartleby’s exclusion leads to the discovery of an unmentioned member of the ‘class of study’: Eros. The surprising absence of Eros dissolves, however, once he is recuperated as the image of ‘The idea of the work’. Bartleby’s exclusion and Eros’s absent inclusion and presence as the ‘The idea of the work’ not only demonstrate the close relation between study and work, but also explain Agamben’s considerations on the connection between study and the nature of his own work. The article concludes with a call for the remaining importance of Agamben’s festina lente, the rhythm of study, within the broader context of our contemporary university institutions. Once the incessant shuttling between passion and action has been called to a halt—in favour of one of the two extremities—study becomes impossible.  相似文献   


This article examines the educative activities of Marianne Coldham Williams and Jane Nelson Williams, who were recruited by the Church Missionary Society (CMS) in the 1820s to serve in its New Zealand mission. As educated, middle class Anglican women, Marianne and Jane held firm beliefs regarding the role of Christian wives and mothers and it was this evangelical framework that guided their missionary work and activities. From the outset, the CMS and its missionaries believed that Maori, as an indigenous people, were in need of salvation and those religious and cultural changes that missionaries introduced were beneficial to Maori. Although Maori welcomed the arrival of Pakeha (European) for the new knowledge that they brought, they did not seek knowledge to change, replace or transform their world. The purpose of the second CMS mission to northern New Zealand in the 1820s was twofold; to civilise local Maori (Nga Puhi) and, secondly, spread the teachings of the Gospel. There were two related aspects to this civilisation. In the first instance, missionary women and men were required to provide the model example of the Christian family. Secondly, schools were established to teach Nga Puhi Scriptural knowledge in the hope that this would transform them from heathen savages to Christian women and men. More specifically, Nga Puhi women were considered far more (morally) degraded than men and in need of the civilising influence and Christian teachings of missionary women. Consequently, the first school that was opened was for Nga Puhi women. The school curriculum supported the policies and practices of civilisation and Christianisation based on exigencies of race and gender and its relationship with domesticity and labour. A direct consequence of this was that Nga Puhi women were trapped between the two competing worlds. They did not conform to missionary expectations and contested their dual positioning by engaging in acts designed to undermine Marianne and Jane's attempts to re‐form them as useful Christian women. This involved attempts to subvert Marianne and Jane's educative activities through the public display of resistance to schooling and associated Christian practices that were introduced  相似文献   

This article describes in detail a conversation analysis of conceptual change in a computer-supported collaborative learning environment. Conceptual change is an essential learning process in science education that has yet to be fully understood. While many models and theories have been developed over the last three decades, empirical data to support them are scarce. The present paper aims to provide such evidence. To this end, the article first reviews seven proposed models of conceptual change before it recalls the main ideas behind the two different positions on conceptual change, the pieces (diSessa 2008) versus coherence (Vosniadou et al. 2008) positions. Then, the article presents and discusses how a close discourse analysis of asynchronous collaborative conversations between grade 5 and 6 students on buoyancy and relative density provides further empirical evidence of the knowledge in pieces position.  相似文献   

With the rise of communicative methodology in the late 1970s, the role of grammar instruction in second language learning was downplayed, and it was even suggested that teaching grammar was not only unhelpful but might actually be detrimental. However, recent research has demonstrated the need for formal instruction for learners to attain high levels of accuracy. This has led to a resurgence of grammar teaching, and its role in second language acquisition has become the focus of much current investigation. In this  相似文献   

《红旗谱》的受宠绝非偶然,作品中蕴含着多元话语资源,包括民间话语、国家话语、知识分子话语、男权话语,这些话语资源分别迎合了人民大众、主流意识形态、知识分子和整个社会无意识的口味。  相似文献   

Benjamin(also called Ben), the protagonist in the graduate, is supposed to have a promising future but feels lost in self-identification for some reasons. Followed by a brief introduction about the movie and self-identification, this paper aims to analyze the cause and manifestation of Ben's lost in self-identification based on the theory of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. It then draws a natural conclusion and points out the universality of the lost in self-identification of younger generations in all times.  相似文献   

This study extends the analysis of the economic return of college education up to 10 years after college education and further examines the impact of college education on graduates’ hours of work. The results suggest that variation in hours of work explains a portion of earnings differentials among college graduates. Graduates from high-quality private institutions tend to work longer hours than their peers from other types of institutions. Female graduates spend fewer hours working than their male counterparts. As far as family background is concerned, graduates from high-income families tend to work longer hours and first-generation college graduates tend to work fewer hours. Finally, business majors seem to work longer hours while health and public affair majors less hours.
Liang ZhangEmail:

1IntroductionItisoften,indeednormaly,thecasethatonerequirementistohaveatraceablecalibrationforaflowmeter,specialyforanEMF.Bec...  相似文献   

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