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La methode explicative et l'éducation écologique non formalisée en malière de gestion des ressources naturelles E. C. Olson, Mary Lynne Bowman, et Robert E. Roth

La familiarisation et la compréhension de l'environment William E. Hammitt

La tǎche de l'éducation écologique en République Dominicaine Clinton L. Shepard

La persuasion et la formation des attitudes dans les activités fluviales organisées David Cockrell, Steve Bange, Joseph Roggenbuck

L'évaluation directe: un instrument de gestion permettant las justification, l'évaluation et la modification de programmes Paul F. Nowak

Les bénéfices économiques réalisés par les visiteurs d'un centre d'information Ted T. Cable, Douglas M. Knudson, David J. Stewart  相似文献   


La simulation de l'ordinateur comme un outil de l'éducation de gestion du pare Robert E. Manning and Fletcher I. Potter

Un jeu d'interaction pour examiner les échanges entre les valeurs économiques et écologiques Paul J. Rago

Modèles d'integration dans la planification et décisions de l'environement David Clinton Kyler

La participation de la communauté dans la gestion des déchets dangereux: Une comparison entre une visite sur-site et une visite simulée Deborah Anne Simmons

Le développement et la conservation des attitudes vers l'environement des élèves des écoles primaires Harold H. Jaus

Une comparison entre l'attitude des étudiants américains et non-américains vers l'issue de l'environement physique A. Doyne Horsley  相似文献   


Analyse et Synthèse des Recherches au Sujet de la Conduite Responsable en Matières qui Concernent l'Environnement: Une Méta-analyse reviewed by Jody M. Hines, Harold R. Hungerford, et Audrey N. Tomera

Les Sources d'Information Environnementale à la Disposition d'un Publique et des Evaluations des Presentations Pertinentes des Reporters reviewed by Ronald E. Ostman et Jill L. Parker

Total de Solides Dissous: Mesurage, Sources, Effets et Extraction reviewed by Joseph H. Sherrard, Donald R. Moore, et Theo A Dillaha

Le Projet Israelien d'Instruction Environnementale: Un Modèle Nouveau d'un Curriculum Interdisciplinaire que s'Oriente vers l'Etudiant reviewed by Uri Zoller

Les Lieux Sauvages—Les Salles de Classes reviewed by John C. Miles  相似文献   

This article reports the results of the first systematic, though only exploratory, study that assesses the effectiveness of the Philosophy for Children (commonly known as P4C) programme in promoting children's critical thinking in Hong Kong. Forty-two Secondary 1 students volunteered for this study, from whom 28 students were randomly selected and randomly assigned to 2 groups of 14 each: one receiving P4C lessons and the other receiving English lessons. The students who were taught P4C were found to show a greater improvement in the reasoning test performance than those who were not, to be capable of doing philosophy, and to have a positive attitude towards doing philosophy in the classroom. It was also found that P4C played a major role in developing the students' critical thinking, and that 10 crucial factors contributed to the success of the P4C programme.  相似文献   

Border crossing is a metaphoric term in sociolinguistics referring to a blurring of English use across different domains of social discourses. This article shows how border crossing in English job-seek...  相似文献   

满易 《海外英语》2014,(18):200-202,206
Border crossing is a metaphoric term in sociolinguistics referring to a blurring of English use across different domains of social discourses.This article shows how border crossing in English job-seeking discourse is manifested in a real-life English creative résumé,and how this phenomenon brings about two related consequences,informalization and marketization,through critically analyzing the informal and promotional features of the résumé.It then reaches the conclusion that such border crossing phenomenon reflects a voice by the young in reconstructing their self-identities in job-seeking discourse in post-industrialized,post-modern western societies.  相似文献   

In 1882 the French minister Jules Ferry decided on a new educational policy. Choral singing and music were to become a compulsory subject in primary schools. But goals and methods of learning were yet to be determined. Until 1914, teachers gave priority to patriotic songs. In the postwar years the situation began to change, as songs extolled nature and childhood; teachers organized musical and dancing events, thus bringing parents together around culture in school. During the Third Republic music was not a subject of instruction; it was essentially mediation between the school and civil society. The mediation was primarily political and later cultural.  相似文献   


If we consider the shape of the criminal field during the Third Republic, we observe quite a sophisticated architecture which is due to the creation of intermediary spaces such as the Conseil supérieur des prisons or the Société générale des prisons. As a laboratory for criminal law, the Société established itself as a kind of private and extra‐parliamentary commission, permanently in session. Consideration of these spaces will enable us to reflect upon the sociopolitical ways of elaborating law, the networks of social reform or public action and the different development “schemes” of the political aspects in the criminal domain. 1 1Bruno Jobert, “L'Etat en action, l'apport des politiques publiques”, Revue Française de Science Politique XXXV (1985), pp. 654–682; Id., “Représentations sociales, controverses et débats dans la conduite des politiques publiques”, Revue Française de Science Politique, XLII (1992), pp. 219–234; Id., “Mode de médiation sociale et politiques publiques, le cas des politiques sociales”, L'Année sociologique, (1996), pp. 155–178.


A review of the literature shows that the use of teacher evaluation in public education is widespread. This seems paradoxical when one considers the amount of criticism levied at them by a various groups. The present study was designed in order to deal with the problems of validity and reliability of teacher evaluation instruments planned for the purpose of teachers' promotion or for awarding merit pay. Based upon a review of the literature and school inspectors' judgements, a teacher evaluation instrument including 25 items has been constructed. The instrument has been tested by five school inspectors and 180 school principals. Following their judgements and the factor analysis run upon the data, a face validity and a content validity of the developed instrument emerged. However, conclusions concerning the reliability of the instrument have to be treated with caution. The use of an instrument of this type is justified only for making preliminary decisions as to the eligibility of teachers for further consideration for promotion or for merit pay. L'analyse de la littérature professionnelle montre l'utilisation croissante dans les établissements publics des instruments d'évaluation des enseignants. Ceci parait paradoxal si l'on tient compte des critiques importantes formulées à leur encontre par des groupes différents. La présente étude traite des problèmes de validitéet de fiabilitédes instruments d'évaluation des enseignants pour les décisions de promotion et de rémunération ''de mérite''. Se fondant sur la littérature professionnelle et sur les appréciations formulées par les inspecteurs scolaires, elle a élaboré un instrument représentatif d'évaluation des enseignants comportant 25 éléments. L'instrument a été testé auprès de 5 inspecteurs et de 180 directeurs d'école. Les résultats révèlent que cet instrument possède une validitéde contenu établie sur la littérature professionnelle, sur l'appréciation des inspecteurs scolaires et sur les résultats d'une analyse de facteurs fondée sur les réponses des directeurs d'école au questionnaire proposé. Toutefois, en ce qui concerne la fiabilité, les conclusions sont plus nuancées. L'utilisation d'instruments de ce type semble uniquement efficace pour la détermination préliminaire de ceux qui au sein des enseignants auraient droit ensuite à un examen plus précis de leurs mérites en vue de promotion ou de rémunérations. El análisis de la literatura profesional evidencia el uso creciente en los establecimientos públicos de instrumentos de evaluación de los profesores. Esto podría parecer paradójico si se tienen en cuenta las críticas importantes formuladas por diferentes grupos. El presente estudio trata de los problemas de validez y de fiabilidad de los instrumentsos de evaluación de los profesores para las decisiones de promoción y de remuneración ''del mérito''. Tomando como base la literatura profesional y las apreciaciones formuladas por los inspectores escolares, se ha elaborado un instrumento representativo de la evaluación de los profesores que comporta 25 elementos. El instrumento se sometióa prueba con 5 inspectores y 180 directores de escuela. Los resultados revelan que este instrumento representativo posee una validez de contenido establecida a partir de la literatura profesional, de la apreciación de los inspectores escolares y de los resultados de un análisis de factores que se fundamenta en las respuestas al cuestionario de directores de escuela. Sin embargo, en lo que se refiere a la fiabilidad de contenido, las conclusiones no son tan definidas. El uso de instrumentos de este tipo parece únicamente eficaz para la determinación preliminar de aquellos profesores que podrian tener derecho en una fase posterior, a pasar un examen más preciso de sus méritos para una promoción o remuneración. Sin embargo, dicho grupo de profesores una vez identificado, el instrumento no parece ser lo suficientemente fiable para la decisión de una promoción y convendría desarrollar enfoques complementarios. Ein Überblick über die Fachliteratur zeigt, dass sich die Verwendung Lehrerbewertungen immer mehr verbreitet, obwohl es paradoxalerweise von verschiedenen Gruppen stark kritisiert wird. Die vorliegende Studie beschäftigt sich mit den Problemen der Gültgkeit und Zuverlässigkeit von den Lehrerbewertungsmitteln, in Bezug auf die Beförderungsentscheidungen und auf die Leistungsentlohnungen. Sie hat, gestützt auf die Fachliteratur und auf die Ansichten der Schulraten, einen Bewertungssystem der Lehrer in 25 Punkten entworfen. Dieses Bewertungssystem wurde von 25 Schulraten und von 180 Schuldirektoren geprüft. Ihre Ansichten, sowie die Faktorenanalyse der Daten, bestätigen die Gültigkeit dieses Instrumentes. Die Benutzung eines Instrumentes dieser Art sollte zu einer ersten Entscheidung führen, dessen Inhalt nur die Berechtigung der Lehrer zur Beförderung, zur Leistungsentlohnung und zur weitere Untersuchung beinflussen sollte.  相似文献   

Nécessité de promouvoir la méthode desuggestiondansl'enseignementGuoQuan-zhongDepuisles80,jemelivreautravaild'enseignantdufr?..  相似文献   

In this paper we tackle the issue of an eventual stability of teachers’ activity in the classroom. First we explain what kind of stability is searched and how we look for the chosen characteristics: we analyse the mathematical activity the teacher organises for students during classroom sessions and the way he manages the relationship between students and mathematical tasks. We analyse three one-hour sessions for different groups of 11 year old students on the same content and with the same teacher, and two other sessions for 14 year old and 15 year old students, on analogous contents, with the same teacher (another one). Actually it appears in these two examples that the main stabilities are tied with the precise management of the tasks, at a scale of some minutes, and with some subtle characteristic touches of the teacher’s discourse. We present then a discussion and suggest some inferences of these results.
J. RogalskiEmail:



The main stages of the evolution of biology teaching in Africa, after the independence of the countries, have been a better adaptation of the curriculum contents to the natural and socio‐cultural environment of each country, i.e. to go beyond a simple formal adaptation and to conceive curricula closer to the needs of African societies, in line with their specific values, and fitting with the cultural level of the pupils and with the preoccupations associated with a peculiar economic and social environment; an improvement of the teaching conditions, which remain difficult due to the lack of teaching aids of all kinds; a promotion of educational research, thanks to the creation and the development of administrative bodies responsible for the training of teachers and for the supervision of their activities. African countries have universities, faculties or schools of education and teacher‐training institutes, which are in charge of the training of biology teachers for secondary schools; they also have adapted their programmes to their needs; but such in‐depth adaptation must continue, so that biology teaching responds better to social evolution, to the new conditions of economic and social change and to new ethical situations.

There remains a lot to be done in the area of elaboration and evaluation of teaching methods and techniques, bearing in mind the great difficulties of the teachers who lack the necessary minimum educational aids, specially in rural areas.

The UNESCO pilot project for the improvement of biology teaching in Africa (1966‐1972) is part of a series of projects dealing with the improvement of school programmes and sponsored by UNESCO. The teaching aids produced for the English‐speaking countries of Africa were a handbook and a teacher's guide concerning an initiation course of biology for the junior level of high schools, as well as a series of loop films for the classroom. The aids produced for the French‐speaking countries of Africa were for the senior level and included booklets and colour slides, for the teachers’ use and not the pupils'; the topics involved African ecology, plants and soils, introduction to human biology, conservation and preservation of biological resources.

As a contribution to the national endeavours of educational reform, UNESCO published in 1974 and 1975 the English, French and Spanish versions, adapted to Africa, Asia, and Latin America and the Caribbean, of a Teacher's guide on the biology of human populations. This meant to emphasize the necessary adaptation of biology teaching to its social and cultural environment, while presenting the human populations and their relations with their environments. This is a contemporary subject, which also allows the examination of the role of biology and biology teachers’ in the general awareness of environmental problems; a subject which does not need sophisticated equipment or teaching aids, but, rather, appeals to the observation skills of teachers and pupils.

It is true that the African experience has, to some extent, followed a trend which European countries acknowledged several years ago. Adaptation of curriculum content is a long‐term task and is pursued in both kinds of countries. The African experience could certainly be beneficial to European curriculum designers. The production of all kinds of teaching aids, of various degree of complexity, in the national language, as well as the evaluation of relevant teaching methods and techniques, are areas of acute shortage, where bilateral as well as multilateral assistance could be most fruitful.  相似文献   

L'article a pour objectifs de discuter des rapports existant entre le système des disciplines scientifiques et la formation à l'enseignement conçue dans une perspective de professionnalisation. Après un rapide rappel historique du processus d'inféodisation de la formation professionnelle par le système des sciences, l'article introduit une distinction entre l'interdisciplinarité en éducation et l'interdisciplinarité scientifique. Il met en exergue, à la suite de ce double éclairage, la complexité des interrelations entre les différents types de savoirs dans un contexte de formation professionnelle à l'enseignement et la nécessité de dépasser les perspectives interdisciplinaires pour prendre en compte la circumdisciplinarité, c'est-à-dire l'insertion des savoirs qui résultent des pratiques professionnelles elles-mêmes au sein même de la formation. This paper discusses the existing relationships between the scientific subject matter system and teacher education from a professionalisation perspective. After a brief historical reminder of how professional training was subjugated by the scientific system, we introduce a distinction between interdisciplinarity in education and scientific interdisciplinary. The article then highlights the complexity of interrelationships between different types of knowledge, in a context of the professional training that is teacher education, and the necessity of going beyond interdisciplinary perspectives in order to take into account the circumdisciplinarity, which means the integration of knowledge that results from the very professional practice that is at the center of the teacher education. El objetivo central de este articulo es el de discutir de las relaciones entre el sistema de las disciplinas científicas y la formación a la enseñanza, dentro de una perspectiva de profesionalización. Después de una breve descripción del proceso histórico que llevó a la sumisión de la formación profesional al sistema de las ciencias, se introduce una distinción entre los conceptos de la interdisciplinaridad en la educación y la interdisciplinaridad científica. Se subraya el carácter complejo de las interrelaciones entre varios tipos de conocimientos dentro de un contexto de formación profesional a la enseñanza y de la necesidad de ir mas allá de las perspectivas interdisciplinarias para tomar en cuenta la circumdisciplinaridad. Este ultimo concepto suele significar la integración de los conocimientos o de los conocimientos que resultan de las prácticas profesionales en se, dentro del proceso de formación. Dieser Artikel untersucht die bestehenden Beziehungen zwischen den wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen und der Lehrerausbildung mit einer Professionalisierungsperspektive. Nach einem kurzen historischen Rückblick, wie das System der Berufsausbildung durch das Wissenschaftssystem geprägt wurde, unterscheidet der Artikel zwischen der Interdisziplinarität in der Lehrerausbildung und der in den Wissenschaften. Nach dieser Unterscheidung hebt er die Komplexität der Verhältnisse verschiedener Wissenstypen in einem Kontext der Berufsausbildung hervor, sowie die Notwendigkeit interdiziplinäre Perspektiven zu überschreiten, um die Zirkumsdiziplinarität zu berücksichtigen, das heißt, das Wissen, das sich aus der Praxis ergibt, in die Lehrerbildung einzubeziehen.  相似文献   

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